grails registration page - grails

I use grails and I have few registration pages.When user enter few textField values, with "Next" link user have to go to the other page....
After user entered all values data have to be saved.
My problem is that I do not know how to take one page's values from another.
What can I use(sessions, setter and getter methods...) to take all entered values in the last page?

I would recommend looking into Grails Web Flow

There are numerous ways to do it
1) Doing a post back, This will send all your form variables as part of HTTP request and you can then query the params to get the values
2) Grails has got a special artifact which is flash. Once you put anything in flash , its remains till the next request
3) You can use session to retain the values till the session does't expire
Hope that help


Is it possible to resolve navigation outcome in order to validate it?

I've got a WebFilter that redirects to the login page in my application. In order to redirect back to the referring page I've also added a view parameter called redirectOnLogin which is then used on successful logins in order to perform the final navigation.
If one were to manipulate this query parameter, one could easily provoke JSF navigation errors. I would therefore like to pre-empt this by checking that the outcome is valid but I've not been able to uncover a mechanism for pre-validating a JSF outcome.
Easiest and best is to make sure the redirectToLogin parameter cannot be manipulated. Or that manipulation is detected.
You could solve this in (at least) two ways
Taking the original page name, adding a 'salt' to it and creating a hash.
Addin this has that in the request to the login server
Make sure it is returned by the login server (maybe adding it as # to the return page or as a param.
On receiving it on the 'redirectOnLogin' page, use the page name, the same salt and create a hash in the same way. Compare these and if they match you are fine, if they don't throw an error.
Or you could
Store the 'redirectOnLogin' page in a session to
Check on returning from the login server if it matches with the page you end-up on.

how to have per-session token value in struts2

How can we have persistent token value(or Form Key) during the valid session in struts2?
When <s:token/> is in the forms, after submitting the form, the token's value gets changed. It causes this problem that users can not open 2 browser tab and work with them(Only one tab is active due to the tokens' unique value per form).
how can I solve this with struts2 and have durable token value per session(Not per form)?
I think overriding the interceptor can solve the problem, but i wanna
to consider other options
Don't use token at all
If you require something per session, use the session itself. Token is meant to prevent request replay attacks. So just having one per session doesn't make sense.
I also had same problem, in my functionality there is preview which opens in new tab. User can preview multiple times, so it was throwing a token exception. I got one code as at start of function I wrote :
String downloadTokenName = TokenHelper.getTokenName();
String downloadToken = TokenHelper.getToken(downloadTokenName);
At end of function in finally I reassign token value as :
TokenHelper.setSessionToken(downloadTokenName, downloadToken);
It solved my problem.

Update param and call action in controller on click?

I have been banging my head over this for the past 3 days (No kidding!!!)....It seems like a very simple thing but I am just unable to do it. So I'm putting the question out here, and am open to any method which would work.
BACKGROUND : An advanced search form on submission used to generate an URL too large for the server. So the form had to be submitted via POST. So far, so good. Form submitted successfully, and the result was displayed. Only remaining problem was pagination.
As it's a POST call, it ruled out will pagination. While will-pagination merges param page to the existing params, but the problem is that it shows on url which results in the same error.
QUESTION: So is there any way, if the user clicks a link NEXT, I can
a) Update the page param
b) Keep the existing params
c) While not changing the URL
d) Transfer control back to the action in controller?
The only solution so far suggested was have a hidden form, repopulate it's value and submit again. The form's pretty complex, so if there is a cleaner way I'd like to know.
I see what you want from your comment. So editing my reply accordingly. You want the information as to which column is being selected in the sort to be available to the controller without having that information available in the url string, and you want to use GET for this not POST
The challenge you have is that you want to preserve state between requests and you need a mechanism for doing this. POST preserves that information by sending it in the body of the POST request. GET does this by allowing you to populate the query string. The other method for preserving state is to use a cookie.
You can manipulate the url with javascript on the page. There are tutorials online for that.
But if you just want a simple controller hack as you say in your comment then the simplest one I can think of is to allow the user to make the GET request to the url with the query params in it, then handle this request in two steps - step one saves the query information to the cookie, step two redirects them to the url with that query string data stripped, and you look on the cookie to see if it has those fields before building your data for that page. It's hacky but it works.
def sort
session[:sort] = params[:sort]
redirect_to url_without_the_query_string
There is also the new html 5 feature:
window.history.replaceState(“Replace”, “Page Title”, “/mypage”);
from this stackoverflow answer here: How to remove query string from url using javascript
However I'm not sure I'd recommend messing with the url after load like that (I don't know enough about that solution so I'd recommend you read that answer and see if that fits). So, if you MUST lose that data from the url string, because you need to somehow pass it between requests you either have to use POST, or use the session cookie/redirect method I describe above.
Does your html <form> have an action attribute? If not, add one that points to the page.
If you want to preserve the current GET params so that results from the POST can use , you will also need to modify the javascript triggered on the heading links so that as well as (or instead of) modifying the query string, they write the same data to hidden form fields (which of course then get posted in the body of the request). Your JS library may already include helpful functions for that.

URL: Include a parameter inside a destination query

I've searched a lot to try and solve this problem, but I'm not quite sure what to search for. I didn't really manage to find anything.
Essentially I'm working on a website in which users can register for an event. However, if the user is not logged in, I need to redirect them to the registration screen. This much I've been able to accomplish without much difficulty. However I need to redirect back to the event that they attempted to register for.
My real problem is that the URL of the page I need to return to contains an a parameter, and I'm not sure how to make the registration page take that parameter into account when it redirects back.
Currently when an anonymous user tries to go to
I have it redirect you to
However, once the form is submitted the "&id=6" is not taken as part of the destination parameter, which means you just go to.
Which is not a valid page.
Is there a way for me make the destination parameter include "&id=6"?
On a whim I've also tried.
You need to url-encode the value for your destination. Try this:
%3F is hex code for question mark (?), %3D is code for equals (=).

Saving data in rails session to use in form on next request

Let's say I have a table called positions (as in job positions). On the position show page I display all the detail about the job - awesome. At the bottom I need the prospective applicant to input their professional license # before continuing onto the next page which is the actual applicant creation form. I also need to take that license # and have it populate that field on the applicant form (again on the proceeding page).
I realize there are a couple ways to do this. Possibly the more popular option would be to store that value in the session. I am curious how to do this in the simplest manner?
My idea:
Create a table specifically for license #'s.
Add a small form on the position show page to create license # (with validation)
Store newly created license in session - not sure what to put in which controller?
On applicant creation form populate from session the license #.
This would assume applicants only have one license.
Appreciate the help!
Don't store this in the session! Pass that as an hidden field.
Let's say the user starts the form, then open the form again in a new window or something... then the session variable would be shared between the two forms. Other problems would occur if the cookie gets removed (session expire, user clear cache...)
This is not good. The best way is using a POST variable. GET works as well but messes up the URL
Seems like a good idea. As for #3, for whatever controller is called in the transition from 2 -> 4, that would be the controller where you store the session, as such:
session[:license_number] = your_license_number_information
From there, it can be called the same way (session[:license_number]) to get it.
The hidden field is safer for data persistence. However is not not then coded in the HTML output? That can be a great data security issue.
This is a trade-off to be considered.
