Axis2 problems with Inheritence - wsdl

We have object inheritance in our java classes and in the operations we are returning the base classes. Upon running Java2WSDL we noticed that only the base class object is created in the WSDL and the derived classes are completely ignored. There was no straight-forward way to handle this so we used the "extra classes" option in Java2WSDL and got the classes going. So now the WSDL looks complete.
When the client uses the WSDL (generated above) it is able to get the derived classes but when it passes them the service the service doesn't instantiate the corresponding derived class but instance always instantiates the base class, though the soap message contains the reference to the derived class. What I notice from here is it looks like the service is missing those bindings.
How do I fix this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am obviously not a Pro with Axis, but what you try to achieve looks quite like this item in the docs:
Also, you should state what serialization framework you use for your question to be complete.


adding wsdl as service reference to my solution

I have been trying to import methods from a WSDL file by adding a service reference.
As you can see here,
It has found the services with the operations, but after pressing OK, I still cannot use them and they are not even visible in Object Browser.
Does anybody have any idea, where could be the problem? Why does it find the methods and services, but still cannot access them?
PS: I have never worked with WSDL files so I do not understand it well..

Using javascript library in Dart

I try to use JavaScript library in Dart. I prepared ‘adapter’ code according examples on Dart site and
Also according basic use case example from I prepare client dart code.
While code compiles without any errors and warnings nothing happens in browser, expected to see graph-tree.
What I did wrong or miss to do?
The attribute #anonymous is meant to be used when the object you're describing doesn't actually exist in the JS library you're binding, and is only used as a plain old data object. By adding it to all of your objects, my guess is that dart is never attempting to create anything from the visjs library.
Try removing the #anonymous from your Network class and see if that has an effect. You will likely also need to make these abstract classes as well.

Getting "unable to resolve class" exception when importing application domain objects into a plugin in grails

I am working with the Grails Authentication plugin and trying to add a domain class from the plugin into my GORM. I am able to use plugin objects in my application when importing them with, "import com.grailsrocks.authentication.AuthenticationUser", but getting "unable to resolve class" exception when trying to access my application objects from the plugin (I am trying to use the domain class "User" and my import command is "import blap.User" - package name is blap). Both import commands work from the shell, and the import statement is not triggering an error in STS.
I am new to grails, so I'm probably doing something very wrong. But, at this point I am running out of ideas, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
While I haven't used the Grails Authentication plugin before, I don't think you should be modifying the plugin classes. In general, you should extend the plugin class you want to modify in your application and use your application class instead.
Actually, from reading the docs, it looks like you should use the event handling to modify the plugin behavior.
From the plugin docs:
The default AuthenticationUser domain class is minimal. If you want to change constraints or add fields (you may consider using a separate class instead for extra user data) you just redefine the onNewUserObject event and return your own instance of a domain class or similar wrapper around another authentication database such as LDAP

What does Grails create-service do exactly?

I am developing a Grails application (with Grails 1.3.7). In service layer, I did not use the command 'create-service' to create my service but do it manually.
As the result, my service was not auto initialize in controllers and other services, and it did not handle transaction.
But I do not know where is the differences from create service by command with by manual? Because I do not see any configuration file which figure out this? (I mean in traditional Spring, we always have some configuration files which specify all beans in applications, but in Grails is not).
I want to fix this issue and commit to SVN server my fix, but I do not want to delete the old service and commit the new one which is created by Grails command. So could you please help me:
1. explain what is the differences from create service by command with by manual?
2. how to change the the service created by manual to service created by command without replacing the old one?
Thank you so much!
explain what is the differences from create service by command with by manual?
Assuming you put your service in grails-app/services and followed the naming convention using a postfix of Service The only difference is that you get a nice template that looks like
class SomeService {
boolean transactional = true
def someMethod() {
and it automatically creates a unit test with the name SomeServiceTests. That is it. BTW transactional defaults to true if you do not include it.
how to change the the service created by manual to service created by command without replacing the old one?
There is nothing to do assuming you followed the conventions. If you did follow the conventions and you are still experience problems please update your question with more details such as how are you trying to use your service and a example of your service.
As long as you put your class in the grails-app/services directory, it should act just like any other service (and work as a spring bean).
If you put it in src/java or src/groovy, it's not considered a service (and not loaded as a service artefact by grails). It could still be a spring bean, but you'd have to manually add it to the resources.groovy file.
Also note that the Grails autowiring of the beans must be exact, so if you have MyService and you want to use it in the controller, make sure you have "def myService" or "MyService myService." If you would prefer different names of your member variables, you can also use the Spring Autowired annotation directly, though I've only tried autowiring grails types (e.g. a grails service) autowired to a bean I declared in resources.xml
If you put services, or any other bean in the resources.xml or resources.groovy files, they will also be autowired intro controllers, other services, etc.
It's best to think of Grails as "rapid Spring", so the autowiring, transactions, etc all are backed by Spring configuration and such.

Silverlight 3 with Weborb for Java

For some reason, i can not invoke java method deployed under Tomcat/Weborb application. When i run weborb console and invoke the method from there, there is no problem. However when i tried to call from Silverlight 3 client, it does not response at all. There is one possibility which is incorrect service gateway. But i have checked the server path to make sure it is correct. I also tried different approaches to invoke server call such as proxy and class interface mentioned inside weborb documentation. I'm stuck with this problem for two days already and can not progress any further. Is there any common mistake when it comes to this problem? Any help would appreciate.
Khoa Nguyen
I found the solution. This is because the gateway mapping is incorrect. For instance, When deploy under weborb, the client use localhost:8080/weborb.wo. However when you deploy underworb, the gateway mapping is now change to something like localhost:8080/weborb/console/weborb.wo something like that. You can see how your request mapped to by run the weborb console and look at the server status as you invoke your java methods.
Hope this help.
Khoa Nguyen
There is a new WebORB for Java 4.1 release available that fixes this mapping issue. In addition, the new code generator creates a complete client class library with complex types, enums, bindable model and proxy class for the remote Java service. The release is available here:
