In the old days of ASP.NET, one could use Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl to get a URL that would extract an embedded resource via the WebResource.axd HttpHandler.
In MVC, there doesn't seem to be ClientScript (or Page, for that matter). I can't find something comparable to this. I scoured MSDN, and I even googled it on bing and didn't find much.
Although I could certainly write this functionality and perhaps have a /Scripts/ controller - I wanted to see if there was a direct equivalent or preferred pattern on how to implement this functionality. Thanks
Take a look ASP.NET MVC - Extracting Web Resources, hope this helps.
I have a complete working Website in Laravel 5.1 and want to Migrate the entire code into ASP.NET MVC 5.x. Is there any easy way to do this? Thanks
Simple answer NO.
Long answer:
Learn if you don't already know it
Code the website according to what you need
Note: There is no copy-paste solution, if that's what your looking for. I don't think anyone will create something to 'translate' a laravel (php) to
There are options to help you along the way:
1.Migrating from PHP to ASP.NET
2.Migration assistants
3.Online conversion
As you can see there are helpers, but I wouldn't rely on them. As you might already know mvc works with different folders, controllers, models, views etc. The conversion tools won't exactly know how to deal with them, so you will have to edit them afterwards, which might take you more time to get a grip on how and what was converted in stead of just coding it all over.
So to "convert" a laravel website it would at least require that you convert all files in your laravel project folder. Just thinking about it, I wouldn't want to go that route.
I'm sorry if this is a stupid or obvious question, but I've spent the better part of a week researching, and I really can't find any resources that explain what MVC 4 and Razor are, and what they are intended to do in web development. I'm not necessarily asking for a really detailed description, even a link to a website or the name of a book that doesn't explain MVC 4 by referencing other technologies that I have also never used. I've looked through articles, articles and tutorials on everything from MSDN to graduate papers and I just don't get it.
I know what MVC the design pattern is, but one of the main things I can't get a straight answer to is what the difference is between MVC the pattern and MVC 4 the framework. As a web developer, will I ever have to change or make use of the frameworks, or is it something that is supposed to "stay out of your way" (to quote another SO post.) Is it something that gets generated by VS and I will never have to touch?
Again, I'm sorry if this is obvious, maybe I'm trying to make this more complicated than it actually is. All I have been looking for is a straight forward answer with concrete examples that don't contradict or complicate it any further.
Please...I'm at my wits end here. My last question was apparently too vague and got voted down and closed, so I tried to be more specific, but part of my problem is what are the right questions to ask.If there is anything that can say to clarify,please tell me.
I certainly don't want to discourage you any more than you appear to be at the moment, but in my opinion, if you can't make head or tail of the huge amount of material that already exists on MVC, then perhaps you are just not ready for it yet. That's OK - in fact Microsoft recognise that MVC is complicated, which is why they introduced the ASP.NET Web Pages framework (which is what gave birth to Razor syntax).
My advice would be to follow the link and download WebMatrix. Then follow some of the Web Pages tutorials. That way you can get your head around Razor without worrying too much about MVC for the time being.
Incidentally, ASP.NET MVC is a web development framework that enables you to build web applications based on the MVC pattern. You need to understand how MVC works in order to make use of the framework. You need to understand what Models are, what Views are and the role that Controllers play in the whole thing.
The framework itself is not an example of MVC.
Razor is a templating syntax that allows you to intermix C# (or VB) with HTML to output dynamic content in a View in MVC or a page in the Web Pages framework.
I know it may seem confusing, but it seems to me that you are over complicating things.
The simple matter is that MVC is a design pattern. That is, it's an abstract thing.. a philosophy of sorts. It's not a concrete thing. A design pattern simply gives you a description of how the pattern is supposed to work, and while it may give you a sample implementation, in general it leaves that implementation up to you.
ASP.NET MVC (whichever version) is a specific application framework that uses the MVC pattern as its basis. In other words, it's a concrete implementation of the MVC design pattern.
In fact, the ASP.NET MVC implementation isn't even a "true" implementation of the MVC design pattern, as certain compromises are necessary to make it work in a web based model. So it's really more "MVC design pattern inspired".
You're overthinking things. Just accept that ASP.NET MVC is a framework library that implements and MVC design pattern.
As for Razor, it's merely a templating library. That is, it allows you to define a page layout as text, and insert values at specific places (place-holders). It also allows code to be executed during the process of rendering a template, although this is discouraged in MVC except for very simple cases.
Razor is also used in ASP.NET WebPages technology, in those cases it tends to be more like PHP or classic asp in that all code exists in code blocks within the template itself. Both ASP.NET and WebPages use the Razor templating engine (also called a View Engine) but they use them in different ways.
Im looking to make the editor templates in my MVC application use HTML5 input types. The framework seems to get about 80% of the way there but there are a couple of things I can't seem to make happen (step values on numerics, placeholders, URL inputs, etc).
I'm sure that quite a bit of this is just me not knowing where to look, but
Is there a definitive list of what attributes I can use on View Models to provide the metadata used to generate the html?
Does anyone know of a project / nuget package that helps with this? I'm not opposed to writing something, but would rather use something that's already been tried and tested. Dean Hume's MVC HTML5 Helpers Toolkit is close, but I'd like to put as much information in the attributes as possible and let the runtime do the work via Html.EditorFor (just a personal preference).
Check this out :
See if it can help you get started.
Has anyone used NeatUpload for uploading a file with MVC2 or 3?
Or are there better alternatives?
If NeatUpload is good in combination with MVC can someone post an example?
Or if there's a better option can someone tell me about it?
I'm not sure if it's better but SlickUpload can be used for uploading a file with MVC2/3 with some alteration to it's setup. I've found, however, that these solutions were developed for ASP.Net controls and they don't flow as nicely with the MVC pattern.
There is a post on this site that discusses doing it with the MVC design pattern, noting the comments about file size: File Upload ASP.Net MVC
No matter what you use to upload you should use a queue system as you can get bottle necked from taking too many uploads at the same time.Document that will explain more
I would like to download ASP.NET MVC web site template. Please guide me where can i find and how i can use. I'm new to this pattern. Thanks in advance.
You can try starting at
it already starts with a little code and design to show you the basics then walks you through a few more things like how controllers work, how a model can be used to simplify dealing with posted values and common content etc.
Here you go! - design templates - look # the sample application section (open source, good tutorials included)
Guys from are starting something you may be interested in. There is only one template, but it is free and looks great.