mediaelement.js - loading.gif transparency issue? - transparency

I noticed the transparent bg for the loading.gif doesn't work in Safari or Chrome (Mac). This is in my testing as well as the default video at
It just shows a square black box for the background on the loading gif.
Anyone else have this issue?

I fixed the css for this. You can get the fix here:
I've written a blog post about the change, which you can read here:


video mix-blend-mode not working on Safari

mix-blend-mode on a video mp4 does not work on Safari : the colored div stays opaque with no blend effect.
An example on Codepen (sorry impossible to put the complete link, just add before) :
Thx for any trick to fix this issue !

iOS 10, Swift 3 - change inactive bar item icon?

I was trying to find answer to my problem but I couldn't figure it out.
I've imported my own icons to icons assets which are white and in .png format and I want to use them in tab bar item. Everything works great but when the screen is inactive the icon is gray. I want it to be white as original. I've tried to change "render as" in assets but then the icon doesn't change when the screen gets active.
Is there any way to fix it?
Thanks for all help.
var image = UIImage(named:"your image")?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysOriginal)

Solving Rendering Artifacts in Frame Buffer with WebView and EditText on Android 5.0?

After upgrading Nexus 5 to Android 5.0, an activity with default focus on an EditText does not render correctly (EditText repeats down across the screen with grey dots in between and if you click again or dump the ViewHierarchy with UiAutomator, it will return to normal rendering).
(I would upload the image, but don't yet have reputation for images).
NOTE: This is ONLY after I have loaded a WebView within the application (though in a separate activity). The same screen renders correctly prior to loading the first WebView in the application.
NOTE: This is ONLY a problem on Android 5.0 and (so far) on Nexus 5. I do not have another 5.0 (non-nexus) device to try.
EDIT: This also happened on HTC One with Android 5.01.
NOTE: I have tried disabling hardware acceleration, modifying inputMode, and defaultFocus.
Has anyone seen or solved this problem?
Ended up solving this by changing softInputMode (similar to previous WebView/Keyboard issues, but this time with a native View and EditText).
I had a similar issue on Lollipop 5.0.1 devices. My solution was to deactivate hardware acceleration in the WebView on these devices before loading any content with loadURL or loadData.
int SDKversion = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
if(SDKversion >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP){
webview.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);
If you do not want to do this, I could also drastically reduce the problem by adding a visibility="gone" webview to the disturbed activities and then calling something like:
webview_dummy.loadData("<head></head><body></body>", "text/html", "utf8");
after the loadURL of the actual webview.
Man, this is really some weird bug!
What solved my problem was to disable the hardware acceleration only on the activity which hosted my fragment. Not on the whole app, but specifically on that activity.

Fixed, full height sidebar scrolling issue on iOS

I'm having a problem with a position: fixed sidebar which has full-height when over-scrolling the body and then suddenly scroll back top.
Here is a video of the process i made on the ipad simulator (the same issue occurs when testing on the actual device). (sorry for the big jing video size)
I also put a demo and a jsfiddle so you can test it yourself and play with it:
Thanks in advance

No code highlights in fx:Script of flash builder 4.5

It seems all codes inside fx:Script blocks are black with no highlights. That's pretty inconvenient. Can anyone please let me know how to turn it on? Thanks!
First check that the active perspective is "Flash".
Then Window->Preferences. On the left side of the window expand Flash Builder->Editors->Syntax Coloring. On the right side you can set the colors for ActionsScript, CSS and MXML.
If after tinkering around you cannot fix the problem try to delete the "Adobe Flash Builder 4.5" folder located in the user's folder.
Hope this helps
Problem solved. I was using two different namespaces in Application and Module. It's ""; in mx:Application and "library://" in mx:Module. After the namespace in mx:Application was made consistent with the one from mx:Module, all syntax are highlighted correctly.
