IPad Button DropDown with PopOver Control - ipad

I am developing an iPad app and I am trying to implement a series of drop down lists in my app. I have a custom button that is a cell on the UITableViewController. So whenever the button is tapped, it should show a list of options that the user can select and it should set the selected value as button's title. I tried to implement picker view but didn't like it on the iPad. I also tried to implement action sheet and pop over controllers but failed to get the result.
Of all the examples I referred to, it shows how to display popover controllers from bar button item on toolbar or navigation bar but I didn't find any which shows me the implementation for the custom buttons on tableview as one of the rows.
Can someone please guide me on this. If possible a sample code or a tutorial will be of great help.
Thanks for all your time.

I have placed my code in the following link. You can refer it.
problem in setting PopoverContentSize


iOS navigation items animates differently when clicked

I need to change the text and action of the navigation item, currently, I am doing it by providing the bar button items. But my problem is when I click it, it shows click only on the item I clicked not all the items I have added to leftBarButtonItems.
I tried using a custom view(UIBarButtonItem(customView: UIButton())). But It becomes smaller and I was not able to resize it. Please see the below image to understand the problem I am having. This is the situation after clicking on the back button. Thanks for your time.
please use custom navigation bar
I hope this is helpful for you

How to add a view that overlaps a tableview in iOS

I want to make a tutorial in my iOS application and I have a tableview with a drawer.
For the first time that the user enters in this screen, a tutorial overlaps the screen first, and disappears after the user taps OK.
Like this
I've tried this tutorial:
in which I can use in a UIView but not in a tableview.
I hope someone can give me a hint on how to do it or what to use.
Try this for tutorial view Controller
In your FirstView controller,
1) Create instance of tutorial ViewController
2) Present that Tutorial ViewController
There is a close button delegate method in BWWalkthrough, i.e. walkthroughCloseButtonPressed() in this method dismiss your tutorial viewController.
I just made a temporary solution to my problem.
I made an image like this:
Create a ViewController and put the image, then add label and button (edit cross dissolve as transition type).
Show this view controller for first time users and go to the next view controller if the button is clicked which is the real view controller(the one that has table view and sliding menu)
The problem here is I need to have different images for different screen size if I really want that the user wont notice the tableview spacing, but it still looks fine.

How to add navigation drawer feature in later views(for ex: 2nd view) of the app?

I am trying to implement Navigation Drawer like menu on my iPhone project.
I have looked at the forums and find out there are many samples given in this link:
Stackoverflow Navigation drawer query
But, they have not helped me much. Because, all the apps are developed Navigation drawer in the Home screen(1st view) of the app itself and using window.rootViewController
My requirement is, I need Navigation Drawer like menu NOT in the home screen(1st view) of the app, rather need on the 2nd view of the app, hence I don't know how to add this feature.
Could someone please suggest me how to add navigation drawer like menu feature in later views(for ex: 2nd view) of the app?
I don't quite get how you want the menu. You can add Navigation Controller anywhere you want, all it's going to do is give you a Navigation Bar on which you can give a title and a Back button, usually with the name of the title of the previous page.
You can simply add the navigation where you want and control drag from the view or object you want to perform the segue. If it's a button you can use an IBAction with a performSegueWithIdentifier method.
Hope I could help

How to reduce the click access length of a tab in uitabbarcontroller?

The title won't clear the actual problem. Let me explain clearly.
I have a tabbarcontoller in the viewcontroller which is the main view controller of the single view application project.
I added Navigationcontrollers to the tabbarcontroller. So that I can navigate(push/pop) from one viewcontroller to other.
I added a subview to the mainview of a single navigation controller.
When I click the button near to the tabbar, it doesn't get clicked and the tabbaritem button gets access and shows that tab.
The below image will explain well,
If I click the show button, it opens the receipts tab.
How to reduce the click access boundary of the tabbar in tabbarcontroller?
I can't get any solution regarding this.
Frankly, i've written a bunch of applications which have controls near the tab bar and i've never encountered such behaviour.
Check if you have custom tabbar controller with custom frame.
Also try to use Reveal App (http://revealapp.com/) to check the buttons' frame at runtime, it will help you to understand what's going on. They have trial version as i remember.
Hope it will help :)
Choose the custom button for this and add in tabbar.

Linking custom iOS buttons to footer nav buttons

Im going to say this straight up - I'm an xcode noob. I am designing an app which has custom buttons on the home screen as well as a footer nav with buttons. When I select the custom button it goes to the right view but the footer nav button is not highlighted.
I just need to find a way to tell the footer nav i am on that section (got their by clicking on the home button). Apparently i have been told there is no way to do this so i might as well scrap my home view custom buttons. I'm hoping to find someone here with a different view. I would provide a screenshot so it makes my explanation clearer but i have not got a high enough rating.
Originally i just wanted to hide the nav bar for the home screen but i was also told that it was not possible. Its there the whole time or not at all. Looking for a second opinion...
Use the following code to hide navigation bar
Also, just wanted to confirm, when you say footer navigation buttons, do you mean a tabbed view? some thing like this screenshot?
If you could provide some screenshots would be great.
