In one of my apps I am saving contacts in the address book and putting them in a group I create to differentiate them from the rest of the contacts.
Is there a way I could show all the people from that group, but not all the rest of the AB with an ABPeoplePicker or similar view??
I'm just using native contacts to save me the hassle of coding all the database and UI stuff from scratch, I don't really need the contacts to be accessible from outside of the app. So if that isn't possible I guess I should just create my own contacts system, right? any other solutions?
I have worked on similar problem. But rather than creating the whole contact system what we did is ..... just created over own picker..... using a tableViewController and then after we used ABPersonViewController and other things as it is..... yes, for our specific contacts(as you have group) we had to store the recordId's in a small database.....
From what i've been able to discern so far, Firebase/Firestore seem like the perfect platform to use for an app I am writing. However I can't quite connect all the dots when trying to design my backend. I am hoping that someone will be able to give answer a couple of basic questions about the use of FB/FS.
With my app, a user will be able to share a small piece of data with a select group of friends. ie if the data is to be a To-Do list, the user would create the list on his device (iphone only) and then invite a small group of friends (probably less than 10) to share that data. The friends would have read-only access by default, however, the user can assign any number of them to be "admins" which would allow them read/write permission. When any changes occur to the data, all "friends" who have access to the data will be notified (by some means - push notifications etc). They can manually sync or setup the app to automatically sync. It seems like FB/FS can be used for this right out of the box. However there are a couple of concepts that I can't get my head around.
The database I setup is accessible by ALL users of my app by default. It's not clear (at least to me) how I would set it up so when a user creates (in this case) a to-do list and invites 5 friends, only those 5 friends can access or even know about that data. This is main stumbling block in my development path.
Regarding invitations. I read in the FB/FS documentation that invitations and notifications are among the many features available. I'm not clear on how this will work if a) the recipient doesn't have my app installed and b) how the inviter would get feedback when the invitation was accepted or declined.
Any guidance that anyone is willing to share to help me get started will be a huge help and will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You can create new privates collections inside the main collection, and set different rules for access.
Check at: Firebase Firestore get private fields
I'm trying to develop a trivia app, much like Quiz Up but with multi players.
Here's what I thought of doing:-
Creating a class called 'Game Session' on Parse, that has information of who created it (PFUser.current), the name of the gaming session(name), and the names of users invited(invited_users). Think of this Gaming Session as a closed group where the users interact with each other only.
So there's a createSessionViewController, and a joinSessionViewController.
If User A creates a gaming session (in createSessionViewController) and sends invites out to User B and User C, they get to accept or decline these invites in joinSessionViewController.
Now from what I have researched is that I would have to query through all the objects in the class Game Session (in viewdidload of the joinSessionViewController) and use query.wherekey for eg, User B's object id is in the column "invited_users". If so, I return that Gaming Session's object. Is that right?
If that is the case, is that an efficient way of doing it? Because it seems like if the app gets popular and there are lots of objects in the class, then it could take up a lot of time to get the one object with User B's id.
I hope I made myself clear and you guys understand my question.
PS: I'm sort of new to parse and swift, so if you could give me detailed answers it would be much appreciated.
Your logic is correct but I would also strongly suggest you take a look at Parse-LiveQuery. This tool allows you to subscribe to a PFQuery you are interested in. Once subscribed, the server will notify clients whenever a PFObject that matches the PFQuery is created or updated, in real-time.
Your assumption is correct and that is indeed one way you could go about doing that although it has drawbacks as you mentioned. If you felt like putting more effort into it, you can write JavaScript parse cloud code that executes after an item is saved (for example after a game session is created) and send out silent push notifications with the new objects id to the users who were invited. You could then use that push notification data to know the exact ids instead of having to query for them. This is much more advanced though. For whatever your app is, the simple route of having a model query the data on load should be fine. If you find yourself in a situation where performance is hindered due to this, well then congratulations.
As the header indicates, I am looking for the simplest way to sync user-generated data (Integers, Booleans, NSDates, etc) among a small number of individuals (at this point, I am just thinking of sharing data between two people). Within the app, users can populate an array with instances of a custom object and this data is used to populate a UITableview. Assuming all users in the select group have synced their devices they should all see the same data in the tableview.
My original idea was to write to a json file in a shared Dropbox or Google Drive folder. After looking around online, however, I found that this method is likely to lead to data corruption. Cloudkit only allows public or private (single account) syncing, nothing in between. I have seen some posts that recommend using Parse, but that service is now on its way out.
Does anyone know of a (preferably free) way to do this?
You have several options:
CloudKit databases - CloudKit's database system has the concept of a public database which does exactly what you want. It's fairly easy to use as well, and is "free" with an Apple developer account. The only downside is that it's for Apple devices only (AFAIK).
Firebase - Google's Firebase is basically identical to CloudKit in concept and features, but runs on multiple platforms. It is tied to the Google ecosystem, so your uses all need to provide a Google account to use it, but that's a small issue these days.
Realm - from a pure usability perspective, Realm is BY FAR the easiest data storage solution I've seen on iOS. However, it's sharing functionality is currently limited, CloudKit support is scheduled but currently all there is is this. If you only need local storage for now, then definitely keep this on your list.
No matter which engine you choose, users would be limited to certain views of the data through your own code. I would suggest that you save every record with a username of the creator, and then have another table containing read/write permissions, so for instance, the entry for "maurymarkowitz" has "bobsmith,ronsmith,jonsmith". You can retrieve these entries on login and then use them as the inputs to the query-by-example both systems use for getting records.
Thanks for all of the helpful responses. I ended up using cloudkit/coredata and it serves my purpose just fine. I simply used the public option and gave each set of users who are sharing data with each other a unique identifier, which is appended to any records they upload. When a user syncs their data with the cloud the application performs a query for only those records that contain the user's identifier. This way, multiple users can sync data among themselves even though they do not share an iCloud account.
In the Simperium documentation/help section there is the following text:
All the data that is created seems like it must be tied to a user - is
that correct? Is it possible to have data that isn't tied to a user -
say a database of locations or beers?
Yes, though this isn't very clear yet. You can create a public user
(i.e., a public namespace) with an access token you share with other
users of your app so anyone can read/write to that namespace.
It's possible to limit this to read-only access as well if you need to
authoritatively publish data from a backend service.
Is there an actual example with this?
The scenario I have is as follows
My app will have a calendar
The primary user can add and remove data from the calendar
They will want to invite other users to add and remove data, my thought is that they can give them a token, the user can use their email address and this token to sign in
Am I on the right track?
You're definitely on the right track, but a little too far ahead on that track. The scenario you described is a great fit for Simperium, but sharing and collaboration features aren't yet released.
The help text you quoted is for authoritatively pushing content, for example from a custom backend to all users of your app. An example of this would be a news stream that updates on all clients as new content is added.
This is quite different than sharing calendar data among a group of users who have different access permissions, which is actually a better use of Simperium's strengths. We have a solution for this that we've tested internally, but we're using what we've learned to build a better version of it that will be more scalable for production use.
There's no timeline for this yet, but you'll see it announced on your dashboard at
I'm wanting to store some contact information and allow the user to call/email the person instead of just looking up the info. I don't want the contacts stored in the user's Address Book in their contacts though. I want to keep it within the app only. Can I use ABAddressBook for this or do I need to create my own classes to accomplish this?
I'll address both your questions:
Can I use ABAddressBook for this?
You cannot use ABAddressBook to store a separate contacts database. Here's an excerpt from the ABAddressBook Class Reference:
The ABAddressBook class provides a programming interface to the Address Book—a centralized database used by multiple applications to store contact and other personal information about people.
The database referred to here is a pre-specified database; there is no method or class to create a new one, as the whole Address Book framework provides access to a single database accessible to the user through the Contacts application.
Do I need to create my own classes to accomplish this?
You would need to create a custom class for this. If you plan on supporting users with many, many contacts (in the thousands/high hundreds range), you probably would use an SQLite database. If you plan on supporting users with few contacts, you should probably use a .plist.
Usually, Objective-C programmers use the C library for SQLite directly, but now there is a great wrapper that you can find here called FMDB.
For info on the syntax and basics of SQLite, see the SQLite Language Guide.
Lastly, here are a couple books on SQLite and database programming for iOS:
(Apress) Using SQLite
(Wrox) Professional iPhone and iPad Database Application Programming
Hope this helps!