Erlang e Thrift - erlang

I want to make a Windows Service using Erlang and Thrift.
The service will have a single thread listening in a port (socket communication) and send request to a worker's thread. The Windows Service have to response quickily (milisencods) and the throughput is mandatory. (requests per second)
The workers thread will communicate each other. I think in Earlang to resolve this issue.
So i think erlang+thrift will work good. Am I right? Any suggestions?

Your solution is reasonable. To bring you up to speed i would suggest reading up on gen_server, supervisor, application.
Thrift will generate stub files which by compiling will yield you a transport/acceptor. It's up to you to provide both the thrift api and the handler for this api.
Moreover be advised not to synchronize alot between processes if you need fast response times (ie. dont design your solution around synchronizing calls)


Erlang IO blocking native calls best practices

I've done a lot of reading lately about calling my C code from Erlang. My C code will be making a remote call and I expect to have a timeout of ~10 seconds. In order to keep Erlang responsive and handle additional requests while someone else is waiting for the initial call to C, what are the best practices in 2022?
We can use async port drivers or a NIF with ERL_NIF_DIRTY_JOB_IO_BOUND to run it on the dirty IO scheduler.
My understanding is that the async port driver would be the best option, but looking for more insight here.
Let's say we have an Erlang web server handling two callers A and B. A makes a call which then enters into C and blocks for 10 seconds. While that is waiting, B makes their call which will also need to call C. With an async port driver and a dirty IO NIF what are the differences in execution and blocking? Will B get blocked in Erlang, waiting for the port driver or NIF to be ready to start working on this new request (if that's a thing), or waiting for an available thread (as I understand the async port driver will use its own single thread (unless I do something else to spawn another thread)? And the NIF would use a threadpool).
If we have even more callers calling in where will we bottleneck?
As you can see I have quite a few questions and would highly appreciate help from those with Erlang familiarity!

Handle SOAP calls with ESB/MessageBroker or Grails?

we are currently trying to determine a application architecture for an application that will need to accept a number of SOAP calls and also make SOAP calls. One of the design goals is simplicity and robustness which we need to take into account.
In the Grails space we could all tie this into one big Grails application but this gives headaches in the robustness aspect as and update of the Grails application will disable all incoming SOAP request.
I was wondering if splitting up the Grails app and combining this with something like ActiveMQ/ServiceMix/Mule etc is recommend? Any advice or comments are appreciated! And what kind of solution woud be a good candidate?
You can achieve some robustness with your monolithic Grails app by running it behind a network load balancer. This would allow you to perform no-downtime rolling upgrades.
Now this doesn't address other concerns like the need to deal with possibly unreachable remote SOAP services, etc... This is when a tool/framework, like Mule, can become helpful as it will provide you exception handling, retries and whatnot.
This is conditioned by the intended behavior of your SOAP bridge: is it asynchronous (ie. fire and forget, send the message to the bridge, get an immediate ACK and let the bridge do the remote dispatch whenever possible) or is it synchronous (ie. the caller of the bridge is held until a remote response is received and forwarded back to it).
If your bridge is fundamentally synchronous, I'd say you can stick with your single Grails app and use a load balancer. It will be up to the caller to deal with retries.
Otherwise, if it's async, consider a messaging middleware to help with the temporary message persistence and redelivery in case of failure.

WebSockets in Relation with TCP/IP Sockets on Misultin Erlang HTTP Library

i must say that i am impressed by Misultin's support for Web Sockets (some examples here). My JavaScript is firing requests and getting responses down the wire with "negligible" delay or lag, Great !!
Looking at how the data handler loop for WebSockets looks like, it resembles that of normal TCP/IP Sockets, atleast the basic way in Erlang
% callback on received websockets data
handle_websocket(Ws) ->
{browser, Data} ->
Ws:send(["received '", Data, "'"]),
_Ignore ->
after 5000 ->
This piece of code is executed in a process which is spawned by Misultin, a function you give to it while starting your server like this below:
HTTPHandler = fun(Req) -> handle_http(Req, Port) end,
WebSocketHandler = fun(Ws) -> handle_websocket(Ws) end,
Options = [{port, Port},{loop, HTTPHandler},{ws_loop, WebSocketHandler}],
. More Code about this, check out the example page.I have several questions.
Question 1: Can i change the controlling Process of a Web Socket as we normally do with the TCP/IP Sockets in Erlang ? (we normally use: gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket,NewProcessId))
Question 2: Is Misultin the only Erlang/OTP HTTP library which supports WebSockets ? Where are the rest ?
Now, the reason why i need to be able to transfer the WebSocket control from Misultin
Think of a gen_server that will control a pool of WebSockets, say its a game Server. In the current Misultin Example, for every WebSocket Connection, there is a controlling process, in other-words for every WebSocket, there will be a spawned process. Now, i know Erlang is a hero with Processes but, i do not want this, i want these initial processes to die as soon as they handle over to my gen_server the control authority of the WebSocket.
I would want this gen_server to switch data amongst these WebSockets. In the current implementation, i need to keep track of the Pid of the Misultin handle_websocket process like this:
%% Here is misultin's control process
%% I get its Pid and save it somewhere
%% and link it to my_gen_server so that
%% if it exits i know its gone
Pid = self(),
FromPid = self(),
{broadcast,Message} ->
%% i can broadcast to all connected WebSockets
_Ignore -> handle_websocket(Ws)
Above, the idea works very well, whereby i save all controlling process into Mnesia Ram Table and look it up against a given criteria if the application wants to send to that particular user a message. However, with what i want to achieve, i realise that in the real-world, the processes may be so many that my server may crash. I want atleast one gen_server to control thousands of the Web Sockets than having a process for each Web Socket, in this way, i could some how conserve memory.
Suggestion: Misultin's Author could create Web Socket Groups implementation for us in his next release, whereby we can have a group of WebSockets controlled by the same process. This would be similar to Nitrogen's Comet Groups in which comet connections are grouped together under the same control. If this aint possible, we will need the control ourselves, provide an API where we can take over the control of these Web Sockets.
What do you Engineers think about this ? What is your suggestion and/or Comment about this ? Misultin's Author could say something about this. Thanks to all
(one) Cowboy developer here.
I wouldn't recommend using any type of central server being responsible for controlling a set of websocket connections. The main reason is that this is a premature optimization, you are only speculating about the memory usage.
A test done earlier last year for half a million websocket connections on a single server resulted in misultin using 20GB of memory, cowboy using 16.2GB or 14.3GB, depending on if the websocket processes were hibernating or not. You can assume that all erlang implementations of websockets are very close to these numbers.
The difference between cowboy not using hibernate and misultin should be pretty close to the memory overhead of using an extra process per connection. (feel free to correct me on this ostinelli).
I am willing to bet that it is much cheaper to take this into account when buying the servers than it is to design and resolve issues in an application where you don't have a 1:1 mapping between tasks/resources and processes.!/nivertech/status/114460039674212352
Misultin's author here.
I strongly discourage you from changing the controlling process, because that will break all Misultin's internals. Just as Steve suggested, YAWS and Cowboy support WebSockets, and there are implementations done over Mochiweb but I'm not aware of any being actively maintained.
You are discussing about memory concerns, but I think you are mixing concepts. I cannot understand why you do need to control everything 'centrally' from a gen_server: your assumption that 'many processes will crash your VM' is actually wrong, Erlang is built upon the actor's model and this has many advantages:
performance due to multicore usage which is not there if you use a single gen_server
being able to use the 'let it crash' philosophy: currently it looks like your gen_server crashing would bring down all available games
Erlang is able to handle hundreds of thousands processes on a single VM, and you'll be out of available file descriptors for your open Sockets way before that happens.
So, I'd suggest you consider having your game logic within individual Websocket processes, and use message passing to make them interact. You may consider spawning 'game processes' which hold information of a single game's participants and status, for instance. Eventually, a gen_server that keeps track of the available games - and does only that (eventually by owning an ETS table). That's the way I'd probably want to go, all with the appropriate supervisors' structure.
Obviously, I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve so I'm just assuming here. But if your concern is memory - well, as TRIAL AND ERROR EXP said here below: don't premature optimize something, especially when you are considering to use Erlang in a way that looks like it might actually limit it from doing what it is capable of.
My $0.02.
Not sure about question 1, but regarding question 2, Yaws and Cowboy also support WebSockets.

What do a benefit from changing from blocking to non-blocking sockets?

We have an application server developed with Delphi 2010 and Indy 10. This server receives more than 50 requests per second and it works well. But in some cases, it seems to me that Indy is very obscure. Their components are good, but sometimes I found myself digging into the source code only to understand a simple thing. Indy lacks on good documentation and good support.
The last thing that i came across was a big problem for me: I must detect when a client disconnects non gracefully (When the the client crashes or shutdown, for instance. Not telling the server that it will disconnect) and indy was not able to do that. If I want that, I will have to develop a algorithm like heartbeat, pooling or TCP keep-alive. I do not want to spend more time doing a, at least I think, component job. After a few study, I found out that this is not Indy's fault, but this is an issue of all blocking sockets components.
Now I am really thinking of changing the core of the Server to another good suite. I must admit I am tending to use a non-blocking socket. Based on that, I have some questions:
What do a benefit from changing from blocking to non-blocking sockets?
Will I be able to detect client disconnects (non gracefully)?
What component suite has the best product? By best product I mean: fast, good support, good tools and easy to implement.
I know this must be a subjective question, but I really want to hear that from you. My first question is the one I care most. I do not care if I have to pay 100, 500, 1000, 10000 dollars, but I want a complete solution. For now, I am thinking about Ip*works .
I think some guys are not understand what I want. I don't want to create my own socket. I have been working with sockets for a long time and I am getting tired of it. Really.
And non-blocking sockets CAN detect client disconnects. That is a fact and it has good documentation all over the internet. A non-blocking socket checks the socket state for new incoming data all the time, and it makes possible to detect that the socket is not valid. This is not a heartbeat algorithm. A heartbeat algorithm is used on client side and it sends periodically packets (aka keep-alive) to the server to tells it is still alive.
I am not make myself clear. Maybe because English is not my main language. I am not saying that it is possible to detect a dropped connection without trying to send or receiving data from a socket. What I am saying is that every non-blocking socket is able to do that because they constantly tries to read from the socket for new incoming data. Why is that so hard to understand? If you guys download and run ip*works demos, in special, the echoserver and echoclient ones (both use TCP) you can test by yourselves. I already tested it, and it works like I expected to do. Even if you use the old TCPSocketServer and TCPSocketClient in a non-blocking mode you will see what I meant.
"What do a benefit from changing from blocking to non-blocking sockets? Will I be able to detect client disconnects (non gracefully)?"
Just my two cents to get the ball rolling on this question - I'm not a socket EXPERT, but I do have a good deal of experience with them. If I'm mistaken, I'm sure someone will correct me... :-)
I assume that since you're running a server using blocking sockets with 50 connections per second, you have a threading mechanism in place to handle client requests. If so, you don't really stand to gain anything from non-blocking sockets. On the contrary - you will have to change your server logic to be event driven- based on events fired in your main thread from the non-blocking sockets, or use constant polling to know what your sockets are up to.
Non-blocking sockets can't detect clients disconnecting without notification any more than blocking sockets can - they don't have telepathic powers... The nature of the TCP/IP 'conversation' between client and server is the same - blocking and non-blocking is only with respect to your application's interaction with the socket connection conducting the 'conversation'.
If you need to purge dead connections, you need to implement a heartbeat or timeout mechanism on your socket (I've never seen a modern socket implementation that didn't support timeouts).
What do a benefit from changing from blocking to non-blocking sockets?
Increased speed, availability, and throughput (from my experience). I had an IndySockets client that was getting about 15 requests per second and when I went directly to asynchronous sockets the throughput increased to about 90 requests per second (on the same machine). In a separate benchmark test on a server at a data-center with a 30 Mbit connection I was able to get more than 300 requests per second.
Will I be able to detect client disconnects (non gracefully)?
That's one thing I haven't had to try yet, since all of my code has been on the client side.
What component suite has the best product? By best product I mean: fast, good support, good tools and easy to implement.
You can build your own socket client in a couple of days and it can be very robust and fast... much faster than most of the stuff I've seen "off the shelf". Feel free to take a look at my asynchronous socket client:
(Per Mikey's comments)
I'm asking you for a generic, technical explanation of how NBS increase throughput as opposed to a properly designed BS server.
Let's take a high load server as an example: say your server is supposed to handle 1000 connections at any given time, with blocking sockets you would have to create 1000 threads and even if they're mostly idle, the CPU will still spend a lot of time context switching. As the number of clients increases you will have to increase the number of threads in order to keep up and the CPU will inevitably increase the context switching. For every connection you establish with a blocking socket, you will incur the overhead of spawning of a new thread and you eventually you will incur the overhead of cleaning up after the thread. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is: why not use the ThreadPool, you can reuse the threads and reduce the overhead of creating/cleaning-up of threads.
Here is how this is handled on Windows (hence the .NET connection): sure you could, but the first thing you'll notice with the .NET ThreadPool is that it has two types of threads and it's not a coincidence: user threads and I/O completion port threads. Asynchronous sockets use the IO completion ports which "allows a single thread to perform simultaneous I/O operations on different handles, or even simultaneous read and write operations on the same handle."(1) The I/O completion port threads are specifically designed to handle I/O in a much more efficient way than you would ever be able to achieve if you used the user threads in ThreadPool, unless you wrote your own kernel-mode driver.
"The com­ple­tion port uses some spe­cial voodoo to make sure only a spe­cif­ic num­ber of threads can run at once — if one thread blocks in ker­nel-​mode, it will au­to­mat­i­cal­ly start up an­oth­er one."(2)
There are other advantages also: "in addition to the nonblocking advantage of the overlapped socket I/O, the other advantage is better performance because you save a buffer copy between the TCP stack buffer and the user buffer for each I/O call." (3)
I am using Indy and Synapse TCP libraries with good results for some years now, and did not find any showstoppers in them. I use the libraries in threads - client and server side, stability and performance was not a problem. (Six thousand request and response messages per second and more with the server running on the same system are typical.)
Blocking sockets are very useful if the protocol is more advanced than a simple 'send a string / receive a string'. Non-blocking sockets cause a higher coupling of message protocol handlers with the socket read / write logic, so I quickly moved away from non-blocking code.
No library can overcome the limitations of the TCP/IP protocol regarding detection of connection loss. Only trying to read or send data can tell wether the connection is still present.
In Windows, there is a third option which is overlapped I/O. Non-blocking sockets are essential a model using Windows messages developed to avoid single-threaded GUI apps to become "blocked" while waiting for data. A modern application IMHO would be better designed using threads and overlapped I/O.
See for example
Aahhrrgghh - the myth of being able to always detect "dropped" connections. If you pull the power on a machine with a client connection then the server cannot tell, without sending data, that the connection is "dead". The is through the design of the TCP protocol. Don't take my word for it - read this article (Detection of Half-Open (Dropped) TCP/IP Socket Connections).
This article explains the main differences between blocking and non-blocking:
Introduction to Indy, by Chad Z. Hower
Pros of Blocking
Easy to program - Blocking is very easy to program. All user code can
exist in one place, and in a
sequential order.
Easy to port to Unix - Since Unix uses blocking sockets, portable code
can be written easily. Indy uses this
fact to achieve its single source
Work well in threads - Since blocking sockets are sequential they
are inherently encapsulated and
therefore very easily used in threads.
Cons of Blocking
User Interface "Freeze" with clients - Blocking socket calls do not
return until they have accomplished
their task. When such calls are made
in the main thread of an application,
the application cannot process the
user interface messages. This causes
the User Interface to "freeze" because
the update, repaint and other messages
cannot be processed until the blocking
socket calls return control to the
applications message processing loop.
He also wrote:
Blocking is NOT Evil
Blocking sockets have been repeatedly
attacked with out warrant. Contrary to
popular belief, blocking sockets are
not evil.
It is not is an issue of all blocking sockets components that they are unable to detect a client disconnect. There is no technical advantage on the side of non-blocking components in this area.

What is the most common approach for designing large scale server programs?

Ok I know this is pretty broad, but let me narrow it down a bit. I've done a little bit of client-server programming but nothing that would need to handle more than just a couple clients at a time. So I was wondering design-wise what the most mainstream approach to these servers is. And if people could reference either tutorials, books, or ebooks.
Haha ok. didn't really narrow it down. I guess what I'm looking for is a simple but literal example of how the server side program is setup.
The way I see it: client sends command: server receives command and puts into queue, server has either a single dedicated thread or a thread pool that constantly polls this queue, then sends the appropriate response back to the client. Is non-blocking I/O often used?
I suppose just tutorials, time and practice are really what I need.
*EDIT: Thanks for your responses! Here is a little more of what I'm trying to do I suppose.
This is mainly for the purpose of learning so I'd rather steer away from use of frameworks or libraries as much as I can. Take for example this somewhat made up idea:
There is a client program it does some function and constantly streams the output to a server(there can be many of these clients), the server then creates statistics and stores most of the data. And lets say there is an admin client that can log into the server and if any clients are streaming data to the server it in turn would stream that data to each of the admin clients connected.
This is how I envision the server program logic:
The server would have 3 Threads for managing incoming connections(one for each port listening on) then spawning a thread to manage each connection:
1)ClientConnection which would basically just receive output, which we'll just say is text
2)AdminConnection which would be for sending commands between server and admin client
3)AdminDataConnection which would basically be for streaming client output to the admin client
When data comes in from a client to the server the server parses what is relevant and puts that data in a queue lets say adminDataQueue. In turn there is a Thread that watches this queue and every 200ms(or whatever) would check the queue to see if there is data, if there is, then cycle through the AdminDataConnections and send it to each.
Now for the AdminConnection, this would be for any commands or direct requests of data. So you could request for statistics, the server-side would receive the command for statistics then send a command saying incoming statistics, then immediately after that send a statistics object or data.
As for the AdminDataConnection, it is just the output from the clients with maybe a few simple commands intertwined.
Aside from the bandwidth concerns of the logical problem of all the client data being funneled together to each of the admin clients. What sort of problems would arise from this design due to scaling issues(again neglecting bandwidth between clients and server; and admin clients and server.
There are a couple of basic approaches to doing this.
Worker threads or processes. Apache does this in most of its multiprocessing modes. In some versions of this, a thread or process is spawned for each request when the request arrives; in other versions, there's a pool of waiting threads which are assigned work as it arrives (avoiding the fork/thread create overhead when the request arrives).
Asynchronous (non-blocking) I/O and an event loop. This is basically using the UNIX select call (although both FreeBSD and Linux provide more optimized alternatives such as kqueue). lighttpd uses this approach and is able to achieve very high scalability, but any in-server computation blocks all other requests. Concurrent dynamic request handling is passed on to separate processes (via CGI) or waiting processes (via FastCGI or its equivalent).
I don't have any particular references handy to point you to, but if you look at the web sites for open source projects using the different approaches for information on their design wouldn't be a bad start.
In my experience, building a worker thread/process setup is easier when working from the ground up. If you have a good asynchronous framework that integrates fully with your other communications tasks (such as database queries), however, it can be very powerful and frees you from some (but not all) thread locking concerns. If you're working in Python, Twisted is one such framework. I've also been using Lwt for OCaml lately with good success.
