Rails 3 - Comments/Message - "\n\r" - ruby-on-rails

In my application I have places where users can send messages and leave comments on content. So to keep this simple, I have Comment, with and id (integer) and body (text).
When printing these in HTML, I want the user's formatting, for example a comment might be entered like this:
comment added
with an enter
In the database, this comes to be:
"comment added\r\n\r\nwith an enter"
On my page then, this comes to simple look like "comment added with an enter". What I'm wondering is if there is a way in my view to let it know I want to render these enter characters? As 's or something? Does anyone know how to preserve the user's format?
Thanks a ton guys.

simple_format will format text in the way you are describing. It's built in to Rails.

Use simple_format: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/TextHelper.html#method-i-simple_format
<%= simple_format(your_string_variable) %>


laravel 4 - how to include an editor into Laravel 4

I have an application in Laravel 4 to manage newsletter.
It the back end is possible to write the message that will be sent as email to the users in the list.
There is a simple form with two fiels: subject - body
The point is that i can send only plain text.
It is possible to include an editor with some basics functions: bold - italic - color - size - headings?
Thank you.
That wouldn't be part of the back end but would be done with javascript. What you are probably looking for is something like CKEditor which basically hijacks <textarea> elements on your page and turns them into almost full featured editors.
How it works is it automatically inserts appropriate HTML tags into the text as it's typed depending on how the user wants it to look. When the form is submitted, instead of plain text, it would be submitted as the generated HTML, and you'd probably just want to drop that into the body of the email.
Check out http://www.ckeditor.com
If you have any specific questions on that, I'd be sure to add the appropriate tags so you have a better chance of getting help on it.

How do I remove HTML tags from within a text area using MVC 3?

I have difficulty getting a value from a text area of the CKEditor
when I save something that has nothing inside the textarea HTML tag. In this case, it puts this text inside:
Is there some way to strip off all these html tags?
I'm using MVC 3, and I've researched something about: Content(Server.HtmlEncode),
but I'm still not 100% if this is the best way to do this kind of treatment.
I found a class listed below that looks like it should solve your problem. Just add it to your solution and you can then call it statically and strip the html.
This kind of assumes that you are wanting to do the stripping of html on the server side.
On a side note not accepting answers like you are doing is hazardous to people willingness to help...I'd recommend that you reward the people that are helping you if you'd like to continue getting help!
Link to Solution
#Html.DisplayTextFor(modelItem => item.content)

rails 3 internationalization / localization - embeddings links in translated text

I need to embed links in my translated texts. I followed this post, but it doesn't seem to work in rails 3 anymore as the html tags don't get rendered properly.
Anyone knows how to get this done in rails 3?
Apparently, the html tags can be escaped by using the html_safe method. But does anyone know if there's another way to solve this problem without using html_safe?
I would like to avoid unescaping my html tags if possible, b/c I've encountered a situation where I have to pass in a text field into my translation, and I would like to avoid unescaping any strings that are user inputted.
Change {{url}} to %{url} and you should be good to go.
Ok, thanks, that's important information about what "doesn't work" means :) So, you need to call the html_safe method on your call to link_to, eg.
link_to(t("log_in_href"), login_path).html_safe
This will tell Rails to render the HTML, not escaped.

RoR - make links clickable that show up in a user comment

I am looking for a Ruby script that takes a piece of text, and makes any links click-able that show up in it... Does anyone have something like this? For example, if I wrote a comment and said "Come check out my site at http://www.example.com", then the link would be click-able like an html tag.
Rails has a View helper called auto_link, e.g.:
<%= auto_link("Please visit my site: http://www.example.org/") %>
would produce:
Please visit my site: http://www.example.org/
Update: You can find more information about it here.

how to show contents which include html tag?

I am using FckEditor in Create.aspx page in asp.net mvc application.
Since I need to show rich text in web pages, I used ValidateInput(false) attribute top of action method in controller class.
And I used Html.Encode(Model.Message) in Details.aspx to protect user's attack.
But, I had result what I did not want as following :
<p> Hello </p>
I wanted following result not above :
How can I show the text what user input?
Thanks in advance
The short answer is that HTMLEncode is making your markup show like that. If you don't HTMLEncode, it will do what you want.
You need to think about whether or not you need full control of markup, who is entering the markup, and if an alternative like BBCode is an option.
If your users using the editor are all sure to be 'safe' users, then XSS isn't likely to be as much a concern. However, if you are using this on a comment field, then BBCode, or something like SO itself uses is more appropriate.
You wont be able to use a WYSIWYG editor and do HTMLEncode though... (without BBCode, or some other token system)
It seems the user entered "<p> Hello </p>" (due to pressing Enter?) into the edit control, and it is displaying correct in the HTML as you have done an Html.Encode. E.g. the paragrahs are not rendered, they are outputted as "<p>..</p>" as the string is HTML encoded into something like "<p> Hello <p>".
If you do not want tags, I would suggest searching the text string for tags (things with <...>) and removing them from the inputted text. Do this before HTML.Encode.
...or am I missing something?
You can use HttpServerUtility.HtmlEncode(String)
