This line fails with a badarg exception:
register(myproc, self()),
The documentation says that self/0 returns a pid and that register/2 takes a pid. So what gives?
Edit: No, seriously, it's not already registered, it's not a reserved atom, and it works when I register it from the process that's spawning it.
Oh weird! Okay, I got some more clues. When I move the call to register() around to different places, sometimes it works and sometimes it breaks. Here's my sample code. Run it before you call me crazy. :-)
-export([start/1, ping/2, pong/0]).
ping(N, Pong_Pid) ->
pingr(N, Pong_Pid).
pingr(0, _) ->
io:format("Ping exiting~n", []),
pingr(N, Pong_Pid) ->
Pong_Pid ! {ping, self()},
pong ->
io:format("Ping received pong~n", [])
pingr(N - 1, Pong_Pid).
pong() ->
%% This one works.
%%register(pong, self()),
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
pongr() ->
%% This one fails.
register(pong, self()),
{ping, Ping_PID} ->
io:format("Pong received ping~n", []),
Ping_PID ! pong,
{'EXIT', From, Reason} ->
io:format("pong exiting, got ~p~n", [{'EXIT', From, Reason}])
start(Ping_Node) ->
PongPID = spawn(pingpong, pong, []),
spawn(Ping_Node, pingpong, ping, [3, PongPID]).
If the process is already registered, it will throw a badarg. There is also some other cases that causes this, like the name is already used. See the erlang:register/2 docs for more.
It's great that you posted code to reproduce your problem.
So, the first time you enter pongr/0 you will register self(). When you receive a message, you will process it and call pongr/0 again. The second time you enter pongr/0 you try to register self(), which fails because it's already registered.
Also, if you want to use register a large number of processes, you should look into gproc. register/2 requires an atom as the key and there is a limit of around one million atoms, unless you explicitly change it. See the efficiency guide. gproc can also run distributed and may thus be used instead of the global module.
is myproc already registered?
first call should succeed, additional calls will cause badarg exception.
1> register(myproc, self()).
2> myproc ! foo.
3> flush().
Shell got foo
4> register(myproc, self()).
** exception error: bad argument
in function register/2
called as register(myproc,<0.30.0>)
Currently I'm experimenting with Erlang and would like to implement a kind of universal server (like this one) described by Joe Armstrong. The general idea is to create a general server that we can later tell to become a specific one, like this:
universal_server() ->
{become, F} ->
And some specific server:
factorial_server() ->
{From, N} ->
From ! factorial(N),
factorial(0) -> 1;
factorial(N) -> N * factorial(N-1).
And finally send a "become factorial server" message to the universal server:
test() ->
Pid = spawn(fun universal_server/0),
Pid ! {become, fun factorial_server/0},
Pid ! {self(), 50},
X -> X
What I would like to do is to implement a universal server that can accept multiple subsequent "become" messages (so that I could send a "become factorial server" message and then a "become other kind of specific server" message...).
A naive approach is to require that every specific server implementation will include the {become, F} pattern in a receive clause. Maybe I could have a behavior that defines the general shape of all specific servers (containing the {become, F} clause) and propagates other messages forward to callbacks.
My question is, how to implement such a case in a clean, smart way?
Here is mine:
-export([start/0, init/0]).
start() ->
erlang:spawn_link(?MODULE, init, []).
init() ->
State = undefined, % You may want to do something at startup
% if something went wrong comment above line and uncomment below line:
% exit(element(2, catch loop(State))).
loop(MyState) ->
Msg =
Any ->
handle_message(Msg, MyState).
% We got a message for becoming something:
handle_message({become, Mod, InitArgument}, _) ->
% Also our callback may want to do something at startup:
CallbackState = Mod:init(InitArgument),
loop({Mod, CallbackState});
% We got a message and we have a callback:
handle_message(Other, {Mod, CallbackState}) ->
case Mod:handle_message(Other, CallbackState) of
stop ->
NewCallbackState ->
loop({Mod, NewCallbackState})
% We got a message and we Don't have a callback:
handle_message(Other, undefined) ->
io:format("Don't have any callback for handling ~p~n", [Other]),
Also I wrote a simple counter program for my server:
-export([init/1, handle_message/2]).
init(Start) ->
handle_message(inc, Number) ->
Number + 1;
handle_message(dec, Number) ->
Number - 1;
handle_message({From, what_is}, Number) ->
From ! Number;
handle_message(stop, _) ->
handle_message(Other, Number) ->
io:format("counter got unknown message ~p~n", [Other]),
Let's test them:
Eshell V10.1 (abort with ^G)
1> S = myserver:start().
2> S ! hello.
Don't have any callback for handling hello
3> S ! {become, counter, 10}.
4> S ! hi.
counter got unknown message hi
5> S ! inc.
6> S ! dec.
7> S ! dec.
8> S ! {self(), what_is}.
9> flush().
Shell got 9
10> S ! stop.
11> S ! inc.
Don't have any callback for handling inc
What should we do to complete it?
As you can see, It's not a production ready code, We should:
Have a way to set a timeout for initialize.
Have a way to set process spawn options.
Have a way to registering process locally or globally or using custom process registries.
Call callback functions in try catch.
Make sure that a message reply is for current message passing, not for other message that our process sent it before! (what gen module provides as call).
Kill ourself when our starter process died and don't be a zombie process if starter is linked to us!
Call a function at the end for each callback and let them clean those things if they have (you can name it terminate).
Be compatible with OTP sys module, So we should defined its callback functions. see sys callback functions. Then we can turn our process to debug mode, see its I/O, change its state in reloading the code, etc.
Note that proc_lib and gen module can help you to do most of them.
When running this code in the Erlang console
Pid = spawn(fun() -> "foo" end),link(Pid),receive X -> X end.
I receive the following error.
** exception error: no such process or port
in function link/1
called as link(<0.71.0>)```
This happens because the process you spawn finishes very quickly: it only "returns" a string (and the return value goes nowhere, since it is the top-level function in the call stack of the new process), so it's very likely to finish before the emulator gets to the link call.
You can make it more likely to succeed by making the process sleep before exiting:
2> Pid = spawn(fun() -> timer:sleep(1000), "foo" end),link(Pid).
Note however that the receive expression in your example most likely won't receive anything, since the spawned process doesn't send any message, and the link won't generate any message either since the process exits normally, and the calling process most likely isn't trapping exits. You may want to do something like:
Parent = self(),
spawn(fun() -> Parent ! "foo" end),
receive X -> X end.
That returns "foo".
When I register a process to an atom, I can send a message via the atom instead of the Pid interchangeably, which is convenient. However, pattern matching seems to treat Pid and atom as different entities, which is expected but inconvenient. In my example, the {Pid, Response} pattern does not match since Pid in this scope is an atom but the message sent as response contains the actual Pid.
Is there a preferred way to handle this?
The Program:
start(AnAtom, Fun) ->
Pid = spawn(Fun),
register(AnAtom, Pid).
rpc(Pid, Request) ->
Pid ! {self(), Request},
{Pid, Response} ->
Any ->
io:format("Finish (wrong):~p~n",[{Pid, Any}])
loop(X) ->
{Sender, Any} ->
io:format("Received: ~p~n",[{Sender, Any}]),
Sender ! {self(), "Thanks for contacting us"},
The Shell:
Eshell V5.10.2 (abort with ^G)
1> c(ctemplate).
2> ctemplate:start(foo, fun() -> ctemplate:loop([]) end).
3> ctemplate:rpc(foo, ["bar"]).
Received: {<0.32.0>,["bar"]}
Finish (wrong):{foo,{<0.40.0>,"Thanks for contacting us"}}
4> whereis(foo).
Use references instead. The example you are suggesting is actually one of the reasons why refs are better for synchronous messages. Another reason is that sometimes you cannot guarantee that the received message is the one you are actually expecting.
So, your code will look like something
rpc(PidOrName, Request) ->
Ref = make_ref(),
PidOrName ! {{self(), Ref}, Request},
{{Pid, Ref}, Response} ->
Any ->
io:format("Finish (wrong):~p~n",[{PidOrName, Any}])
loop(X) ->
{{Pid, Ref}, Any} ->
io:format("Received: ~p~n",[{Sender, Any}]),
Sender ! {{self(), Ref}, "Thanks for contacting us"},
A couple notes about your and my code:
Note how I moved the last loop/1 call to the end of the function out of the receive block. Erlang does compile-time tail call optimizations, so your code should be fine, but it's a better idea to make tail calls explicitly – helps you to avoid mistakes.
You are probably trying to re-invent gen_server. The only two major differences between gen_server:call/2 and my code above are timeouts (gen_server has them) and that the reference is created by monitoring the remote process. This way, if the process dies before the timeout is thrown, we receive an immediate message. It's slower in many cases, but sometimes proves itself useful.
Overall, try to use OTP and read its code. It's good and gives you better ideas of how Erlang application should work.
rpc(Pid, Request) ->
Pid ! {self(), Request},
{whereis(Pid), Response} ->
Any ->
io:format("Finish (wrong):~p~n",[{Pid, Any}])
you can this function whereis():
whereis(RegName) -> pid() | port() | undefined
RegName = atom()
Returns the pid or port identifier with the registered name RegName. Returns undefined if the name is not registered.
For example:
I am trying to write a first program in Erlang that effects message communication between a client and server. In theory the server exits when it receives no message from the client, but every time I edit the client code and run the server again, it executes the old code. I have to ^G>q>erl>[re-enter command] to get it to see the new code.
%% export functions
%%function definition
io:format("Server: Starting at pid: ~p \n",[self()]),
case lists:member(serverEsOne, registered()) of
true ->
unregister(serverEsOne); %if the token is present, remove it
false ->
Pid = spawn(esOne, start,[self()]),
loop(false, false,Pid).
loop(Prec, Nrec,Pd)->
io:format("Server: I am waiting to hear from: ~p \n",[Pd]),
case Prec of
true ->
case Nrec of
true ->
io:format("Server: I reply to ~p \n",[Pd]),
Pd ! {reply, self()},
io:format("Server: I quit \n",[]),
false ->
false ->
receiveLoop(Prec,Nrec,Pid) ->
{onPid, Pid}->
io:format("Server: I received a message to my pid from ~p \n",[Pid]),
loop(true, Nrec,Pid);
io:format("Server: I received a message to name from ~p \n",[Pid]),
io:format("Server: I received no messages, i quit\n",[]),
And the client code reads
-export([start/1, func/1]).
start(Par) ->
io:format("Client: I am ~p, i was spawned by the server: ~p \n",[self(),Par]),
spawn(esOne, func, [self()]),
io:format("Client: Now I will try to send a message to: ~p \n",[Par]),
Par ! {self(), hotbelgo},
serverEsOne ! {self(), hotbelgo},
io:format("Child: I am ~p, i was spawned from ~p \n",[self(),Parent]).
The server is failing to receive a message from the client, but I can't sensibly begin to debug that until I can try changes to the code in a more straightforward manner.
When you make modification to a module you need to compile it.
If you do it in an erlang shell using the command c(module) or c(module,[options]), the new compiled version of the module is automatically loaded in that shell. It will be used by all the new process you launch.
For the one that are alive and already use it is is more complex to explain and I think it is not what you are asking for.
If you have several erlang shells running, only the one where you compile the module loaded it. That means that in the other shell, if the module were previously loaded, basically if you already use the module in those shell, and even if the corresponding processes are terminated, the new version is ignored.
Same thing if you use the command erlc to compile.
In all these cases, you need to explicitly load the module with the command l(module) in the shell.
Your server loop contain only local function calls. Running code is changed only if there is remote (or external) function call. So you have to export your loop function first:
and then you have to change all loop/3 calls in function receiveLoop/3 to
Alternatively you can do same thing with receiveLoop/3 instead. Best practice for serious applications is doing hot code swapping by demand so you change loop/3 to remote/external only after receiving some special message.
A common pattern in Erlang is the recursive loop that maintains state:
loop(State) ->
Msg ->
NewState = whatever(Msg),
Is there any way to query the state of a running process with a bif or tracing or something? Since crash messages say "...when state was..." and show the crashed process's state, I thought this would be easy, but I was disappointed that I haven't been able to find a bif to do this.
So, then, I figured using the dbg module's tracing would do it. Unfortunately, I believe because these loops are tail call optimized, dbg will only capture the first call to the function.
Any solution?
If your process is using OTP, it is enough to do sys:get_status(Pid).
The error message you mentions is displayed by SASL. SASL is an error reporting daemon in OTP.
The state you are referring in your example code is just an argument of tail recursive function. There is no way to extract it using anything except for tracing BIFs. I guess this would be not a proper solution in production code, since tracing is intended to be used only for debug purposes.
Proper, and industry tested, solution would be make extensive use of OTP in your project. Then you can take full advantage of SASL error reporting, rb module to collect these reports, sys - to inspect the state of the running OTP-compatible process, proc_lib - to make short-lived processes OTP-compliant, etc.
It turns out there's a better answer than all of these, if you're using OTP:
Probably it didn't exist at the time.
It looks like you're making the problem out of nothing. erlang:process_info/1 gives enough information for debugging purposes. If your REALLY need loop function arguments, why don't you give it back to caller in response to one of the special messages that you define yourself?
Just to clarify terminology. The closest thing to the 'state of the process' on the language level is process dictionary, usage of which is highly discouraged. It can be queried by erlang:process_info/1 or erlang:process/2.
What you actually need is to trace process's local functions calls along with their arguments:
-export([start/0, send/1, loop/1]).
start() ->
spawn(?MODULE, loop, [0]).
send(Pid) ->
Pid ! {self(), ping},
pong ->
loop(S) ->
{Pid, ping} ->
Pid ! pong,
loop(S + 1)
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.5 [source] [smp:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V5.6.5 (abort with ^G)
1> l(ping).
2> erlang:trace(all, true, [call]).
3> erlang:trace_pattern({ping, '_', '_'}, true, [local]).
4> Pid = ping:start().
5> ping:send(Pid).
6> flush().
Shell got {trace,<0.36.0>,call,{ping,loop,[0]}}
Shell got {trace,<0.36.0>,call,{ping,loop,[1]}}
{status,Pid,_,[_,_,_,_,[_,_,{data,[{_,State}]}]]} = sys:get_status(Pid).
That's what I use to get the state of a gen_server. (Tried to add it as a comment to the reply above, but couldn't get formatting right.)
As far as I know you cant get the arguments passed to a locally called function. I would love for someone to prove me wrong.
-export([start/0, loop/1]).
start() ->
spawn_link(fun () -> loop([]) end).
loop(State) ->
Msg ->
If we want to trace this module you do the following in the shell.
dbg:tpl(loop, []).
Using this tracing setting you get to see local calls (the 'l' in tpl means that local calls will be traced as well, not only global ones).
5> Pid = loop:start().
(<0.39.0>) call loop:'-start/0-fun-0-'/0
(<0.39.0>) call loop:loop/1
6> Pid ! foo.
(<0.39.0>) call loop:loop/1
As you see, just the calls are included. No arguments in sight.
My recommendation is to base correctness in debugging and testing on the messages sent rather than state kept in processes. I.e. if you send the process a bunch of messages, assert that it does the right thing, not that it has a certain set of values.
But of course, you could also sprinkle some erlang:display(State) calls in your code temporarily. Poor man's debugging.
This is a "oneliner" That can be used in the shell.
It helps you convert a pid string into a Pid.