symfony 1.4 - inject current logged in user into Doctrine model - symfony1

I would like to inject, with full testability, the id of the current logged in user into a creator_id field of a Doctrine_Record class, without using the sfContext singleton. I found a couple of Doctrine behaviours like, but they access the sfContext singleton in a listener or (in another example I found) in the save method of a subclass of Doctrine_Record.
I want to find a single entry point in the symfony controller, where I can inject the current logged in user and keep it till the end of the request.
How do I do?
Hope I have been clear enough.
As #jeremy suggested, I made a custom filter:
class userFilter extends sfFilter
public function execute($filterChain)
$user = $this->getContext()->getUser();
if ($user->isAuthenticated()) {
$guard = $user->getGuardUser();
Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->setAttribute('logged_in_user', $guard->getId());
// Execute next filter
So now my tests and my tasks are sfContext free, I just have to set the proper user Id at some point before starting the interactions with the db:
Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->setAttribute('logged_in_user', sfConfig::get('default_user'));

Great question! The use of sfContext everywhere is one of the uglier aspects of Symfony 1 and setting it on Doctrine_Manager sounds like a solid idea.
It's probably best to do this either in the configureDoctrine callback that happens in ProjectConfiguration (see below). I'm not 100% a user is present at this point, if it's not, your best bet is a custom filter (reference).
public function configureDoctrine(Doctrine_Manager $manager)
$manager->setParam('user_id', sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getId());

Thanks for raising this question. I wrote the with this in mind. I basically externalized the method that returns the userId so you can get the userId from session, doctrine parameter or wherever you have it.
Here are the settings to configure the method that returns an array containing user_id and user_name
# Retrieve User Array from custom implementation
# [0] => (int)user_id; [1] => (string)user_name;
class_name: Utility
static_method_name: getUserAuditArray


Jhipster, prevent user to update entities created by other users

I have been implementing Jhipster at my work and loving it. I was asked to implement a security validation that one user should not be allowed to edit the entity created by other user. For this I need two things:
First, in all entities, add a ManytoOne relation with User entity.
In Backend put a validation in controller while updating the entity to check if current logged in user is same as what is stored in DB. In front end also same logic to show/hide edit button.
I have done a POC for this and it works but is little ugly, check the code:
public ResponseEntity<Entry> updateEntry(#RequestBody Entry entry) throws URISyntaxException {
log.debug("REST request to update Entry : {}", entry);
if (entry.getId() == null) {
throw new BadRequestAlertException("Invalid id", ENTITY_NAME, "idnull");
//here is my logic
Optional<Entry> entry_db = entryRepository.findOneWithEagerRelationships(entry.getId());
if(!entry_db.get().getUser().getId().equals(userService.getUserWithAuthorities().get().getId())) {
//throw someexception
Entry result =;
return ResponseEntity.ok()
.headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityUpdateAlert(ENTITY_NAME, entry.getId().toString()))
Is there any better or OOTB way of doing this??? may be something in spring security i am not aware of??
Thanks for help!!
This is a job for Spring Security Expression-Based Access Control, in particular you could annotate your method with #PreFilter and a custom PermissionEvaluator you would implement with similar logic as in your POC. The PermissionEvaluator could be generic and applied to several entity types if you define an Owned interface that models the ownership with a method like User getOwner() and that all your entity classes would implement.
The annotated method should be in a service rather than in a resource controller.
Also, UserService alone will not help you in finding the current authenticated user, you should use JHipster's SecurityUtils first and then ÙserService if you need more data about it.

.NET MVC preventing forged POST

I have a Model and based on a users Role I want to allow the user to only update certain parts of the model. Lets say the Model has three fields. (My Model is obviously more complex than this)
My View looks something like this:
Bearing with me on the syntax (and the poor design of the example), you can see what I'm trying to do. Upon the user posting the form my controller would just take the MyObject and save it back to the database, we are using EF.
My question is, is there a way to stop a user from forging a POST to be able to save data he/she should not be able to. My current idea would be to do a check in the controller to see if the user modified values he should not have. Or I could save fields individually, but neither is a convient solution.
Is there a better one?
Additional Info:
Not sure if this artical is relevant at all:
All three fields are from the same database table and I'm using EF to get and save the entity.
You want to make sure the user is only able to update permitted fields.
You decided that the way to achieve this is to prevent the user "forging" a response using e.g. firebug, or F12 developer tools, or GreaseMonkey, and have asked how to do this.
But the correct/best method is to check which fields the user is attempting to update, and only update those which he is permitted to update. Then it doesn't matter if they forge the request or not, they still won't be able to access anything they shouldn't. In other words, check access rights at the point of access.
Anti-forgery tokens are there to solve a separate problem, namely XSRF.
Use a viewmodel that accepts only the fields that should be updated and then populate the model with those values. You could use something like AutoMapper for mapping between the two.
My current idea would be to do a check in the controller to see if the user modified values he should not have. Or I could save fields individually, but neither is a convient solution.
You're on the right track with that idea. A typical Add() operation would look like this:
public class FooController : Controller
public ActionResult Add(FooViewModel viewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
FooDataModel dataModel = FooMapper.MapToDataModel(viewModel, User);
Like #VimalStan said, your FooViewModel is then a model that contains only the fields you want to let the user update. Also this still doesn't solve your problem, which should be done in your mapper (in this case FooMapper) and still check every field as #Ben suggested:
public static class FooMapper
public static FooDataModel Map(FooViewModel viewModel, IPrincipal user)
var dataModel = new FooDataModel();
dataModel.Field1 = viewModel.Field1;
dataModel.Field2 = viewModel.Field2;
if (IsAllowedToUpdateField3(user))
dataModel.Field3 = viewModel.Field3;
return dataModel;
public static bool IsAllowedToUpdateField3(IPrincipal user)
return false; // your logic

EF Reference gets lost when Web API returns IQueryable

I have been looking for quite some time now on this problem.
Here's the deal.
I'm building a website that calls to a Web API to get its data. My Web API uses a library, working with repository pattern. My database model (EF Model-first) was build in the library. In that model I have a base class Pass. Then I have two derived classes, CustomerCard : Pass and Voucher : Pass. My model from EF Designer
I have a method to get all the CustomerCards.
public IQueryable<CustomerCard> GetAllPasses() {
IList<CustomerCard> allCards = new List<CustomerCard>();
var c_cards = context.Passes;
foreach (var c_card in c_cards) {
if (c_card is CustomerCard) {
return allCards.AsQueryable<CustomerCard>();
In my ApiController, I use this method to get the passes and return them to the website, like this:
public IQueryable<CustomerCard> GetAllPasses(string version) {
return passRepo.GetAllPasses().AsQueryable();
My Web API returns JSON format. This is my config to preserve referencing and stuff:
var json = config.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
json.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling =
json.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize;
I'm using IQueryable because I want to be able to page the data on my website. The api method is available at '/api/v1/passes/all'.
Here's the strange part. To test my paging, I call 1 pass per page.
For my first Pass, it works fine. But when I go to my second page, he also gets the correct pass, but the reference to User is gone.
As you can see in my model, the CustomerCard class has a property User. This indicates who owns the customer card.
So this call loads the user from the pass: 'api/v1/passes/all?$top=1'
but when I call to this one, the user instance is NULL: 'api/v1/passes/all?$top=1&$skip=1'.
However, when I call to 'api/v1/passes/all?$top=2', the User for the second pass IS loaded.
So this is where my mind get's blown! I don't get it? Why doesn't the user-reference comes along with the second one? Could it have something to do with the Lazy loading feature of the EF?
When I use the extension method Include on context.passes, an error is thrown:
A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType 'LCS_Model.Pass'
does not declare a navigation property with the name 'User'.
This is because Passes as a dbset, contains CustomerCard as well as Voucher. Is there a way I can tell my context to expect or convert it to a CustomerCard?
Can someone please help me. If you don't understand my question, ask away!
Thanks allready!
The method on my API controller is now
public IQueryable<CustomerCard> GetAllPasses(string version) {
return context.Passes.Include("User").OfType<CustomerCard>();
This gives me my correct items. I have 2 customer cards in my db. Both are from the same user. My API has the user still loaded. The moment my website receives the response, the User property becomes null. My guess is that it's because it is still referencing to the same user from the first element of the array. Is that possible? And if yes, how can I prevent that from happening?
Yes, you need to make sure any related records are included when you do your query. See this for some examples. Secondly... I fail to understand why you are doing all that work with the for loop... That's a lot of absolutely needless and wasted work for the server to do if you want to do any paging. I'm thinking, besides any other filters you might want to apply, your GetAllPasses should look something like this.
public IQueryable<CustomerCard> GetAllPasses() {
return context.Passes.Include(r => r.User);
Edit (2): I need to read better. I have to confess, I'm not familiar with type inheritance in EF. I found some things that might work here: table per hierarchy, table per concrete type, and see also also MSDN Queryable.OfType<TResult>. This is a guess, but let's try:
public IQueryable<CustomerCard> GetAllPasses() {
return context.Passes.OfType<CustomerCard>().Include(r => r.User);

Preventing access to routes in MVC 4

In my MVC application I have Player and Coach objects, and a user can be one or the other. I also have Team objects and what I want to know is how I prevent a user who is in a list of Players or is the Coach of a Team gaining access to a route like /Teams/Details/2 where 2 is the id of a team other than that which he/she is part of.
Thanks in advance!
Since you want to restrict an id that they aren't a part of, this seems like a situation where you can Inherit from the AuthorizeAttribute and provide your implementation for AuthorizeCore
Your implementation could check their role/team id and decide what to do / redirect.
public class TeamAuthorize : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
return UserIsInTeam(httpContext); //whatever code you are using to check if the team id is right
You can now apply it like any other attribute.
The very simplest solution would be to change the URLs from using IDs to random GUIDs. You would almost eliminate the chance of someone guessing another valid value. Of course, this is not secure by definition (mostly because someone could get the other URL from history or another source), but in some scenarios this is enough.
A better solution is to create a new attribute based on IActionFilter interface that implements OnActionExecuting method and checks the ID by using this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name and this.RouteData.Values["id"]. You will then apply this attribute to your controller methods.
In our current system we implemented row level security in controller methods by just adding the code that verifies the user permissions as the first line in each method. The checking code is the same as with the attribute and it requires the same amount of code to add. This approach has one additional benefit - it is easier to implement scenarios like where a coach would be able to see the details of other teams but not modify them (we have one action and view for both reading and updating depending on permissions).
You would also use the last approach if you need to go to the database to check the permissions and you are using IoC frameworks such as Ninject with constructor based injection - since you will not have access to those values in the attribute.

Grails Plugins Requiring External Relationships

I posted this on the Grails mailing list yesterday and haven't had any hits. Figured I'd try here as well today.
I'm considering writing a grails plugin but this plugin would require some sort of relationship to an account / user object. However, I don't want to force a particular security model on the plugin. For example, say was writing a comment system plugin (I'm not). I'd have a comment object...
class Comment {
String comment
Date dateCreated
// etc etc
The comment is missing a couple of things:
Who added the comment
What the comment was added to.
I'd like to first focus on #1. So someone might be using the Spring security plugin and use the default Person object, or maybe they changed that to User. Who knows. Is there any way that anyone can think of to configure that relationship without hard coding it in the plugin?
One thing I've thought about was to have the grails app extend the plugin's domain classes to add this relationship. so I might do something like...
class ArticleComment extends Comment {
static belongsTo = [user:User]
But in a larger plugin, that might be a lot of inheritance requirements. Not the end of the world, but just looking for other possible options.
You can use the same technique employed by the Commentable plugin:
The user of your plugin will need to declare a closure in Config.groovy to evaluate the logged user:
grails.myplugin.user.evaluator = { session.user }
And you can use something like this in your plugin's code to call the user configured closure:
def evaluateUser() {
def evaluator = grailsApplication.config.grails.myplugin.user.evaluator
def user
if(evaluator instanceof Closure) {
evaluator.delegate = this
evaluator.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY
user =
if(!user) {
throw new Exception("No [grails.myplugin.user.evaluator] setting defined or the evaluator doesn't evaluate to an entity. Please define the evaluator correctly in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy")
if(! {
throw new Exception("The evaluated user is not a persistent instance.")
return user
I think you can do it like SpringSecurity do. Instead of let people extend your Comment class, You can write 2 class CommentUser & CommentPlace; then let others extends them. I think it's more simple.
