Returning data with viewmodel in POST request -

I have a view model like such:
public class MyViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Purchases> Purchases { get; set; }
This viewmodel is sent to a view that allows the user to edit the name property. The Purchases property is used only to create a dropdown box for it:
<%: Html.DropDownListFor(t => t.Name, new SelectList(Model.Purchases, "Value", "Text")) %></p>
This works fine.
However, when I perform server-side validation and then return to the View, I'm getting an object null reference error because the Purchases property is now set to null. I'm guessing this is because when the form is submitted because the Purchases property isn't bound to any editable control, it isn't being passed back with the viewmodel.
How can I prevent this happening? I want to send back the List to be send back with the Post request always.

You don't need to send back the list. If validation fails then simply rebuild the view model from scratch. One of the main selling points of MVC is how well it works in a stateless environment. Web Forms used ViewState to do this kind of thing, I don't think you want to replicate this kind of functionality though.
I like to have two overloaded Action methods for this (both with the same name but different method signatures). One with an [HttpGet()] attribute and the other with an [HttpPost()]. If your model is found to be invalid on the POST then simply return the "GET" method (NOTE: you'll need to to pass in any parameters required to rebuild the view).
When I say return, I mean:
return MyGetAction();
and not a Redirect to the GET action.
If the model is valid then you could/should perform a RedirectToAction() to a GET Action (this means if the user hits the refresh button it won't submit the form again, this is called the Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) pattern)

You'd have to create a hidden input for each of the elements in the list in addition to the select list. Having said, that I think caching the results of the query on the server is a better way to handle repopulating the list if you don't want to perform the query again. There's no sense in sending the data back across the wire if the server can just hang on to it. Personally, I wouldn't even bother with the caching unless it proved to be a performance bottleneck. Just populate the model selection list from the DB.
<% for (int i = 0; i < Model.Purchases.Length; ++i) { %>
<%: Html.Hidden( string.Format( "Purchases[{0}]", i ), Model.Purchases[i] ) %>
<% } %>

Lee Gunn is spot on. To make the answer a little more concrete, it is very common to re-build non-scalar values in the event ModelState is not valid. This can be done by simply returning the [HttpGet] version in your Controller. However, you could simply re-build the purchases collection manually. It's up to you.
public ActionResult MyView(string name)
//get entity and build up a view model
var entity = _myDb.GetEntity(name);
MyViewModel vm = AutoMapper.Map<Entity, MyViewModel>(entity);
return vm;
public ActionResult MyView(MyViewModel vm)
//here is one way of doing it
return MyView("");
vm.Purchases = GetSomePurchasesBro();
return View(vm);
//continue on persisting and doing the Post Redirect Get
return MyView("");
can be replaced with
return MyView(vm.Name);
Both will do the same thing (provided you're using the Html Helper Extensions, i.e. Html.TextBoxFor(x=>x.Name))
Defaut model binding looks in the ModelState for attemptedValues when rendering Html. This is described here by Steve Sanderson.


Pass a big object to an action on a controller from a view

I want to pass a big object to a controller's action from a view. Like so:
<div>#Html.ActionLink("Send us an email", "Index",
"Email", new { o = #Model.Exception }, null)</div>
public class EmailController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(object o)
new BaseServices.Emailer().SendEmail(o);
return View();
The thing is: the object being passed is so large that I guess that MVC is unable to make an argument out of that and add it to the route table/dictionary. So, my email controller's Index action is never called. The code bombs off somewhere in between.
No, you can't do this. ASP.NET MVC is not some magic. It relies on standard HTTP and HTML. And as you know in HTTP when you are using a GET request, there's no notion of .NET objects. You cannot ask how to pass an object in a web application because this is not defined.
There's a notion of query string parameters. So that's what you can pass => simple query string parameters:
"Send us an email",
new { id = Model.Exception.Id, text = Model.Exception.Text },
Where the magic comes is that ASP.NET MVC will now use the 2 simple query string parameters (id and text) to map them to the corresponding properties of your view model inside the controller action.
But of course for this to work ASP.NET MVC needs to know the type of the model. You cannot just use object because this type doesn't have id nor text properties.
public ActionResult Index(MyViewModel o)
Now but what about sending complex types? Well, the question that you have to ask to yourself is why on the first place this type was passed to the view? Was it because tfhe user was supposed to edit some of its properties? Is so then you should use an HTML form containing input fields allowing the user to edit them.
But since you have stuck this object into an anchor then what's the point? The server could fetch this object from wherever it fetched it in the first place. So all you need is to pass a simple id to the server:
"Send us an email",
new { id = Model.Exception.Id },
and have the controller action take this id as parameter:
public ActionResult Index(int id)
Alright now you know the id => therefore you could retrieve the corresponding entity from wherever this entity is persisted.
Now some people might suggest you storing the object into the session before rendering the view and then retrieving this object from the session. Personally I am not a big fan of the session as it introduces state into the application. This means that you can never invoke the second action without first invoking the first action. This also means that you cannot bookmark the second action into the browser favorites. This also means that if you are running your application in a web-farm you can no longer store the session in-memory => you will have to use an out-of-process storage for this session. Sessions are way too much of a hassle.
You can't really pass it in the view.
Instead, consider storing the exception in TempData in the controller that renders the view....
public ActionResult DisplayErrorAndOptionToEmailIt()
TempData["LastError"] = m.Exception;
return View();
and then when the request comes in retrieve it from temp data and email it
public ActionResult SendTheEmail()
var e = TempData["LastError"] as Exception;
if (e != null)
return View();
On a side note, it's not the best practice to store complete objects. If possible, store only what you need:
public ActionResult DisplayErrorAndOptionToEmailIt()
TempData["LastError"] = m.Exception.Message;
return View();

Can you remove the HTML Field Prefix from strongly typed models in MVC 3?

I have a view model like this:
public class EditVM
public Media.Domain.Entities.Movie Movie { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Genre> Genres { get; set; }
Movie is the real entity I wish to edit. Genres is simply present to populate a drop down. I would prefer that when I call:
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Movie.Title)
inside my strongly typed view that the input control have a name = "Title" instead of "Movie.Title"
I do not wish to split my view into partial views or lose my strongly typed view by using ViewData or the like.
Is there a way to express to the View that I do not wish to have the Movie. prefix? I noticed that you can set:
ViewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix = "x";
in the controller, but unfortunately it seems only to allow adding an additional prefix. Setting it to "" does nothing.
Is there any work around for this? Or am I stuck with the unfortunate prefix that isn't really necessary in this case if I wish to keep strongly typed views and lambdas?
Thanks for any help.
Here's the controller actions to maybe make things a bit clearer.
public ActionResult Edit(int? id)
var vm = new EditVM
Movie = id.HasValue ? _movieSvc.Find(id.Value) : new Movie(),
Genres = AppData.ListGenres()
return View(vm);
public void Edit([Bind(Prefix = "Movie")]Movie m)
_movieSvc.AddOrUpdateMovie(m); //Exceptions handled elsewhere
No, in order to do what you want you would have to rewrite the Html helpers, and then you would have to write your own model binder. Seems like a lot of work for minimal gain.
The only choice is a Partial view in which you pass the Movie object as the model. However, this would require you to write your own model binder to have it be recognized.
The reason you have to do m.Movie.Title is so that the ID has the correct name, so the model binder can recognize it as a member of your model.
Based on your update:
Your options are:
Use non-strongly typed helpers.
Use a partial view.
Rewrite the stronly typed helpers
Don't use the helpers at all, and write the values to the HTML
Personally, i'd just use 1 or 2, probably 2.
Based on your update above. Change your code to this (note, Genres does not get posted back to the server, so m.Genres will just be null on postback):
public void Edit(EditVM m)
_movieSvc.AddOrUpdateMovie(m.Movie); //Exceptions handled elsewhere
I did just think of an alternative to this. You could simply do this:
#{ var Movie = Model.Movie; }
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => Movie.Title)
However, if there was a validation error, you would have to recreate your EditVM.
I have a view model like this
I think that you might have some misunderstanding about what a view model is. A view model shouldn't contain any reference to your domain models which is what those Movie and Genre classes seem to be. I mean creating a new class that you suffix with VM and in which you stuff all your domain models as properties is not really a view model. A view model is a class that is specifically designed to meet the requirements of your view.
A much more correct view model would looks like this:
public class EditVM
public string MovieTitle { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<GenreViewModel> Genres { get; set; }
and in your view you would have:
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.MovieTitle)
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.Genres)
Another option is to either use the TextBox(string name, object value) overload instead of the TextBoxFor:
#Html.TextBox("Title", Model.Movie.Title)
You could also specify the input tag HTML instead of using a helper.
Another option is to take EditVM as your postback parameter. This is what I would do. My post action parameter is always the same type of the .cshtml model. Yes there will be properties like lists that are null, but you just ignore those. It also allows you to gracefully handle post errors as well because if there is an error you'll need to return an instance of that view model anyhow, and have the values they submitted included. I usually have private methods or DB layer that handles retrieving the various lists that go into the ViewModel, since those will be empty on postback and will need to be repopulated, while not touching the properties that were in the post.
With your post method as it is now, if you need to return the same view, you've gotta create a new EditVM and then copy any posted values into it, and still populate the lists. With my method, you eliminate one of those mapping steps. If you are posting more than one thing, are you going to have umpteen different parameters on your post action? Just let them all come naturally into a single parameter typed to the EditVM of the View. While maybe having those null properties in the VM during the postback feels icky, you get a nice predictable consistency between View and postback IMO. You don't have to spend alot of time thinking about what combination of parameters on your post method will get you all the pieces of data from the form.

Specifying view to load in Edit action

I'm working on my first ASP.NET MVC 3 application and I've got two Controllers with Views, IceCreamController/IceCreamView and RecipeController/RecipeView, and on each the user can make a selection and display the recipe.
Selection causes a PartialView to be displayed which an Edit link on it. When clicked the EditView for this recipe is displayed, allowing the user to edit the attributes of the recipe item selected.
Great. This works fine except currently the POST action in the RecipeController looks like so:
public ActionResult Edit(RecipeViewModel viewModel)
// updates the underlying model with the viewModel
// other things not germane to the discussion
return View();
and that ends up always showing the Index view for Recipe, which isn't what I want. Rather, I'd like to be able to do is send the user back to the appropriate View (IceCreamView or RecipeView) when they've submitted their changes.
I assume that others have done something similar to this. How do you communicate which Controller/Action should be redirected to when the Edit is done?
I added a bit above to clarify that I've got two separate Controllers (IceCreamController and RecipeController) and each has a View that can select and ultimately do a
#Html.Partial("_Recipe", model.recipe)
to display the details of a particular recipe. My problem is how to get the page redirected back to either IceCreamView or RecipeView by the Edit Action on RecipeController - essentially, how do I communicate where it should go since the recipe details could have been displayed by either path.
Solution Employed:
As you can read below in the comments to Darrin's answer, since I've got more than a single controller involved, a solution is to utilize the viewmodel to pass in the controller/action that should be redirected to following when the Edit post action is completed.
As I've got more than a single instance of this situation (arriving at an Edit page via multiple paths), I think creating a simple BaseViewModel to hold this functionality might be in order and then have all the applicable viewmodels inherit from that BaseViewModel.
I'm don't think it needs to be anything more than something like:
public BaseViewModel
public BaseViewModel(string controller, string action)
ControllerName = controller ?? string.empty;
ActionName = action ?? string.empty;
public string ControllerName { get; set; }
public string Action { get; set; }
And then a viewmodel's constructor could just be modified to pass in the controller/action and hand that off to the base class.
There may be other solutions to this and if so, I'd like to hear them.
public ActionResult Edit(RecipeViewModel viewModel)
// updates the underlying model with the viewModel
// other things not germane to the discussion
return View("IceCreamView");
or if you wanted to redirect you could have a controller action that would serve this view and then return RedirectToAction("IceCream"); which is probably more correct rather than directly returning a view from a POST action in case of success.

How to transfer value from a DropDownList to a property of a serialized model object

I'm testing some concepts in ASP.NET MVC multisteps (Style Wizards) with a small application which allow me to records organizations in a database.
To make things easier, I've a class OrganizationFormModelView that contains an object of class Organization and a property called ParentOrgList of SelectList type. The only purpose of the selectList property is to be used by a DropDownList.
I've also serialize OrganizationFormModelView to get the multisteps Wizard effect.
In my first view (or first step), I use a dropdownlist helper to assign a value to one of the the Organization's property called ParentOrganization, which draws data from the ParentOrgList.
<% = Html.DropDownList("Organization.ParentOrganization", Model.ParentOrgList)%>
The first time the page loads, I'm able to make a choice. And, my choice is reflected in my object Model all along the wizard' steps(see Visual studio in debugging mode).
But, when any time I'm redirected back to the first view (first step), I get the following error message:
"The ViewData item with the key 'Organization.ParentOrganization' is of type 'System.String' but needs to be of type 'IEnumerable'."
Thanks for helping
After considering carefully my code, I understand now what's going on. OrganizationFormModelView is the class that is being serialized, and here's its definition.
public class OrganizationFormViewModel
public Organization Organization { get; set; }
public SelectList ParentOrgList = null;
public OrganizationFormViewModel(Organization organization, SelectList cList)
Organization = organization ?? new Organization();
ParentOrgList = pList;
From that, I've concluded that, After each serialization process, ParentOrgList is set to null, so I need to find a way of re-assigning value to it. So, below is what I did:
public ActionResult CreateOrganization(string nextButton)
//Omitted for brievety
if (formViewModel.ParentOrgList == null)
formViewModel.ParentOrgList = repository.CommuneList;
//Omitted for brievety
I also, modified the View so that, even if the value of the ParentOrgList is continuously re-assigned, but the DropDownList keeps the user's choice. So, I choose an Helper overload with default value.
<% = Html.DropDownList("Organization.ParentOrganization", Model.ParentOrgList,
Now, everything is working perfectly.
However, If someone knows how to proceed differently with the Serialization business, it'd be helpful to share.

Storing state in MVC

I'm building an MVC 2 app.
I have a list view which lists items based on a parameter. In the database I have a parent and child table, so my list view lists all the child records for where the parent's id matches the value specified in the parameter.
This is my controller and model:
public ActionResult List(int ParentID)
return View(new Models.ChildListModel(ParentID));
public class ChildListModel
public int ParentID {get;set;}
public ManagementUserListModel(int iParentID)
this.ParentID = iParentID;
this.Children = DataAccessLayer.ListChildrenForParent(iParentID);
public List<Child> Children {get;set;}
I also have a details and create action for that controller. The details and create view have a "back to list" action, which I want to go back to the list view, and maintain the original ParentID. So far I've been doing this by creating a hidden field called ParentID in the list, edit, create and details views, so that the model's ParentID property will get populated correctly:
<%= Html.HiddenFor(model => model.ParentID) %>
Then in the "Back to List" action in each view I pass the ParentID:
<%=Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "List", new {ParentID = Model.ParentID}) %>
This all works, but I'm not a big fan of storing raw IDs in the html. Are there any better ways to do this? Is there some built in way to encrypt the data (kind of like the standard viewstate did?) I'm just trying to achieve some sort of tamper resistance, and trying to avoid using session state (TempData, etc) because I don't want to have to handle session timeouts.
You may take a look at this article. You could use the new Html.Serialize extension method in your view which allows you to serialize entire objects and encrypt it:
<%= Html.Serialize("person", Model, SerializationMode.Encrypted) %>
Which serializes the Model into a hidden field and encrypts the value. To get the model back you use the DeserializeAttribute in the controller action to which the form is submitted:
public ActionResult Edit([Deserialize]Person person) { }
Another way to do this that doesn't expose the id and also doesn't add to the weight of the subsequent form post (like Webform's ViewState does and Html.Serialize would) is to use the session as the backing store inside your Model class.
public class ChildListModel
public int ParentID {
return (int)HttpContext.Current.Session["ChildListModel.ParentID"];
HttpContext.Current.Session["ChildListModel.ParentID"] = value;
public ManagementUserListModel(int iParentID)
this.ParentID = iParentID;
this.Children = DataAccessLayer.ListChildrenForParent(iParentID);
public List<Child> Children {get;set;}
If you like, you could even store the entire Parent object in your model that way instead of just it's ID - that would add to the session size on the server which may or may not be desirable (depending on how long your session lasts and whether it is set to be stored in memory or in sql server, etc.)
The easiest way would be to keep the parentid in the URL. It will look a bit strange for the Create Action but I still think that this the less troublesome way.
If you keep state, you will alwas have the problem that you can not hit F5 and you can not bookmark the page.
The backlink is a simple ActionLink in this case.
Urls would be:
