ant script not expanding property value in exec arguments - ant

i have an ant script as shown below:
<project name="nightly_build" default="main" basedir="checkout">
<target name="init">
<exec executable="C:/Work/Searchversion.exe"/>
<property file=""/>
<property file="C:/Work/"/>
<format property="suffix" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmmss"/>
<target name="main" depends="init">
<exec executable="C:/Program Files/True Blue Software/SnapshotCM/wco.exe">
<arg line='-h -S"/mobile/6.70_Extensions/6.70.102/ANT_SASE_RELEASE_${Version_Number}" /'/>
i created the above script to replicate a command: wco -h -S"/mobile/6.70_Extensions/6.70.102/ANT_SASE_RELEASE_6.70.102.014" /
and is found inside file in the form of:
Version_Number =
and this file is obtained when i execute C:/Work/Searchversion.exe
but when i execute this ant script using cruisecontrol, in my log file,
[Thread-24] INFO ScriptRunner - [exec] Cannot open snapshot '${Version_Number}': No such snapshot
where ${Version_Number} should have been
How do i tackle this issue?
after trial and error and substituting with a built in property ${ant.version}, i realise that my property file could be loaded in correctly over here. can anyone point out my mistake? i dont see anything wrong though
Just additional infomation... This is actually a delegate ant script for cruisecontrol(used to perform nightly build). Here is my config.xml file for per minute build:
<project name="dms" buildafterfailed="true">
<currentbuildstatuslistener file = "logs/dms/status.txt"/>
<modificationset quietperiod="60">
<schedule interval="60">
<ant buildfile="nightly_build.xml" target="main"/>
<log dir="logs/dms">
<merge dir="checkout/dms/build/test-results" />
should properties file be loaded in config.xml?

Try breaking your arguments to wco.exe into separate child elements like this:
<exec executable="C:/Program Files/True Blue Software/SnapshotCM/wco.exe">
<arg value="-h" />
<arg value="" />
<arg value="-S" />
<arg value="/mobile/6.70_Extensions/6.70.102/ANT_SASE_RELEASE_${Version_Number}" />
<arg value="/" />
I think ant isn't expanding ${Version_Number} because it is inside ' "..." ' in the version you posted.
As mentioned in the docs for <exec> you should avoid use of the <arg line=...> form.

You could add assertions in your init target that the required properties file exists and that the property is defined. For example:
<property name="version.file" value="C:/Work/"/>
<available file="${version.file}" property="version.file.available"/>
<fail unless="version.file.available" message="file [${version.file}] is not available"/>
<property file="${version.file}"/>
<fail unless="version" message="property [version] is not defined"/>
<echo message="version: ${version}"/>
I think that will help you spot that the file does not exist.
I took a look at your other question about this script you're putting together. In the code which writes the version number to file, you use filename
TextWriter latest = new StreamWriter("C:\\Work\\");
In your Ant script, you are loading a different filename
Unless you've fixed it since then, that will be your problem. (If you modified your external script to take the filename as a parameter, and defined the filename once as an Ant property - as in my sample above - it would help you avoid this kind of problem.)
Regarding your discovery that you need to wait for your external script before continuing in Ant, take a look at the Sleep task.


JSCover - Excluding coverage files

Currently trying to get JSCover to exclude js files that are used as libraries. I have a set of ant scripts below which will
start the JSCover server
Run & Generate Json report
Stop the server
Finally, i have a shell command to convert the Json file to LCov so that i can use it with sonarqube. I also get coverage in jscoverage.html but it includes every file under web/ which is something i do not want. Image below
Ant scripts below:
<target name="jstest-start">
<java jar=".../JSCover.jar" fork="true" spawn="true">
<arg value="-ws"/>
<arg value="--report-dir=coverage"/>
<arg value="--document-root=web"/>
<arg value="--port=8082"/>
<!-- Aim is to exclude folder js under web/ as it contains libraries, not source code. Currently does not work -->
<arg value="--no-instrument=web/js/"/>
<arg value="--no-instrument=js/"/>
<waitfor maxwait="5" maxwaitunit="second" checkevery="250" checkeveryunit="millisecond" timeoutproperty="failed">
<http url="http://localhost:8082/jscoverage.html"/>
<fail if="failed"/>
<target name="jstest-run">
<exec dir="/usr/local/CI/phantomjs/bin/" executable="phantomjs" failonerror="true">
<arg line=".../run-jscover-qunit.js http://localhost:8082/index.html"/>
<target name="jstest-stop">
<get src="http://localhost:8082/stop" dest="stop.txt" />
<target name="jstest" description="Run javascript tests">
<antcall target="jstest-start"/>
<antcall target="jstest-run"/>
<antcall target="jstest-stop"/>
My folder structure is:
And finally, my sonar standalone analysis settings:
So, what seems to be happening is that JSCover is recursively reading for all js files and i cannot prevent that from sonar or ant.
Can anyone shed some light?
<arg value="--no-instrument=/js/"/>
should work, and to remove the test itself,
<arg value="--no-instrument=/test/"/>
The paths are as seen by the web-server, so the 'web' prefix in:
<arg value="--no-instrument=web/js/"/>
has no effect.
i have resolved my own issue by correcting the shell command which generates an LCOV report.
java -cp JSCover.jar --format=LCOV /usr/local/CI/jenkins/workspace/PhantomJS/coverage/phantom/ /usr/local/CI/jenkins/workspace/PhantomJS/web/
Prior to this, the SRC-DIR and REPORT-DIR were the same which was an error on my part. As far as i can understand, SRC-DIR should point to the source folder and REPORT-DIR should point to where the lcov file exists.
I hope this helps someone

Ant: Apply with fileset, but only exec once on one file?

I'm working on something similar to the question here: ANT script to compile all (css) LESS files in a dir and subdirs with RHINO
However, I'm having a hard time customizing this to one particular requirement:
If any .less files in dir.less change: Run LESS on just one file (as it imports the other less files, making a single, combined output).
This is the state of my current build.xml:
<target name="less" description="Compile LESS files">
<echo message="Checking for LESS file changes..."/>
<apply dir="${dir.less}" executable="${tool.less}" parallel="false" failonerror="true">
<fileset dir="${dir.less}" includes="*.less" />
<mapper type="glob" from="*.less" to="${dir.css}/*.css"/>
<arg value="-compress" />
This currently builds all of the .LESS files and outputs them toe the appropriate location (Which is livable). If I replace the mapper glob with:
<mapper type="glob" from="MainFileThatImportsOthers.less" to="${dir.css}/MainFileThatImportsOthers.css"/>
The fileset directive is effectively reduced to that one file, and changing the other .LESS files in that directory don't cause output from the task.
Can someone point me in the right direction so I can avoid setting this up wrong and recusing through each .LESS file every time?
I worked out a solution that works correctly, I used an upToDate task to set a property to conditionally trigger Exec for the compiler:
<target name="scanLess" description="Scan for LESS file changes">
<echo message="Checking for LESS file changes..."/>
<uptodate property="tool.less.changed" targetfile="${dir.css}/MyFile.css" >
<srcfiles dir="${dir.less}" includes="*.less" />
<target name="less" depends="scanLess" unless="tool.less.changed" description="Compile LESS files" >
<echo message="LESS files changed, running lessc" />
<exec executable="${tool.less}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="${dir.less}/MyFile.less" />
<arg value="${dir.css}/MyFile.css" />
<arg value="-compress" />
Investigate how selectors work in ANT

modify ant classpath on the fly

I want to use resolvers (ssh) which are dependant on ant classpath.
Something like
<ssh ...
To use it I need jsch in ant classpath. Ant script should depends only on common lib (which also includes resolved jsch dependencies) - to use it on any client PC. Scenario is:
task to download lib.
Extract libs (jsch and etc.)
But ivy:configure does not have any classpathref param, so it is unclear for me how to load jars I extracted.
Is it possible?
Or, probably, somehow run ant again internally with extended classpath?
so my comment to question looked good for me but at the end it did not work.
The only way I found (working way I mean) is to to run ant script with
Download common-lib (with ) which includes all jar-libs required for optional ivy processing
Construct new classpath and run exec on same build file with required target:
<target name="call.task" if="">
<path id="ant.class.path">
<fileset dir="${tools.lib.dir}" >
<include name="*.jar" />
<pathelement location="${java.class.path}" />
<condition property="append.dest.dir" value="-Ddest.dir=${dest.dir}" else="">
<isset property="dest.dir"/>
<exec executable="ant" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-f ivy-build.xml" />
<arg line='-lib "${toString:ant.class.path}"' />
<arg value="${}" />
<arg value="${append.dest.dir}" />

Trouble passing argument to Ant exec task

I'm using Ant 1.8. I want to pass a property that I define in my script to an exec command. Although I can see the property has a value in my echo statements, when I pass it to the script and output its value in the script, its value prints out as "${myco.test.root}", without being converted. What is the correct way to pass the property's value to the script? Below is the relevant code from my build.xml file …
<target name="checkout-selenium-tests" depends="set-critical-path-test-suite,set-default-test-suite,check-local-folders-exist">
<echo message=" test root ${myco.test.root}" />
<stcheckout servername="${st.servername}"
<delete file="${myco.testsuite.file}" />
<echo message="test root ${myco.test.root}" />
<exec failonerror="true" executable="perl" dir="${scripts.dir}">
<arg value="" />
<arg value="My Tests" />
<arg value="${myco.test.root}" />
<arg value="${myco.testsuite.file}" />
Thanks, - Dave
It actually looks good to me. Try running the build.xml with both the verbose and debug options turned on in Ant:
ant -d -v checkout-selenium-tests
That'll help trace down where the error could be coming from.

overwriting ANT properties file

How can i overwrite some existing property with a newly created properties file?
Here is the required structure:
initially load
load and
run master.xml (ANT script)
The idea is that generates some product version which should be replaced by However, other properties in should be kept the same.
Reading this does not help as i do not know how can i load the file
EDIT Here is ANT Script:
<project name="nightly_build" default="main" basedir="C:\Work\NightlyBuild">
<target name="init1">
<property file="C:/Work/NightlyBuild/"/>
<exec executable="C:/Work/Searchlatestversion.exe">
<arg line='"/SASE Lab Tools" "${Product_Tip}/RELEASE_"'/>
<sleep seconds="10"/>
<property file="C:/Work/"/>
<target name="init" depends="init1">
<echo message="The product version is ${Product_Version}"/>
<exec executable="C:/Work/checksnapshot.exe">
<arg line='-NightlyBuild ${Product_Version}-AppsMerge' />
<sleep seconds="10"/>
<property file="C:/Work/"/>
<format property="suffix" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd.HHmm"/>
<target name="main" depends="init">
<echo message="loading properties files.." />
<echo message="Backing up folder" />
<move file="C:\NightlyBuild\NightlyBuild" tofile="C:\NightlyBuild\NightlyBuild.${suffix}" failonerror="false" />
<exec executable="C:/Work/sortfolder.exe">
<arg line="6" />
<exec executable="C:/Work/NightlyBuild/antc.bat">
in the above script, <exec executable="C:/Work/NightlyBuild/antc.bat"> will run Master.xml ANT script. This Master.xml will load up
<project name="Master ANT Build" default="main" >
<taskdef name="CFileEdit" classname="com.ANT_Tasks.CFileEdit"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- init: sets global properties -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<target name="init">
<property environment="env"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- Set the timestamp format -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<property file=""/>
You should be able to resolve this by looking at the order in which you load (or otherwise specify) your property values. You probably don't need to override property values at all, which something not supported by core Ant.
Maybe you can split your into two files - one loaded before you generate and one loaded after?
Maybe you don't need to generate at all.
Could you give some more detail on what you need to do?
Since you eventually fork a new Ant process (exec antc.bat), does that not start a fresh environment anyway? If it just loads, those are the only properties it will have.
Not sure what your antc.bat does, but it's pretty unusual to exec Ant from Ant in this way. There are two standard tasks which might be useful - Ant and AntCall.
OK running on from your later comments...
Let's say that instead of doing this:
<exec executable="antc.bat">
you instead did something like this:
<ant file="Master.xml" inheritall="false">
<property name="Product_Version" value="${Product_Version}"/>
I think that is getting towards what you want. You selectively pass specific values that you have obtained by loading See the documentation for the Ant task.
If you still have the problem that you already defined Product_Version before loading, then I would say get the script you have that produces to output the version with a different name, e.g. New_Product_Version. Then invoke your master build something like this:
<ant file="Master.xml" inheritall="false">
<property name="Product_Version" value="${New_Product_Version}"/>
May be this is a old question. Hopefully OP is reading this.
You can just use the ant task "propertyfile". reference
it can read properties from the file and write back updated values to them.
