How practical is it to run a Rails server with Apache or Nginx even in development mode? - ruby-on-rails

Since WEBrick or Mongrel might be limited to not having keep-alive etc, can't Apache or Nginx be used with Rails even in development mode?
For example, running Apache there always, and attach Rails to it, so that starting Rails meaning starting the Rails part, and no webserver such as WEBrick or Mongrel need to be started. Is that feasible? On some Mac, even Apache is running all the time when the system Settings has the "Web sharing" selected.

You can use Apache or nginx or any server of your choice for any environment you wish to run. But you can't just start it with rails server.
As described in this post, you just need to set the right option in your httpd.conf, in the section that serves your rails:
## Specify Rails Environment here, default value is "production"
RailsEnv development


Rails on Local machine with no nginx or apache

I am on the starting level of rails development. Recently i have been studying about web servers like puma, unicorn, webrick.
On the production level we need apache or nginx to handle the load balancing and processing the requests, my question is on my development machine i have no apache or nginx installed but how my rails project is working.
Apache / Nginx serves a static files: css, js, html pages and etc.
They do it very good, and thus they're used for the production servers with high-load file traffic.
For self purpose we are need not much, thus we are satisfied with basic tools for development, such as embedded "file server" in webric or puma or unicorn.
Not make sure that I'm right, it's a kind of magic, probably somebody has more information?

Setting up multiple rails apps using nginx and Puma

I have a web server serving multiple Rails applications using a combination of nginx and Passenger. This is pretty straightforward, because the Passenger install sets-up pretty much everything you need to connect to nginx.
I found "Rails app with Puma" that seems to explain how to set up nginx and Puma together. How would this configuration need to be modified in order to serve a second Rails application on the same server?
Also, this guide doesn't say anything about restarting the application automatically if there is a system reboot or some other issue. Is there a way to do that? The nginx + Passenger combo seems to do it by default.

OS X: Development & Production Deployment for RoR with Apache and Passenger

My head is about to explode from the mangled mess as a result of the following few days trying to setup a development environment for Rails, Apache and Passenger.
The questions I have are:
Do you NEED passenger for a development environment? Can I just develop with instead? - I am 99.99% sure the answer is no (you don't use passenger for development), but I need confirmation since I am deeply confused now.
When I deploy, I only use Passenger for that, correct? I.e. I don't ever touch passenger until I deploy.
Is my development environment correct?
Production deployment is simply moving a rails application under the effects of Passenger coupled with an Apache VHOST?
Background (I suggest you read):
It seems that all the information on the web is concerned about explaining things for people who already know what they are doing, rather than explaining in detail how things work it's just a series of installation steps and that has left me extremely confused on the role of things, and how to setup a development environment and deploy a RoR application correctly - so please bear with this long question.
For the past 3 days I have been trying to setup a development environment on my Macbook Pro that isn't destroyed by Apple's rediculous limits on Apache installations. I installed a custom Apache install (from bitnami using their ruby stack, since I refuse to use so that I can run Apache and upgrade things like PHP to 5.5 easily, and that works fine.
I am trying to get into RoR but so far it has been a struggle, and I am about ready to give up.
I understand you need Apache to serve Rails applications so that the server can handle requests concurrently rather than one at a time, and that various interfaces for this exist like Thin or whatever; Passenger was highly recommended.
I installed Passenger via their instructions and did some hackery to compile it for the Bitnami passenger installation, rather than the default Apache on Mac OS X - and it's working. When I start apache and run: passenger-memory-stats I get results expected from the installation guide, so that tells me passenger is running.
However, when I try and deploy a simple hello world Rails application I get a slew of "We're sorry…" or no result at all and just a blank page.
I am fairly sure my development environment is correct, everything works except this last bit. I can picture development taking place on a server, and once deployment is ready you simply copy the Rails application and configure Apache's VHOST to point to your ready-to-deploy app while Passenger handles the rest, is that correct?
I am using PostgresSQL via the, the server works fine and I can connect to it.
I have gem 'pg' in my Gemfile.
I have already read, and tried every conceivable solution from the following SO questions, but I either get no result or empty logs which is… infuriating to say the least:
We're sorry, but something went wrong. - with Rails, Apache, Passenger
Ruby on Rails: How can i edit database.yml for postgresql?
How do I set up the database.yml file in Rails?
So with all that said, I am trying to deploy this hello world application (which works on a standard rails server) using the following:
<VirtualHost *:8081>
PassengerEnabled on
RailsEnv production
ErrorLog /Applications/rubystack/apache2/htdocs/helloworld/project_error.log
CustomLog /Applications/rubystack/apache2/htdocs/helloworld/project_error.log combined
ServerName dmarket.local:8081
ServerAlias www.dmarket.local:8081
DocumentRoot "/Applications/rubystack/apache2/htdocs/helloworld/public"
PassengerPreStart http://dmarket.local:8081
<Directory "/Applications/rubystack/apache2/htdocs/helloworld/public">
Allow from all
Options -MultiViews
HOSTS FILE: dmarket.local www.dmarket.local
DATABASE.YML (same for development, test, and production):
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
port: 5432
database: tsujp
pool: 5
username: tsujp
A summary of answers to your questions
You don't need Passenger in development. You can develop with Pow, and deploy with Passenger.
But you can use Passenger in development if you want to. It is a good idea to use Passenger in development because that way your development environment will match your production environment more, which reduces the risk of running into unexpected problems when you deploy.
Using Passenger in development is very easy. Use it's Standalone mode, and run passenger start instead of rails server.
Pow is strictly a development-only server. The authors recommend against using it in production.
When you deploy, you touch Passenger. You don't have to touch Passenger until deployment time, but you may.
Production deployment is indeed moving an application under the effects of Passenger, and setting up a virtual host. You will of course also need to install gems (bundle install) setup the database (editing config/database.yml), running database migrations (bundle exec rake db:migrate), etc.
I've also posted updates on the posts that you linked to, in order to make life easier for people who happened to have found those posts via search.
Apache vs Nginx
You will find a lot of people recommending Nginx (e.g. Sergio just did). I second that recommendation. Nginx is faster than Apache, handles slow clients better and is generally easier to use.
Passenger works great with Nginx. It has an Nginx integration mode that is just as easy as the Apache mode. Sergio suggested Nginx + Unicorn or Nginx + Puma, but Nginx + Passenger (which replaces Unicorn/Puma) is much easier to setup, performs great, uses less memory, works better and has more features. Nginx + Unicorn requires a lot of configuration, process management using init scripts, etc.
But this is just a recommendation. You don't have to use Nginx. Sticking with Apache + Passenger is fine. Apache works well enough for most people.
Regarding your Passenger problems
However, when I try and deploy a simple hello world Rails application I get a slew of "We're sorry…" or no result at all and just a blank page.
Whenever you get an unexpected error, the first thing you should do is to read the log files. There are two log files that are important to you:
The web server error log, typically /var/log/apache/error.log. This log file contains:
Phusion Passenger error messages.
Everything that the Rails application writes to STDERR. This typically consists of errors that Rails encounters during startup (but not errors that it encounters when it's handling requests).
The Rails development log (or production log, in case you're running in production), log/development.log (or log/production.log). When an error occurs during request handling, it is typically logged here. This file does not contain errors that Rails encounters during startup.
The error messages will often tell you what the problem is and how to solve it.
This tip can also be found in the Phusion Passenger manual, Troubleshooting section.
Sergio recommended Capistrano. I second that recommendation. You should remember that Capistrano complements Passenger; it does not replace Passenger. Capistrano is a tool for automating tasks. Do you currently create a tarball of your app and scp it to your server, and extract it there? Well, Capistrano automates this sort of thing for you.
For more information about how all the different pieces of the stack fit together (Apache, Passenger, Capistrano, HAProxy, Chef, etc), check out the section "The big picture" on the Phusion Passenger documentation page.
Recommendation summary
Use passenger start in development. It is by far the easiest to get started with. You don't have to edit any configuration files, it works immediately.
Use Phusion Passenger for Nginx in production.
You don't need Passenger in development. In fact, in development mode you don't need even apache. You can use built-in Webrick server ($ rails server) to run your app. And yes. Pow is a good tool, I use it all the time.
In production there are also multiple options. One of them is Apache+Passenger, yes. But you need to put Nginx in front of those (because Apache doesn't handle slow clients very well). If you have nginx, then you can replace apache+passenger with something else. For a long time I've been using Unicorn (ruby web server from github). Now my current favourite is Puma. It uses less resources than unicorn, but has more requirements to your code (it better be thread-safe, because puma is a threaded server).
Now, to the development-production discrepancy: it is known that development should resemble production as closely as possible, because it minimizes risks when deploying. So, my suggestion is: use unicorn everywhere (both development and production). Only on production put nginx in front of it.
for actually performing deploys, look into Capistrano. It became industry standard for deploying rails apps (but it can also deploy PHP, static files and what have you).

Rails framework & Nginx web server

As we install rails it uses its own web server WEBrick. If i want to run ths application in Nginx server, then how to configure or set the Nginx web werver?
You should run your rails application in a production server such as mongrel_cluster or thin (I have used the former, and am currently switching to the latter). To put nginx in front of it, I would use the upstream and proxy_pass directives. I found a nice blog post comparing ways of running rails applications that shows their config for mongrel_cluster + nginx.
Passenger is also available for nginx, I've used that with Apache and it was very easy to set up.

Running more than Rails apps on a local Mac

I would like to set up multiple Rails apps running simultaneously.
I'm using a basic installation with Rails and Mongrel. I'm pretty newbie when it comes to a server side thing.
What kind of options do I have to run multiple Rails app running at the same time on a local Mac?
The only thing that stops you from running multiple rails apps on one machine is the ports.
If you want to run several apps while developing just use script/server -p <port number> for each of the apps.
If you have a production machine set up, I would recommend you to use phusion passenger with apache or nginx, and set up different virtual machines (or ports)
If you end up using Phusion Passenger, the Passenger Preference Pane can automatically configure your Apache virtual hosts for you. It's a lot easier than editing the Apache configuration and your /etc/hosts file each time you want to set up a new application.
Generally you start rails server using webrick or mongrel like
mongrel_rails start
respectively, that starts your server on port 3000 by default, ie. you can access your app on localhost:3000
To have multiple rails apps running on same machine, just start the servers by going to different rails application root directories on different ports like so
script/server -p 3001
mongrel_rails start -p 3001
Just for info, if you want to start rails apps in different environments then just pass -e option when you start the server like so
script/server -e production
script/server -e test_or_anyotherenv
If you don't give -e option, then it will by default start the server in development environment.
I'm a Django (not Rails) coder, but I think you should launch the servers at different ports.
Initially, I used mongrel on different ports. Works just fine. But, as agregoire mentioned, Phusion Passenger and the Passenger PrefPane make your life so much easier. Checkout Ryan Bates's RailsCast, Passenger in Development, for a good tutorial on setting it up.
