How would you create a notification system like on SO or Facebook in RoR? - ruby-on-rails

I'm thinking that notifications would be it's own resource and have a has_many, through relationship with the user model with a join table representing the associations.
A user having many notifications is obvious, and then a notification would have many users because there would be a number of standardized notifications (a commenting notification, a following notification etc.) that would be associated with many users.
Beyond this setup, I'm unsure how to trigger the creation of notifications based on certain events in your application. I'm also a little unsure of how I'd need to set up routing - would it be it's own separate resource or nested in the user resource? I'd find it very helpful if someone could expand on this.
Lastly, ajax polling would likely improve such a feature.
There's probably some things I'm missing, so please fill this out so that it is a good general resource.

So the general gist:
1) Notifications would be a polymorphic association in that comments can have many notifications, users can have many notifications, a 'following' can have many notifications etc.
2) You can have Model Observers, where you can "observe" certain events, such as when a new comment is created. This is would be your triggers.
In terms of routing, you really don't need to do anything out of the norm. The only routing you may have is a where it shows all the notifications.
Notification table might look like:
sender_id: integer, receiver_id: integer, notifiable_id: integer, notifiable_type: string

For a notification system I personally prefer server push technology. Ryan Bates (the voice behind Railscasts) has a great screen cast that you might want to watch
For triggering actions for particular event, have a look at 'Observers' as #mike mentioned


Best way to build a feed notification system like Facebook in Rails?

I'm a new junior developer joining to this awesome community. I'm developing my first big personal project, and I'm stuck with this specific part.
I would like to build a feed notification system like Facebook with the following features:
Track different models and relationships, for example: new badges earned, new comments in subscribed models, new posts by followed users, new comments on my posts, new likes on my posts...
Group the activities, for example, instead of have 400 activities for each likes in my post, has just one notification that says "User X and 399 more likes your post"
Be possible to mark notifications as readed to don't see them again, at least you explore past notifications.
Scalability, good perfomance, and possible integration in the future in an APP developed for example with Iconic framework.
Push notifications are optional, it's ok if the user need to refresh the page to see the new notifications.
So for that, I have readed a lot of. I have watched some Railcast Videos, followed tutorials, but still I'm not really sure how to begin.
I have considered the following methods:
Use public_activity gem, adding a new a new field "readed" to the migration. And thinking how to manage grouped activites. But I have seen a lot of complains about perfomance. I'm expecting to have around 50000 users in my website in the first month (I already have the users), with peaks of 500-1000 users online. So maybe this is not the best way to go... as I would have a lot of activities, a lot of "notifications" and a lot of users.
Use a system like because they also have integrations available for RoR and Ruby. The main concern here is about pricing, because checking it, if I'm not wrong, with that number of users, with around 10 notifications per user per day, I would be paying probably more than 200$ month, and always keep growing as the users grow.
Build my own system, maybe using Redis. But maybe this would be too complex and require a lot of time for a good, efficient and working code.
So still, considered these option, I don't know which one is best for me, or if it's another possibilities.
If someone have asked before these questions, please let me know your thoughts and what you think is the correct way to go.
Thank you !! :)

Approach to a Notifications system with Rails 4

I have a USER model in rails that I would like to implement a notifications system for.The notifications system is intended to work like Facebook's notifications. Using guides around the internet as a basis, I have theorized that notifications would require its own Model.
Therefore it would be:
Users :has_many Notifications
Notifications :belongs_to Users
The Users model interacts with many models on the app such as articles, post, comments on the articles and posts. Users can "follow" those resources and receive notifications for them. My theory is that I create notifications for each "follower" whenever those resources are updated like so:
Example of Update for an article:
def update
#after the code to update article
#followers.each do |follower|
Notification.create(#code to associate notification with user)
Then, just display the notification using
My primary question is that Is there a better approach to notifications than what I've outlined? Also on a related note, creating notifications like so would fill up the rows in the database with objects that are not needed over time(i.e notifications from a year ago are irrelevant). Is there any negative consequences for leaving those unused objects in the database and letting them add up?
If you are open to using a gem, I would use the Public Activity gem for this. The architecture for Public Activity creates an activity record based on a recipient, an owner and a key, i.e owner: "User 1" key: commented on recipient: "User 2" post. The benefit to this is that there is only one record in the database for the activity and you can present it any way you like through different views for each type of activity.
Public Activity allows you to render different partials based on the activity key and access any of the data of the action referenced in the database. You can even create different views for a newsfeed(activities that involve the users followed by the current user) and a notification feed (activities that directly involve the current user).
This allows your notification feed to remain flexible.
Further, if you combine it with the Unread gem and some javascript you can even mark read and unread notifications (for each particular user) just like Facebook. The only drawback is that the activities would appear only on refresh or visiting the page rather than constant polling like facebook does. There is an excellent tutorial on Public Activity here.
I would use observers for notification as its an orthogonal concern to your model. See for earlier versions of rails, it is part of the framework.
I would create a class Notifier which would observer lifecycle event (in the above case after_update on user) and would send out notifications. One observer can observe many models
While that would work you would still have a problem: how to push those notifications to the user. What this means is that if I get notifications from the system yet I don't reload the page I won't notice until I do so which brings you to two different solutions, which have to do with the client side management of it really:
Something around WebSockets
In case you decide to go with the option number 1 you would need to add client-side JavaScript code that keeps polling one endpoint of your application to check for the current user notifications so you can update the UI.
Pros: You have a great control over the client side code and this can be implemented in almost all browsers as long as they support JavaScript. You can support legacy users.
Cons: Tedious to develop and can code can become messy. Not real time at all. Sometimes, using timers in several places within the same client code can lead to unexpected behaviors.
This is a newer technology so while it should work right out of the box in most modern browsers there are still some caveats here and there, which is the reason why few developers still avoid it. Web Sockets basically allow to have an open connection to the application (because as you may know HTTP is stateless) so that you can actually push or send notifications from the application and not the other way around (like when polling, where the client requests for the new info)
Pros: Newer technology but also more flexible in the way that you can control many aspects of the notifications in the backend (like having queues, a different, speedier, data store like nosql for it, etc.)
Cons: Some browsers don't properly support it yet.
I would say that if you are still developing your app and plan to release a little bit later and you don't mind some users having that option disabled when they have ancient browsers then take a look at ActionCable from Rails 5 which serves exactly this purpose. Here's a video from dhh doing a whole demo.
I would also separate notifications from your SQL table and instead of using ActiveRecord just use redis or mongo for that purpose while you keep ActiveRecord for everything else. The advantage is that redis and mongo are super fast and are well-known to outperform SQL in these kind of requirements. You can use the ActiveRecord user ID to map the notifications within the nosql database and subscriptions to those as well.
Good luck!
If all articles, posts and comments, are sources of notifications, it seems to suggest that you could use Single/Multi Table Inheritance or Polymorphism, rather than generate a notification record for each subscribed user for each post, comment, and article.
So, for the sake of argument, let the collective name of articles, posts and comments be Notifications. One notification for each article, post, and comment.
Now it just becomes a matter of working out how to keep track of the Notifications a user has seen. It could either be a simple column on the Notification table that holds a list of user ids {user_1}{user_5} that can be used to filter the records, or a many-many table that stores the user id and the notification id a user has seen. I'm sure there are many more possibilities, but I'm not familiar with the different approaches.
Using this info, it shouldn't be too hard to determine which Notifications have not yet been seen, and then display a message of such.

How to handle email notifications in a Rails app?

My app has several events based on which a user gets an email notification. What's the best way to handle this from a software/database design perspective?
Here are two instances when I send out an email to a user:
Someone replies to their comment.
Someone likes their comment.
I also need a way for the user to turn these email events off individually in their user settings.
Here is what I'm thinking of doing (which doesn't feel like a good way):
Have a bunch of boolean fields in the user table that turn on or off each email notification (eg: is_send_email_replies, is_send_comment_likes).
The user can then turn these bool values on or off in their setting.
Is there a better more pragmatic way to handle this?
This is considered a typical user settings where you can save it as a Rails json field or use gems like rails-settings
So assuming you'll use rails-settings gem you can do it as follows:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_settings :email_notifications
then you can set and get settings like this
user.settings(:email_notifications).comments = true
user.settings(:email_notifications).likes = false
# => true
I suggest you watch Ryan Bates' Railscasts on activity (ep. #406) and then reading into the public-activity gem. That can be an elegant way to handle the events that send out notifications to users.
As for how you will store and deal with preferences, check out the Preferences gem As the description itself says: ...sometimes it's necessary if you want users to be able to disable things like e-mail notifications.
One way that I've handled this in the past is to have a separate model for the preferences and for the email type. The preferences table acts as sort of a many to many relationship between users and types where they can set there own preference.
The main advantage here is you can add as many email types as you want (over time) and you wont be clogging up your user model.

Doing Notification in Rails

What i want to do is a little different from what people think when they hear rails notification cause i've been reading up a lot about it but it didn't seem to help.
What i want to do is on creation of a new entry in a particular table i want certain users (admins) to get a notification in their home page or whatever page they're in, as the notification apparatus would be in the navigation bar.
How would i go about doing this ? i'm an intermediate rails developer, and i'm using rails 3.2.13.
Thanks in advance!
There are a couple of things you'll want to do (I agree with the approach proposed by japed):
Create the notification model with the required fields, I would suggest make it polymorphic so you can have access to the object that triggered the notification later (for example: having notifiable_type and notifiable_id fields, if an article creation triggered the notification creation you can then do something like notification.notifiable and get the article that was created)
Place the callbacks that will generate the notification in place. for example: if you want to notify an admin every time a user creates an article, you can create the notification in the after_create method on the Article model.
Have a way to know if the admin has read the notification or not (so you can show him a counter of unread notifications for example). For this I would recommend using the unread gem:
After the admin reads the notification (eg: after clicking on the unread counted) update the status of the notification (using the unread gem of course, not directly on the notification record), maybe with an ajax request.

Implementing Notifications in Rails

In my application, I want to notify a user, when he/she is mentioned in a comment or a post.
The user handle is #user_name, similar to Facebook.
The database table for mentions looks like:
mentioned_by: user_id (foreign key)
user_mentioned: user_id (foreign key)
comment_id: (foreign key)
post_id: (foreign key)
I can't figure out a way to implement it though. How do Facebook / Twitter do it?
What I decided to go with, was use ActiveRecord callbacks/ Observer design pattern and whenever a new comment/post is saved to database, I can go through the contents of the post/comment, and look out for any mentions and then execute the notifications as required.
I get the feeling that there are some missing pieces and I am not getting it right.
Is this the best way of doing it?
Facebook and Twitter are not mid-size Rails applications. They are companies. The tech that runs them is distributed and mostly custom, especially in the case of Facebook.
The part that you seem to be grasping for is how they determine who to notify in a performant and scalable way. This is where shit gets real. You can find a lot of information about the architecture behind each on of them, and there is certainly a lot of great stuff to help you think about these things, but ultimately none of it is going to be something you implement into whatever application you're building.
Facebook Architecture
Plenty more juicy details over at Quora.
Unfortunately, none of this gets you closer to your goal. I think the most realistic thing for you to do to start out with woud be to simply tie in a service like Pusher to send messages to clients without worrying about it, use an ActiveRecord Observer to add notifications to a background queue where the workers actually send those notifications to Pusher. This is a day or less of work and it should scale well to at least 10k notifications a day. Once you start having performance problems, ditch the Observer and Pusher for something like Goliath that can handle both of the jobs locally.
Bottom line, learn what you can about large and experienced systems that have been put through the paces, but mainly just to see what problems they ran into and how they solved them. These methods aren't the same among the big guys even, and they are going to vary for each implementation.
Hopefully that helps point you in a good direction. :)
You can use ActiveRecord callbacks while record is saved (like before_save, after_save or before_create, after_create) to go through comment content, find and create all mentions models and save them to db.
I actually am interested in a concrete answer to this myself. I don't know how Facebook and Twitter do it, but I do know from general searches that the gem acts-as-taggable-on could get the job done. Check out
Also, this question on stackoverflow might also provide you with some info: Implementing twitter-like hashtag on rails
Good luck. I encourage you to try to get more attention to this question and get a more solid answer than what I've said. :]
Tumblr uses a Redis queuing system (like Resque) I believe to handle the volume.
Do a callback (as you mentioned) and hand it off to Resque. (There was a Railscasts about Resuqe recently)
There is no single recommended approach for this. At an uber level, you may want to look at 'Comet programming', Polling and WebSockets [HTML5] and then choose the right combination. There are a couple of great implementations to manage push notifications in rails. Orbited, Juggernaut, PusherApp, Faye etc. You'll have to dig deep to figure out which of 'em use web-sockets & and fall-back to flash option to handle full support.
Faye gives a Node.js configuration also, but I am not sure about others.
Tentatively the steps would look something like:
Save the content - queue it to parser
Parse the content to find out involved users - Use Nokogiri or equivalent.
Comet/Poll it to involved users in current_session as a separate process if you're looking at Twitter like approach.
//Do other things with Post record
Push notifications to involved users and destroy() when they come online later.
Hope that gives some direction.
I know this question is outdated but I released a MentionSystem gem recently to that allows to create mentions between mentionee objects and mentioners, it also allows you to detect mentions in facebook / twitter styler like #username1 and #hashtag in order to create the mentions.
The gem is hosted at github:
Lets say you have a Post that can mention users in the form of #username.
you have the class
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
Then you define a custom mention processor:
class PostMentionProcessor < MentionSystem::MentionProcessor
def extract_mentioner_content(post)
return post.content
def find_mentionees_by_handles(*handles)
User.where(username: handles)
Then in your Posts controller create action you have:
def create
#post =[:post])
m =
m.add_after_callback { |post, user| UserMailer.notify_mention(post, user) }
respond_with #post
If your post has #user1, #user2 and #user3 in its content the mention processor will parse user1, user2, user3, will find users with username [user1, user2, user3] and then create the mentions in the database, after each of the mentions it will run the after callback that in the example will send an email notifying the mention between post and user.
