Document Storage That Works Well with Grails - grails

We need to manage various documents and files in our Grails application. Is there anything out there that integrates well with Grails that is specifically document management and not a full CMS?

Have you looked at JCR (Java Content Repository) implementations? On a past Java (not grails/groovy) project, I had a lot of success with Apache Jackrabbit.
However, it surprises me that the grails plugin support for JCR and/or Jackrabbit seems somewhat immature and uncompleted at this time. If you're interested, perhaps we could partner and write something together for this.


How to convert existing Eclipse-based web application to Spring security

I have an existing, eclipse based web servlet application that authenticates using http basic authentication. I am looking to convert this to Spring based security. I understand what has to be done programatically, but am having problems with the details of configuring the project itself in eclipse. I am using the Spring STS toolkit, and I am able to successfully import one of the Spring Security sample apps (openid-xml) and it works fine.
My existing application also works properly when run under STS, but without Spring support
I would like a recommendation for either a tutorial on making this conversion, or some useful advice. For example, is it easier to
a) create a new Spring application and try to migrate my existing code into it, or b) try to convert my code by importing the various spring libraries, etc? c) convert my existing app to use maven instead of eclipse (Spring just doesn't seem to want to work without maven, and i am at a loss here) - naturally, I have no idea how to do this.
Any advice will be most gratefully received, after a day of hit and miss frustration.
I have answered my own question, and will try to provide some details for those who may be having the same problem.
First, there is some relatively useless info available on stackoverflow, but some good stuff as well.
This ( is completely wrong. It is certainly possible to secure a servlet with Spring Security. The trick is to realize that you are going to have to use Maven and Gradle to build the libraries for Spring and Spring Security.
Once you have built these jar files, you simply import them into Eclipse (it doesn't really seem to matter which version) and set up your web.xml and security contraints.
I used this project as a starting point. It's not perfect, but it got me on the right track, after I updated the spring and spring security jar files. The full blog post is here
I had a frustrating experience getting to this point but I hope this information will help others. It's quite simple once you understand what to do.

Which is the best way to include Grails into Liferay?

I'm trying to include Grails applications into a Liferay portlet. I tried the Grails Liferay Portlets Plugin but it did not work for me at all.
Does anybody know any other possibilities? Which do you think is the best and why?
We had our Grails project integrated with Liferay at one point but it was a mess. Inevitably we pulled it out of Liferay and we were able to use Grails properly again. In our instance the question became, why are we using Liferay and do we really need it?
Now if you have a requirement for Liferay you might try simply using Spring Portlet support and use parts of Grails you like but not fully integration. Spring Portlets with Groovy were much easier and cleaner to do. If you simply want Grails goodies for services etc. you can try deploying a Grails WAR on the same tomcat and expose services to your portlets through REST, Hessian, Burlap or some other easy service serialization mechanism in Spring/Grails. In this case you have a Liferay UI app that calls your Grails services.
Once again, try some options, then decide if you truly need (or have) to use Liferay. With advances in Javascript UI packages, I'm not sure 'portlet' spec apps are as appealing as they once were and the word 'portal' is something that sounds good to management but inevitably means little to what needs to be implemented.

Orchard and Umbraco running on Web Farm Framework 2.0

I am in the process of choosing a CMS system for a few websites we are about to create. We're running a Microsoft environment, so we're only looking at .NET systems, specifically Orchard or Umbraco. We will be running the sites on a cluster running Web Farm Framework 2.0. We have been testing this configuration with Umbraco but have had some issues that essentially have made it impossible for us to run it on WFF. We have not tested this setup with Orchard yet.
Is it possible to run these systems on WFF in your experience, and if so do you have any advice on common pitfalls?
PS. Some more details on our issues with Umbraco on WFF. I won't go into all the various problems we've had, but as an example: We have issues with synching of physical resources between servers and adding data in the database that relies on that synching.
Umbraco can run in a load-balanced environment. I've not dealt with Web Farm Framework myself, and Googling for "umbraco "web farm framework"" yields very little except this question, but the recommended setup for a load-balanced Umbraco site is as per these guidelines over on the Our.Umbraco community wiki.
In our firm we use the SAN/NAS configuration for large websites which avoids file conflicts - two or more IIS instances, one directory on a SAN/NAS share serving up the website itself.
For Web Farm Framework I'm guessing you'll need to run a similar setup to the distributed file system (DFS) configuration for Umbraco. Set up one server behind the load-balancer as the "master" for doing content edits, and let WFF handle the syncing from master to slave/s instead of DFS.
This is for Umbraco 4.7x
Use the configuration editor on the webfarm controller server to include the skipDirective for the umbraco temp directory. Umbraco doesn't like the temp directory being synchronized.
<skip name="logFiles" skipDirective="objectName=dirPath,absolutePath=.TEMP.*" />
I'm having a hard time finding the right syntax for absolutePath.
Also edit the /config/umbracoSettings.config file, and include your servers in the following section:
<distributedCall enable="true"> <user>0</user>
Here a link to Installing Umbraco for load balanced environments

Does Grails have any plugins similar to the django-debug-toolbar (djdt)?

Does Grails have any plugins with functionality similar to the django-debug-toolbar (djdt)?
See this screencast for an introduction to djdt.
Why yes it does grails debug-toolbar:
Grails Debug Toolbar is a plugin
inspired from Django Debug Toolbar
While it doesn't have all the features of djdt it is planned to expand the feature set in the future, here is relevant section from their webpage:
Future work
Currently the views of debugtoolbar
need to go in the grails-app/views of
the application. When you install the
plugin they are automatically copied
to your application grails-app/views.
Need to avoid this.
JavaScript and
static resources for the toolbar
reside in web-app/debugtoolbar. It is
also copied to your application
web-app/debugtoolbar. Need to avoid
A way of ordering the panels in
the toolbar. Currently it is random
depending on how beans are found
during execution of tag.
More useful panels such as Timing the requests, SQL queries, logging etc
It not quite a toolbar (and not a plugin) but Spring Insight gives you detailled request timing right down to the JDBC level. It integrates pretty nicely with Spring Tool Suite from what I've seen.
Check out Peter's screencast:
You need to deploy your app to Spring's tcServer rather than a plain tomcat which might be fine for development tuning.

Suggested Grails plugins to make Grails a good CMS option

We are trying to look for plugins for Grails to make a CMS site. Any suggestions?
Check out Weceem at
I've never used it but apparently it can be used as a stand-alone site or integrated into an existing grails app as a plugin.
There is also Alfresco plugin, though it's likely more focused on the document management side of Alfresco (it allows both Document Management and Web Content Management).
