Migrate an app from Delphi to Silverlight C# - delphi

I have a legacy desktop accounting application developed using Delphi 5 & Paradox, which I intend to migrate to a web based Silverlight (for the sake of UX) application with SQL Server.
Can anybody suggest a way to implement this quickly?
I know this is a very open-ended question and I am not looking for concrete answers. Instead opinion/experiences from SO users.
My main concern is about migration approach, possible architecture and design patterns (for SL I know of MVVM) implementation.

Quickly? That's what every manager wants, but I doubt it.
You have fundamentally different models of UIs, and different programming languages.
Unless these applications are small, it is unlikely that will be able to convert them by hand in any short period of time (or even by yourself as it appears the OP implies "I intend").
Gartner Group has analyzed manual migrations, and suggests if everything is "similar" the actual conversion rate is ~~ 150 lines/day, which is possible because you are translating more or less directly from a working, debugged application. (Just how big is the application in SLOC?) So, if you have 75,000 lines of code, you're looking at 500 man-days minimum. You might make the case that Delphi as programming langauges and C# are similar. You cannot reasonably make that case for the Delphi UI and Silverlight, so this estimate is a lower bound.
There are those that say, "just throw it away and recode it from scratch". Unless your productivity exceeds 150 debugged lines of code per day [classic software engineering texts will tell you it is much smaller than this] this will take you even longer. Usually it fails because you end up forgetting what features exist in the current program, and rediscover them late in development or worse after an attempted reployment. Usually what happens is the old application continues to evolve while the new one is being built (remember, you're 500 man-days away from the new one minimum!) and the new one has to play catchup with these changes. If the application has any serious scale (e.g., a million lines) this often prevents the new one from ever being servicable. Another way to think about this, "how long did it take to build the original application?", and "why should building a replacement be enormously easier?". YMMV, if you can work miracles.
My very biased opinion (I build langauge translation tools) is that one of the most practical ways to do this is automated translation. This has its costs, too; they aren't off-the-shelf items no matter what somebody tells you. You have set up the translator, and that also takes a lot of energy, but that energy is proportional to the size of the language and (UI) library features used, rather than the application size, so it is far more effective as the program gets large. This is still on the order of hundreds of man-days to code and test for just for the langauge translation part. The difference is that once set up, you can apply it to the existing application of whatever size in whatever state it happens to be in. There's more complications than this, but this approach overcomes the "can't catch up" problem of manual conversions, and the "can't get enough coders to manually translate it".
For more details, see my answer on how to translate between languages.
If your application is relatively small, there are IMHO no good answers. Hand translation or recoding are likely your only (ugly) choices.

My suggestion would be to create "value add" extras and updates to your application using Silverlight as and when the need for extra functionality comes up until you've got something resembling a full product.
To me developing Silverlight seems to take a very long time and the UX for a business application isn't massively improved over say ASP.NET Ajax (if the Ajax is done properly). I imagine if you were to sit down today and completely re-write a decent size application in Silverlight then Silverlight would be end of life before your development is completed (unless you threw a massive team at it of course)

If your business logic is well separated from the UI, you can start with "porting" your code to Delphi Prism rather than C#. This offers shorter migration path. If your business logic is tightly coupled with UI (as it happened frequently 10-15 years ago), then rewriting everything from scratch could be a better idea.
And once you have all the code in Pascal up and running, rewriting it in C# (if you need it at the end) is almost trivial with help of decompiler.


Updating a VB6 application to .net

I know a lot of questions have been asked about VB6 migration (and I've read most of them), but I'm still not entirely certain on what the best way to go about this is.
We have a client that we built an order tracking application for about a decade back and they came to us this week saying they were having some issues with it. The app was written entirely in VB6, which has been something of a hassle as tracking down the necessary tools to work with a project so old took some considerable effort. In an effort to make any future maintenance less of a headache, my boss wants to pitch the idea to them of updating the app to .net and wants to know what exactly that would entail. I've never done anything like this before, but what I've read (both here and elsewhere) suggests that Microsoft's "auto-update" from VB6 to .net simply doesn't work very well and I'd pretty much have to rebuild the app from the ground up.
To get to the crux of my question: is this the case? Would I pretty much just need to rewrite it, or is there another means of going about this that could/would save me a lot of time/effort?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
VB6 and VB.NET are radically different. The syntax has changed, and so has the underlying structures, forms, custom controls, and almost every single aspect you can possibly think about.
A complete redesign and reassessment of needs and functionality is imperative. With .NET the plethora of new libraries and features supersede the antiquated VB6 libraries, OCXs, etc. Also if you feel bold, you can migrate your code to C# and other CIL languages aside from VB.
Out of hand, the Microsoft migration tool will not do much. Moreover, it also depends on whether you have your business logic well separated from your GUI. Otherwise, it will make it even harder. Depending on the size of your application, it might make it quite expensive. Another possible solution you might consider is to run your app in a virtual environment or on a remote app http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc730673(v=ws.10).aspx that will ease the deployment pain.
I have also researched this topic.
Try the smart rewrite solution that converts 95% of the code automatically.
first, run your app through the assessment wizard to determine estimated costs and resources needed.

Scale now or later?

I am looking to start developing a relatively simple web application that will pull data from various sources and normalizing it. A user can also enter the data directly into the site. I anticipate hitting scale, if successful. Is it worth putting in the time now to use scalable or distributed technologies or just start with a LAMP stack? Framework or not? Any thoughts, suggestions, or comments would help.
Disregard my vague description of the idea, I'd love to share once I get further along.
Later. I can't remember who said it (might have been SO's Jeff Atwood) but it rings true: your first problem is getting other people to care about your work. Worry about scale when they do.
Definitely go with a well structured framework for your own sanity though. Even if it doesn't end up with thousands of users, you'll want to add features as time goes on. Maintaining an expanding codebase without good structure quickly becomes fairly horrible (been there, done that, lost the client).
btw, if you're tempted to write your own framework, be aware that it is a lot of work. My company has an in-house one we're quite proud of, but it's taken 3-4 years to mature.
Is it worth putting in the time now to use scalable or distributed technologies or just start with a LAMP stack?
A LAMP stack is scalable. Apache provides many, many alternatives.
Framework or not?
Always use the highest-powered framework you can find. Write as little code as possible. Get something in front of people as soon as you can.
Focus on what's important: Get something to work.
If you don't have something that works, scalability doesn't matter, does it?
Then read up on optimization. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?RulesOfOptimization is very helpful.
Rule 1. Don't.
Rule 2. Don't yet.
Rule 3. Profile before Optimizing.
Until you have a working application, you don't know what -- specific -- thing limits your scalability.
Don't assume. Measure.
That means build something that people actually use. Scale comes later.
Absolutely do it later. Scaling pains is a good problem to have, it means people like your project enough to stress the hardware it's running on.
The last company I worked at started fairly small with PHP and the very very first versions of CakePHP that came out (when it was still in beta). Some of the code was dirty, the admin tool was a mess (code-wise), and sure it could have been done better from the start. But do you know what? They got it out the door before their competitors did, and became extremely successful.
When I came on board they were starting to hit the limits of their current potential scalability, and that is when they decided to start looking at CDN's, lighttpd caching techniques, and other ways to clean up the code and make things run smoother when under heavy load. I don't work for them anymore but it was a good experience in growing an architecture beyond what it was originally scoped at.
I can tell you right now if they had tried to do the scalability and optimizations before selling content and getting a website live - they would never have grown to the size they are now. The company is www.beatport.com if you're interested in who I'm talking about (To re-iterate, I'm not trying to advertise them as I am no longer affiliated with them, but it stands as a good case study and it's easier for people to understand what I'm talking about when they see their website).
Personally, after working with Ruby and Rails (and understanding the separation!) for a couple of years, and having experience with PHP at Beatport - I can confidently say that I never want to work with PHP code again =p
Funny to ask "scale now or later?" and label it "ruby on rails".
Actually, Ruby on Rails was created by David Heinemeier Hansson, who has a whole chapter in his book labeled "Scale later" :))
I agree with the earlier respondents -- make it useful, make it work and get people motivated to use it first. I also agree that you should pick off-the shelf components (of which there are many) rather than roll your own, as much as possible. At the same time, make sure that you choose components for your infrastructure that you know to be scalable so that you can go there when you need to, without having to re-write major chunks of your application.
As the Product Manager for Berkeley DB, I've seen countess cases of developers who decided "Oh, we'll just write that to a flat file" or "I can write my own simple B-tree function" or "Database XYZ is 'good enough', I don't have to worry about concurrency or scalability until later". The problem with that approach is that a) you're re-inventing the wheel (and forgoing what others have learned the hard way already) and b) you're ignoring the fact that you'll have to deal with scalability at some point and going with a 'good enough' solution.
Good luck in your implementation.

Appropriate use of Grails, Rails, etc?

We've got an Excel spreadsheet floating around right now (globally) at my company to capture various pieces of information about each countries technology usage. The problem is that it goes out, gets changes, but they're never obvious, and often conflicting - and then we have to smash them together. To me, the workbook is no more than a garbage in/garbage out type application waiting to be written.
In a company that has enough staff and knowledge to dedicate to Enterprise projects, for some reason, agile and language/frameworks such as Rails, Grails, etc. are frowned upon. That said, I can't help but think that this is almost a perfect fit for the need, given the scaffolding features for extremely simple implementations of capturing raw fields with only a couple lookups (i.e. a pre-defined category). I'm thinking this would be considered a very appropriate use of these frameworks.
Has anyone worked on these types of quick and dirty apps before in normally large-scale, heavy-handed enterprise environments with success? Any tips for communicating this need/appropriateness to non-technical management?
The only way to get this implemented in a rigid organization is to get this working and demo it -- without approval. It's very hard for management to say no to a finished project.
I work for a really big company & have written many utility apps based on Rails (as well as contributed to some larger Rails projects). That said, the biggest concern is not the quality of the app, but who's going to support/maintain it when you leave or get hit by the bus.
IMHO, The major fear that an enterprise organization has - especially if the application becomes more critical to it's core business - is how to support it. If it doesn't fit into it's neat little box of supported technologies, it's less likely to happen.
Corporations have been bitten by this many times in the past & are cautious when bringing in new technology.
So, if you can drum up more folks to learn Ruby/Rails in your group (or elsewhere in your company), you may be able to make a good case for it. Otherwise, sad to say, your probably better off implementing something on Sharepoint :-(.
If you already have a Java infrastructure, then creating a Grails app will require little to no additional IT ramp up to support and maintain. The support and maintenance cost and effort should be the same as for a Java application (i.e. Grails apps run on Tomcat, use the same JVM, use the same diagnostic/profiling tools, etc.).
In my experience, larger IT organizations have a harder time supporting Ruby when its not already in the toolchain because its a new language, new deployment environment, and requires a considerable amount of support and maintenance ramp up.
I would develop a minimal viable product, then make friends with someone in IT who can help you deploy it into a staging or production environment. Then get a few of the users to hop on board and test it like its a Beta product. After that, open it up to a larger audience.
So as others have said, forgiveness over permission, but be smart about the impact on the IT organization.

Pitfalls in using Silverlight for a spreadsheet-type web application module?

This question contains a lot of background information, to make sure you fully understand why we are looking at these technologies.
The question is basically this:
For a large, spreadsheet-type, module that we need to develop for our webmodule for our application, are there any pitfalls we should know about if we decide to use Silverlight for it?
Issues we already know, and don't need any discussion/reminders about:
We're aware of the problems around using a plugin-type solution, which may or may not be installed on the users machine (and in some cases, probably can't be installed). These risks needs to be mitigated, but we're aware of them. Please don't get hung up on this.
We're a .NET company, so while ruby on rails and lots of other different platforms and architectures are good for this solution, they are not in the scope of the decision here. We have lots of code already written in .NET that we need to take advantage of, otherwise the project will never be finished regardless of platform.
We have a web module for our application with employee-related information and some input forms. Our Windows desktop application is mostly a department leader type of application, to manage employees, but the web module contains mostly employee-centric functions. The web module contains mostly report-type webpages, to list information from the system, or input-forms.
The module we need to add now is more of a heavy spreadsheet type application. You change something one place, and something changes somewhere else, like sums, what is enabled/disabled, etc.
We know we can manage all of that with AJAX, but another issue here is that the application will potentially load a lot of database data in order to put the data in front of the user, and with a AJAXy solution, we're afraid that the request/response method here will have to reload quite a lot of information on every request, even to respond to seemingly easy questions.
A way to mitigate that would basically be to load information into a Session-object or similar, but that's a big no-no, so we'd rather not do that. This is a multi-user module, and some of the data is rather static, but some of the data is also going to have to be refreshed from time to time, so if 10 users loads a lot of data into the session, that's going to be a pretty big memory-hit.
We will be using ASP.NET (MVC) for this if we choose to go this route, that is, developing the module in pure HTML and similar technologies.
Then we looked at Silverlight, and would then load all the information down into the Silverlight application on the client. It would hold the current state, and would only need to touch the database to refresh some of the information, some of the time, instead, as we think the request/response model with ASP.NET (MVC) would work, on every little request.
But, since we have only done minor things with Silverlight, we're not that experienced with it, and we're afraid that some assumptions we might have, stated or unconcious, turns out to be wrong or flawed, which will make this project impossible or very hard to manage at some point.
For instance, just to take an example, is there a limit to how much memory the Silverlight application is allowed to load (I know, if I have to ask I can probably not afford it), for instance if there is a limit on 10MB, then that would be nice to know about before we're midway and start to load the really heavy data.
To make it simpler to give examples, let's just assume we're building a spreadsheet, that has so much data, that for the simple "changed a number here, what else changed", too much data from the database has to be loaded for a proper request/response model to be used, and if we move the entire thing to Silverlight, what will make that project hard or impossible?
Knowing about such things would at least give us the ability to consider if the price is acceptable.
In short, why should we not use Silverlight for this and instead go for ASP.NET (MVC)?
And again, "use Ruby on Rails instead", is not really an answer here. The options are ASP.NET (MVC) which we have experience with, or Silverlight which we don't but can gain.
Of course, if Ruby on rails, given that we'd have to start pretty much from scratch infrastructure-wise, and have to learn a new programming language, and framework, and download and learn a new IDE/tool, if it would still allow us to cut the development time in half, then please give us some information about how that might work, but I daresay that won't really happen here.
You should know that Silverlight (version 3.0) does not support any printing whatsoever, which to me sounds like a whopper of a showstopper for you (sorry, I couldn't resist). The good news is that full printing support has been added in version 4, but that is still in beta. Rumours say it should be out before the summer if everything works out according to plan, so if that fits with your roadmap I would use SL4 right from the start.
There are no memory limitations in Silverlight, but for the local storage (IsolatedStorage) mechanism there is a default limit of 1MB. But you can easily get around that by asking the users permission to increase the local storage space when he/she starts up the application. More on that here: Silverlight Tip of the Day #20 – How to Increase your Isolated Storage Quota.
Aside from the missing printing functionality that will be fixed in SL4 I cannot see any problems with your scenario. I would easily take the Silverlight route if I were you, especially since you already have extensive knowledge of .NET/C#.
For a rich interface as you've described, I would definately go with Silverlight or Flash rather than a html/javascript/ajax solution.
These technologies make for much better and consistent interfaces across platforms, you can buy in various components to speed things up and support things like copy-n-paste and code in a more structured way.
Another element is skills, if you have the skills to achieve it in a particular technology, then go with that.
To the answer you question the best way I can; you should not use silverlight if you decide to use flash.

Should I re-write the webapp front end in Erlang?

I have a Rails webapp [deployed on Heroku] which makes a series of HTTP calls to other sites on a repeated basis, using Heroku's rake:cron feature. The current situation isn't ideal; the rake:cron process is executed in a single thread, which means HTTP calls are made sequentially; which means in turn that there's a long time between calls to the same site [typically 2 mins].
I'd like to execute this process in parallel, and reduce the time between calls to 10 secs. Having seen Kevin Smith's 'Erlang in Practice' I'm sold on the idea of using Erlang as a replacement backend. What I'm trying to figure out [given Damien Katz's comments], is whether I should a) re-write the entire webapp in Erlang, front end and all or b) maintain a split structure, with a Rails frontend / Erlang backend.
I like the idea of using a 100% Erlang stack for the project; I'll need to use some kind of Erlang web framework [Nitrogen ? Erlyweb ?]; I'm concerned they're not mature enough and I'll spend my time bogged down on the web part of the project with them.
Anyone any views ? Thanks.
What's the actual impact on your visitors (of the two-minute interval between HTTP backend calls)?
If there isn't much of a difference, I'd say this sounds like premature optimization and that you'd be much better off skipping Erlang for now.
The two previous posters have pretty much covered they philosophical aspects of your question. So I'll answer the framework maturity/getting bogged down part of your question.
In the event that you decide you do want to rewrite the webapp in erlang for whatever reason then I wouldn't be too concerned about the framework slowing you down. Both erlyweb and nitrogen are already feature complete enough that you can work pretty quickly with them. I've developed a fairly complex agile project management app in nitrogen and found it to be quite intuitive and not really lacking in features that I needed. A few hours in the evenings and a few weeks later and I had a working app up and running.
As to which one to use that depends on the type of app you want to build.
Nitrogen's target is extremely dyamic web applications. Most of the page is rendered using javascript and it is highly event driven.
ErlyWeb is more suited to a site where the content is the primary focus less so than a rich client type of application. It uses the MVC style of architecure.
Good luck on whatever you decide.
It depends. How much Erlang do you know? How much code have you already written?
How much project experience do you have? Is this for work or for fun?
Rewriting projects from scratch is often a recipe for disaster, especially if you are trying
to learn a new language along the way. It seems to me like you would not be asking this question if you were already fluent in both languages, in which case I would recommend that you just stick to Ruby if it's a work project.
I disagree with the above poster that changing the language is a premature optimization, if it is necessary.
Changing the language is a big deal. It can't be done at the last minute.
However, I would probably not change the language at all for the reason you outlined.
If you don't have any other reasons than performance for switching, you should probably just
look at multi-threading in Ruby or some other optimization.
I'm all about using the right tool for the job. Unless you have an absolutely dead on reason to port the front, there's absolutely nothing wrong with hooking the two together.
