Reading raw audio in iphone SDK - ios

I want to read and then want to perform some operations on raw audio. What is the best way to do this?

Audio File Services, Audio Converter Services, and Extended Audio File Services, all in Core Audio. AV Foundation + Core Media (specifically AVAssetReader) may also be an option, but it's really new, and therefore even less documented and less well understood than Core Audio at this point.

If you are looking for sample code, "Audio Graph" is a good starting point. The developer has provided a bit of his own documentation, that will help you quite a bit.

It will depend on the use for the audio. If latency is an issue, go for audio units. But if is not, a higher layer may be the one you require, such as AudioQueues.


FM synthesis in iOS

I would like to modulate the signal from the mic input with a sine wave at 200HZ (FM only). Anyone know of any good tutorials/articles that will help get me started?
Any info is very welcome
I suggest you start here Audio File Stream Services Reference
Here you can also find some basic tutorials: Getting Started with Audio & Video.
Especially the SpeakHere example app could be interesting
Hope that helps you
The standard way to do audio processing in iOS or OSX is Core Audio. Here's Apple's overview of the framework.
However, Core Audio has a reputation of being very difficult to learn, especially if you don't have experience with C. If you're still wanting to learn Core Audio, then this book is the way to go: Learning Core Audio.
There are simpler ways to work with audio on iOS and OSX, one of them being AudioKit, which was developed specifically so developers can quickly prototype audio without having to deal with lower-level memory management, buffers, and pointer arithmetic.
There are examples showing both FM synthesis and audio input via the microphone, so you should have everything you need :)
Full disclosure: I am one of the developers of AudioKit.

Designing a library for Hardware-accelerated unsupported containers on iOS (and Airplay)

I'm trying to put together an open source library that allows iOS devices to play files with unsupported containers, as long as the track formats/codecs are supported. e.g.: a Matroska video (MKV) file with an H264 video track and an AAC audio track. I'm making an app that surely could use that functionality and I bet there are many more out there that would benefit from it. Any help you can give (by commenting here or—even better— collaborating with me) is much appreciated. This is where I'm at so far:
I did a bit of research trying to find out how players like AVPlayerHD or Infuse can play non-standard containers and still have hardware acceleration. It seems like they transcode small chunks of the whole video file and play those in sequence instead.
It's a good solution. But if you want to throw that video to an Apple TV, things don't work as planned since the video is actually a bunch of smaller chunks being played as a playlist. This site has way more info, but at its core streaming to Apple TV is essentially a progressive download of the MP4/MPV file being played.
I'm thinking a sort of streaming proxy is the way to go. For the playing side of things, I've been investigating AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer (more info here) as a way of playing the video track. I haven't gotten to audio yet. Things get interesting when you think about the AirPlay side of things: by having a "container proxy", we can make any file look like it has the right container without the file size implications of transcoding.
It seems like GStreamer might be a good starting point for the proxy. I need to read up on it; I've never used it before. Does this approach sound like a good one for a library that could be used for App Store apps?
Finally got some extra time to go over GStreamer. Especially this article about how it is already updated to use the hardware decoding provided by iOS 8. So no need to develop this; GStreamer seems to be the answer.
The 'chucked' solution is no longer necessary in iOS 8. You should simply set up a video decode session and pass in NALUs.

iOS Audio Service : Read & write audio files

I'm working on some audio services on iOS.
I trying to search any examples or tutorials about
how audio service or stream can read a existing audio file than
process something like filter, than write another file.
Is there any body who can help me?
Dirac3LE (by Stephan M. Bernsee) is a great library for this job.
There are examples and manual included in the download.
It is particulary inteded for time and pitch manipulation
but in your case you'll be interested in its EAFRead and EAFWrite
If you want to get familiar with the lower level library that you can also use for microphone input/sound output, and that you can get raw samples into and out of, I would suggest taking a look at Audio Queue Services.
I used it in my side project to get audio from the microphone, and I also wrote some code you might find useful to do fast vectorized, FFT based FIR filtering on input audio. You can find the code here

Virtual Instrument App Recording Functionality With RemoteIO

I'm developing a virtual instrument app for iOS and am trying to implement a recording function so that the app can record and playback the music the user makes with the instrument. I'm currently using the CocosDenshion sound engine (with a few of my own hacks involving fades etc) which is based on OpenAL. From my research on the net it seems I have two options:
Keep a record of the user's inputs (ie. which notes were played at what volume) so that the app can recreate the sound (but this cannot be shared/emailed).
Hack my own low-level sound engine using AudioUnits & specifically RemoteIO so that I manually mix all the sounds and populate the final output buffer by hand and hence can save said buffer to a file. This will be able to be shared by email etc.
I have implemented a RemoteIO callback for rendering the output buffer in the hope that it would give me previously played data in the buffer but alas the buffer is always all 00.
So my question is: is there an easier way to sniff/listen to what my app is sending to the speakers than my option 2 above?
Thanks in advance for your help!
I think you should use remoteIO, I had a similar project several months ago and wanted to avoid remoteIO and audio units as much as possible, but in the end, after I wrote tons of code and read lots of documentations from third party libraries (including cocosdenshion) I end up using audio units anyway. More than that, it's not that hard to set up and work with. If you however look for a library to do most of the work for you, you should look for one written a top of core audio not open al.
You might want to take a look at the AudioCopy framework. It does a lot of what you seem to be looking for, and will save you from potentially reinventing some wheels.

iOS: Audio Units vs OpenAL vs Core Audio

Could someone explain to me how OpenAL fits in with the schema of sound on the iPhone?
There seem to be APIs at different levels for handling sound. The higher level ones are easy enough to understand.
But my understanding gets murky towards the bottom. There is Core Audio, Audio Units, OpenAL.
What is the connection between these? Is openAL the substratum, upon which rests Core Audio (which contains as one of its lower-level objects Audio Units) ?
OpenAL doesn't seem to be documented by Xcode, yet I can run code that uses its functions.
This is what I have figured out:
The substratum is Core Audio. Specifically, Audio Units.
So Audio Units form the base layer, and some low-level framework has been built on top of this. And the whole caboodle is termed Core Audio.
OpenAL is a multiplatform API -- the creators are trying to mirror the portability of OpenGL. A few companies are sponsoring OpenAL, including Creative Labs and Apple!
So Apple has provided this API, basically as a thin wrapper over Core Audio. I am guessing this is to allow developers to pull over code easily. Be warned, it is an incomplete implementation, so if you want OpenAL to do something that Core Audio can do, it will do it. But otherwise it won't.
Kind of counterintuitive -- just looking at the source, it looks as if OpenAL is lower level. Not so!
Core Audio covers a lot of things, such as reading and writing various file formats, converting between encodings, pulling frames out of streams, etc. Much of this functionality is collected as the "Audio Toolbox". Core Audio also offers multiple APIs for processing streams of audio, for playback, capture, or both. The lowest level one is Audio Units, which works with uncompressed (PCM) audio and has some nice stuff for applying effects, mixing, etc. Audio Queues, implemented atop Audio Units, are a lot easier because they work with compressed formats (not just PCM) and save you from some threading challenges. OpenAL is also implemented atop Audio Units; you still have to use PCM, but at least the threading isn't scary. Difference is that since it's not from Apple, its programming conventions are totally different from Core Audio and the rest of iOS (most obviously, it's a push API: if you want to stream with OpenAL, you poll your sources to see if they've exhausted their buffers and push in new ones; by contrast, Audio Queues and Audio Units are pull-based, in that you get a callback when new samples are needed for playback).
Higher level, as you've seen, is nice stuff like Media Player and AV Foundation. These are a lot easier if you're just playing a file, but probably aren't going to give you deep enough access if you want to do some kind of effects, signal processing, etc.
