Does Simulator Play Video? - ios

I want To Add an splash screen on my application which will play a video. Can I test it on simulator? Any help regarding playing the video will be appreciated.

This and this might help you...Simulator does play video..But I dont think you can play video as splash screen..

If you are using html tag(video) then it will not be shown on simulator.But on device its okay.
You want to show a video as a splash screen,i dont know how you managed that.
Better you could use a gif file.


How to play video in line without open up to full screen?

This is my first message app. The tutorial i been watch only teach me how to play the video with full screen. It will be cool if i can play the video without open up to another window or full screen.
i been trying a lot of other stuff but still cant get it to work.
Also now when i playing the video it goes to full screen and the load bar is gonna too. (Xcode 8, iOS 10)
How would modify my code for the video not playing in full screen?

Apple Watch Video Control

Is there any control or way we can play video in Apple Watch app. I can see Image, Button, Label etc.. controls but couldn't find a way to play a video.
Any help will be appreciated.
There is no way to playback video on the Apple Watch currently. And I doubt there will be for some time (if ever) due to the very small screen size.
Since this is possible now, I am adding some reference URL so other developers can get an idea and possibility for this.
Watch OS 2 comes up with plenty of nice features and Audio and Video are part of this.

iOS placing and synchronizing frame by frame images over a video playing with AVPlayer

I'm trying to place an image over a video that is playing. There could be a face in the video and I want to plae a custom image over that face. I've tried to play the video using AVPlayer and tried to place the custom image using a scheduled NSTimer. It works good (not perfect) with the simulator. But When I tried it in couple of different devices it does not working well or same in all the devices. Seems like there should be some sort of synchronization to sync the video frame and the custom image.
Can anyone help me out of this issue with any tips or suggestion? Anything that is helpful will be appreciated. :)
Thanks in advance.

Play mp4/youtube movie while recording with camera

I'm developing my first iOS app, and I need to record a video with the camera while playing a youtube video embedded in a UIWebView. The problem is, the video stops playing when I start the capture.
Is there any workaround? I thought of playing the video in an openGL texture, then play the audio at the same time, but I don't know how to do. I don't need the player to have control buttons, etc.
I've tried to use the RosyWriter sample code and change the input source.
How can this be done?
I finnaly solved my problem in another way. I don't use RosyWriter anymore, but AVCamRecorder, and for playing video, I get the url of the .mp4 file with PSYoutubeExtractor, then i play it via MPMoviePlayer.
I had to set [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionSetCategoryPlayAndRecord error:nil]
Hope this will help someone.
I don't uderstand what you are trying to do. PSYoutubeExtractor doen't record anything, it's only designed to give you the direct MP4 url. To record a tune/movie, you should use an AVAsset, then export it to mp3/mp4.
I'm really sorry, but this project was for my internship in a company, and I havn't keep any piece of code anymore. But if you have a precise problem I already faced, I can try to help you.
Good luck.

Play video file on splash screen

Can I play a video file in the splash screen?
I use Defualt.png and sleep interval method to use static splash screen. Instead of an image, I want to play a video of about 10 sec.
How can I do that?
Just make Default.png to be the first frame of your video. When the application is loaded, start the video. This is something in between. Hope it helps.
No, the default image is shown by the system while your app is loading, so your code isn't running yet (kinda the whole point). Once it is loaded, you can create a media player and play your video.
