Packing and unpacking a Cardinal into four bytes - delphi

I have to pack and unpack a Cardinal into four one-byte fields (in Delphi 2010).
I'm doing this across all the pixels of a large image, so I need it to be fast!
Can anyone show me how to write these two functions? (The const and out keywords are just for clarity. If they interfere with inline assembly, then I can remove them.)
procedure FromCardinalToBytes( const aInput: Cardinal;
out aByte1: Byte;
out aByte2: Byte;
out aByte3: Byte;
out aByte4: Byte); inline;
function FromBytesToCardinal( const aByte1: Byte;
const aByte2: Byte;
const aByte3: Byte;
const aByte4: Byte):Cardinal; inline;

I'd recommed not using a function, just use a variant record.
TCardinalRec = packed record
case Integer of
0: (Value: Cardinal;);
1: (Bytes: array[0..3] of Byte;);
Then you can easily use this to obtain the individual bytes.
LPixel: TCardinalRec;
LPixel.Value := 123455;
//Then read each of the bytes using
B1 := LPixel.Bytes[0];
B2 := LPixel.Bytes[1];
If you absolutely must, you can put this into a function, but it's trivial enough not to bother with the overhead of a function call.
To illustrate the efficiency of the variant record approach consider the following (assuming you're reading your image from a Stream).
LPixelBuffer: array[0..1023] of TCardinalRec;
ImageStream.Read(LPixelBuffer, SizeOf(LPixelBuffer));
for I := Low(LPixelBuffer) to High(LPixelBuffer) do
//Here each byte is accessible by:
PS: Instead of an arbitrarily generic Bytes array, you could explicitly name each Byte in the variant record as Red, Green, Blue, (and whatever the fourth Byte means).

There are many ways. The simplest is
function FromBytesToCardinal(const AByte1, AByte2, AByte3,
AByte4: byte): cardinal; inline;
result := AByte1 + (AByte2 shl 8) + (AByte3 shl 16) + (AByte4 shl 24);
procedure FromCardinalToBytes(const AInput: cardinal; out AByte1,
AByte2, AByte3, AByte4: byte); inline;
AByte1 := byte(AInput);
AByte2 := byte(AInput shr 8);
AByte3 := byte(AInput shr 16);
AByte4 := byte(AInput shr 24);
Slightly more sophisticated (but not necessarily faster) is
function FromBytesToCardinal2(const AByte1, AByte2, AByte3,
AByte4: byte): cardinal; inline;
PByte(#result)^ := AByte1;
PByte(NativeUInt(#result) + 1)^ := AByte2;
PByte(NativeUInt(#result) + 2)^ := AByte3;
PByte(NativeUInt(#result) + 3)^ := AByte4;
procedure FromCardinalToBytes2(const AInput: cardinal; out AByte1,
AByte2, AByte3, AByte4: byte); inline;
AByte1 := PByte(#AInput)^;
AByte2 := PByte(NativeUInt(#AInput) + 1)^;
AByte3 := PByte(NativeUInt(#AInput) + 2)^;
AByte4 := PByte(NativeUInt(#AInput) + 3)^;
If you don't need the bytes to be byte variables, you can do even trickier things, like declaring
PCardinalRec = ^TCardinalRec;
TCardinalRec = packed record
Byte4: byte;
and then just cast:
c: cardinal;
c := $12345678;
PCardinalRec(#c)^.Byte3 // get or set byte 3 in c

If you want fast you need to consider the 80x86 architecture.
The speed depends heavily on what you are doing with the bytes.
The x86 can access the bottom 2 bytes really fast, using the AL and AH registers
(least significant bytes in the 32-bit EAX register)
If you want to get at the higher order two bytes, you do not want to access those directly. Because you'll get an unaligned memory access, wasting CPU-cycles and messing up with the cache.
Making it faster
All this stuff messing with individual bytes is really not needed.
If you want to be really fast, work with 4 bytes at a time.
NewPixel:= OldPixel or $0f0f0f0f;
If you want to process your pixels really fast use inline MMX assembly and work with 8 bytes at a time.
Explanation of the MMX instruction set:
Or re-ask your question on SO: How do I do this bitmap manipulation ... in MMX.
Really really fast
If you want it really really fast, like 100 or 1000x faster than MMX can, your videocard can do that. Google for CUDA or GPGPU.


What is the purpose of the Count parameter of TStream.WriteData and TStream.ReadData?

The TStream class contains many overloads of WriteData that are of this form:
function WriteData(const Buffer: Int32; Count: Longint): Longint; overload;
There are overloads for all the usual suspects, AnsiChar, Char, UInt32, Double and so on. Similarly for ReadData. I'm trying to understand what purpose the Count parameter serves. The implementation of the overload mentioned above is as follows:
function TStream.Skip(Amount: Integer): Integer;
P: Integer;
P := Position;
Result := Seek(Amount, soCurrent) - P;
function TStream.WriteData(const Buffer: Int32; Count: Longint): Longint;
BufSize = SizeOf(Buffer);
if Count > BufSize then
Result := Write(Buffer, BufSize) + Skip(Count - BufSize)
Result := Write(Buffer, Count)
I can obviously see what this code does, but I cannot understand why it would make sense to perform a partial write. Why would it ever make sense to call this function with Count < BufSize? The behaviour then is very odd.
Does anyone know why these overloads were added and what purpose they are intended for? Naturally I've looked at the documentation which has nothing to say about these methods.
As an aside I will submit bug report concerning this line:
Result := Write(Buffer, BufSize) + Skip(Count - BufSize);
It is a mistake to assume that the call to Write will occur before the call to Skip. The evaluation order of the operands to the + operator is not defined. This code should rather be written like this:
Result := Write(Buffer, BufSize);
inc(Result, Skip(Count - BufSize));
Theory crafting
if TStream predate the introduction of the overload keyword (Delphi 3 IIRC), they probably introduced a single method to write integer that was probably int32. When calling the function with a "byte" variable, it would get passed to the function as Integer, and then the Count parameter would only allow to write a single byte. Now they support this for backward compatibility purpose.
In some cases(like next one), supporting Count < Bufsize is indeed especially silly :
function WriteData(const Buffer: Int8; Count: Longint): Longint; overload;
Another justification would be in the next situation when a variable only need to be saved to stream as an Int8 but is worked on as a Int32 during program execution (because it is passed to a function that only takes a var : Int32 as parameter).
procedure SomeProc(var MyInt : Integer);
procedure DoSomeStream;
iVal : Integer;
// bVal : ShortInt;
Stream.WriteData(iVal, SizeOf(Byte));
//Instead of
// SomeProc(iVal);
// bVal := iVal;
// Stream.WriteData(bVal)
I'm not saying it's required (can be worked around) but in some corner case situation, it could be useful.
For me it seems that this code enables you to write some data and than skip to a position far behind the data.
e.g. you have a stream containing multiple integers and you want to overwrite every 5th, you can do it with:
mData := 15;
WriteData(mData, SizeOf(mData) * 5);

Hex view of a file

I am using Delphi 2009.
I want to view the contents of a file (in hexadecimal) inside a memo.
I'm using this code :
Buffer := '';
AssignFile(sF,Source); //Assign file
Readln(sF,Buffer); //Load every line to a string.
TempChar:=StrToHex(Buffer); //Convert to Hex using the function
until EOF(sF);
function StrToHex(AStr: string): string;
I ,Len: Integer;
s: chr (0)..255;
//s: char;
for i:=1 to len do
//The problem is here. Ord(s) is giving false values (251 instead of 255)
//And in general the output differs from a professional hex editor.
Result:=Result +' '+IntToHex(Ord(s),2)+'('+IntToStr(Ord(s))+')';
When I declare variable "s" as char (i know that char goes up to 255) I get results hex values up to 65535!
When i declare variable "s" as byte or chr (0)..255, it outputs different hex values, comparing to any Hexadecimal Editor!
Why is that? How can I see the correct values?
Check images for the differences.
1st image: Professional Hex Editor.
2nd image: Function output to Memo.
Thank you.
Your Delphi 2009 is unicode-enabled, so Char is actually WideChar and that's a 2 byte, 16 bit unsigned value, that can have values from 0 to 65535.
You could change all your Char declarations to AnsiChar and all your String declarations to AnsiString, but that's not the way to do it. You should drop Pascal I/O in favor of modern stream-based I/O, use a TFileStream, and don't treat binary data as Char.
Console demo:
program Project26;
uses SysUtils, Classes;
var F: TFileStream;
Buff: array[0..15] of Byte;
CountRead: Integer;
HexText: array[0..31] of Char;
F := TFileStream.Create('C:\Temp\test', fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
CountRead := F.Read(Buff, SizeOf(Buff));
while CountRead <> 0 do
BinToHex(Buff, HexText, CountRead);
WriteLn(HexText); // You could add this to the Memo
CountRead := F.Read(Buff, SizeOf(Buff));
finally F.Free;
In Delphi 2009, a Char is the same thing as a WideChar, that is, a Unicode character. A wide character occupies two bytes. You want to use AnsiChar. Prior to Delphi 2009 (that is, prior to Unicode Delphi), Char was the same thing as AnsiChar.
Also, you shouldn't use ReadLn. You are treating the file as a text file with text-file line endings! This is a general file! It might not have any text-file line endings at all!
For an easier to read output, and looking better too, you might want to use this simple hex dump formatter.
The HexDump procedure dumps an area of memory into a TStrings in lines of two chunks of 8 bytes in hex, and 16 ascii chars
406563686F206F66 660D0A6966206578 #echo off..if ex
69737420257E7331 5C6E756C20280D0A ist %~s1\nul (..
0D0A290D0A ..)..
Here is the code for the dump format function
function HexB (b: Byte): String;
const HexChar: Array[0..15] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF';
result:= HexChar[b shr 4]+HexChar[b and $0f];
procedure HexDump(var data; size: Integer; s: TStrings);
sepHex=' ';
sepAsc=' ';
i : Integer;
hexDat, ascDat : String;
buff : Array[0..1] of Byte Absolute data;
for i:=0 to size-1 do
if ((buff[i]>31) and (buff[i]<>255)) then
if (((i+1) mod 16)<>0) and (((i+1) mod 8)=0) then
if ((i+1) mod 16)=0 then
if (size mod 16)<>0 then
if (size mod 16)<8 then
hexDat:=hexDat+StringOfChar(' ',(8-(size mod 8))*2)
+sepHex+StringOfChar(' ',16)
hexDat:=hexDat+StringOfChar(' ',(16-(size mod 16))*2);
s.Add(hexDat + sepAsc + ascDat);
And here is a complete code example for dumping the contents of a file into a Memo field.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FStream: TFileStream;
buff: array[0..$fff] of Byte;
nRead: Integer;
FStream := TFileStream.Create(edit1.text, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
nRead := FStream.Read(Buff, SizeOf(Buff));
if nRead<>0 then
until nRead=0;
string is UnicodeString in Delphi 2009. If you want to use single-byte strings use AnsiString or RawByteString.
See String types.

how to improve the code (Delphi) for loading and searching in a dictionary?

I'm a Delphi programmer.
I have made a program who uses dictionaries with words and expressions (loaded in program as "array of string").
It uses a search algorithm based on their "checksum" (I hope this is the correct word).
A string is transformed in integer based on this:
FHashSize: Integer; //stores the value of GetHashSize
HashTable, HashTableNoCase: array[Byte] of Longword;
HashTableInit: Boolean = False;
AnsiLowCaseLookup: array[AnsiChar] of AnsiChar = (
#$00, #$01, #$02, #$03, #$04, #$05, #$06, #$07,
#$08, #$09, #$0A, #$0B, #$0C, #$0D, #$0E, #$0F,
#$10, #$11, #$12, #$13, #$14, #$15, #$16, #$17,
#$18, #$19, #$1A, #$1B, #$1C, #$1D, #$1E, #$1F,
#$20, #$21, #$22, #$23, #$24, #$25, #$26, #$27,
#$28, #$29, #$2A, #$2B, #$2C, #$2D, #$2E, #$2F,
#$30, #$31, #$32, #$33, #$34, #$35, #$36, #$37,
#$38, #$39, #$3A, #$3B, #$3C, #$3D, #$3E, #$3F,
#$40, #$61, #$62, #$63, #$64, #$65, #$66, #$67,
#$68, #$69, #$6A, #$6B, #$6C, #$6D, #$6E, #$6F,
#$70, #$71, #$72, #$73, #$74, #$75, #$76, #$77,
#$78, #$79, #$7A, #$5B, #$5C, #$5D, #$5E, #$5F,
#$60, #$61, #$62, #$63, #$64, #$65, #$66, #$67,
#$68, #$69, #$6A, #$6B, #$6C, #$6D, #$6E, #$6F,
#$70, #$71, #$72, #$73, #$74, #$75, #$76, #$77,
#$78, #$79, #$7A, #$7B, #$7C, #$7D, #$7E, #$7F,
#$80, #$81, #$82, #$83, #$84, #$85, #$86, #$87,
#$88, #$89, #$8A, #$8B, #$8C, #$8D, #$8E, #$8F,
#$90, #$91, #$92, #$93, #$94, #$95, #$96, #$97,
#$98, #$99, #$9A, #$9B, #$9C, #$9D, #$9E, #$9F,
#$A0, #$A1, #$A2, #$A3, #$A4, #$A5, #$A6, #$A7,
#$A8, #$A9, #$AA, #$AB, #$AC, #$AD, #$AE, #$AF,
#$B0, #$B1, #$B2, #$B3, #$B4, #$B5, #$B6, #$B7,
#$B8, #$B9, #$BA, #$BB, #$BC, #$BD, #$BE, #$BF,
#$C0, #$C1, #$C2, #$C3, #$C4, #$C5, #$C6, #$C7,
#$C8, #$C9, #$CA, #$CB, #$CC, #$CD, #$CE, #$CF,
#$D0, #$D1, #$D2, #$D3, #$D4, #$D5, #$D6, #$D7,
#$D8, #$D9, #$DA, #$DB, #$DC, #$DD, #$DE, #$DF,
#$E0, #$E1, #$E2, #$E3, #$E4, #$E5, #$E6, #$E7,
#$E8, #$E9, #$EA, #$EB, #$EC, #$ED, #$EE, #$EF,
#$F0, #$F1, #$F2, #$F3, #$F4, #$F5, #$F6, #$F7,
#$F8, #$F9, #$FA, #$FB, #$FC, #$FD, #$FE, #$FF);
function GetHashSize(const Count: Integer): Integer;
if Count < 65 then
Result := 256
Result := Round(IntPower(16, Ceil(Log10(Count div 4) / Log10(16))));
function Hash(const Hash: LongWord; const Buf; const BufSize: Integer): LongWord;
var P: PByte;
I: Integer;
P := #Buf;
Result := Hash;
for I := 1 to BufSize do
Result := HashTable[Byte(Result) xor P^] xor (Result shr 8);
function HashStrBuf(const StrBuf: Pointer; const StrLength: Integer; const Slots: LongWord): LongWord;
var P: PChar;
I, J: Integer;
if not HashTableInit then
P := StrBuf;
if StrLength <= 48 then // Hash all characters for short strings
Result := Hash($FFFFFFFF, P^, StrLength)
// Hash first 16 bytes
Result := Hash($FFFFFFFF, P^, 16);
// Hash last 16 bytes
Inc(P, StrLength - 16);
Result := Hash(Result, P^, 16);
// Hash 16 bytes sampled from rest of string
I := (StrLength - 48) div 16;
P := StrBuf;
Inc(P, 16);
for J := 1 to 16 do
Result := HashTable[Byte(Result) xor Byte(P^)] xor (Result shr 8);
Inc(P, I + 1);
// Mod into slots
if Slots <> 0 then
Result := Result mod Slots;
procedure InitHashTable;
var I, J: Byte;
R: LongWord;
for I := $00 to $FF do
R := I;
for J := 8 downto 1 do
if R and 1 <> 0 then
R := (R shr 1) xor $EDB88320
R := R shr 1;
HashTable[I] := R;
Move(HashTable, HashTableNoCase, Sizeof(HashTable));
for I := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do
HashTableNoCase[I] := HashTableNoCase[I or 32];
HashTableInit := True;
The result of the HashStrBuf is "and (FHashSize - 1)" and is used as index in an "array of array of Integer" (of FHashSize size) to store the index of the string from that "array of string".
This way, when searches for a string, it's transformed in "checksum" and then the code searches in the "branch" with this index comparing this string with the strings from dictionary who have the same "checksum".
Ideally each string from dictionary should have unique checksum. But in the "real world" about 2/3 share the same "checksum" with other words. Because of that the search is not that fast.
In these dictionaries strings are composed of this characters: ['a'..'z',#224..#246,#248..#254,#154,#156..#159,#179,#186,#191,#190,#185,'0'..'9', '''']
Is there any way to improve the "hashing" so the strings would have more unique "checksums"?
Oh, one way is to increase the size of that "array of array of Integer" (FHashSize) but it cannot be increased too much because it takes a lot of Ram.
Another thing: these dictionaries are stored on HDD only as words/expressions (not the "checksums"). Their "checksum" is generated at program startup. But it takes a lot of seconds to do that...
Is there any way to speed up the startup of the program? Maybe by improving the "hashing" function, maybe by storing the "checksums" on HDD and loading them from there...
Any input would be appreciated...
PS: here is the code to search:
function TDictionary.LocateKey(const Key: AnsiString): Integer;
var i, j, l, H: Integer;
P, Q: PChar;
Result := -1;
l := Length(Key);
H := HashStrBuf(#Key[1], l, 0) and (FHashSize - 1);
P := #Key[1];
for i := 0 to High(FHash[H]) do //FHash is that "array of array of integer"
if l <> FKeys.ItemSize[FHash[H][i]] then //FKeys.ItemSize is an byte array with the lengths of strings from dictionary
Q := FKeys.Pointer(FHash[H][i]); //pointer to string in dictionary
for j := 0 to l - 1 do
if (P + j)^ <> (Q + j)^ then
if j = l then
Result := FHash[H][i];
Don't reinvent the wheel!
IMHO your hashing is far from efficient, and your collision algorithm can be improved.
Take a look for instance at the IniFiles unit, and the THashedStringList.
It's a bit old, but a good start for a string list using hashes.
There are a lot of good Delphi implementation of such, like in SuperObject and a lot of other code...
Take a look at our SynBigTable unit, which can handle arrays of data in memory or in file very fast, with full indexed searches. Or our latest TDynArray wrapper around any dynamic array of data, to implement TList-like methods to it, including fast binary search. I'm quite sure it could be faster than your hand-tuned code using hashing, if you use an ordered index then fast binary search.
About pure hashing speed of a string content, take a look at this function - rename RawByteString into AnsiString, PPtrInt into PPointer, and PtrInt into Integer for Delphi 7:
function Hash32(const Text: RawByteString): cardinal;
function SubHash(P: PCardinalArray): cardinal;
{$ifdef HASINLINE}inline;{$endif}
var s1,s2: cardinal;
i, L: PtrInt;
const Mask: array[0..3] of cardinal = (0,$ff,$ffff,$ffffff);
if P<>nil then begin
L := PPtrInt(PtrInt(P)-4)^; // fast lenght(Text)
s1 := 0;
s2 := 0;
for i := 1 to L shr 4 do begin // 16 bytes (4 DWORD) by loop - aligned read
for i := 1 to (L shr 2)and 3 do begin // 4 bytes (DWORD) by loop
inc(s1,P^[0] and Mask[L and 3]); // remaining 0..3 bytes
result := s1 xor (s2 shl 16);
end else
result := 0;
begin // use a sub function for better code generation under Delphi
result := SubHash(pointer(Text));
There is even a pure asm version, even faster, in our SynCommons.pas unit. I don't know any faster hashing function around (it's faster than crc32/adler32/IniFiles.hash...). It's based on adler32, but use DWORD aligned reading and summing for even better speed. This could be improved with SSE asm, of course, but here is a fast pure Delphi hash function.
Then don't forget to use "multiplication"/"binary and operation" for hash resolution, just like in IniFiles. It will reduce the number of iteration to your list of hashs.
But since you didn't provide the search source code, we are not able to know what could be improved here.
If you are using Delphi 7, consider using Julian Bucknall's lovely Delphi data types code, EzDsl (Easy Data Structures Library).
Now you don't have to reinvent the wheel as another wise person has also said.
You can download ezdsl, a version that I have made work with both Delphi 7, and recent unicode delphi versions, here.
In particular the unit name EHash contains a hash table implementation, which has various hashing algorithms plug-inable, or you can write your own plugin function that just does the hashing function of your choice.
As a word to the wise, if you are using a Unicode Delphi version; I would be careful about hashing your unicode strings with a code library like this, without checking how its hashing algorithms perform on your system. The OP here is using Delphi 7, so Unicode is not a factor for the original question.
I think you'll find a database (without checksums) a lot quicker. Maybe try sqlite which will give you a single file database. There are many Delphi Libraries available.

How to assign multiple values to an Open or Fixed-size array?

I want to do the following,but I get errors:
procedure JumpToCodeCave(CurrentLocation:DWORD;Destination:Pointer;out_JmpBack:Pointer);
var calc:DWORD;
jmppatch:Array[0..3] of byte absolute calc;
Buffer:Array[0..9] of byte;
calc := (Cardinal(Destination) - $5)-(CurrentLocation + $4);
Buffer := [$90,$90,$90,$90,$E9,jmppatch,$90]; //<< Error here <<
out_JmpBack^ := Currentlocation + $A;
Buffer should look like this:
The function calculates the value that should be written to jump from one address(current) to another address(CodeCave).The result is converted into bytes and written into the process,but I can't put the bytes in the Buffer like I did above.
I'm sorry for the stupid question,but I have forgotten Delphi after I began my education with C#.
Delphi doesn't support array literals like that, especially not ones that would accept a four-byte value and turn it into four one-byte values.
You can have array constants, as Kcats's answer demonstrates. You can also have open-array literals, but then you can only pass it to a function expecting an open-array parameter.
I'd do something different, in your case. Code is not just an array of bytes. It has structure, so I'd make a record and give it fields for each of the instructions in the code.
TPatch = packed record
Nops: array [0..3] of Byte;
JmpInst: packed record
Opcode: Byte;
Offset: LongWord;
Nop: Byte;
Nop = $90;
Jmp = $e9;
Buffer: TPatch;
// nop; nop; nop; nop;
FillChar(Buffer.Nops, SizeOf(Buffer.Nops), Nop);
// jmp xxxx
Buffer.JmpInst.Opcode := Jmp;
Buffer.JmpInst.Offset := LongWord(Destination) - SizeOf(Buffer.JmpInst)
- (CurrentLocation + SizeOf(Buffer.Nops));
// nop
Buffer.Nop := Nop;
WriteProcessmemory(Handle, Ptr(CurrentLocation), #Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), nil);
Even if you don't do all that, note that I've changed the third parameter of WriteProcessMemory. Your Buffer variable is not a pointer, so you really can't type-cast it to be one. You need to pass the address.
There's no way to assign the way you want to. Instead, use the Move() and FillMemory() procedures:
FillMemory(#Buffer[0], 4, $90);
Buffer[4] := $E9;
Move(Calc, Buffer[5], 4);
Buffer[9] := $90;
Note that I have removed the absolute variable, as it's no longer necessary.
You can't do that. Try something like:
Buffer:Array[0..9] of byte = ($90,$90,$90,$90,$E9,$CC,$CC,$CC,$CC,$90);
PCardinal(#buffer[5])^ := (Cardinal(Destination) - $5)-(CurrentLocation + $4);

How to simulate bit-fields in Delphi records?

I would like to declare a record in Delphi that contains the same layout as it has in C.
For those interested : This record is part of a union in the Windows OS's LDT_ENTRY record. (I need to use this record in Delphi because I'm working on an Xbox emulator in Delphi - see project Dxbx on sourceforge).
Anyway, the record in question is defined as:
DWORD BaseMid : 8;
DWORD Type : 5;
DWORD Dpl : 2;
DWORD Pres : 1;
DWORD LimitHi : 4;
DWORD Sys : 1;
DWORD Reserved_0 : 1;
DWORD Default_Big : 1;
DWORD Granularity : 1;
DWORD BaseHi : 8;
As far as I know, there are no bit-fields possible in Delphi. I did try this:
Bits = record
BaseMid: Byte; // 8 bits
_Type: 0..31; // 5 bits
Dpl: 0..3; // 2 bits
Pres: Boolean; // 1 bit
LimitHi: 0..15; // 4 bits
Sys: Boolean; // 1 bit
Reserved_0: Boolean; // 1 bit
Default_Big: Boolean; // 1 bit
Granularity: Boolean; // 1 bit
BaseHi: Byte; // 8 bits
But alas: it's size becomes 10 bytes, instead of the expected 4.
I would like to know how I should declare the record, so that I get a record with the same layout, the same size, and the same members. Preferrably without loads of getter/setters.
Thanks everyone!
Based on this information, I reduced this to :
RBits = record
BaseMid: BYTE;
Flags: WORD;
function GetBits(const aIndex: Integer): Integer;
procedure SetBits(const aIndex: Integer; const aValue: Integer);
BaseHi: BYTE;
property _Type: Integer index $0005 read GetBits write SetBits; // 5 bits at offset 0
property Dpl: Integer index $0502 read GetBits write SetBits; // 2 bits at offset 5
property Pres: Integer index $0701 read GetBits write SetBits; // 1 bit at offset 7
property LimitHi: Integer index $0804 read GetBits write SetBits; // 4 bits at offset 8
property Sys: Integer index $0C01 read GetBits write SetBits; // 1 bit at offset 12
property Reserved_0: Integer index $0D01 read GetBits write SetBits; // 1 bit at offset 13
property Default_Big: Integer index $0E01 read GetBits write SetBits; // 1 bit at offset 14
property Granularity: Integer index $0F01 read GetBits write SetBits; // 1 bit at offset 15
The index is encoded as follows : (BitOffset shl 8) + NrBits. Where 1<=NrBits<=32 and 0<=BitOffset<=31
Now, I can get and set these bits as follows :
function RBits.GetBits(const aIndex: Integer): Integer;
Offset: Integer;
NrBits: Integer;
Mask: Integer;
NrBits := aIndex and $FF;
Offset := aIndex shr 8;
Mask := ((1 shl NrBits) - 1);
Result := (Flags shr Offset) and Mask;
procedure RBits.SetBits(const aIndex: Integer; const aValue: Integer);
Offset: Integer;
NrBits: Integer;
Mask: Integer;
NrBits := aIndex and $FF;
Offset := aIndex shr 8;
Mask := ((1 shl NrBits) - 1);
Assert(aValue <= Mask);
Flags := (Flags and (not (Mask shl Offset))) or (aValue shl Offset);
Pretty nifty, don't you think?!?!
PS: Rudy Velthuis now included a revised version of this in his excellent "Pitfalls of converting"-article.
Rudy's Delphi Corner is the best resource I know of regarding Delphi and C/C++ interoperability. His Pitfalls of conversion is pretty much a must read when using C/C++ APIs in Delphi. The chapter you'll be most interested in is Records and alignment -> Bitfields, but I urge you to read the entire thing top to bottom, twice. The other articles are definitely worth the time investment, too.
Ok, my bit manipulation is a bit rusty, so I could have reversed the bytes. But the code below gives the general idea:
TBits = record
FBaseMid : Byte;
FTypeDplPres : Byte;
FLimitHiSysEa: Byte;
FBaseHi : Byte;
function GetType: Byte;
procedure SetType(const AType: Byte);
function GetDpl: Byte;
procedure SetDbl(const ADpl: Byte);
function GetBit1(const AIndex: Integer): Boolean;
procedure SetBit1(const AIndex: Integer; const AValue: Boolean);
function GetLimitHi: Byte;
procedure SetLimitHi(const AValue: Byte);
function GetBit2(const AIndex: Integer): Boolean;
procedure SetBit2(const AIndex: Integer; const AValue: Boolean);
property BaseMid: Byte read FBaseMid write FBaseMid;
property &Type: Byte read GetType write SetType; // 0..31
property Dpl: Byte read GetDpl write SetDbl; // 0..3
property Pres: Boolean index 128 read GetBit1 write SetBit1;
property LimitHi: Byte read GetLimitHi write SetLimitHi; // 0..15
property Sys: Boolean index 16 read GetBit2 write SetBit2;
property Reserved0: Boolean index 32 read GetBit2 write SetBit2;
property DefaultBig: Boolean index 64 read GetBit2 write SetBit2;
property Granularity: Boolean index 128 read GetBit2 write SetBit2;
property BaseHi: Byte read FBaseHi write FBaseHi;
function TBits.GetType: Byte;
Result := (FTypeDplPres shr 3) and $1F;
procedure TBits.SetType(const AType: Byte);
FTypeDplPres := (FTypeDplPres and $07) + ((AType and $1F) shr 3);
function TBits.GetDpl: Byte;
Result := (FTypeDplPres and $06) shr 1;
procedure TBits.SetDbl(const ADpl: Byte);
FTypeDblPres := (FTypeDblPres and $F9) + ((ADpl and $3) shl 1);
function TBits.GetBit1(const AIndex: Integer): Boolean;
Result := FTypeDplPres and AIndex = AIndex;
procedure TBits.SetBit1(const AIndex: Integer; const AValue: Boolean);
if AValue then
FTypeDblPres := FTypeDblPres or AIndex
FTypeDblPres := FTypeDblPres and not AIndex;
function TBits.GetLimitHi: Byte;
Result := (FLimitHiSysEa shr 4) and $0F;
procedure TBits.SetLimitHi(const AValue: Byte);
FLimitHiSysEa := (FLimitHiSysEa and $0F) + ((AValue and $0F) shr 4);
function TBits.GetBit2(const AIndex: Integer): Boolean;
Result := FLimitHiSysEa and AIndex = AIndex;
procedure TBits.SetBit2(const AIndex: Integer; const AValue: Boolean);
if AValue then
FLimitHiSysEa := FLimitHiSysEa or AIndex
FLimitHiSysEa := FLimitHiSysEa and not AIndex;
Well, you basically need to get down to the dirty with bit-manipulation.
Why, specifically, do you need to retain that structure?
If you only need to talk to a legacy program that either talks in this dialect (TCP/IP or similar), or stores data in this manner (files, etc.), then I would map a normal Delphi structure to a bit-version compatible. In other words, I would use a normally structured Delphi structure in memory, and write code to write and read that structure in a compatible manner.
If you need to save memory, I would make getters and setters that manipulate bits of internal integers or similar. This will have a performance impact, but not much more than what the original C program would have, the only difference is that the bit-manipulation would be added by compiler magic in the C version, whereas you will have to write it yourself.
If you don't have many records in memory, and don't need to talk to another program, I'd use a natural Delphi structure. Trade-off for higher performance will be more memory used.
But it all depends on your criteria.
In any case, you won't be able to talk the Delphi compiler into doing the same job for you as the C compiler.
PACKED RECORD, suggested by another here, doesn't do that, and was never meant to. It will only remove alignment padding to put integers on 32-bit boundaries and similar, but won't pack multiple fields into one byte.
Note that a common way to do this is through Delphi SETS, which are implementing internally using bit-fields. Again, you will have different code than the C variant.
