Twitter oauth skip the Allow connection screen for existing users - oauth

I have successfully let users to connect to my web application with twitter oauth. And I can insert user information after they logged in.
My problem with is that existing users are always redirected to the Allow/Deny application screen on twitter each time they click on sign in with twitter.
How can I skip this step for my existing users so they don't have to click on allow every time they sign in?
I am using this library:

This is done with the Sign in with Twitter flow. Instead of sending users to send them to In this case if the user has previously authorized your app and are already authenticated with they will automatically be redirected back to your app without being prompted to allow/deny access.

When a user authorizes your application to use their Twitter account, Twitter gives you two tokens: OAuthToken and OAuthTokenSecret.
Stores these tokens in a cookie, or a settings file, or whatever.
Then, the next time you need to make a request to Twitter on behalf of this user, you use those tokens.


iOS Instagram login every time issue

I am using instagram API in my client's app. This is a kind of a social networking app with profiles for each user. In this app, there is a section which displays instagram recent pictures of a person on their profile page. The issue is that I'm having to log the user in every time they go to view the profile in the instagram section. Can we have it so the user only has to login once and never again?
In other apps like Tinder, we login only once and then our profile is connected to instagram - even if you close the app. This means the app is either storing instagram credentials or the pictures. But latest documentation on instagram developer portal says don't store login credentials or pictures. How can I mimic this behaviour in our app?
For the login purpose, you can retrieve the access token for the particular use which you can store and for the every data retrieval request you can use that access token to get data without making user login again till the access token is valid
to get an access token you can follow the Instagram guide : Instagram: User Authentication
Which is like
Direct the user to our authorization URL. If the user is not logged
in, they will be asked to log in. The user will be asked if they
would like to grant your application access to her Instagram data.
Client Side login
For the images for another user,If you want the public feed of the user you can get directly if you already have the username of the Instagram user by making a get request without need of authentication/access token{user-name of Instagram user for which you have to retrieve the media}/media/
Ex: , this will return json with the public feed images

iOS, REST API - Facebook login

I'm studying how to develop an iOS app and I need to figure out how should I structure it.
I've an external database, a REST api (as interface between the database and the app), and the iOS app.
The question:
I'd like users to authenticate by a simple form or by a Facebook login button but in each case a table 'user' in the database has to be filled with default fields like name, surname, email, profile picture, password(?).
For the standard authentication there are no problem, but for Facebook authentication I'm quite confused about theory:
Should I use access token? How?
When a user get authenticated with Facebook I haven't his password, so how can I get his informations from the database? In the standard way I would give to the database username and password and it would return for example the id field.
Sorry for my english.
You can use the access token of current logged in user
[FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken]
and send it to your REST api. From there you can retrieve every information you need and save it to your database (except user's password of course). If a user sign in for first time in your app insert a new user in your database and save user's Facebook User ID.
The whole idea of using authenticate and authorization is not to have access to user's password of another app, but the user authorize (confirm) your app to have access in his/her account with specific permissions.
Here is a step-by-step answer of what you need:
Design for Facebook authentication in an iOS app that also accesses a secured web service
You need to save the currentAccessToken that the login request returns to you.
Then, using Facebook's Graph API, the userID that was returned in the login request, and the user access token, you can request a user object, which has the email address, assuming you added the email permission in the login request.
Also use the Graphi API to retrieve the user's photo using the userID that was returned in the login request:
50x50 pixels
<img src="//{{fid}}/picture">
200 pixels width
<img src="//{{fid}}/picture?type=large">

Can we get email Id from Facebook application?

Can an application check if anybody is logged into Facebook application in mobile ,if logged in get the user email Id from that and use it in their application?
To get a logged in users email address, you would have to authenticate with the API and the user would have to approve you using the Oauth workflow.
You can display a customized login / connect button using the Facebook API but if I recall correctly, that is an iframe that is embedded in your page, and you never see the email from that.
tldr; No. You need to authenticate using the Oauth workflow and have the user grant you permission.
First you have to authenticate user and then you can get logged in user profile information. For that you have to use Facebook API. Please check below link.

How to parse a web page that has login and password to enter in to view user's personal page? (iphone)

How do I parse a webpage with login and password requirements to view the individual user's information, like facebook for example. I want my app to access to the individual facebook page, after entering login and password in the app.
By now I was able to parse usual webpages with TFHpple, but I have no idea how to pass the login and password requirements to get the page content.
Thank you very much in advance!
Usually the process for logging in is:
User POSTs data to a login form with username and password.
The server responds with a session cookie
Future requests include the session cookie and the server knows that the user is authenticated.
If you wan to do this login process on your user's behalf through our app, you'll need to save the cookies and send them on subsequent requests.
Why don't you use the Facebook iOS SDK:
I think it's a little bit strange from the architecture perspective that you want to parse the personal Facebook newsfeed, when there's the possibility to get the data via the Facebook API (given that you have the appropriate User Permission)...

Multi login problem using Twitter and Facebook Oauth

I am adding Twitter and Facebook login to a MVC 3 test application using TweetSharp and Facebook C# SDK.
Currently when a user signs in using Twitter I create a user account for that user in a user table and store the id, token, and token secret in a separate table with a foreign key to the user table. Since the id, token and token secret do not expire I can quickly locate the right user account when the user logs in next time using Twitter.
What if the very same user logs in using Facebook next time? Since Twitter does not provide email in their API and I therefore have no common piece of information to tie a user account to either Twitter or Facebook I assume I have to create a new user account for a Facebook login? Does anyone have any experience with this? Are there any ways to solve this?
I identify each user internally with a unique key. I check cookies for the user key when any user hits the site. If there's no cookie I create a new key. add it to the user database and set a new cookie. Once a user completes registration the first time by logging in with any of Facebook, Twitter or .Net membership , that key is forever married to that user.
So when an existing Twitter user logs in for the first time with Facebook, we know who they are because their user key exists. It is basically the same solution as macou suggested. Macou's has the plus of working on a new machine or if cookies are cleared, the cookie solution has the plus of not requiring additional user input.
Not really a solution, more of a work around. I was faced with the same problem and ended up forcing the user to complete thier account profile by asking for their email address before allowing them to proceed any further. This meant that if the email address coming back with the Facebook auth matched the email address created with the twitter signin then I didn't need to create another account.
The bigger difficulty was coming the other way, if the account was created by the facebook auth first. It meant an untidy marry up of accounts.
To be honest the information we got from allowing users to sign in with twitter was not worth the effort and in the end finished up only allowing Facebook auths. I'm not sure how important twitter is to your solution.
Not the perfect answer I know, but I thought I would share my experience.
You can't use just a cookie because I can login as facebook then my wife login as twitter using the same browser, you shouldn't link the two accounts in this case.
I think you need to do more than that:
Use a cookie then
Use name/first name/login name/... to see if they match.
Cookie id: 18459439731114330636, find user with id = 18459439731114330636. Found, go to 2, not found, go to 3.
Is username/first name/last name/... matches the current user? if yes, link accounts. if not, go to 3.
Create a new user.
