application.html.erb not loading - ruby-on-rails

well, the title by itself describes: the application.html.erb, even if I put this in the controller: layout "application"
well, here is the code of the application.html.erb, application_controller and public_controller:

All of your methods either use render :text or render :partial, neither of which make use of a layout. You need to create a view for each method. For instance, a view for contact in your PublicController would go in views/public/contact.html.erb. If you have a view at that location for contact, you don't need to put a render call at all.
Take a look at this link for some more basics on layouts and rendering.


Render :layout is searching for partial instead of layout

I understand this is a bad idea, but from what I've seen in ApplicationControllers, using:
render :layout => "something" ...
Should render using a layout located at views/layouts/something.html.erb
However, when I am making this call from inside of a view, it errors out with:
Missing partial my_controller_name/something with ...
Searched in:
* "{path here}/app/views"
Which seems to me its looking for a partial, instead of a layout as I specified. Does anyone know what is going on with that?
A sufficient example small enough to reproduce it:
<%= render :layout => 'something' do %>
<% end %>
This is all under Rails vs 4.0.2
render works differently in controllers than it does in views. In controllers, it's primarily for rendering action templates, while in views, it's primarily for rendering partial templates. When you want to render a specific layout for an action, you have a few options, but all of them are in the controller.
If you want every action in a particular controller to use that layout, you can either specify layout 'something' in that controller (usually near the top) or for a ApplesController, you can create a new layout in app/views/layouts/apples.html.erb and this will automatically be used as the default layout for the ApplesController.
If you want just a single action in a controller to use that layout, you can use your render layout: 'something' inside of a controller action, where the action to render is implied to be the current action.
Links from the Rails docs:
Action Rendering
Partial Rendering
Nested Layouts

Make specific Rails view show certain helpers

How do you make a specific view show a different helper.
module ApplicationHelper
def about_title
%Q{Everything you need!}.html_safe
def contact_title
%Q{Contact us!}.html_safe
I have a partial header that renders in every view but I want to show a different header title without having to edit the views directly (or edit a variable? in the view to show what I want?)
<h1 class="title"><%= about_title %></h1>
What I'm thinking is making an if/else in the helper but I am new to rubyonrails and I'm not sure how is this done.
You need to set the title somewhere. There's a few ways you can handle this. You could use the controller + action name, and set up the titles in i18n.
home_index: "Welcome!"
session_new: "Login"
Then in your layout:
<title><%= t("titles.#{controller.controller_name}_#{controller.action_name}") %></title>
Another way to do it is using content_for & yield but that means putting code in your views :)

Render parial on certain action

Probably a newbie question, but when my user visits job#index I want to show a partial that is stored in my views/layouts called _subnav.html.erb.
This only needs to render when the user is at jobs#index.
Can someone help me with this but also understand how it works.
I'd suggest you use content blocks.
Within your layout file, such as layout/application.haml, place this code where you want the subnav to be rendered:
= content_for :subnav
..and within your view file (jobs/index.haml)
- content_for :subnav
= render partial: 'layouts/subnav'
Couple of alternatives:
Check controller#action in layout file and only show for jobs#index
Add a simple #show_sub_nav instance variable and set to true within your controller. In your layout file: = render partial: 'layouts/subnav' if #show_sub_nav
You can see how to achieve (2) with my answer here.

Render a view of another controller

What I want to do is have 2 different controllers, client and test_client. The client controller is already built and I want to create a test_client controller that i can use to play around with the UI of the client and adjust it as needed. I am mainly trying to get around the validation i have built into the client and its dependence on an admin controller that loads the data.
so i want the test_client controller to load a sample data set and then render the client controller's index view so i can adjust the clients UI. That is all.
I tried this in the test_clients index method:
class TestClient
def index
render :template => 'client/index'
but i get an error because it cannot find the client partials as it is looking in the current controllers view for them...
So I have looked into this already and most people say that you should never make such a call but i think that this case is a reasonable usage...I just need to figure out how to get it to work.
You will need to adjust your view so that the path to the partial you need is in the form 'controller/partial'. In this case probably 'client/partial'. Then you can simply use render 'client/index' as before.
So say somewhere in your view you have this:
<%= render :partial => 'info' %>
You will want to change it to this:
<%= render :partial => 'client/info' %>
Convert your client controller views to partials, create empty views for all actions in test_client controller, render client partials for respective test_client views.
client view
index.html.erb to _index.html.erb
test_client view
in this view, <%=render :partial => 'clients/index', :locals =>{ }%>
You could do this in a number of ways and everyone is different. One way you could do it, is by putting your finders into a presenter. Then turn some data in the index view into a partial or you can render the template with layout set to false.
Then in the client_test view you can render that index with the presenter associated with it.

render a view within a view

How do I render a view within another view... in rails... is it possible?
def show
# by default renders template hotdog/show.html.erb
<%= render :template => 'ketchup' -%>
Use view partials
See section 3.4
A complete view inside another a view? Normally the way you would handle something like this in rails would be with partials.
Create a set of shared partials, and then just render them in each of the views.
I do the same thing a few times, but I load the sub views in through AJAX. And that AJAX is instantiated within the partial.
