Connecting to users local machine from my WebApp - ruby-on-rails

I have a Web App that i have developed I am looking to develop a plugin for this app so that i can pull information from the users accounts package such as sage or quickbooks(offline version). Ideally I would like to do this without them having to have a static ip etc.
Unfortunately this is way over my head I currently have no idea on how to do this.
Please can some one guide me in the right direction I will probably use json data between the webapp and the client service that I will make and im fine with that part its just the initial connection that I am confused about.
Any help would be really really appreciated I hope this makes sense.

The way the Shopify Quickbooks integration (Quickify) works is by setting up a tiny local server that listens on a high port number and is able to play with the local filesystem. The web app part of the solution sends JSON back to it.


Publishing MVC app on web

I am trying to publish my app on the web. It is very simple app, I have just start to learn MVC. To publish my app I have followed the instructions given at However I cannot see app from other PCs. I see it in browser from the PC where I have created it, but when I try to open it from another PC it is not visible, the link I am trying to access is the one I created during publishing - http:/localhost/WebApplication1. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Or maybe the example I followed is not correct for the thing I want to do. Could,please someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thank you in advance.
If you publish your site on localhost, you'll see it only in your local network. To publish it on the web, you'll need some web hosting service. You can try, for example, Microsoft Azure, it works perfectly with ASP.NET (not too surprisingly, as it comes from Microsoft), has a 30 day free trial period and otherwise is relatively cheap for low usage.

Amazon EC2 Server very basic questions

I am trying to develop my iOS application that requires a backend for simple CRUD functionality and also a server that helps me link up players and handle real-time multiplayer game logic.
I am using AWS DynamoDB to store my user's data and believe I would need to set up an EC2 instance to help me with my multiplayer game feature. I am completely new in this area and I hope to get some help in these few elementary questions:
Does the different instance (linux or windows) matter?
What language is it required to set up the server-side code? Or is server-side coding necessary?
If the language in the server-side is different from that of xcode's how does it handle the calls? (Please bear with me if this is really fundamental)
Is there any guide for setting up AWS EC2, and must those guide be specific to iOS for my app to work?
Thank you so much for all your help!
Whatever you want to use, and yes it is necessary
You have different options here, you can do everything from sockets to REST or SOAP.
An EC2 instance is, as far as your concerned, just a server running a back end service for your application. You need to figure how you want the application to work first. It doesn't matter if you decide to host it on ec2 or another service.

Couchbase Lite how to get data from Cluster without sync it to local database

I'm building a social network, and want to use Couchbase as backend, but if I'll use sync gateway after sometime I'll have a lot of data on device that user doesn't need to use.
How I can get/post/put info to Couchbase Server without sync function or how I can clear local database without deleting information from server?
I didn't have a 100% working solution, but want to share some information that I've got from community and representatives of Couchbase London & California.
First of all you can use CouchCocoa for working directly with SyncGateway, but it doesn't work as you expects, some part of your needs you can resolve using CouchCocoa.
Another way to build your own API proxy, but when you're a mobile developer only, it isn't a great idea. But, it could be created on different languages.
And as the last one thing is using Purge function. There are links to documentation that Couchbase team have now: and
Also you can go to Google Group and see all issues and how to fix/resolve/find workaround. Also, from our discussion with Couchbase representatives there will be a thread about how to get rid of synced info and so on. Link to Google Group!forum/mobile-couchbase.
if you have any question, ask me, I'll try to help in the information area that I've already discovered.

How to create a server accessible by an iphone app

I a thinking of creating an iPhone/iOS app that would include a feature where one user could create a list of words and then save them to their account on a server. Also (and this is very important), the user could share their list with other users by giving them permission.
So my question is, how can I go about creating such a server? For right now, I have a home computer (running Windows XP that just stores data for my music system) which I can use to host the server. I am also open to the use of other online storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox (I can't remember if Amazon does anything like that). However (and I know this may complicate things a bit), but at least for now, I want/need to stick with free services/options.
Just to recap, the key features that I am looking for are:
create users/accounts (on the server)
eventually I may [try] to incorporate the use of other services to log users in like with their email account, OpenId, etc.
the ability to access (log in to) the server (with credentials) from my app
the ability to send/receive data between the server and my app
the ability to share data between users
I know this is a lot to ask for, but if anyone has any suggestions or can get me going in the right direction, it would be much appreciated.
The basic setup would be as follows:
Backend: Database (MySQL), Web server (Apache), with server side scripting (PHP).
Client: iOS device with developed app.
Communication: use HTTP client/server model, communicating with something like JSON.
This is much the same setup as a web server, but instead of serving html/css/javascript etc the results will be JSON.
As far as implementing specifics such as login in, and sharing data between users, this is purely dependent on your implementation. This is not trivial, and not something that can be easily stated in a single post.
Hope this helps.
You could build your own webservice in PHP, Ruby or Python. If you do so I would recommend building a RESTful webservice ( and then use RestKit ( to handle the data in the iOS app. Especially RestKit's CoreData integration is nice in my opinion.
Another solution would be using a service like Parse ( The first million or so requests per month are free but after that it could get pricy. I personally have not tried it so I couldn't tell you if it is any good.

Deploying an MVC 4 application programatically

I am thinking at the following scenario: I have a solution with a web application(containing some REST web services) and a console application which is responsible for monitoring the resources of the host server(CPU, RAM, etc.). I want to implement the following feature: when the console app sees that for example I get a value bigger than a given threshold(lets say the CPU usage is over 70%) to deploy automatically on a new machine(on the same network). This is probably something similar with the Azure environment, but I'm not sure because I've never used it(just watched some videos). Has anyone implemented something similar? Can this be done locally on my machine? Any hints and answers are greatly appreciated.
