Large Merchant Services for ebay in c# - ebay-lms

I'm attempting to send a file to the eBays LMS.
I have downloaded heaps of examples but they all have something missing. Either they don't have all the references, or they don't tell me what packages to include.
Most often though they require something called a JobID, that I of course don't have because that's step one of the process.
So I'm wondering if anyone has seen or knows where to find a C# sample that contains all the bits.

It took quite a bit of digging but I came to this.
It has an app that appears to do everything. Though I've got a problem with it now, it is one of my making.
I am most happy.


Looking for old Assembler-like bot language on C64

In a discussion with a friend I was recently reminded of a fascinating idea from the days of Commodore C64. Unfortunately, googling brought no results, which might be due to the fact that I don't even know what to google for. So, I would like to ask for help here...
In a nutshell, I remember there once was a very simple, almost Assembler-like programming language that was used exclusively for programs that were battling each other in computer memory by overwriting each other. Personally, I played around with it on a C64, but it might have been ported to other systems, as well. It might have been called "program war" or something like that and for a while there were big communities running competitions and championships.
Is anyone old enough to know, what I'm talking about, and could help me with some info? :)
Thanks in advance.
Maybe you are remembering Core War where the assembly language was called Redcode and specifically Core Wars Pro for C64 (see,

Flutter standard packages

As I see several dart packages published at dart package website, I am curious to know what packages does flutter endorse?
The question would be vague, so I would like to focus on a specific package dio. I have contacted few flutter developers, and have been told that the package is not yet a industry standard, also I was introduced to some packages that were published just hours back, for example jaguar_retrofit. I also see dart https package used frequently in flutter documentation.
This weighs me to look at what would be the most promising in the future.
Can someone solve the package mystery for me, any flutter insights available?
This is a valid question, but not one that you'll probably find a final answer to on stackoverflow (and it may be closed as off-topic although I won't cast that vote). You might find better luck at although there may not be too many dart/flutter specific people there; I don't know for sure.
But realistically, no-one knows what might happen to the packages in the future other than the people maintaining them. That would probably be a good first step - make contact with the developers as they will be able to give you a better indication of how committed to maintaining their code they are.
Other than that, what I'd look for is who the publisher of the package is (see below, under the "Author").
If it is the 'Dart Team' or 'Flutter Team', there's a fairly good chance it will be maintained. If it isn't, but the uploader has a '' email address, there's a chance it's just one of their 20% projects, but there's still a better chance of it being maintained than a random dev.
And finally, if the package's licence allows for it (which pretty much everything on pub should) you may be able to help the developer with it in the future, in which case everyone wins =).
It helps to look at the official documentation:
Fetch data from the internet
JSON and serialization
More in the cookbook.
Some time ago, I took a look at the dio source code and I'm not really convinced that it is a good option. Basically it is just a thin wrapper around the standard http library.
The retrofit clone seems to rely on a custom JSON serializer code generator, instead of using one of the standard solutions.

RoR: Large Project Management. Need help from RoR Seniors that have worked on large projects

I am currently working on a large project. It is already lunched but the problem is users are already using the app and having very erroneous results. They don't complain much but each and every day I am receiving emails on errors and improvements.
I would appreciate some help in deciding weather to debug the app or just create another one. I'm working on a rails 2.5 app with old plugins.
And I'm the only one doing all this. T.T
Its really tempting on a project like you describe to toss out old code and rewrite, but its almost always a mistake (see links at end regarding rewrites are invaluable, especially
I'm guessing you don't have any real test suite in place, or it'd be easier to track down problems and you'd probably have a smaller project as well-tested projects tend to be well-factored (though not always). That's going to make it very difficult to reimplement and have any assurances that you've replicated all the functionality and that any dependencies work well with the "new and improved" code.
And if your users are getting erroneous results, I'd venture to say you don't actually know what the problem is, so a rewrite isn't going to fix that.
When I take over a project like this, step one is to write a suite of characterization tests, documenting the way I think the system is supposed to work AT THE PRESENT TIME. Often in doing so you'll uncover a piece of functionality that doesn't make sense or is inconsistent with the rest of the system—that may well be where your problem is. Once we're through that phase, we can start refactoring the ugly parts, cleaning up views, moving logic to someplace it belongs, removing dead code, etc. But those tests are really important to have if you want to keep the system functioning.
Finally, set reasonable expectations for yourself. Projects like this don't turn into messes overnight—you can't fix them overnight either.
Fujisan I am in the exact situation as you are. I think it is best to first debug the current rails app and then think about rebuilding it. If you are rebuilding the rails app it takes more time than expected. I started out like this:
Created a separate database and repository which has the same code and data that pulls from the live website. I use this website to work with the bugs and not on the live site.
First started off knowing what models are present and started with user model. It is best to use the rails console and dbconsole in this step if you havent used them before. It is easy to find the dependencies from the console with ruby.
Just tweaked around the models and found the relations between different models. After the models looked at the controllers. Now once I have an idea of what is happening in the application I started with a sketch of the purpose of each model and what it is doing and how and why the dependencies are made.
FInally went with working on the bugs and suggestions. The major hurdle was with gems. When the website was created by seniors the gems were very active and now they are all orphaned. This makes it hard to get answer to any of the bugs that are persisting because of those gems.
Railscasts are your best friends!
I hope that helped. Good luck!

Rails: When and why to create a gem/plugin?

While working on my project, I created 3 mini-libraries (100-1000 lines). They are quite complete for the their purposes, though of cause they maybe do not suite any relevant use case.
So the question is: what should i conider deciding if i should make a plug-in/gem from it and publish? When it worth and it doesn't to publish a library?
It would be nice if you supported you advice with some of successful or frustrating experience of creating and publishing a gem/plug-in.
I've finally published a plug-in: active_factory
I'd say you should consider making it a plugin/gem when you think the idea is modular enough to be a drop and use(with some configuration if needed) for other projects. You should publish it if you think others will also find it useful.
I want to note that I said the "idea" is modular enough. Right now your implementation many not be completely modular, however if the idea itself is, then I'd spend some time making the implementation modular.
In terms of what deems a gem 'useful', I would initially just put it out in the public(aka github for example) and see if there is interest. Some of the greatest ideas spawned from just throwing it out there into the public. You can try your hardest to think about what others are thinking, but you never know until your try. And in this case, there really isn't much overhead in putting it out in the public.
Make it a gem when you think you or others might reuse the code, or simply because you want to manage its development (and tests, etc) separately. The cost is trivial.

Encoding Ruby on Rails code?

Are there any applications out there that will let me encode my Ruby on Rails code so others can't read it? I plan on selling a few small applications, but I really don't want everyone knowing my code.
Only example I have seen in the wild is Mingle from ThoughtWorks, which runs on JRuby, which I think they must have modified in some way to run the encrypted code.
I think they may have used something like this AOT compiler:
This also looks promising:
Check out this answer for other ideas.
Can you Distribute a Ruby on Rails Application without Source?
If you want people to able to run your code (and if you don't, then why did you write it in the first place?), then their CPU needs to be able to execute your code. In order to be able to execute the code, the CPU needs to be able to understand it.
Since CPUs are dumb, and humans aren't, this means that humans can understand the code as well.
The only way you can protect your code through technical means, is if you "own" the entire execution path: you need to build your own CPU, your own computer, write your own operating system and your own Ruby interpreter. Then, and only then can you protect your code. (But note that even the tiniest mistake will render all of your protections useless. Microsoft, Apple, Sony, the Music Industry and the Movie Industry can attest to that.)
Or, you could just do nothing, which means that your code will be automatically protected by copyright law.
Thanks for all your answers! Currently I'm looking at jRuby and Ruby Encoder options but if I find neither are what I want then I think I should just sell the code and focus more on getting customers. It really doesn't make sense to spend all this time and money on an encryption that can be easily cracked anyways.
Maybe you could host the application yourself.
This way nobody will have ever access to your code and you're clients will use the application everywhere via Internet and also will pay you for the support.
In order to host rails application the easiest way you could try or even set a small VPS with apache and mod_passenger.
No, there is no way to have executable code that can't be read. Hard to read yes, impossible to read is... impossible. Best you can do is obfuscate, of which there are many examples around the net (but I don't know of any libraries that do it for you).
