Is it possible to configure to display task exit codes in results? - ant

My company is developing a web application that builds in ant. I've been tasked with getting to differentiate between a build failure and a unit test failure, which it can't do natively. ( It currently lumps both together but doesn't help developers understand what's broken )
I have call a script that returns specific exit codes depending on the nature of an ant task failure. I'd like these exit codes to be reflected in the failure report / dashboard but am having some trouble finding resources on how this might be done.
Any suggestions?

Not directly. All the reports and display works from information in the logs which are XML files. The display and reports work by applying XSLT to these XML files.
Take a look at your build logs and unit test logs, to see if each of those process write the failure information to their respective log files.
If they do, you should be able to write a custom XSLT or modify the existing XSLT to display that information.
A different approach based on your comment. You could probably redirect the ANT error code to a file. Then you could have a seperate ccnet task that takes the error code from that file and re-format and display it (depending on how/where you want it displayed)


JMeter + Jenkins - How to view Response Data/Assert Failed Results using Performance Plugin in Jenkins

I am integrating JMeter to Jenkins and displaying the result/report using the Performance Plugin and so far it is working fine when the the report shows the Info about if the request is successful or failed, how much time does it take, percentage of error...
I would like to display here more Info if the request is failed, such as Response Data, or in case if it is failed because of an assertion, it should display the message here. Saying in other words, these approaches should act same as View Results Tree Listener in JMeter GUI but I do not know how to attach it to the Performance Plugin in Jenkins.
Does anyone have an idea how to achieve it? Thank you in advanced!
What you can do it add to your plan a View Results Tree and:
fill in file name property.
Click on Configure and check everything except CSV Column Names
Set Errors only
This way, when an error occurs, you'll have all details in this XML file which you can load in JMeter after test to analyze errors.

Automated Test Results - JUnit -> How to do ordinary grouping/formatting?

I am new around here, I have done a lot of googling, searching on this site and asking around and have not found a satisfactory answer.
I develop automated tests, UI as well as API. These are then run by TFS and the results are put into a JUnit xml document, which is then read by TFS. But alas the formatting is atrocious and leaves one unable to use the output for anything.
There is no information about the Test Suite (which is there in the XML), the actual request sent (which is in the log) or response received and so one is left with absolutely no context to understand what has actually taken place (which request was sent, what test group/suite it belongs to and what any potential error was).
As far as I have been able to uncover, TFS simply has little to no support of proper test result formatting when it comes to automated testing. I am very surprised by this in 2018. Not even any documentation that allows me to develop my report structure/format in some kind of script.
What alternatives do I have? Can I automatically attach a generated HTML report somehow in TFS? Can I output more info anywhere?
You can group by Test Suite, Owner, Priority etc...
And you can double click the specific test result and navigate to the test run Summary to see more information there, also you can attach files there.
More information please see Review continuous test results after a build

Is it possible to publish arbitrary JUnit results to SonarQube?

I am running tests in Jenkins, and have configured it to output junit format test results.
I'd now like to publish those test results to SonarQube (I realise I can publish them in Jenkins, but I have a requirement to keep everything in one place as much as possible).
However, when I add the test results file into the Sonar analysis (using sonar.junit.reportsPath=/path/to/sitespeed-results, having named my results file TESTS-sitespeed.xml) SonarQube doesn't seem to show any results on its dashboard.
I understand that SonarQube also has a setting to configure the location of test files, and this is often cited as a reason for test results not being ingested correctly, and that leads me to wonder whether what I'm trying to do is possible.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
the property sonar.junit.reportsPath will read and parse the report but will only save the information if the class name indicated by the report can be mapped back to a java resource of the project.
I have no idea about the output of your test in surefire format but I sense the classname won't match any resource of your project and so your report is parsed but data is ignored.

HTTP access to on-going Jenkins build files

I guess the title is pretty self-explanatory. The reason I want that is so that I can make a live custom HTML reporter for my tests.
My test suite takes hours to complete, and although the tests generate HTML reports as soon as each test step is executed, it's only at post-build time that those report files get published.
Being able to see them as they get generated would reduce the time it takes for me and my teammates to analyze and act upon issues revealed by our test runs.
All I need is that Jenkins let me access the build files as the build executes. Nothing fancy; I can take care of the rest. Is that possible? How?
In our setup there is always an intermediate file (typically XML) but the HTML files are created at the end of the job.
What you can do, is use the progressive output (http://jenkins/job/jobName/buildNumber/logText/progressiveText?start=0). Although you don't state which framework you use, most of them output something that would be easy to parse. e.g. "Test xxx failed".

Jenkins - view results in web browser

My Jenkins job runs many tests that create log files. In case of failure, I want to look at the log of the failed test. I'd rather use Jenkins web-server to do it, even have a link in the email it sends me.
Is there any plugin that can do it? Or maybe another way?
You provide few details in your question, so it is impossible to give specific advice. In a general level: this is already possible. When your test framework creates JUnit XML files with test results, the test output can be included between the <failure> and </failure> tags. Usually test frameworks should take care of this automatically, so you are probably not using a test framework and are manually generating the XML files containing test results?
I recommend you adopt some test framework. It is usually well worth the effort.
