MVC Upload ProgressBar -

I have read many links in this forum and the forum and searched Google. I have found loads of progress upload bars, but not one that suits my specific needs. So i was hoping someone could help. I need an upload progress bar that does not use, flash, php, html 5 or any codebehindfiles, was hoping to find a javascript pure upload progress bar. Has anyone used anything like this before?

Valums Uploader. It uses pure Javascript (uploads file using Iframe)

I'm not sure if that's possible with all the stipulations you've added. The upload is a purely server side process. You can use javascript to poll the progress using ajax, but that still requires a server side code file.
The file uploader I always use is
This allows you to do multiple files, have progress bars, and hook into events with javascript. It is silverlight, so that might rule it out for you.
The only other thing I can think of, with the limits you've imposed, is showing a 'working' gif, like a spinner or something. It's not true progress, but it'll show the user that something is happening.

Here's one that doesn't use anything except Javascript/HTML/CSS


can i use input type = file in my single page application

I'm writing my first single page application and have a requirement by where the user is going to need to upload documents and/or images.
Is this a show stopper for using a spa or is there a work around?
I seem to be able to find very little on this on the net so I'm wondering if this requirement would mean creating a normal mvc site?
Its possible to upload files using ajax, so no show stopper there. you might need a controller to accept the file though, but that shouldn't be an issue.
Check out this tutorial on an ajax upload
or you can check out uploadify, i think that does file upload via ajax too

webapi mvc4 fileupload with progressbar using ProgressMessageHandler Class,-part-2 shows how to upload files. However I would like to have someone show me the code example where I can display the progress of the file upload using ProgressMessageHandler class. So far I was able to find examples of the class being used in WPF or console application, but I would like to use it either on the MVC controller method or the WebAPI method directly and show the upload progress to JQuery UI progress bar. Can someone post the sample code of how it can be done?
So you want to display the send progress on the client, by tracking the receive progress on the server? Keep in mind that the ProgressMessageHandler class is server-side code.
In order to do what you're proposing, every time the server receives a packet, it would need to send back to the client the details of the progress. But in order for a web browser to receive any data, it must first request it. So the browser would have to upload the file, and simultaneously be asking the server for progress updates?
I think you've got this all backwards. If you're wanting to display file upload progress in a web browser you need to look at browser technologies. Like the HTML5 upload (there's plenty of examples out there of using HTML5 to track file upload progress). Or one of the pre-HTML5 options that got a lot of mileage was Shockwave Flash plugins. GMail does, or at least did use a Shockwave Flash plugin for progress reporting on attachment uploads for example.

Stop part of page being index by search engines?

How can I stop search engines indexing part of my page? Is there an HTML5 element for this?
Its just a line of text that I want to hide (a co-worker doesnt want their name on google for some reason). Im thinking that I could inject the text with javascript, but I have heard google does sometimes look inside javascript files.
I also thought of using images instead of text, but im concerned how this will look cross device and platform. Ive noted text rendering can differ on mac and pc and thats before ive had to think about mobile devices, retina displays, etc.
You can't hide content unless you use the methods you've already outlined above. Your best bet is to use JavaScript in an external file and then block that file using robots.txt.

User customizable backgrounds in Rails 3 App

We are looking to implement User customizable backgrounds in our Rails 3 App. We want to add this facet to the settings page, and from there allow users to upload a JPEG or whatever image file extension it may be, and then make sure it is tiled to fit each Browser window.
How should we go about implementing something like this?
If including code from our repo would assist in gathering a solution, definitely let me know.
Thank you all for your valuable time.
You can make a get request from javascript for a rails resource that is said image and add this as the background-image() for the body. To get the non-public image, this should be useful: To modify the css, this should be useful: Good luck! :)

Saving & Restoring Connections with XIFF

I'm modifying a piece of JavaScript code that uses XMPP + XIFF flash object to communication with MSN/Yahoo/GTalk via Jabber.
The requirement of the web site is to enable page refreshes.
However, the problem is the current implementation of XIFF does not allow saving and restoring of connection, but requires a new login every time, which is time consuming.
I wasn't able to find any reference to such a solution.
Does anyone know if:
This is at all possible with the XIFF open source code?
Any reference to such solution - might consider JavaScript solution as well.
Thank you very much!
Ofer Bar
I do not believe this is possible. Standard work-arounds are to either have a separate window, or some form of IFRAME which acts as such.
