iPad popover not resizing properly after search keyboard is dismissed - ios

I have a popover that contains a tableview (which is inside a navigation controller) with custom cells and a search bar in the header. Once I enter the search bar the popover shrinks appropriately to make room for the keyboard. Good so far. Once I dismiss the keyboard either by pressing the search button or the dismiss keyboard button, the popover appears to resize a little but does not does return to the full length as I would expect. I've tried all the suggestions to update the popoversize and contentsizeinpopover. They seem to have no effect.
Any thoughts or workarounds?


Flutter: How to show onscreen keyboard without android's bottom navigation bar on focusing a textfield?

If you focus a TextField the system overlays will accompany the onscreen keyboard despite calling SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays([]) before and immediately after the focus change happened. Any way to change that?
For Clarity: I am referring to the onscreen bottom navigation bar that is provided by android when phones have no physical buttons. In flutter, when you tap on a textfield, the onscreen keyboard comes up, and with it this navigation bar is being forced in. I'd like to hide it, because it's sometimes unnecessary.
AFAIK, You can't hide it. This is the default system behavior (you can't change it) to show the navigation bar when on screen keyboard is visible to the user.
It is provided so that the user can press the back button from the navigation bar in order to hide the Keyboard. So, it will stay there forever as long as keyboard is visible to the user.

UIWebView scrolls under navigation bar for text inputs

I have a UINavigationController with an UIViewController in its stack. This view controller only shows one UIWebView that extends nicely under the UINavBar und UITabBar I have in my app. Great! Now if I tap an textarea input in this web view and the iPhone/iPad is in a landscape orientation the web view scrolls to a position where the cursor in that textarea is under the nav bar and so the user can't see what she is typing.
How can I fix this? Is this an iOS 8 bug or do I need to set a scroll inset manually for this?
OK it helps to set a contentInset to the scroll view (for me it was heightOfBar + heightOfStatusBar) if the keyboard shows and remove it again if the keyboard hides

Visualization Bug When dismissing the keyboard in splitviewcontroller

i have a split view controller with a search box on the left controller. I simply call:
[self.searchBar resignFirstResponder];
every time i want the keyboard to be dismissed (cell clicked, scroll bar scrolled and so on.)
When the keyboard is dismissed, the temporary effect is the one you see in the pictures, and then then the scroll bar resizes itself to the right dimensions.
Do you have an idea of the reasons of this behavior and tips on how to fix it?

search display controller issue on ios7

It's only happened on iPad,not in iPhone.
I have a search display controller in my listview, under a titlebar(not navigation bar).
It can be displayed correctly, even I don't set self.edgesForExtendedLayout=UIRectEdgeNone.
The issue is:
When I click in the text field of the searchbar, and then click someplace else to hide the keyboard and end the text input, the searchbar will be shown at the top-left corner of the screen.
p.s.My listview is in the middle of the screen.
In one of my modal view, the search bar is under a navigation bar, there is no such issue. But I must set self.edgesForExtendedLayout=UIRectEdgeNone to show the search bar.
Could you give me a hand please?
Thanks a lot.

Present UIPopoverController from a moving rect

Just got this weird problem, where I have a scroll view and buttons in the scroll view. I want to display a UIPopover from the button when touched, with UITextFields inside the UIPopover. The problem comes when the Keyboard appears. In certain cases, when the UIButton is so high in the view that the popover can only be displayed under it with the UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp, and when keyboard pops in, this popover cannot move any more up and therefore magically disappears to the top left corner (probably some Apple thing).
My solution is to check the frame of the UIPopover and to check that there is enough space for the keyboard, and if not, scroll the UIScrollView up with the buttons as well in order to be able to push the UIPopover up and so make sure that both the Keyboard and the popover fit.
So the question is: Is it possible to move the popover as the button moves?
