I tried out the jmx support for the universal connection pool and it seems to give incorrect values.
There are couple of problems I have faced till now
The getConnectionPoolNames() method (operation) of the UniversalConnectionPoolManagerMBean returns void instead of returning a Collection.
The getStatistics() method (operation) of the UniversalConnectionPoolMBean throws an NotSerializableException.
Though there are workarounds to the above problems like calling other methods instead of the above ones the issues seem to be very basic.
Has anyone tried out the JMX support provided by the Universal Connection Pool (ucp)?
I have been trying to implement DI for Azure Functions where the functions is triggered by ServiceBus (topics/subscriptions in this case):
public static async Task Alert([ServiceBusTrigger(Topic.Alert, Subscription.PowerBi, Connection = "servicebusconnectionstring")] Message message, [Inject]IPowerBiService powerBiService, [Inject]IQueueService queueService)
I have read about Azure Functions and DI on following sites:
All examples works fins using HTTP trigger, I assume the IIS host is up and running and is containing the services. But using ServiceBus trigger, I can't get it to work. I have implemented the solutions mention above, and a few more but all get same issues. The code works, bu the services are created for message/trigger.
Anyone out there that has manage to do this, or arn't it possible to do?
NOTE (update):
I got some more information that I haven’t got time to verify yet, but I have been using a consumption plan for my Azure Functions. It may be the case that you need an App Service Plan instead (using consumption since that price model is more convenient). If anyone know more about this?
I will look into this later this week.
I just want to confirm that it work’s fine now using an App Service Plan instead of an Consumption Plan. The difference is the "cold start" instead of a "warm" host.
I guess all different once of DI implementations should work fine.
I have been using following : https://github.com/MV10/Azure.FunctionsV2.Service.Locator
I have two pimcore instances that are synchronized via MySQL-dump. So they are 1:1 the same.
One is running on an internal server behind our company's firewall, the other one is on a webserver.
Now I'm facing a strange behavior when it comes to a document that is used as a site: the URL won't resolve (ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED).
The subdomain is existing and it has worked before the second server came into play.
I've tried to fix this via the URL-Helper and via the Frontend-Tool and via several Zend-Controllers but I still get nothing and I'm not even sure if this is a coding- or a server-issue...
Has anyone ever had a similar situation?
I am using Twitter4j version 3.0.3.
I am trying to pull follower id and using OAuth. I have been using Twitter4j for years and am relatively experienced with the framework.
However something strange is happening: My program will run fine and then intermittently throw the following stack trace:
Exception in thread "main" 401:Authentication credentials (https://dev.twitter.com/pages/auth) were missing or incorrect. Ensure that you have set valid consumer key/secret, access token/secret, and the system clock is in sync.
{"request":"\/1.1\/followers\/ids.json?user_id=20801287&cursor=-1&include_entities=1&include_rts=1","error":"Not authorized"}
Relevant discussions can be found on the Internet at:
http://www.google.co.jp/search?q=92c30ec6 or
TwitterException{exceptionCode=[92c30ec6-19400604], statusCode=401, message=null, code=-1, retryAfter=-1, rateLimitStatus=RateLimitStatusJSONImpl{remaining=6, limit=15, resetTimeInSeconds=1362898120, secondsUntilReset=890}, version=3.0.3}
at twitter4j.internal.http.HttpClientImpl.request(HttpClientImpl.java:177)
at twitter4j.internal.http.HttpClientWrapper.request(HttpClientWrapper.java:61)
at twitter4j.internal.http.HttpClientWrapper.get(HttpClientWrapper.java:89)
at twitter4j.TwitterImpl.get(TwitterImpl.java:1817)
at twitter4j.TwitterImpl.getFollowersIDs(TwitterImpl.java:400)
It throws the above at the following line:
IDs ids= twitter.getFollowersIDs(id,cursor);
The above line executes just fine and then without warning fails.
Note: I am checking rate limits and the last time I encountered this the rate limit JSON object pulled by the following line was (below):
RateLimitStatus rls=twitter.getRateLimitStatus().get("/followers/ids")
RateLimitStatusJSONImpl{remaining=7, limit=15, resetTimeInSeconds=1362898120, secondsUntilReset=890}
I thought this might have been an intermittent thing with Twitter, but it has been going on for a few days now.
I've tried it from various machines but get exactly the same problem.
The call fails in this manner, once in approximately 20 calls.
I have also read the similar questions on SE:
Twitter4j 401 Authentication -- However, this is a case where OAuth was not working -- in my case it seems to be working fine until of course when it doesn't.
twitter4j: getting credential errors even though i had set them? -- again not much here that is similar to my case.
Problem in Oauth with twitter4j -- suggest registering the app as a web-app, which I've done, I've filling in the callback url (though it does nothing), but still no luck.
The exception seems to be caused by ids of twitter profiles that may be private.
We currently have a set up with a load balancer carrying out SSL offloading, an http server and a websphere app server. Having got over the initial hurdle of the offloading preventing CAS from thinking it was running under https (which we got around by using the httpsIndicatorHeader variable), we now have another issue. Despite the fact we can see CAS redirecting to the target application, the 'handshake' seems to fail, showing a loop of tickets being generated and tried, but never actually validating, and the target application is never reached. There do not seem to be any errors being generated however.
Has anyone experienced anything similar before?
After investigation, the problem was that the application redirect url set up in websphere was pointing to the original url, rather than suffixing /j_spring_cas_security_check. This caused the circular loop to occur without any attempt to validate the ticket.
I'm using grails but I have lot's of stored procedures I'm trying to call from groovy.Sql.newInstance...
In all the examples I've found I never see anyone actually calling close on the connection. But when I tried running a bunch of methods within one response that each uses its own call to newInstance, then it got an error that there were too many connections. That leads me to believe that it isn't pooling the connections. That's a bummer. So do people create one connection and pass it around? Does grails and groovy close the connection at the end of the request?
I don't think that the connection is automatically closed after a request (which wouldn't be cool either), but you can manually close the connection used by the Sql instance:
Sql sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc://...")
// some queries
See the JavaDoc.
If you would like to use pooled connections (which is surely a good idea), you should be able to create a pooled BasicDataSource (as Spring bean) and use the Sql(DataSource dataSource) constructor of Sql, rather than newInstance().