ASPNET MVC: Reusing Action Sequences -

I'm building a site where I often have to go through the same sequence of steps as part of different operations. In simple terms, part of my data model is hierarchical, and I walk the hierarchy to locate a particular element, after which I do one of several different things (e.g., add a detail record to it, edit it).
Currently I do this by retrieving an object via my data layer which represents a node in the hierarchy, and which contains details about its child nodes. I use this same descriptor class in several different areas of my site.
What I'd like to be able to do is to package the various action methods that comprise walking the tree and selecting a node into a "subroutine" that I could "call" from the various controller classes which need to retrieve a node. But I can't think of a good way to do that within the ASPNET MVC structure. Suggestions?
p.s. one approach was presented here, but I'm interested to see if there are others.

Without seeing any code, what you're describing as "package the various action methods that comprise walking the tree" is simply creating a method. In other words, you shouldn't be looking to invoke the set of action methods that comprise walking the tree but calling the methods that are used by those action methods.
What does means is refactoring the action methods so that the logic is handled in service classes and creating a method that consists of the actions you're interested in.
So you're controllers would look something like this:
public class ControllerA {
public ActionResult DoSomething() {
public class ControllerB {
public ActionResult DoSomethingElse() {
You'll define those services with the logic needed and can now create a SharedService class that calls the methods you need.
public class SharedService {
public void DoBoth() {


MVC - How to instantiate, store and make a typed variable available throughout the application, once per page view

I am developing an MVC app to serve multiple domains - each is a branch of a larger company.
A LocalBranch class stores details such as phone, address, email, location coordinates etc.
I want to create a single instance of this class per http request and have it available throughout the application - from within controllers, views, some helper classes and other code.
Is there a recommended way of doing this?
Right now I have it as a property on a BaseController and use ViewBagto pass it to views. But I would prefer it strongly typed in Views if possible.
I don't want to put it in an application variable, because we need to serve different values to different domains.
I would rather avoid a session variable if possible because we might scale up to use multiple servers in the future, and I've heard this doesn't play well with sessions.
Please feel free to update tags / title if you think there is a clearer way of expressing what I'm after. Thank you.
The best way to maintain your state in a web application per request is simply use the HttpContext class.
You need to store your state(LocalBranch) as an Item in the HttpContext:
HttpContext.Current.Items.Add("LocalBranch", GetLocalBranch());
You can fetch the Item all across your application like this:
LocalBranch branch = HttpContext.Current.Items["LocalBranch"] as LocalBranch;
The Items property is simply a key value Dictionary. The value is an object. You will have to check for nulls and this is really similar to the Session object you know. The main difference is the scope. The HttpContext is a dot net object that has a lifetime of an http request.
Now using the HttpContext the way I've shown you is the simplest way to do it.
You can go two steps forward and use a framework called Unity and add a lifetime to your objects.
Unity does much more and the lifetime management is just one gem.
You can create a custom HttpContext lifetime that generates objects per request. Something like this.
And them all you need to do is:
1.Register you LocalBranch class with the HttpContext lifetime.
2.Add a static Current property which will use the Unity container and resolve the correct instance of LocalBranch.
3.Use it something like this: LocalBranch.Current
BTW, you can use Unity's dependency injection for injecting objects into controllers and other modules. That's a better practice then just using the static Current property.
You kind of have two questions here. The first is "How do I create a single instance of this class per HttpRequest?" The second is "How do I make this available to strongly typed views?"
The first has pretty much been answered by #amir-popovich to use dependency injection. However, FWIW I would probably use Ninject instead of Unity (just preference, really) and I would probably implement it differently. I would not use HttpContext, and simply build a service (which is instanciated using Ninject's OnePerHttpRequest Module, passing the domain as an argument to get the proper values).
Then, in order to add these LocalBranch values to your strongly typed View Model, you can first create a base view model which holds this type:
public class BaseViewModel
public LocalBranch Branch {get;set;}
Then, make all of your current view models inherit this base type
public MyViewModel : BaseViewModel
public string SomeValue {get;set;}
Then in your controller, it is easy enough to add these values from the service you created from the first step
public ActionResult SomeAction()
var vm = new MyViewModel();
vm.Branch = LocalBranchService.GetLocalBranchValues(); //Local Branch Service has been injected with Ninject
//do other stuff
return View(vm);
However, that gets pretty tedious to add that to each controller action, so you can instead create a Result Filter to add it for you:
public class LocalBranchResultFilter : FilterAttribute, IResultFilter
public void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext)
//This method gets invoked before the ActionResult is executed.
filterContext.Controller.ViewData.Model.Branch = LocalBranchService.GetLocalBranchValues(); //Local Branch Service has been injected with Ninject
Now, you can just decorate your Controller and/or Actions with the filter (you could even set it in the Global Filters if you want).
You can embed the child actions into your layout or a view. You can even cache its output so you don't keep re-querying the database.
[OutputCache(Duration=500, VaryByParam="*")]
public ActionResult Info()
var localBranch = db.GetLocalBranch();
return PartialView("_Info", localBranch);
_Info view
This bit will get inserted into your other views
#model LocalBranch
Use in _Layout or other view
<p>lorem ipsum...</p>

better organise database operation codes in mvc

I am new to .net mvc ,and here is my situation, in mvc solution, I have data modal and reposity,also have ioc container, when comes to operate data operation,should I put all my logical code in the controller?or there are any better way?
public ActionResult SomeOperate(Person person)
var reposity = _kernel.Get<IReposity<Person>>();
//what about if there are many database operation logical based on my generic reposity,should I put them all here?
return RedirectToAction("SomeWhere");
my generic reposity have already support basic database operations such as add,update,remove,query transaction
By default, the controller can contain business logic (and its okay). But as your application grows in size, you start doubting whether the controller should be responsible for containing the business logic.
In a more advance architecture, the Controller only acts as a "Coach" and let players do the job. In other words, the controller only worries about who should do what. Hence the name controller.
The Service Layer
The Service Layer is just a collection of classes created for one purpose, to encapsulate your business layer, moving the logic away from the controller.
See my example below for a basic implementation of a service.
public class ProductService
private IProductRepository productRepository;
public ProductService(IProductRepository productRepository)
this.productRepository = productRepository;
public IEnumerable<Product> ListProducts()
return this.productRepository.ListProducts();
public void CreateProduct(Product productToCreate)
// Do validations here.
// Do database operation.
// Controller
public class ProductController : Controller
private ProductService productService;
// If you are wondering how to instantiate this
// controller, see the ninject tutorial
public ProductController(ProductService productService)
this.productService = productService;
public ActionResult Index()
IEnumerable<Product> products = this.productService.ListProducts();
return View(products);
public ActionResult Create()
return View();
public ActionResult Create(Product productToCreate)
return View();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
The full tutorial straight from Microsoft:
Why use a service layer
Service per Model/Entity
With regards to the number of service per model, there is no absolute rule. Most of the time it can scale to one-to-one and sometimes one-to-many (referred service per module)
The number routines in a single service class depends on the number of operations in the UI, meaning if there is no delete button anywhere in the system then there shouldn't be a delete method anywhere in your code. In other words, CRUD should only apply when needed.
Service per Module
Sometimes a service can scale to multiple models, given there is an operation that requires you to updated multiple models. This is sometimes referred as "service per module", this is when a service does not represent a model but rather an operation.
- RetireEmployee(User user)
- SendWeeklyMails()
Services and Interfaces
Most of the time, interfaces are not required for a service layer. The only time that they are usually for the following reasons:
Large team (5 or more)
Large system
Heavy test driven development.
This link extends much on this subject:
The Single-Responsibility Principle would indicate that you should identify one responsibility for each class, and avoid putting logic into the class that doesn't pertain to that responsibility.
If this is just an exercise in learning technologies, or a small project, then you're probably safe putting most of your Entity manipulations and business logic in the individual controller actions. If this project is likely to grow, and need to be maintained by various people over time, you're probably better off defining an N-Tier architecture right off the bat.
How you do this will depend somewhat on personal preference and the nature of your project, but a popular approach is to create a "Service" or "Manager" layer where all of your business logic resides. Then the various controller actions invoke the actions on that layer, transform them into ViewModel objects, and pass them off to the views. In this architecture, Controllers end up begin very light-weight, and are focused mostly on transforming requests into service calls and composing the data that the Views will need to render.
Many people feel that the ORM (e.g. Entity Framework) represents the "data access layer," and they don't see a need to create an additional layer beyond the service layer. Other people create individualized classes to hold the queries and commands to Entity Framework, and the Service layer leverages these various other classes.

How to structure the code for next/previous step in a complex wizard?

I have a 45 step wizard UI (complex domain - insurance). It's implemented in ASP.NET MVC 3. The problem is my action methods have a lot of code to determine what the next step is, depending on user, already collected data, weather forecast ... And even worse, similar code is repeated for the back button functionality. Is there a pattern I can use to abstract this logic? I'm hoping for a way to define the forward steps and get the backward step automatically.
My suggestion is to create an Interface an a class like:
public interface IStepDecisionMaker
StepInfo DefineNextPreviousStep(object data);
public class StepInfo {
public int NextStepId {get;set;}
public int PreviousStepId {get;set;}
public object Values {get;set;}
you can now add a table in a DB or XML where setting all the available steps and per each step assign them a concrete class that implemente the interface IStepDecisionMaker
In you action you can collect the data of the step and with a IoC system or a reflection CreateInstance you can create an instance of the concrete class, call the DefineNextPreviousStep passing the data you need to check and the method can return a class that will tell you what are the next or previous steps
In this way you can achieve several things
your action will have just few lines of code
the logic is not a tons of if then but is inside each class
you can change some conditions directly in the concrete class of a specific step without touch the other part of the code

How to mutate editmodel/postmodel to domain model

In an ASP.NET MVC project we are using AutoMapper to map from domain model to viewmodel - and sometimes also flattening a hierarchy while doing so. This works like a charm and makes the rendering logic of our views very lean and simple.
The confusion starts when we want to go the other way from viewmodel (or postmodel or editmodel) to domain model, especially when updating objects. We can't use automated/two-way mapping because:
we would have to unflat the flattened hierarchy
all properties on the domain model would have to be mutable/have public setters
the changes coming from the view isn't always just flat properties being mapped back to the domain, but sometimes need to call methods like "ChangeManagerForEmployee()" or similar.
This is also described in Jimmy Bogards article: The case for two-way
mapping in AutoMapper, but the solution to this isn't described in detail, only that they go:
From EditModel to CommandMessages – going from the loosely-typed
EditModel to strongly-typed, broken out messages. A single EditModel
might generate a half-dozen messages.
In a similar SO question there is an answer by Mark Seeman where he mentions that
We use abstract mappers and services to map a PostModel to a Domain Object
but the details - the conceptual and technical implementation - is left out.
Our idea right now is to:
Recieve a FormCollection in the controller's action method
Get the original domain model and flatten it to viewModelOriginal and viewModelUpdated
Merging the FormCollection into viewModelUpdated using UpdateModel()
Use some generic helper method to compare viewModelOriginal with viewModelUpdated
Either A) Generate CommandMessages a la Jimmy Bogard or B) Mutate the differences directly into the domain model through properties and methods (maybe mapping the 1-1 properties directly through AutoMapper)
Can someone provide some examples of how they come from FormCollection through editmodel/postmodel to domain model? "CommandMessages" or "abstract mappers and services"?
I use the following pattern:
public ActionResult Update(UpdateProductViewModel viewModel)
// fetch the domain model that we want to update
Product product = repository.Get(viewModel.Id);
// Use AutoMapper to update only the properties of this domain model
// that are also part of the view model and leave the other properties unchanged
AutoMapper.Map<UpdateProductViewModel, Product>(viewModel, product);
// Pass the domain model with updated properties to the DAL
return RedirectToAction("Success");
You might want to consider CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation - I think this might be the concept you were missing), possibly even with Event Sourcing.
It is basically a practice of separating the logic of reading from a data source and writing to a data source, might even mean having different data models for reading and writing.
This might be a good place to start:
Option C: Put it all in the controller action. Next, if that gets hairy, decompose into services (abstract mappers) or messages-as-methods (the command message way).
Command message way:
public ActionResult Save(FooSaveModel model) {
return RedirectToAction("List");
And the processor:
public class FooSaveModelProcessor : IMessageHandler<FooSaveModel> {
public void Process(FooSaveModel message) {
// Message handling logic here
This is really just about moving the "processing" of the form out of the controller action and into individual, specialized handlers.
But, I'd only really go this route if controller actions get hairy. Otherwise, just take the form and do the appropriate updates against the domain models as necessary.
There are some similarities here with what I've been doing. My hierarchy of view models is only somewhat flattened from its domain object equivalents, but I do have to deal with calling explicit service methods on save to do things like adding to child collections, changing important values etc, rather than simply reverse mapping. I also have to compare before and after snapshots.
My save is Ajax posted as JSON to an MVC action and enters that action magically bound back to a view model structure by MVC. I then use AutoMapper to transform the top level view model and its descendants back into its equivalent domain structure. I have defined a number of custom AutoMapper ITypeConverters for those cases where a new child item has been added on the client (I'm using Knockout.js) and I need to call an explicit service method. Something like:
foreach (ChildViewModel childVM in viewModel.Children)
ChildDomainObject childDO = domainObject.Children.Where(cdo => cdo.ID.Equals(childVM.ID))).SingleOrDefault();
if (childDO != null)
Mapper.Map<ChildViewModel, ChildDomainObject>(childVM, childDO);
MyService.CreateChildDO(someData, domainObject); // Supplying parent
I do a similar thing for deletes and this process cascades quite nicely down through the whole structure. I guess a flattened structure could be either easier to work with or harder - I have an AbstractDomainViewModel with an ID with which I do the above matching, which helps.
I need to do comparisons before and after updating because my service layer calls trigger validation which can affect other parts of the object graph, and this dictates what JSON I need to return as the Ajax response. I only care about changes which are relevant to the UI, so I transform the saved domain object back to a new view model and then have a helper method to compare the 2 view models, using a combination of manual upfront checks and reflection.

Who has the responsibilty of loading data?

In the MVC model, where does the responsibility of loading the view model lie?
Should the Controller load the data?
Should the View Model itself load the data ala:
MyViewModel viewModel = MyViewModel.Create(someValue);
Should a Service Layer load it ala:
MyViewModel viewModel = MembershipService.Instance.Load(someValue);
See this example of the really clean technique:
Alternatively you can do it manually: see "ASP.NET MVC In Action" book or CodeCampServer sources for examples. Basically you inject IViewModelMapper { public ViewModel Map(data); } to the controller. The neat thing is that it makes your IoC automatically pass services and repositories to your ViewModel mapper. However this can really make controllers be bloated with mapper interfaces so something like Jimmy Bogard's technique, even without AutoMapper, but with action filters than do pick IViewModelMapper, would be better.
If you can't do this, then I'd suggest stick with ViewModel handling mapping as Mathias suggested.
UPDATE: here's an example of automapper-like configuration with bits of CodeCampServer way. Not sure if it will work as is (or useful at all), just a demonstration.
public abstract class ViewModelMapper<Source, ViewModel> where Source: class, ViewModel: IViewModel
public abstract ViewModel Map(Source source);
public class ProductDetailsViewModel
public ProductViewModel Product { get; set; }
punlic IList<Language> AvailableProductLanguages { get; set; }
public class ProductDetailsViewMapper: ViewModelMapper<Product, ProductDetailsViewModel>
private ILanguageRepository languages;
public ProductDetailsViewMapper(ILanguageRepository languages)
this.languages = languages;
public override ProductDetailsViewModel Map(Product source)
var vm = new ProductDetailsViewModel();
AutoMapper.Map<Product, ProductDetailsViewModel>(product, vm);
vm.AvailableProductLanguages = languages.GetAppropriateFor(product);
public class ViewModelMapperActionFilter: ActionFilter
Type mapperType;
public ViewModelMapperActionFilter()
public ViewModelMapperActionFilter(Type mapperType)
public void OnActionExecuted(ControllerContext context)
var model = context.Result.ViewData.Model;
var mapperType = this.MapperType ?? this.GetMapperTypeFromContext(context);
// this is where magic happens - IoC grabs all required dependencies
var mapper = ServiceLocator.GetInstance(mapperType);
var method = mapperType.GetMethod("Map");
Check.Assert(method.GetArguments()[0].ArgumentType == model.GetType());
context.Result.ViewData.Model = method.Invoke(mapper, new[]{model});
public class ProductsController: Controller
// alternatively [ViewModelMapper()] will auto-pick mapper name by controller/action
public ActionResult Details(EntityViewModel<Product> product)
// EntityViewModel is a special type, see
return View(product.Instance);
The controller is the glue that binds the model and view together. You want both your model classes and views to have as few dependencies as possible on the other layers of your app. Therefore, the controller should always load data for the view, regardless of where the data comes from, or what design patterns you use in your model for retrieving it.
You may have a bunch of layers of abstraction for your data loading operations within your model layer, but the controller should be calling some method, or methods, which at some point down the call chain, goes to whatever persistent datastore you are using and gets the data needed for your view.
The controller should be providing all of the objects that the view needs, as this is really one of its key responsibilities. Whether that means using the appropriate model object to grab the data from a database, or initializing a "view model" class to wrap all the objects and properties needed for the view to display, it doesn't matter.
Personally, I have always used Linq-to-SQL in conjunction with ASP.Net MVC, and have had great success using repository classes that grab the necessary objects from the data context. To allow my controllers to be unit tested, I use a dependency injection framework (StructureMap in my case) to have ASP.Net MVC provide my controller with a default instance of my repository interface.
the controller should never load data. that should be in either the model or in a data layer.
my preference is in a data layer so i can seperate it from the model which i think isa there only to store/represent data that is given to the controller and then the view.
i implement the repository pattern for data retrieval
I like to have the ViewModel load the data.
ViewModels are accessible from all Controllers. That way its possible to avoid code dupplication.
See this sample ASP.NET MVC - Job of Controllers
I layer things this way:
Requests flow from front to back; responses go from back to front.
The persistence layer worries about the database; it makes model data available. It knows nothing about any of the other layers.
The service layer's methods map to use cases. It knows about the persistence layer, units of work and transactions. It validates its inputs, acquires database connections, makes them available to the persistence layer, cleans up resources, and works with model objects to fulfill the use cases. It can be exposed as a web service or EJB if needed.
The controller and view go together. It knows about the service layer. It maps requests to services, binds and validates incoming request parameters, passes them to the service layer, and routes responses to the appropriate view.
The view only worries about displaying the data that the controller provides for it. It knows about the controller.
So it's the service that deals with the database. Controller and view collaborate to display info, nothing more.
