Can I pass arguments to sortcompare function - actionscript

I am creating the columns of a datagrid dynamically at run time and I need to allocate the sort compare function to those columns based on the data type of that column, is there a way I can pass some argument to that compare function which could tell the function what type of column is it going to operate on?

This link was helpful:
Flex: question about the sortCompareFunction of the DataGridColumn
But, in my case it didnt work because the solumns are getting generated dynamically and fieldName was not getting properly filled up (it was picking the last fieldName from code)...therefore I declared a global string (local to the class) and set it to the column name on headerRelease event of the datagrid (event class would be DataGridEvent and event.dataField would give the column name (which was dynamic in my case). You can use this column inside the sortcompare function to calculate the sorting logic based on column.


How can we hide a particular column in table dynamically based on the value of check box in IBM BPM coach?

In Coach how to hide the column in a brazos tabel control based on check box value check.
when ever check box click in that time i need to show particular column in a tabel, other wise it should be hide.
we are using IBM BPM 8.5.0
Brazos Toolkit
If you click on the Brazos UI Table component -> Configuration -> Hidden columns -> here you can specify a variable. The value for the variable should be integer. So, depending on the value of your checkbox bound variable (true or false) you may control which column would be hidden by assigning corresponding value to the Integer variable that you use in Hidden Column configuration in a Data Table.
Also, keep in mind that the number of the first column is 0.
If you need to specify multiple hidden columns use comma 0,2 for example.
Hope this helps.
Assuming that your checkbox is not a column on your table, I would recommend you wrap your table in a custom coach view, bind a local variable for hidden columns to your table and pass have another config variable variable for the checkbox value. In the load event handler, initialize the values of the comma separated hidden columns variable (this.context.options.<checkBoxVar>.set("value",[value]) based on checkbox value. Within the change event handler, write an event handler (if( == [checkBoxVar])) for the checkbox change and change the value of the hidden columns appropriately.

Pass an entire row to SQLite custom function

I am trying to create a SQLite custom function that will accept the entire row as its argument. An example query would be:
SELECT * FROM some_table ORDER BY custom_rank_function(<entire row>)
However, I'm unsure for the syntax to pass in the entire row. I tried using * but this passes each column value as a separate argument, which results in many arguments as my table has 15 fields. Is there any way to pass some kind of "row pointer" and then pull field values from this row pointer?
There is no syntax for this, because the SQLite API does not have any mechanism for this.

How to make TProgressColumn work when used with LiveBindings and datasets

My goal is to have a TGrid with several columns, connected to a TClientDataSet via LiveBindings. One of the columns is of type TProgressColumn.
The grid displays the data, but the progress bar column shows nothing (i.e. 0% progress).
The TProgressColumn is connected to a field of type ftInteger. The values in this field are between 0 and 100.
I've tried with ftSingle, but with no luck.
I set the type of the column to be TProgressColumn via ColumnStyle property, available under TLinkGridToDataSourceBindSourceDB/Columns.
The strange thing is that when I use TPrototypeBindSource to generate values - the TProgressColumn works, but only for ftUInteger values. It fails for ftInteger generators.
Here is a little demo (Delphi XE7):
When I put a breakpoint in TProgressCell.DrawCell() and step over the two conditions for Value.IsOrdinal and Value.IsType are skipped and ClampValue receives a value "Min" which is 0.
There seems to be something wrong with the value, passed to the function.
Is there something special when working with TProgressColumn? Do I need to use CustomFormat, CustomParse in TLinkGridToDataSourceColumn?
Is that a bug or I miss something?
Thanks to "nompa" the mystery was solved!
In fact "asInteger" is the well known property of the TField class i.e.:
In CustomFormat property you can get access to many things, including self.asInteger properties.
More information here:
Using Custom Format and Parse Expressions in LiveBindings
Using binding expressions in the CustomFormat property of a TLinkPropertyToField component
Formatting your Fields
How to treat an Integer field as a Boolean?
The value is string by default, not matter is a integer field. In property CustomFormat write AsInteger.
The value will be take as integer and the progress now is visible.

Execute a stored procedure inside textbox to get a localized text

Is it possible to execute a stored procedure inside a textbox? We need this to localize our report.
For example, we have a stored procedure which returns the localized text for a given Key and a given LanguageId. I want to execute this stored procedure for every Label (Textbox) with a different key inside my report.
We are using SSRS 2008.
I think you've got things a little mixed up, you can't "execute a sproc inside a textbox".
What you can do instead, is create a dataset that gets all required Key/Value pairs for your current language, something like this:
EXEC usp_GetReportLabels 'en-US'
/* Returns:
Key Val
--------- ------------
lbl1 Firstname
lbl2 Surname
etc etc
On your textboxes you can use an expression utilizing the Lookup Function to retrieve the correct row from that dataset, and display the label value.
Note: You mention ssrs-2008 but not the ssrs-2008-r2 edition, I don't think the Lookup function is available in plain-2008. In that case you'll need to restructure your dataset(s) a bit to get the same effect. One solution would be to PIVOT the dataset and make the Keys into columns (the dataset will only contain one row in that case, so you can do First(Fields!lbl1.Value)). Bit of a workaround though.

Delphi grid with a different data type in each row, displayed dynamically

I am trying to create a Delphi grid to allow display and edit in a db grid of data that might have a different data type on each row. I would like to display a specific control for each data type, e.g. when the data type is DateTime, I want to display my custom edit control that allows typing a date in or popping up a calendar.
The data looks something like this:
Name DataType DateValue StringValue BooleanValue
A Date 1/1/2007
B String asdf
C Boolean True
...and in the db, this table has a column for each possible type of value. So, there is a BooleanValue column, DateValue, etc.
What I would like to do is display a single 'Value' column in the grid that displays the appropriate edit control depending on what the 'DataType' is for that row. So, the grid should look like :
Name DataType Value
A Date 1/1/2007
B String asdf
C Boolean True
It seems I will need to display a different edit control (to allow the user to edit the Value column) for each row dynamically based on the value of the DataType column. I know there are more advanced grids out there that handle this sort of problem, but the powers that be will not allow anything but what is available out-of-the-box with Delphi.
Any ideas on how to make something like this work?
Personally, I would not go for editing directly inside the TDBGrid in this case, since your Table is not DB normalized (I don't use it in any case actually). I would have used a Calculated field to display the desired value in the grid, And dynamically created the TDBxxxEdits on the form for each field type (How about your own TDBTreeEdit for example, a TDBRichEdit, or a DB Image pickup editor, etc...?).
In case you do want to use your own controls on the TDBGrid, and replace the default TInplaceEdit editor, you can refer the following article: Adding components to a DBGrid, and a related article: Displaying and editing MEMO fiels in Delphi's TDBGrid
Displaying all of the data in the same column is quite easy. You can simply add a calculated string field, and change the value according to what you are storing in that row.
The editing is quite a bit more complicated. If you want to have an in-place editor, you are in for a world of hurt... I've done it, it's a pain, and takes a lot of time. If you want to display a dialog to edit the value, that's much easier. You can add a column objects to the grid and you can setup the column you have attached to the calc field to display a button. When the button is clicked you simply display the editing dialog needed for that row, and commit the edits when the dialog is closed.
There are other ways to get this done, but I would say the above would be the shortest way. Other ways may include custom draw events to display your data in one column, intercept clicks to create your own editor, etc, etc, etc...
after add calculated fields .
procedure OnCalculate(DataSet:TDataSet);
case IndexText(DataSet['ValueType'],['Date','String','Boolean']) of
0:DataSet['DateValue']:=StrToDateTime(DataSet['Value']); // also converting
2:DataSet['BooleanValue']:= MatchText(DataSet['Value'],['1','True','T','Y','Yes']);
{etc datatypes}
