Applying speed and number of rotations for CABasicAnimation - ios

I am trying to mimic the rotation of the bottle in Spin the Coke app and pie-chart in the Roambie App. . I wanted to rotate a view as per the touches and swipes of the user on that view.
What I currently do it:
Get the time when a touch Began and ended. (and swipe)
Get all the coordinates of the touch or swipe and find the total distance.
I believe that the spin the coke app animates the bottles based on the distance and time taken for the swipe or touch. But I am not sure how they could have done.
I wanted the view to rotate faster initially, then slowdown and stop finally.
Please share your thoughts on how this problem could be solved?

Take a look at keyframe animation: you have to build your animation manually but you can achieve any result you want.


Swift/Xcode "Snake Game"

I am a student learning how to code in Xcode using swift. I am currently trying to make an app similar to the snake game that hopefully everyone knows.
I am currently on a windows computer so I can't show my code at the moment. I doubt you will need it for what I'm asking.
I am trying to make my Sprite Node (Just a while square) move with a swipe of the screen in the up, down, left, right fashion just like the original snake game. I have the Gesture Recognizer set up so it prints out what direction your swiping.
How can I make the sprite node move with a swipe? I want it to move infinitely in that direction until you either 1.) hit a will and you respawn/game over or 2.) swipe in a different direction.
I assume you add velocity to the node when you swipe so you just add the code into that swipe snippet but how do I make it apply ONLY to the "snake"?
You can use an SKAction to move the snakeHead toward the wall that corresponds to the direction you want to move. This can be done in the action parameter when you declare your gestures.
I suggest using .move(to: duration:) and to maintain a constant speed toward each wall you can use the distance, speed, time formula to calculate the duration for the .move(to: duration:) action.
Check out

How to detect Panorama movement in iOS

I have been trying to achieve the animation in this link:!gallery on an iPad. Try opening this link on and iPad and you'll see.
Basically, its a wrapped(360 degree/Infinite) horizontal list. If the user moves in circle the list on the device should follow the movement.
I know that JS uses webkitCompassHeading to calculate the compass readings.
I tried using the accelerometer but the issue is the deceleration factor is quite small. Lets say I am am moving in right circular motion, list scrolls backwards or from right to left, everything is fine. I stop and start moving in reverse, the deceleration is there but for a very short time. So for the reverse movement, only 1 or 2 carousel items gets scrolled forward or left to right and again since the accelerometer picked the +ve acceleration, the list starts moving in backwards or from right to left direction.
Tried it with magnetometer, by storing the last angle of rotation and seeing if the new one has changed by 6 or 7 degrees but the values are too shaky.

Drag and launch type thing in Swift Sprite Kit?

If I have a sprite node, just a white circle somewhere on the screen, how am I able to make it so when I drag, let's say downwards and slightly to the left, the circle sprite would launch upwards and to the right and then gradually come down, like a golf shot.
Another way of explaining the mechanic is the Angry Birds game, where you launch the birds of the slingshot, the birds move in the opposite direction of your drag and gradually come down.
For another live example of the mechanics of the circle, look at the app, Desert Golfing.
Thanks, and if you don't know what I mean just comment and I'll try to explain it better.
OPTIONAL: If you do know how to do the slingshot type mechanic for the circle, do you also know how to add an arrow to the screen so users know which way the circle will launch?
Ill try to break your problem down into small steps that you could then solve yourself:
Detect the swipe:
use a UIPanGestureRecognizer. You will be able to implement a method that is called whenever a user drags their finger in a certain direction.
Here are some good references:
- Pan Gesture Official Documentation
- A very useful question that can serve you as a guide
Detect the magnitude of the swipe in order to impart an impulse
Check out the second link above. What you have to do is in the method for the gesture recognizer you will detect certain flags such as when the user starts the pan or ends the pan. Then, you can check for the location at those moments. With the Pythagorean theorem you should be able to get the distance and use that as the magnitude.
Apply impulse:
Create a physics body for your sprite and then make sure that you have gravity set inside your physics world. This allows the sprite to move in a parabolic motion. Then, use applyImpulse: on your physics body with your magnitude.
Regarding the arrow, you can easily do some delegation from within your pan gesture handler that gets the magnitude of the swipe and projects a reflection that your arrow will then show. Your question is pretty loaded so going into more detail is impossible, but best of luck. Hope this helps!

UIView perpetual linear animation with collision detection

I'm trying to make a circular UIView animate in a particular direction until it collides with the borders of the view (which is full screen, so basically the borders of the device), at which point it will reflect off it and continue on its way infinitely. However, I'm not really sure how to pose my question, so I'm having trouble finding any information on it. I already have the view, the direction it will move in, and its velocity. I'm just not sure how to handle an animation like that.
Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks!
Use a CADisplayLink to continuously update the position of the view, synced with the refresh rate of the screen. The update method that that display link triggers will take into account the current x and y velocity of the view and update the frame based on it. If at ever point the x- or y-coordinate goes under or over a limit (0 or screen width/height), reverse the appropriate velocity value and recalculate the position.

Menu from the Contre Jour app

I'm trying to do a menu like the one that "Contre Jour" game has, with 3 elements spinning in a circle when user drags left and right. I'm using CALayers with CATransforms to position them in a 3d spinning wheel (no problem so far).
I need a way (maybe with NSTimers?) to calculate in-between values, because CoreAnimation just interpolates values, but if you NSLog them, it's just gonna show the start and the end, or just the end. I need all the in-between values, I need to snap the wheel movement when I release the finger (touches ends)in one position (there are 3 elements, each one shoud be at 120 degrees.
My guess and am quite sure I'm correct is that they are using a game engine such as Unity3D or Cocos2D or any other of the many to manage their sprites, animations, textures, physics and basically everything. Trying to replicate it outside of game engine will most likely result in crummy performance and a lot of hair pulling. I would suggest looking into a dedicated game engine and give it a shot there.
I am not sure I understand exactly what Contre Jour does with the spinners, anyway, I think that a reasonable approach for your case is using a UIPanGestureRecognizers to update the status of your spinning wheels according to the panning.
Now, it is not clear what you do to animate the spinning wheel (if you could provide some code, this would help understanding exactly what you are trying to do), but the idea would be this: instead of specifying an animation ending point far away from the starting point (and letting Core Animation do all the handling for you, even when the dragging has stopped), you would only modify the status of the spinning wheel in small increments.
If your only issue is stopping the animation when the dragging stops, you could try calling removeAnimationForKey on your layer to halt a specific animation.
Look into CADisplayLink. This works very much like an NSTimer, except its refresh rate is tied to that of the display, so your animations will be smoother than if you were to use timers. This will allow you to calculate all the in-between values and update your control.
I'm not clear what you are asking, but I do have one insight for you: To get the in-between values of an in-flight animation, query the layer's presentationLayer property. the property that's being animated will have a value that's a close approximation of it's on-screen appearance at the moment you fetch the value.
