Snowing effect with CAReplicatorLayer - ios

I have a single snowflake image that I would like to replicate and create snowfall on the screen. We can set the instanceCount to X to create a large number of snowflakes and we can set the instanceTransform to put each instance some distance from the next.
However I am not clear how to make them fall down. Does anyone understands if this class was intended to be used for something like this and if so how should it be properly done?

You apply the animation to the original sublayer.... all the replicated layers follow the same animation, adjusted by the instanceDelay and instanceTransform properties.
Hope this helps!


Design UISegmentControl

I'm having a segment control design like this
How to design my segments so that the selected one should look like the "ALL" like in the image above. What I could think of to use different images on selection but if I do that then some part of the curve which is going in "Others" won't be visible. Any suggestion on designing UISegmentControl like this ?
I have two suggestions:
Find an alternative approach that avoids this.
A lot of apps try to add delight by designing custom components and UI when actually it doesn't really add that much to the app. At worst you might frustrate people by using non-standard components that don't work the way they expect, or increase cognitive load as they're trying to use you're app.
Go 100% with a custom subclass.
Don't just settle for setting a static background image, but invest in creating a component that not only looks like this in a selected state, but also provides animations as people change the selected item.
This is going to be a fair amount of work, but would be something like this:
subclassing UISegmentedController -- it provides the base of the functionality that you're looking for which is good;
adding a new CAShapeLayer as to the controls background layer
figuring out a dynamic bezier curve that can update for all your states (will probably end up having control points for each segment) you might be able to do this by hand, but I'd have to use a tool like PaintCode to generate the bezier curve code, and Illustrator to make the initial curve
add listeners for event changes of the segment changing, and recalculate the curve control points as needed
The positive note of this is that the path property on CAShapeLayer is animatable, so when the segment changes and the curve updates the animation will probably be the easiest part!

Apply definitely CGAffineTransform* to a UIView

I'm having a problem with scale transformation I have to apply to UIViews on Swift (but it's the same in objective-c too)
I'm applying a CGAffineTransformMakeScale() to multiples views during a gestureRecognizer.
It's like a loop for a cards deck. I remove the one on top and the X others behind scale up and a new one is added in the back.
The first iteration works as expected. But when I try to swipe the new front one, all the cards reset to their initial frame size because i'm trying to apply a new transform, which seems to cancel the previous one and reset the view to its initial state.
How can I apply definitely/commit the first transform change to be able to apply a new one after that based on the UIView resulting new size ?
I tried a UIView.commitAnimations() but no change.
Here's a simple example to understand what I try to do :
Imagine I have an initial UIView of 100x100
I have a shrink factor of 0.95, which means next views behind will be 95x95, then 90.25, then 85.73, etc
If I remove the top one (100x100), I want to scale up the others, so the 95x95 will become 100x100, etc
This is done by applying the inverse of the shrink factor, here 1.052631...
First time I apply the inverse factor, all views are correctly resized.
My problem is, when I trigger again by a swipe on the new front UIView a new resize of all views (So, for example, the 90.25x90.25 which became 95x95 should now scale to 100x100).
At this moment, the same CGAffineTransformMakeScale() is apply to all views, which all instantly reset to their original frame size (so the now 95x95 reset to 90.25x90.25, and then begin to apply the transformation on this old size).
As suggested here or elsewhere, using UIView.commitAnimations() in the end of each transformation don't change anything, and using a CGAffineTransformConcat() is like powering over and over the scaling by himself and of course views become insanely big...
I hope I made myself more clear, that's not easy to explain, don't hesitate to ask if something is wrong here.
After a lot of reading and consulting colleagues who know better than me about iOS programmation, here's my conclusion :
Applying a CGAffineTransformMakeScale() only modify visually a view but not its properties, and since it's difficult (and costly) to modify afterward the bounds and/or frame of a view, I should avoid to try to make a transform, update bounds, make another transform, etc.
Applying the same CGAffineTransformMakeScale() only reset the effect and not apply to the previous one.
Applying a CGAffineTransformScale() with the same values on top of the previous CGAffineTransformMakeScale() (or with a CGAffineTransformConcat()) has some unpredictable effect and will be very difficult to calculate precisely the new values to apply each time to get the effect I want.
The best way I can go with this is only applying one CGAffineTransformMakeScale() that I will keep updating scales values all along the view's life.
It implies now for me to rework all my implementation logic in reverse, but that's the easiest way to do this right.
Thanks all for your tips.

Square Cash Label Animation

Does anyone know how Square Cash animates their label?
The label does two things, appears to resize to fit the numbers on screen like SizeToFit might, but I don't believe that you can animate based on SizeToFit.
Secondly, numbers that disappear seem to animate downwards and disappear. Numbers that are entered animate down from above. That doesn't seem too tricky, but the comma does it too when we go from 4 digits to 5 digits!
I coded something similar and yes, it is very tricky to make it perfect.
It may help you to know that I used collection views. Then you can customise cell/layout transitions.
Hope this helps.
It would be helpful if you posted a short video so we could see the animation you are talking about.
Based on your description, I'm guessing that they build the full number themselves by putting a single digit/symbol on a layer (or view) and then animating each character separately.
If you have a separate tile for each symbol it is pretty easy to change the size of the previous tiles to make room for a new tile, and animate a new number tile down at the same time. You could do the animation with UIView animation or with a set of coordinated CABasicAnimations.
I know the answer is late but may be help to some other,
I developed demo screen similar to square cash you can check here

iOS - Using the same vanishing point for multiple elements when using CATransform3d

I'm trying to rotate multiple elements using CATransform3d, the problem is that each one is assigned an individual vanishing point. Since they are dynamic elements I cannot use an image to simulate all of them moving together. And I know no way to move them as a group.
Here is an image that clearly shows the issue and the expected outcome. Visual Description
Already tried every solution I could find and nothing is working for me.
I don't understand why you can't put all of them into one view, and then just use the CATransform3d on the containing view? I've done this before with exactly the result you are looking for. Just a simple add them all as subviews of a view and then perform your CATransform3D on the view.

Creature animation

I am looking into making an iOS app that has little creatures. I plan on having these creatures grow and change shapes based on user interaction. So the creatures could end up looking very different based off what the user does.
My problem is animating these creatures. I have dealt with simple animations in the past with cocos2d, but nothing like this.
How can I animate these creatures being different sizes and shapes without having my graphic designer draw every possible image that could be used. In the game spore a user can create an animal of whatever shape or size they want and these animals animate. My question is how can I do something similar in 2d? I know this can't be a simple answer, but a point in the right direction is all I am looking for.
You could use some CGAffineTransforms to scale your drawing and custom filters with Core Image maybe to change the color.
