Obtain Bacula status in parseable format - parsing

Is it possible to obtain the status of Bacula backup system Director in some parseable format?
It looks like the human-readable representation (one you can see when using bacula-console) is formed on the director side during the TCP control connection.

In what language? The easiest way would be to invoke bconsole and send command as stdin, then parse stdout and stderr.
Bacula has interactive mode in bconsole, but if you know commands in advance, this is not an issue.

You can also pull directly from the database, depending on your needs.
mysql> select JobId, Name, JobStatus from Job ORDER BY JobId DESC Limit 10;
| JobId | Name | JobStatus |
| 231215 | dbs16 Daily MysqlC XBM Snapshot | T |
| 231214 | dbs09 Daily MysqlS XBM Snapshot | T |
| 231213 | dbs10 Daily MysqlQ XBM Snapshot | T |
| 231212 | dbs11 Daily MysqlT XBM Snapshot | T |
| 231211 | dbs16 Daily MysqlI XBM Snapshot | T |
| 231210 | dbs19 Daily MysqlE XBM Snapshot | T |
| 231209 | dbs18 Daily MysqlB XBM Snapshot | R |
| 231208 | dbs17 Daily MysqlG XBM Snapshot | R |
| 231207 | Daily Catalog Backup | C |
| 231206 | adm6 svnops SVN Backup | R |


ROS services are not building properly

I am trying to build my custom ROS services. They are inside a another parent package
the structure is as follows:
| |--src
| | |--Parent
| | | |--CMakeLists.txt
| | | |--package.xml
| | | |--ChildA
| | | | |--CMakeLists.txt
| | | | |--package.xml
| | | | |--srv
| | | | | |--SomeService.srv
| | | |--ChildB
The packages are building correctly and I am able to use them in other nodes and packags.
however when I try to use rossrv list the custom services do not appear. I think that this is causing some issues when I try to build my Simulink controller and it cannot find the service message definition.
Does any one have any idea what is going on?
I was able to fix the problem, while not obvious, the solution was rather simple. I had to change the slightly change the structure of the package by making the parent package a meta package then do some handling to make sure that the sub packages still had access to the cmakes to locate my external packages.

DRBD StandAlone with new resource

I have two nodes "A" (primary) & "B". Each node have 3 resources. On node "B" i replace disks and after that i add each resource as secondary. Two resources successfully connect and sync, but with one resource i have issue. When on node "B" i stop this resource, node "A" shows
lv1 role:Primary
b.host connection:Connecting
When i starts this resource on node "B", node "A" shows:
lv1 role:Primary
b.host connection:StandAlone
and node "B" shows:
lv1 role:Secondary
a.host connection:Connecting
I try everything, remove/add resource, metadata on node "B", remove data, rebuild raid drbdadm connect lv1 --discard-my-data etc.
One difference between worked an broken resources is This node was a crashed primary, and has not seen its peer since
+--< Current data generation UUID >-
| +--< Bitmap's base data generation UUID >-
| | +--< younger history UUID >-
| | | +-< older history >-
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
-< Data consistency flag >--+ | | | | | | | | | | |
-< Data was/is currently up-to-date >--+ | | | | | | | | | |
-< Node was/is currently primary >--+ | | | | | | | | |
-< This node was a crashed primary, and has not seen its peer since >--+ | | | | | | | |
-< The activity-log was applied, the disk can be attached >--+ | | | | | | |
-< The activity-log was disabled, peer is completely out of sync >--+ | | | | | |
-< This node was primary when it lost quorum >--+ | | | | |
-< Node was/is currently connected >--+ | | | |
-< The peer's disk was out-dated or inconsistent >--+ | | |
-< A fence policy other the dont-care was used >--+ | |
-< Node was in the progress of marking all blocks as out of sync >--+ |
-< At least once we saw this node with a backing device attached >--+
Any ideas how i can fix it?
UPD: Find new differences a kernel: drbd lv1/0 drbd1 b.host: The peer's disk size is too small! (999671944 < 1000196216 sectors)
In my case on node "A" (primary) i have LVM, on node "B" i have MDRAID. This differences give me difference in resource size in 524 272 sectors. What i do to save my data. I run both resources in primary mode, mount and copy data from "A" to "B", then i rebuild node "A" to MDRAID and sync resources.

cqlsh query on secondary indexed column rpc timeout

I am finding trouble in why my query in secondary indexed column in cassandra getting rpc timeout.
Here is my details about the cassandra and table
[cqlsh 4.1.1 | Cassandra 2.0.7 | CQL spec 3.1.1 | Thrift protocol 19.39.0]
cqlsh:master_hub_development> describe table service_hubs;
CREATE TABLE service_hubs (
id uuid,
host text,
hub_name text,
os text,
owner text,
pubkey text,
service_type text,
trust int,
bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND
caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND
comment='' AND
dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.000000 AND
gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND
index_interval=128 AND
read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND
replicate_on_write='true' AND
populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND
default_time_to_live=0 AND
speculative_retry='99.0PERCENTILE' AND
memtable_flush_period_in_ms=0 AND
compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND
compression={'sstable_compression': 'LZ4Compressor'};
CREATE INDEX service_hubs_host_idx ON service_hubs (host);
CREATE INDEX service_hubs_hub_name_idx ON service_hubs (hub_name);
CREATE INDEX service_hubs_os_idx ON service_hubs (os);
CREATE INDEX service_hubs_owner_idx ON service_hubs (owner);
CREATE INDEX service_hubs_pubkey_idx ON service_hubs (pubkey);
CREATE INDEX service_hubs_service_type_idx ON service_hubs (service_type);
CREATE INDEX service_hubs_trust_idx ON service_hubs (trust);
cqlsh:master_hub_development> select * from service_hubs;
id | host | hub_name | os | owner | pubkey | service_type | trust
b9d9bd06-e006-11e3-a1e2-3382b7d578d2 | localhost:3001 | HUB:Darknetdb | Mac os | darknet_admin | null | darknetdb | 90
b9d74918-e006-11e3-a1e2-3382b7d578d2 | localhost:3000 | HUB:Darknetbitcoin | Mac os | darknet_admin | null | bitcoin | 90
b9da9b2c-e006-11e3-a1e2-3382b7d578d2 | localhost:3002 | HUB:Darknetemail | Mac os | darknet_admin | null | email | 90
b9db8596-e006-11e3-a1e2-3382b7d578d2 | localhost:3003 | HUB:Darknetftp | Mac os | darknet_admin | null | ftp | 90
(4 rows)
cqlsh:master_hub_development> select * from service_hubs where host='localhost:3001';
id | host | hub_name | os | owner | pubkey | service_type | trust
b9d9bd06-e006-11e3-a1e2-3382b7d578d2 | localhost:3001 | HUB:Darknetdb | Mac os | darknet_admin | null | darknetdb | 90
(1 rows)
cqlsh:master_hub_development> select * from service_hubs where service_type='darknetdb';
Request did not complete within rpc_timeout.
Here we can see that the query on secondary index column host gets succeeded but the similar query on service_type gets rpc_timeout error.
I am not able to find the reason behind it why it rpc_timeouted in this query.
select * from service_hubs where service_type='darknetdb';

How to get MultiMarkDown to view tables in Sublime Text 2 OSX

I am trying to avoid using inline HTML to get tables working in my MD file. I have Markdown Preview and Table Editor installed via the package installer, and multimarkdown installed via homebrew, but I can't get the following text to display as a table:
| Left align adsf | Right align | Center align |
| :--------------- | ----------: | :----------: |
| This | This | This |
| column | column | column |
| will | will | will |
| be | be | be |
| left | right | center |
| aligned | aligned | aligned |
When I "Markdown Preview" it just displays like this:
| | | Left align adsf | Right align | Center align | | --- | --- | ---------------- | ----------- | ------------ | | | | ---------------s | ----------- | ------------ | | --- | --- | :--------------- | ----------: | :----------: | | | | This | This | This | | | | column | column | column | | | | will | will | will | | | | be | be | be | | | | left | right | center | | | | aligned | aligned | aligned |
I have switched the file type to MultiMarkdown (lower right portion of ST2 screen)
I have searched, and it appears some people have a build system, or other approaches I have been unable to get going. What am I missing? If a build system is needed, how do I set up one? I am mainly interested in viewing this in HTML, but wouldn't be opposed to other ways....
If you switch the parser to github, it'll work just fine.
Go to Prefrences > Package Settings > Markdown Preview > Settings - User and paste this code:
"parser": "github"
"If a build system is needed, how do I set up one?"
In OS X I would strong suggest getting the excellent Marked.app and then setting up a new build system in ST containing this trivial code
"osx": {"cmd": ["open", "-a", "Marked", "$file"]},
"selector": "text.html.markdown"
Then when you 'build' a markdown file (Cmd+B) you will get a preview generated in Marked.
Easy and elegant and well worth the cup-of-coffee price of Marked to avoid all the hassle of the plugin approach.

rails object to memcached and then out again

I want to store a simple active record object using memcached. I know I need to first convert the object to JSON before saving it to memcached my question is how I can pull it out again, deserialize it and use it as an activerecord relation. Do I have to make a custom parser the JSON or am I overlooking some drop dead easy solution?
The active record object looks like this:
| id | ppl | exclusive | name | price | spots |
| 8948 | 12 | false | 12 Bed Mixed Dorm | 9.0000000000000000 | 12 |
| 8947 | 10 | false | 10 Bed Mixed Dorm | 9.5000000000000000 | 10 |
| 8946 | 6 | false | 6 Bed Mixed Dorm | 10.0000000000000000 | 6 |
| 8945 | 4 | false | Basic 4 Bed Mixed Dorm | 10.0000000000000000 | 4 |
| 8944 | 2 | true | Twin Private Shared Bathroom | 12.0000000000000000 | 1 |
| 8943 | 1 | true | Standard Single Private Ensuite | 15.0000000000000000 | 1 |
You shouldn't don't need to worry about the serialization -- in almost all cases, this can be handled for you:
gem install dalli
config.cache_store = :dalli_store, '' #use memcached
#Get id 1245 from model_names
Rails.cache.fetch("ModelName#1245") do
