One big Rails application vs separate application - ruby-on-rails

I am working on one big project. Now we need to add new functionality: scheduler managment.
It's not a main task of application, but it is quite complicated part of it.
Is it good idea to extract it as a separate application?
It will share some data (users and some other personalities) and it will use the same database.
The main reason I want to do it is to simplify main application.
I understand, that it is mayby too wide question. But maybe you can share your expirience of developing this kind of applications and maybe there are any articles I can read and world-wide best practices.

While others have mentioned some of the benefits of separating the applications, I'll touch on a couple of reasons why you might NOT want to separate the code.
You're going to need to maintain a single set of tests, especially if both applications are sharing the same database. If you don't do this, it's hard to predict when changing one application would break the other, especially if the applications start to need different things out of the database.
The two applications are obviously going to have a lot of overlap (users, for example). Separating into two applications could potentially force you to duplicate code, since rails by default has some pretty specific ideas about how a rails application should be structured. If your applications are sharing certain views, for example, what will you do to coordinate change in both applications when one application wants to modify the view?
Neither of these is insurmountable, but rails is easiest to develop when you follow rails conventions. As you begin to deviate, you end up having to do more work. Also, don't take either of these points as invalidating the other answers here, but merely counterpoints that you need to think about.

When you can use the functionality in other projects too, then I would separate it.
Maybe you can create a rails engine to share it easily between projects.

Consider asking yourself "What about re-usability?" Is the new scheduling functionality likely to be re-usable in another context with another application? If the answer is "yes," then perhaps making the scheduling management more modular in design will save you time in the future. If the answer is "no," then I would think you have more leeway in how tightly you integrate scheduling management with your existing app.
The practical difference here would be writing generalized scheduling management functionality that has assignable tables and methods upon which to act versus more 'hard coding' it with the data/code scheme of your 'onebig project.'
hth -

Adding management-tools into a web-app often complicate deployment, is my experience. Especially when the use of your application grows, and you need to performance-tune it, dragging along a huge "backend" may be problematic.
For sake of deploy-, scale- and test-ability, I prefer my applications to be small and focused. Sometimes it even pays off to have the entire admin-enviroment over REST-XML-services.
But as other answers point out: this is more a "it depends" solution. These are my €0.02.


Is it possible to properly use DDD with all building blocks in monolith application?

I watched some videos, read some blogs about it. SO has many questions and answers on that subject but I can not find anywhere exact answer for my question.
Almost every question and answer has a lack of usage context.
I have one middle sized,, monolith application which is running in one process on IIS. I want to (refactor and) go all the way with DDD (and CQRS without separated storage for reads and writes for now) but for me it looks like impossible mission without breaking some rules/guides/etc.
Bounded Context
For example I have more than one BCs. Each should not cross their boundaries which means should not share their storage. Right?
It is not possible if you use the whole known (everywhere scattered over the web) solution to work with NHibernate session and UoW.
Aggregate Root
Only one AR should be modified in one transaction. When others ARs are involved should introduce eventual consistency (if I remember those are Eric Evans words).
I try to do it but it is not easy in app like that. Pub/Sub not working as desired because if event is published then all subscribers are take their action within one transaction (NSB/MT does that way).
If event handlers wants to modify others ARs they should be executed in separated transactions, right?
Is it possible to deal with it in monolith application (application where whole code works in one process)?
It is not possible if you use the whole known (everywhere scattered
over the web) solution
if event is published then all subscribers are take their action
within one transaction
I think you're setting yourself useless and harmful constraints by trying to stick to some "state of the art".
Migrating an entire application to DDD + CQRS is a massive undertaking. Some areas of it don't have well-documented beaten paths yet and you'll probably have a fair bit of exploration to do. My best advice would be to stay at a reasonable distance from "the way people do things". Both in traditional ASP.Net web apps because mainstream practices often don't match the way DDD+CQRS works, and in CQRS itself because the case studies out there are few and far between and most probably very domain specific, with a tendency to advocate the use of heavy tools which may not make sense in your context.
You may need to think out of the box, adopt things incrementally and refrain from goldplating everything. You'll be better off starting with very simple implementations that suit your needs exactly than throwing a ton of tools and frameworks at your codebase.
For instance, do you really need a service bus or could a simple Observer pattern suffice ?
Regarding NHibernate, most implementations out there use a (single) Session Per Request approach, but just because it's the most popular doesn't mean it's the only one. Have you tried using multiple ISessions (one for each BC) available at a more programmable level, such as per-action, or managed entirely manually ? Conversely, have you considered sharing a database between Bounded Contexts at first and see for yourself if that's bad or not ?

Read-only web apps with Rails/Sinatra

I am working on an administrative web app in Rails. Because of various implementation details that are not really relevant, the database backing this app will have all of the content needed to back another separate website. It seems like there are two obvious options:
Build a web app that somehow reads from the same database in a read-only fashion.
Add a RESTful API to the original app and build the second site in such a way as for it to take its content from the API.
My question is this: are either of these options feasible? If so, which of them seems like the better option? Do Rails, Sinatra, or any of the other Rack-based web frameworks lend themselves particularly well to this sort of project? (I am leaning towards Sinatra because it seems more lightweight than Rails and I think that my Rails experience will carry-over to it nicely.)
Both of those are workable and I have employed both in the past, but I'd go with the API approach.
Quick disclaimer: one thing that's not clear is how different these apps are in function. For example, I can imagine the old one being a CRUD app that works on individual records and the new one being a reporting app that does big complicated aggregation queries. That makes the shared DB (maybe) more attractive because the overlap in how you access the data is so small. I'm assuming below that's not the case.
Anyway, the API approach. First, the bad:
One more dependency (the old app). When it breaks, it takes down both apps.
One more hop to get data, so higher latency.
Working with existing code is less fun than writing new code. Just is.
But on the other hand, the good:
Much more resilient to schema changes. Your "old" app's API can have tests, and you can muck with the database to your heart's content (in the context of the old app) and just keep your API to its spec. Your new app won't know the difference, which is good. Abstraction FTW. This the opposite side of the "one more dependency" coin.
Same point, but from different angle: in the we-share-the-database approach, your schema + all of SQL is effectively your API, and it has two clients, the old app and the new. Unless your two apps are doing very different things with the same data, there's no way that's the best API. It's too poorly defined.
The DB admin/instrumentation is better. Let's say you mess up some query and hose your database. Which app was it? Where are these queries coming from? Basically, the fewer things that can interact with your DB, the better. Related: optimize your read queries in one place, not two.
If you used RESTful routes in your existing app for the non-API actions, I'm guessing your API needs will have a huge overlap with your existing controller code. It may be a matter of just converting your data to JSON instead of passing it to a view. Rails makes it very easy to use an action to respond to both API and user-driven requests. So that's a big DRY win if it's applicable.
What happens if you find out you do want some writability in your new app? Or at least access to some field your old app doesn't care about (maybe you added it with a script)? In the shared DB approach, it's just gross. With the other, it's just a matter of extending the API a bit.
Basically, the only way I'd go for the shared DB approach is that I hated the old code and wanted to start fresh. That's understandable (and I've done exactly that), but it's not the architecturally soundest option.
A third option to consider is sharing code between the two apps. For example, you could gem up the model code. Now your API is really some Ruby classes that know how to talk to your database. Going even further, you could write a Sinatra app and mount it inside of the existing Rails app and reuse big sections it. Then just work out the routing so that they look like separate apps to the outside world. Whether that's practical obviously depends on your specifics.
In terms of specific technologies, both Sinatra and Rails are fine choices. I tend towards Rails for bigger projects and Sinatra for smaller ones, but that's just me. Do what feels good.

Best practices for SharePoint 2007 development

I want to know best practices for creation of features.
Normally Visual studio extension creates feature for each web part.
Or it good practice or we should create 1 feature for multiple web parts in one WSP?
I don't know of any best-practice, but I can see two ways (I can think of) of looking at it:
When you separate your webparts into several features, you have the possibility to activate/deactivate the different webparts at will. If one webpart has an error you can just deactivate it. When one webpart fails compiling, you still have the others running smoothly.
The downside is that you "clutter" the Sharepoint Interface, because you have to manage several Features instead of one. That goes for activating/deactivating as well as deploying/retracting.
If you have one feature it is all of the above, just in reverse. You only have one feature to activate/deactivate, which makes it faster to manager. But if that one feature fails in some way (or any of the webparts within) you can only deactivate the whole thing. The same goes for deployment/retracting. When one webpart within your feature fails you have to retract the whole thing.
Whether development is easier or harder depends on your preference. One might say that it is harder to keep a consistent configuration in one huge feature deploying a multitude of webparts, workflows and master pages (where was the entry for that workflow again? ah yes, in line 1112) - on the other hand you have everything in one place and don't have to search in several features.
I would really make it up to your personal preference. When you are deploying a Solution to a customer, the customer is certainly more happy to click/install/deploy the "MyCompany Super Solution Feature" instead of several smaller ones, in the end you don't install MS Word with several setup.exe's (and then again, you can choose what features of Word to install...)
It basically depends upon your requirements.
By the way, this problem is resolved in VS 2010 extension

Breaking up a Rails app into two

We have a very lage Rails app that has two distinct sections: the front end and the CMS/Admin. We would like to break up the app into two pieces (for maintenance, as we have distinct teams that work on the front end vs. back end and they could have different release cycles).
One thought was to start a new Admin 2.0 app that has access to the models/schema from the original application, but has its own controllers/views and its own models that extend the original models until it is safe to fully decouple. Is this advisable? If not, what would be an appropriate plan to migrate away from one monolithic codebase?
warning, this is a bit ranty, and does not go anywhere.
Having worked on a very large app that operates in the manor you describe (for scalability reasons), I still have mixed opinions (an no conclusive answers).
Currently we operate 3 major apps (+ one or two smaller ones that use a fragment of the schema).
RVW (our admin app): This is the only app that writes, runs on a single server, and is responsible for maintaining the schema. ecommerce, price comparison, stuff like that. This (for historic reasons runs on a slightly different schema, run on a read only slave of RVW, with database views to map the schemas. All writes are done by sticking things on queues that RVW picks up and acts on. This works very well, although the number of random db related issues (mostly related to the views) is an issue. The main problem with this app is the difficulty sharing code (gems work well, I've often dreamed of bringing the schemas into line and sharing the core models in a gem!). We share code between apps using ruby gems. And test using lots of integration tests that cross app boundaries (using drunit (presentation on this available)).
reevoomark: very high load b2b app. This has many servers each with a full stack (db server, app server one per node). These have their databases populated with a db export - import batch job. This works very well in the short term, the shear flexibility of it is just ace, but integration testing between apps is very hard.
My advice would be to avoid splitting the apps at all costs, keeping things DRY quickly becomes a major challenge. My advice would be to stick with one app, two sets of routes (selected at startup by environment variables).
This gives you all the advantages of the other solutions, while making code sharing implicit. Splitting your test packs out would make your test cycles shorter and make things more manageable for the two teams. I would avoid working on different code bases, as doing this promotes the apps drifting apart and making code sharing tricky (as in .com).
If you decide do split, have a good set of high level cross app tests. Custom (per app) extensions to a core set of models sounds like a good plan, although with distinct code bases and teams you may still end up with duplicate code. Rails engines should be a good way of sharing the models, but be prepared for model reloading to become a little schizophrenic.
Good luck!
Have you namespaced your admin controllers? That would be a relatively easy point of subdivision and also avoid many of the negative side effects of forking your code into two apps.
Have you considered looking at Rails Engines? Added to Rails in 2.3.

Difference between BPM and App. workflow?

I know there is a lot of talk about BPM these days and I am conscious that some may see it to be a craze rather than a fundamentally important piece of software.
As someone from what most would call 'The Business', I have been doing my best to learn about BPM to ensure we continue to make decisions that not only make sense to the business, but IT as well.
I have noticed while reading that mention is made to application workflow when sometimes discussing BPM. I hadn't given this much thought until recently.
Therefore, what is the difference? When would you use one and not the other?
BPM is about the process and improving it, which takes into account users and potentially more than one application,e.g. an ERP system may have more than one application to it, though there may be other uses of the term. Note that the process could be viewed without what applications or technologies are used.
Application workflow is how an application is used to go from a to b. Here it is a specific set of code that is used and what happens over the course of an application getting from a to b. In this case, the application is front and center rather than the process.
Does that provide an answer? Another way to think of it is that multiple application workflows can make up a system which is used in a process that can have BPM applied to it.
Late to the game, but workflow is to database as BPMS is to DBMS. (Convenient how the letters line up, huh?)
IOW, BPM(S) is traditionally meant to refer to a particular framework/application that allows you to manage business processes: defining them, storing them, versioning them, measuring them, etc. This is similar to how a DBMS manages databases.
Now, a workflow is a definition, much like a database is a definition. In the former case, it is a definition of operations/work (Fufill Order), steps thereof (Send Invoice) and rules/constraints on the work (If no stock, send notice). In the latter, similar case, it is a definition of data structure (CREATE TABLE) and constraints (InvoiceTotal must be > $0.00).
I think this is a potentially confusing subject, particular as some development environments use a type of process flow model to generate user facing applications (I'm thinking about Outsystems here, for example).
But, for me, the distinction is crystal clear. Application workflow, as people talk about it, refers to a user's path through an application, i.e. the pages they complete/visit, the data they enter, etc. on their way to completing a transaction of some sort. Application orkflow is a poor term for this though, I think application flow would be more meaningful.
BPM on other hand, is about modelling and executing a workflow process. By workflow, in this context, I mean a series of discrete steps (or tasks) that have to be completed (either programmatically or via human interaction) in a certain order to complete a process. These tasks can be implemented as individual application modules (each with their own "application workflow", see above). The job of the workflow engine is to make sure that these separate steps are assigned to the right people (of groups of people) in the right sequence, and that overall the process completes in an orderly way.
I don't think there's a clear answer to this at all. These are words, as opposed to theoretical concepts. If you add the word "checklist" into the mix - that just turns out to be a linear version of a process (but you can have conditionals in checklists - making them a workflow).
I am not sure how to help in reframing this question, but it's almost as if no answer can ever be possible. My own thoughts are at
