Manually filter parameters in Rails - ruby-on-rails

How would I go about manually filtering a hash using my application's parameter filter?
I imagine it'd go like this:
Rails.application.filter :password => 'pass1234'
# => {:password => '[FILTERED]'}
EDIT (clarification): I'm aware that Rails filters the params hash when writing to the logs. What I want to do is apply that same filter to a different hash at my prerogative before writing it to the logs with something like I'm calling a remote HTTP query as a part of my application (since most of the backend operates through a remote API), and I'm logging the URL and parameters passed. I want to have the logs but also ensure that none of the sensitive params show up there.

After a few minutes of shotgunning it, I figured out this was the way to do it:
filters = Rails.application.config.filter_parameters
f = filters
f.filter :password => 'haha' # => {:password=>"[FILTERED]"}

See the config/application.rb file, towards the end there is a line:
config.filter_parameters += [:password]
This way the "password" param will not be shown in logs, but you can still access the value normally.
It seem that have misunderstood your meaning of "filter" originally. As for the clarified issue, I have no idea on how to handle it the truly Rails way.
Here is a brute force approach:
Parse the query with CGI::parse(URI.parse(my_url_address_with_params).query) to get a hash of param/values (note: values are actually stored as an array; here is the discussion).
Locate the parameters you want to filter out and replace values with literal *filtered*.
Call (or debug) directly to log.
Here is what you should dig into when relying on Rails magical classes and methods:
In Rails 3 the code that does the trick seems to live in ActionDispatch::Http (ParameterFilter in particular, method `filtered_parameters'). The documentation is available at API Dock (or, to be honest, very little documentation). You can examine the sources to get an idea of how this works.
My knowledge of Rails internals is not good enough to suggest anything else. I believe that someone with a better understanding of it might be of more help.

Building on Steven Xu's answer above, I made this initializer in my rails app:
class ActionController::Parameters
def filtered
Which let's me call params.filtered
[1] pry(#<LessonsController>)> params.filtered
"controller" => "lessons",
"action" => "search",
"locale" => "en"
[2] pry(#<LessonsController>)> params[:password] = "bob"
[3] pry(#<LessonsController>)> params.filtered
"controller" => "lessons",
"action" => "search",
"locale" => "en",
"password" => "[FILTERED]"


Type Error in RSpec controller spec

I am having troubles with an RSPec test. The test does a PUT with some objects in the request. The controller which receives the PUT seems to be not getting the correct values
For example, 'put :update, :id =>, :channel => #channel, :tags => #tag' Then, in the Controller, when I try to use params[:tags] there is an integer in that location. A Gist with the Spec and the controller method is at
This started happening when I upgraded from Rails 3.0.13 to 3.1.8
Any idea what might be happening here and how to resolve it?
I'm assuming that #tag is an object from your Tags model. When you give Rails an object like
`get :action, :foo => foo`
or in a url helper (e.g., foo_path(foo)),
Rails will turn your object into a parameter suitable for use in a url via the #to_param method. You're probably getting an integer because Tag#to_param returns the id of the tag in your db.
It looks like your update action, by contrast, expects params[:tags] to be a hash, presumably generated from a form that includes fields for values like tags[:name].
I can't help much more without knowing more about the relevant code. But I'm guessing what you want to do is change your test to read
put :update, :id =>, :channel => #channel, :tags => { :name => 'tag' }
or something like that, mimicking the params you'd get by actually submitting the form that PUTs to your update action.
This is difficult to help you because we don't know what you're trying to do. For example, it would be helpful if you showed more of the test (for example, the values you set as your variables) and the specific results of the test.
Anyway, is the #tags variable an arel object? and if so, are you expecting the ID as the value to be passed? If not, then you probably want to specify the attribute referenced in #tags. For example, Or, does #tags reference a hash, itself?

How to tell whether your controller action was given parameters?

I am trying to determine whether my controller action was called with parameters or not, without hardcoding which parameters can be added on.
So I want to distinguish between
I know that I could look inside the params hash, and check whether it ONLY contains :controller and :action keys. This seems ugly to me, is there a smarter way of doing this check?
There is one direct solution:
request.env["QUERY_STRING"] # => "q=1"
Or with Ruby 1.9.2:
request.env.QUERY_STRING # => "q=1"
For GET request you can use request.query_parameters method. There is also request.request_parameters for POST requests.
Results for request.query_parameters.inspect are:
for '/my_controller' => '{}'
for '/my_controller?q=1' => {"q"=>"1"}

Rails query string with a period (or full stop).

I am currently trying to get a handle on RoR. I am passing in two strings into my controller. One is a random hex string and the other is an email. The project is for a simple email verification on a database. The problem I am having is when I enter something like below to test my page:
All I am getting in my params hash of :email is 'bob'. I left the . between gmail and com out because that would cause the match to not work at all.
My routing match is as follows:
match "confirm/:code/:email" => "confirm#index"
Which seems simple enough for what I need. I am having a hard time trying to figure out what the deal is and really how to even search for an answer. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
match "confirm/:code/:email" => "confirm#index", :email => /.*/
Also it would be better to set get method here, I think
get "confirm/:code/:email" => "confirm#index", :email => /.*/
Your problem is that Rails is trying to interpret .villa#gmailcom as a format specification (such as .html or .json). AFAIK, the standard work around (or at least the one I use) is to add this to your route:
:requirements => { :email => /.*/ }
This tricks Rails into not trying to be clever about what :email contains.
I'm not surprised that you couldn't find anything, googling for "#" or "." doesn't do anything useful.

Param name and value (independantly) as part of Rails Route

DocumentsController#common_query can handle multiple different request styles.
i.e. all docs in batch 4 or all docs tagged "happy"
I want a single route to make em pretty, so:
So the end result is that #common_query is called but part of the url was used as the param name and part as it's value.
The second option, with two routes, is almost certainly the better way to go, because it will only match the kinds of URLs that you want to support, while the first option will also "match" URLs like /documents/foo/bar, which will likely cause your #common_query method to, at best, return a RecordNotFound (404) response. At worst, if you're not ready to not see any of your expected params, you'll get a 500 error instead...
Of course, if you start having a lot of variations, you end up with a lot of routes. And if you need to use them in combination, e.g., /documents/batch/4/tag/happy, then you'll need to use a wildcard route, and do the parameter processing in your controller. This might look something like:
map.connect 'documents/*specs', :controller => "documents_controller", :action => "common_query"
The various elements of the URL will be available your controller as params[:specs]. You might turn that into a find like so:
#items = Item.find(:all, :conditions => Hash[params[:specs]])
That Hash[] technique converts the one dimensional array of options into a key-value hash, which might be useful even if you're not feeding it directly to a find().
As a single route:
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.connect "documents/:type/:id", :controller => "documents_controller",
:action => "common_query"
Then params[:type] will either be "batch" or "tag", and params[:id] either "4" or "happy". You will have to make sure that other actions for the DocumentsController come before this in the routes because this will match any url that looks like "documents/*/*".
But why does it have to be a single route? You could use two routes like this:
map.with_options(:controller => "documents_controller",
:action => "common_query") do |c|
c.connect "documents/batch/:page", :type => "batch"
c.connect "documents/tag/:tag", :type => "tag"
which will have the same effect, but is more specific, so you wouldn't have to worry about the priority order of the routes.

Identify GET and POST parameters in Ruby on Rails

What is the simplest way to identify and separate GET and POST parameters from a controller in Ruby on Rails, which will be equivalent to $_GET and $_POST variables in PHP?
You can use the request.get? and methods to distinguish between HTTP Gets and Posts.
I don't know of any convenience methods in Rails for this, but you can access the querystring directly to parse out parameters that are set there. Something like the following:
request.query_string.split(/&/).inject({}) do |hash, setting|
key, val = setting.split(/=/)
hash[key.to_sym] = val
You can do it using:
There are three very-lightly-documented hash accessors on the request object for this:
request.query_parameters - sent as part of the query string, i.e. after a ?
request.path_parameters - decoded from the URL via routing, i.e. controller, action, id
request.request_parameters - All params, including above as well as any sent as part of the POST body
You can use Hash#reject to get to the POST-only params as needed.
Source: section 9.1.1
I looked in an old Rails 1.2.6 app and these accessors existed back then as well.
There is a difference between GET and POST params. A POST HTTP request can still have GET params.
GET parameters are URL query parameters.
POST parameters are parameters in the body of the HTTP request.
you can access these separately from the request.GET and request.POST hashes.
request.get? will return boolean true if it is GET method, will return boolean true if it is POST method,
If you want to check the type of request in order to prevent doing anything when the wrong method is used, be aware that you can also specify it in your routes.rb file:
map.connect '/posts/:post_id', :controller => 'posts', :action => 'update', :conditions => {:method => :post}
map.resources :posts, :conditions => {:method => :post}
Your PostsController's update method will now only be called when you effectively had a post. Check out the doc for resources.
I think what you want to do isn't very "Rails", if you know what I mean. Your GET requests should be idempotent - you should be able to issue the same GET request many times and get the same result each time.
You don't need to know that level of detail in the controller. Your routes and forms will cause appropriate items to be added to the params hash. Then in the controller you just access say params[:foo] to get the foo parameter and do whatever you need to with it.
The mapping between GET and POST (and PUT and DELETE) and controller actions is set up in config/routes.rb in most modern Rails code.
I think what Jesse Reiss is talking about is a situation where in your routes.rb file you have
post 'ctrllr/:a/:b' => 'ctrllr#an_action'
and you POST to "/ctrllr/foo/bar?a=not_foo" POST values {'a' => 'still_not_foo'}, you will have three different values of 'a': 'foo', 'not_foo', and 'still_not_foo'
'params' in the controller will have 'a' set to 'foo'. To find 'a' set to 'not_foo' and 'still_not_foo', you need to examine request.GET and request.POST
I wrote a gem which distinguishes between these different key=>value pairs at
if request.query_parameters().to_a.empty?
