Compact all migrations - ruby-on-rails

I have multiple migrations:
create table
add column
add another column
remove other column
6 .....
Is there any ablity to change all these migrations to one new migration which will create the same database schema?

I think that you can change remove those migrations and create a new one, called for example "initial_schema", where you should put the content of the schema.rb composed by all your previous migrations.
Consider that rails generate a schema.rb for you when you run those migrations.
Then you need to drop all tables in your database and run again rake db:migrate.


Making changes to an existing table?

I just had a quick question. Once you've ran a change migration like say you needed to add a column to an existing table, so you create a change migration. If I've already ran that change migration, and wanted to add a different new column in that table, can i just edit the code in the change migration to add the second new column or do i have to create a whole new change migration?
As you said you ran migration already that means your change has been reflected to your database. so at this point if you want another change then its quite straight you need to make new migration, but there is a way that to make change in same migration for that
1 first you need to revert that migration that means you need to rollback that migration on which you want to change
rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20100905201547
2- now make changes(in your case add another column also) in this migration file and run
rake db:migrate
but its always recommended to create new migration if you haven't push your code to git yet.
To implement changes to the same migration file:
1) Go one step back using ROLLBACK
rake db:rollback STEP=1
2) Implement the changes:
# add new column
3) Run db migrate:
rake db:migrate

Remove Model and Table so can start again in Rails

I created a model for comments at the start of a project, but have now come to the realisation I need to create some polymorphic relations so I can use comments with a number of other models as well. Considering the the code I already have etc, I'm thinking it might be easier for me to just start again from scratch so I can build all the views/controllers etc in the correct way for my new polymorphic world.
I see that I can run rails destroy model comments to achieve this but I have two questions on that:
Will this delete the model, migrations AND the actual DB table?
What are the implications when I want to create a new model with the exact same name?
In order to completely remove all columns &
tables that migration has created you need to run:
rails db:migrate:down VERSION=012345678 (where 012345678 should be the version number of your migration)
rails destroy model Comments
will delete your Model, pending migration, tests and fixtures
So destroy it's the opposite of generate:
$ bin/rails destroy model Oops
invoke active_record
remove db/migrate/20120528062523_create_oops.rb
remove app/models/oops.rb
invoke test_unit
remove test/models/oops_test.rb
remove test/fixtures/oops.yml
And, you can now create a new Model with the same name, as there's no trace of your previous one :)
If you have already migrated the database after creating the model:
First, rollback the changes to the database:
rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20100905201547
where version is the timestamp identifying the migration. For example, if your migration file is called 20170411182948_create_comments.rb then your version parameter should be 20170411182948
Then run
rails destroy model comments
The first command will delete the table from the actual database. The second command will delete the model and the migration file. Make sure you run them in that order as the first command is dependent on the migration file to perform the rollback (which is deleted during the second command).
If you have have not migrated the database:
The table would not have been added to your database. You can go ahead and delete your model and migration files manually or use the destroy command.
You might need to remove the table thoroughly.
Run this :
sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3
Then :
sqlite> drop table table_name;
sqlite> .quit

I dropped a table and want to create a new one - but I don't want to lose my other tables

This is probably really simple/obvious but I am new to this -
I have a database with some tables, let's say tA, tB and tC. In a migration I dropped tC, because at that point I needed to working on a different branch. However, I'm now working on a branch in a project that needs tC to exist.
The migrations for creating all tables are present on this branch.
I don't care if tC is empty. But if I run rake db:create, will it then re-create all tables? Because I do not want to lose the data in the other tables, tA & tB.
TL;DR - How to create a table (which I dropped in an earlier creation) without also recreating (and losing the data of) the tables I did not drop?
How did you drop the table tC? Is it through console/command line? If yes, then to recreate the tC table, you have 2 choices:
Create a new migration file to only create table tC (optimal and easiest fix)
bundle exec rails g migration CreateTableTC
Then add the new migration with this conditional statement:
unless table_exists?(:table_tC)
create_table :table_tC do |t|
Then run this command on your terminal:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
This will create table tC if your database hasn't got one, will not erase data on other tables, and will not be executed if your database has table tC
Use GUI for your database (if you are using postgres, you may use PgAdmin)
Here's what I ended up doing: using the Rails console, I simply ran the migration that created that particular table in the first place again. See this Q&A: Run a single migration file.

Stucked in the model migration in Ruby on Rails

I have a problem during migrating 3 models (Game,Page,Section), which is I created 3 models and forget to save it, then directly migrate it. After that, I created a new model called User, then save it, and this User model perfectly saved and migrated successfully. After that when checked schema, those 3 models did not have any fields and did not migrated.
So I did the rake db:rollback, it only rollback to User Model, but I want those 3 Models to be rollbacked. I cannot do new migration to put new values.
Q1 : So do I need to delete those 3 models and create new models?
If it is your personal project just to learn, you can drop your database and, modify migration files and then create and migrate it.
rake db:drop
modify migration files
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
But you will lose all you data in database, so it is very bad idea for future. Better learn how you can create another migrations and add columns you need for your tables.
Look here: add_column
Ot you can always rollback few migrations using rake db:rollback STEP=n

Why can I no longer rake db:migrate when adding new columns to my table? Can I add columns manually in the migration file or should I generate one?

Good morning everyone,
I am trying to complete the calender app from Codeacademy, and I need to complete the following steps.
Open the migration file in db/migrate/ for the days table, and add the following columns:
a datetime column called date
Open the migration file in db/migrate/ for the days table, and add the following columns:
a datetime column called date
Open the migration file in db/migrate/ for events tracks table, and add the following columns:
a string column called name
a datetime column called from
a datetime column called to
a string column called location
a references column to the Day model
So far, I have added it manually to the migration files like so:
class CreateDays < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :days do |t|
t.datetime :date
class CreateEvents < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :events do |t|
t.string :name
t.datetime :from
t.datetime :to
t.string :location
#Not sure how to add references column????
However, I am running into an error when I run rake db:migrate, I get no output. Is there supposed to be an output? I have run rake db:migrate --trace and here is the output:
A migration file is like a script which changes your database in some way. It does not store the state of your database.
It will not do anything unless you run it: your database has a special table to keep track of which ones have been run already, called schema_migrations. When you do rake db:migrate you run all scripts in that folder which haven't been run already, according to that table.
So, if you run a script, then change it, then do db:migrate, it won't run it again because it thinks it's been run already. If it did run it again, it would likely blow up because it would be trying to add lots of columns that already exist.
If you define a table in a migration, then later want to add more columns, you can either roll the migration back (which will drop the table), then run it again with the added columns, or write a new migration which just adds the required new columns. The latter approach is usually best.
Whenever you run rake db:migrate,it runs all the pending migrations using the timestamp which every migration file has ..such as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_create_products.rb.
Any file which has a migrations greater than the previously run migration timestamp will be picked up during rake db:migrate and then checked whether the changes are present in the db.
For example :
For a migration file 20080906120001_add_details_to_products.rb...if you have ran it then all the changes will be added in the db.if you edit it and then run it again then it won't be picked up as timestamp of migration should be grater then previously ran file,which is not.
You can manually change the migrations by editing few numbers so that it gets picked up again without creating a new file.
I would recommend create a new one as they are way to maintain and are each migration should be unique.
I assume that you have ran the migrations before. So there is a table named schema_migrations where it stores the migration which has already ran so you cannot re run them. The best way to add new columns to an existing table is to create a new migration like this:
rails g migration add_some_columns_to_events name:string
and name the other columns. And still if you need to do it using the existing migration then what you can do is:
rake db:migrate:down VERSION=<version_of_migration>
and then add up the columns in migration file and run:
rake db:migrate:up VERSION=<version_of_migration>
You can also rollback your last migration and re run the migration using:
rake db:rollback
Hope this helps.
You can only run a migration once - if you've already run the migration, you have two options:
You can roll back the migration with rake db:rollback, edit it, and then run it again with rake db:migrate, or
You can generate a new migration and put your changes in it. Then you can run the new migration with rake db:migrate.
