Rails / Active Support "to_sentence" deprecated - ruby-on-rails

I was just getting rolling with the "to_sentence" method when I discovered that it was deprecated in rails > 2.3.8. Does anyone know why and whether it's been replaced? I find it awfully handy and would hate to lose that bit of functionality.

They just moved it, that's all. It can be misleading when they label things as "deprecated" when they're talking about a particular implementation, not a feature.
It's now defined as an extension of Array.


Why are #NgAttr etc. deprecated? [duplicate]

I have just started using Angular dart and Im going through the online tutorial with examples, and DartEditor is currently striking out NgAttr and NgTwoWay saying they are deprecated, is this the case? and if so what are they being replaced with? the auto docs don't say.
NgAttr, NgOneWay, NgTwoWay, etc. were marked deprecated in preparation to the new bind-* syntax, which is not implemented, yet. So deprecation is arguably a bit premature, since there's no action for users to take, but I guess it is a first warning of the impending major breaking change.
As of AngularDart 0.13.0, these attributes are no longer marked as deprecated.
As Pavel pointed out, the deprecation was premature. We may re-deprecate them when we have a better way of doing things, but for now you can use them without that nagging feeling that you are doing something wrong.
There is a new milestone for bind-* syntax which has issues discussing these changes, it may not be actually removed until 1.0 is what I feel.

iOS Deprecation Ramifications

I just came to realize that my project is currently using methods that are "discouraged" in iOS 4.0+. I fear that deprecation is soon inevitable. However, in practical terms, I'm not sure what this would mean for my project. Does it mean that users who attempt to run the app on a future iOS version will experience runtime errors or does it simply mean that I'll have compile-time errors when maintaining it on future iOS SDK's? Or, am I missing the boat (and the river) entirely?
It's unlikely that they'll remove the old method entirely, Apple just suggests (see "Animations") that you use the newer format.
As stated, if you want your projects to support iOS versions <4.0, continue using the old format. If not, it's recommended to update, but if you choose not to, don't be too worried about it. (at least not until the old format becomes officially deprecated)
EDIT: Just re-read the question, and to answer that specifically; no, not you nor any other users would experience errors in the future (provided you're using the functions correctly) - even if it does become deprecated.

Ruby on Rails: Is it better to use outdated plugin, or use your own code?

When you are facing with this kind of dilemma, what do you usually do, and why?
In my case, I want to create a user authorization system that works with facebook connect and openID.
Authlogic is working, but unfortunately authlogic-openid is no longer supported (they really should clean up ancient codes on github!)
It's better to use whatever works.
During the time you're building website, luck of continuous development shouldn't be a problem: you just need to see whether this version works.
And if later in production, for example, facebook outdates part of its API, you'll have lots of time to find solution.
There's general philosophy behind it, which I summarize as "do not solve problem before it appears" :)
I I think the best way is to contribute to the existing plugin with your required code implementation. Advantages are
1 - you will get what you want
2 - Plugin will be more rich and active
3 - You will not repeat the work that plugin authors has done already (which saves your time)
You're just going to have to make an assessment. It's not like the plugin is going to stop working one day (barring changes to OpenID or something), but it may limit which versions of Rails you'll be able to use it with. If you think that its limitations are a problem, then find another solution.
Thankfully, most plugins aren't that big. You can usually extract the functionality you need and keep it up to date yourself without that much work. But it is work, and it takes time. So whether it's worth it to you is really up to you.

What can I expect as the core stack for Rails 3.0 and what will I need to include now as a plugin

So Rails and Merb are sort of merging in Rails 3.0? Thats how its been described to me anyway. This means that a lot of what made Rails, Rails will now be moved to plug-ins so that it can be more lightweight. HOwever, what are those plug-ins going to be and as a new Rails developer, what are THE must have - and also more mature - plug-ins that a Rails developer should install? Some good examples I can think of might be will_paginate, ruby_prof or sqlite3-ruby.
My understanding is that Rails (3) will still essentially be composed of the framework components that make it up now i.e. ActiveRecord, ActiveSupport, ActionPack, even prototype.js etc. It's just that the internals have been significantly refactored and cleaned up and it will be much easier to swap out components for alternatives. For example, perhaps replacing ActiveRecord with Data Mapper.
The tag line for Rails 3 is the same as Burger King i.e. Have It Your Way (I'm not joking!)
Many releases have taken out significant components and put them in plugins, you probably haven't even noticed most of the time. The best thing to do would be to just stay upgraded and pay attention to deprecation messages in your logs and you'll be fine.
This is all thanks to posts like this which highlighted the problems to the community earlier on. Now it should be much, much smoother.

Rails version changes regarding tutorials?

I've been going through some good (seeming) resources for Rails tutorials, and will dutifully follow the steps until halfway through I realize a helper has been dropped or something else has changed. Aside from the 1.0->2.0 change (which I imagine was significant, given typical versioning), are there other updates that have fundamentally changed how rails works, and before which I shouldn't try to "translate" older resources? Thanks!
(please don't just say "read the changelog". I don't know how Rails works; it doesn't mean much to me yet)
I wouldn't say there have been any really big fundamental changes since Rails 2 where it was like, "OK, throw out the old tutorials." There have been some useful features added that might not be in older 2.x tutorials (named_scope is the biggest thing that immediately springs to mind), but it's just another useful tool you can learn, not something that makes everything you've learned before useless.
There has been a list of changes to 'Edge Rails', http://ryandaigle.com/tags/Edge%20Rails
Hopefully that'll give you a better idea.
