Rails 3 edit_path method not working - ruby-on-rails

sorry if this is a dumb Q, this is my first Rails3 project...
For some reason, this <%= link_to 'edit', edit_geofence_path(geofence) %>
renders as edit (my geofence's id is 2).
And <%= link_to 'delete', {:action=>'destroy', :id=>geofence}, :confirm=>"You sure?", :method=> :delete %>
renders as delete,
which might be fine, but clicking the link generates this in the logs Started GET "/geofence?id=2". So, not DELETE, just GET.
My routes.rb file is just resource :geofence.
On a related note, for some reason the default action for a geofence is "show". So /geofence/ DOES NOT call the index method, it calls the show method. I think that also must be wrong.
I'm done cursing at this app for now, I'm going to take a day to cool off and hopefully get this SIMPLE SCAFFOLD working tomorrow night... Help me, stackoverflow! You're my only hope!

<%= link_to 'delete', {:action=>'destroy', :id=>geofence}, :confirm=>"You sure?", :method=> :delete %>
should be:
<%= link_to 'delete', {:action=>'destroy', :id=>geofence}, :confirm=>"You sure?", :method=> :delete, :remote => true %>
Without :remote => true, the click isn't handled by javascript.
And in your routes.rb file, you should have that defined as:
resources :geofence
Setting it as resource implies that there is only one, and is causing a lot of your weird behavior.

As a side note, to complete ctide answer I would suggest you to use the plural form of your controllers name as a convention. It will sound more natural to put:
resources :geofences
inside your routes.rb file.
Here is a previous StackOverflow question, about using the plural form as a convention for controllers.

When you use resource :geofence in your routes file you are telling your application that there is only one geofence resource, and that it is not a collection. You will get show, update, create, new, but not index - and the id value will not be used because there is only one resource. (The show action here will have the path /geofence
If you use resources :geofences (notice the pluralization) then you've defined a collection of resources, /geofences will now give you the index action and your url helpers will work correctly with the show action rendering /geofences/3.
Hope this helps you understand why the plural form is necessary for this sort of resource :)


How to create a href tag with link_to and action 'create'

I want to create a href tag like href=contacts/create. In my contacts_controller, I have a create GET action. I know this is against rails convention. I still need to create the above link using options = {controller=> 'contacts', action=>'create'}. It works for any other arbitrary action name
You can the hardcoded path option:
<%= link_to "Create", "contacts/create" %>
or the Rails generated path option:
<%= link_to "Create", { controller: "contacts", action: "create" } %>
This is not just against Rails' convention, but against sounds HTTP usage. This often causes serious problems that you can't predict in advance. Web crawling is just one of them, where something like the Google bot accidentally creates a new contact in your database, simply by crawling the page. Or script kiddies who find you have a create link, and send 100,000 clicks to it in quick succession.
Numerous other issues happen like this, including, at one well-known time, Google Chrome pre-fetching GET urls from the page to "speed up the user experience"; this was felt far and wide by sites that had used this technique. It's not an idle warning or a style issue: this can have a disastrous impact on your site.
First off this is really bad idea since GET requests should be idempotent. You're not just flouting convention - you're setting yourself and your users up for a really bad time since for example pressing the back and forward buttons will cause resources to be created - over and over. And there is guaranteed a better way to solve whatever you are trying to do such as:
# a "discrete form"
<%= button_to "Create contact", contacts_path, method: :post %>
# or use the rails ujs
<%= link_to "Create contact", contacts_path, method: :post %>
If you ABSOLUTELY have do this:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get "contacts/create"
You can now do:
<%= link_to "Create", { controller: 'contacts', action: 'create' } %>
Congratulations, you broke the internets.
Like you mentioned, this is against rails convention, but if absolutely necessary, you can do this from your controller:
options = {controller=> 'contacts', action=>'create'}
view_context.link_to url_for(options)
If you need the href to only be the path, you can do:
options = {controller=> 'contacts', action=>'create'}
view_context.link_to url_for(options.merge(only_path: true))

System call from method (ruby on rails)

I need make system call from method of Ruby of Rails , but I want it to stay on the same page.
Right now for some reason it does not execute , but shows :
Routing Error
No route matches [POST] "/devices/22918"
Try running rake routes for more information on available routes.
This is the button:
<%= link_to image_tag("/images/glossy_green_button.png"), device , :method => :turnon, :confirm => "Are you sure?" %>
This is method:
def turnon
#device = Device.find(params[:id])
result = `/perl/toggle.pl #device.infodot on`
please let me know what I am doing wrong,
thank you
You're simply not using the method correctly. You're using it to target the action of the controller you want to execute (note that I explicitly said action and not method for clarity).
Available actions in a controller are defined by your routes.rb file.You should eventually read or re read that
In your case, let's say you have a resource device (I guess this is what you have), you'll first create a new action in your routes.rb file
resources :devices do
put :turnon, on: :member
You can read doc about this syntax here but basically I'm making the action turnon available via the HTTP PUT method on each devices, meaning that it will be accessible through the URL /devices/1/turnon or via the url_helper : turnon_device_path (or turnon_device_url)
I assume that your turnon action will modify existing things, not creating new things, that's why I'm using the PUT verb
Then the link will look something like :
<%= link_to image_tag("/images/glossy_green_button.png"), turnon_device_path(device) , :method => :put, :confirm => "Are you sure?" %>
see that the method is the HTTP method corresponding to the new route I created.
I also assume that you put the turnon method in the DevicesController.
Finally as you want to do that in ajax, you can have a look a the remote: true option

RESTful link_to :method => destroy in Rails 3, with fallback for users with javascript disabled

Is there a simple RESTful way to have a fallback url for the link_to with :method => :delete that will work for folks who have javascript disabled?
For example, suppose I have a list of comments. To add a link to delete a comment, I might put:
<%= link_to "Delete", comment_path(comment.id), :method => :delete %>
This would produce a link with the data-method="delete" that my ujs driver (jquery_ujs in my case) will turn into a DELETE request. However, when javascript is turned off, the link is followed as a GET request (as advertised in the docs), and my controller gets rightfully confused.
Is there a good and simple way to resolve this problem? There's Railscast 77, which shows one solution, but this seems to require an awful lot of extra code and throws out the quite elegant :method => :delete solution. I'd be OK with it producing a link to a confirm-delete page when javascript is disabled.
The only solution I can think of is to use button_to on the page and UJS to replace it with the corresponding link_to. This somehow doesn't seem quite right to me, but maybe it's OK? Any other ideas?
Personally i don't like the idea of mapping the :delete to a :get, it's not RESTFul...The solution i use is the same than the one you have been thinking about, ie a button_to instead of the link_to, and if needed i can use CSS to style the button so that it looks like a link.

Calling a controller action with link_to

After playing around with links in Rails for a view hours i've managed to actually get a link to invoke a method in my controller. But i still don't understand why all my other attempts failed. Im hoping you could help me out with that.
I have the scaffold "Cars". When in the show view for a car, id like to click a link that invokes the method "drive" in my Car controller.
This WORKS: <%= link_to "Drive", drive_car_path(#car) %>
It seems this only works if i have this is my routes.rb:
resources :cars do
member do
get 'drive'
Why does <%= link_to "Drive", car_path, :method => :drive %> not work?
Do I need to put a GET in the routes.rb file for every method I create in my controller?
I can't seem to find any sites explain how to use links together with routes. They only seem to come separate. Do you guys have any easily understandable tutorials on this?
Try link_to "Drive", :controller => "car", :action => "drive"
Also, method is for choosing the HTTP method (GET, POST, ...). It's not method as in routine.
Be sure to check out Rails Routing from the Outside In and The Lowdown on Routes in Rails 3, they're both awesome resources.

Performing AJAX delete operations restfully in rails

How do you perform delete and put operations restfully in rails? I have read the documentation and thought I was doing everything properly, but I can't seem to get it to work.
For example, if I wanted to delete an employee I would create a controller called "EmployeesController" and create a destroy method to perform the delete.
Then I went into the routes.rb file and entered map.resources :employees, which gives you access to the URL helper functions.
In whatever I want to call the Ajax operation from, I should just have a line like:
<%= link_to_remote "Delete", employee_path(#employee), :method => :delete %>
When I click on the link, it is still is sending a POST operation, so it does nothing.
What am I missing or doing wrong?
:url => employee_url(#employee)
IIRC, *_path is a named route generated by the :resource directive which includes the method, thus overwriting your :method => :delete
From my code:
<%= link_to_remote "Delete", :url => post_url(post), :method => :delete %>
Just to add a few extra details: Using :url => employee_url(#employee) helped (from the accepted answer). The other part that was messing me up was the fact that I was expecting an HTTP delete request, but I kept getting POST requests with a parameter "_method" (automatically added by rails) which was set to delete.
So it was calling the proper destroy action, which I proved by adding a couple of debug statements to the controller. Yes, my delete code was wrong in the controller, so it wasn't really deleting when I thought it was.
If your problem is not having AJAX request you have to add proper javascript tags
