How do I make sure that a directory name is quoted in OMake? - path

I have a relatively complicated suite of OMake files designed for cross-compiling on a specific platform. My source is in C++.
I'm building from Windows and I need to pass to the compiler include directories which have spaces in their names. The way that the includes string which is inserted in the command line to compile files is created is by the line:
public.PREFIXED_INCLUDES = $`(addprefix $(INCLUDES_OPT), $(set $(absname $(INCLUDES))))
At some other point in the OMake files I have a line like:
INCLUDES += $(dir "$(LIBRARY_LOCATION)/Path with spaces/include")
In the middle of the command line this expands to:
-IC:\Library location with spaces\Path with spaces\include
I want it to expand to:
-I"C:\Library location with spaces\Path with spaces\include"
I don't want to change anything but the "INCLUDES += ..." line if possible, although modifying something else in that file is also fine. I don't want to have to do something like change the definition of PREFIXED_INCLUDES, as that's in a suite of OMake files which are part of an SDK which may change beneath me. Is this possible? If so, how can I do it? If not, in what ways can I make sure that includes with spaces in them are quoted by modifying little makefile code (hopefully one line)?

The standard library function quote adds escaped quotes around its argument, so it should do the job:
INCLUDES += $(quote $(dir "$(LIBRARY_LOCATION)/Path with spaces/include"))
If needed, see quote in Omake manual.

In case someone else is having the same problem, I thought I'd share the solution I eventually went with, having never figured out how to surround with quotes. Instead of putting quotes around a name with spaces in it I ended up converting the path to the short (8.3) version. I did this via a a simple JScript file called shorten.js and a one line OMake function.
The script:
// Get Access to the file system.
var FileSystemObject = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
// Get the short path.
var shortPath = FileSystemObject.GetFolder(WScript.Arguments(0)).ShortPath;
// Output short path.
The function:
ShortDirectoryPath(longPath) =
return $(dir $(shell cscript /Nologo $(dir ./tools/shorten.js) "$(absname $(longPath))"))
So now I just use a line like the following for includes:
INCLUDES += $(ShortDirectoryPath $(dir "$(LIBRARY_LOCATION)/Path with spaces/include"))


Get the path to work on ChartApplyTemplate in MT4

After reading the material I could find and trying various solutions, I still cannot get the ChartApplyTemplate to work. The template is not applying to the chart being opened and the error I receive is 5002 - the file cannot be found.
Here is my code:
int iChartID = ChartOpen(sChartNameL,5); ChartApplyTemplate(iChartID,"C:\\Users\\Jean\\AppData\\Roaming\\MetaQuotes\\Terminal\\DA3C92B1779898CC0CACD726A655BECB\\Files\\ADX.tpl");
I have also tried:
int iChartID = ChartOpen(sChartNameL,5);
string sTerminalDataPath = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH);
ChartApplyTemplate(iChartID, sTerminalDataPath + "\\MQL4\\Files\\ADX.tpl");
I have tried to place the template in various directories. Files as stated above but I have also tried to insert a files subdirectory in the mql4\experts subdirectory and also tried to use the files subdirectory under the MQL4 subdirectory. I have also left the template in the default templates directory. I have tried these various locations as I believe Metatrader has a sandbox environment for where files may be accessed.
Please can you help me.
You are using the wrong variable type for your chart ID, it should be of type long. The code should read as an example.
long iChartID = ChartOpen("EURUSD",5); ChartApplyTemplate(iChartID,"Popular.tpl");
For the location of the template file, from the documentation:
if the backslash "" separator (written as "\") is placed at the beginning of the path, the template is searched for relative to the path _terminal_data_directory\MQL4,
if there is no backslash, the template is searched for relative to the executable EX4 file, in which ChartApplyTemplate() is called;
if a template is not found in the first two variants, the search is performed in the folder terminal_directory\Profiles\Templates.

How to write Bazel rules that work with external repositories?

The Bazel Starlark API does strange things with files in external repositories. I have the following Starlark snippet:
ret = ctx.new_file(ctx.genfiles_dir, output_filename)
It is creating the following output:
DEBUG: build_defs.bzl:292:5: <derived root>
DEBUG: build_defs.bzl:293:5: bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/genfiles
DEBUG: build_defs.bzl:294:5: google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.c
DEBUG: build_defs.bzl:296:5: bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/genfiles/external/com_google_protobuf/google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.c
That extra external/com_google_protobuf comes seemingly out of nowhere, and it makes my rule fail:
I tell protoc to generate into ctx.genfiles_dir.path (which is bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/genfiles).
So protoc generates bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/genfiles/google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.c
Bazel fails because I didn't generate bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/genfiles/external/com_google_protobuf/google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.c
Likewise, when I try to call file.short_path on a source file from an external repository, I get a result like ../com_google_protobuf/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto. This seems quite unhelpful, so I just wrote some manual code to strip off the leading ../com_google_protobuf/.
Am I missing something? How can I write this rule in a way that doesn't feel like I'm fighting Bazel the whole time?
Am I missing something?
The basic problem, as you already realized, is that you have two path "namespaces" the one that protoc sees (i.e. import paths) and the one that bazel sees (i.e. the path you pass to declare_file().
2 things to note:
1) All paths declared with declare_file() get the path <bin dir>/<package path incl. workspace>/<path you passed to declare_file()>
2) All actions are executed from <bin dir> (unless output_to_genfils=True in which case this switches to <gen dir> as in your example.
Trying to solve the exact same problem you encountered, I resorted to stripping the known path from the output_file's path to determine which directory to pass as p:
# This code is run from the context of the external protobuf dependency
proto_path = "google/a/b.proto"
output_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(proto_path)
# output_file.path would be `<gen_dir>/external/protobuf/google/a/b.proto`
# Strip the known proto_path from output_file.path
protoc_prefix = output_file.path[:-len(proto_path)]
print(protoc_prefix) # Prints: <gen_dir>/external/protobuf
command = "{protoc} {proto_paths} {cpp_out} {plugin} {plugin_options} {proto_file}".format(
cpp_out = "--cpp_out=" + protoc_prefix,
You may also be able to construct the same path with ctx.bin_dir, ctx.label.workspace_name, ctx.label.package, and
proto_library recently gained an attribute strip_import_prefix. When used, the above is not correct, as all dependent files are symlinked into a new directory from which they have the relative paths declared with strip_import_prefix.
The path format is:
<bin dir>/<repo>/<package>/_virtual_base/<label name>/<path `import`ed in .proto files>
<bin dir>/external/protobuf/_virtual_base/b_proto/google/a/b.proto
Assuming you are building an external repo called protobuf, which contains a BUILD file at its root with a target named b_proto, which in turn, relies on a proto_library wrapping google/a/b.proto AND uses the strip_import_prefix attribute.

qmake 4.8.4 has broken custom targets due to capitalisation. How do I work around it?

My .pro file has extra stuff in it:
win32 {
OUT_PWD_SHELL = $$replace(OUT_PWD, /, \\) = $$OUT_PWD\\autoversioninfo.h
autoversion.depends = FORCE
autoversion.commands = $$PWD/../../AutoBuildVersion.exe $$replace(PWD, /, \\) $$OUT_PWD_SHELL
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += autoversion
PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$OUT_PWD\\autoversioninfo.h
This fails to work as expected because in the generated makefile DESTDIR_TARGET has a new dependency added that starts d:\ but the rule generated for autoversion starts with D:/. I can improve this slightly by replacing all / with \, but the case sensitivity still breaks it and the target is not built.
If I remove the full path from and PRE_TARGETDEPS then it solves that problem, but then when calculating dependencies, the rule for the cpp file that includes the generated header changes to give an explicit path to the header in the dependencies, and that path points to the source directory and not the output directory where the generated file is produced. This causes make to barf and not produce the generated file.
I don't know why qmake changes the case handling of the drive, it is very irritating, but how do I get this all to work correctly?
There is no good solution. The best I came up with is to use a phony target that always runs to generate the header file. On the downside this slows the build when the header file already exists, but on the upside, it allows the build to complete.
win32 {
gen_autoversion.commands = $$PWD/../../AutoBuildVersion.exe $$replace(PWD, /, \\) $$OUT_PWD_SHELL
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += gen_autoversion
I am not sure that PRE_TARGETDEPS is actually needed here.

Lua: Pattern match after a string?

For example, I have arbitrary lines in this format:
directory C:\Program Files\abc\def\
or something like.
log-enabled On
I want to be able to extract the "C:\Program Files\ab\def\" part out of that first line. Likewise, I want to extract the "On" out in the second line. The spaces between the variable and its value are arbitrary. I will know the name of the variable, but I need extract the value based on that.
So basically, I want to remove the first word and a number of arbitrary spaces that follow the first word, and return what remains until the end of the line.
Assuming that, by "word" you mean "a string of characters without spaces", you can do this:
for line in ioFile:lines() do
local variable, value = line:match("(%S+)%s+(.+)")
... --Do stuff with variable and value
One alternative with string.match was shown by Nicol Bolas, here is another alternative:
function splitOnFirstSpace(input)
local space = input:find(' ') or (#input + 1)
return input:sub(1, space-1), input:sub(space+1)
local command, param = splitOnFirstSpace(line)
If no argument is given (splitOnFirstSpace('no-param-here')), then param is the empty string.
I do not believe Lua is packaged with a split() function like Ruby or Perl.
I found that this guy built a lua version of Perl's split function:
If you can guarantee that the argument will only have 1 word before it, with that word not containing any spaces, you can read in that line, run the split function on it, and use the return array's 1 index value as what you want.
You could error check that too and make sure you get a 'C:\' within your expected directory, or check to make sure the string is == to 'On' or 'Off'. Because of using the hardcoded index value I really advocate you error check your expected value. Nothing is worse than having an assumed value be wrong.
If an error is detected make sure to log or print it to the screen so you know about it.
This could catch bugs where maybe the string that was input is improper.
Some simple code that models what I suggest you do:
line = "directory C:\Program Files\abc\def/";
contents = line.split(" "); --Split using a space
directory = contents[2]; --Here is your directory
--Use directory
In response to comments below Lua indeed begins indexing at 1, not 0.
Also, in the case that the directory contains spaces (which is probable) instead of simply using contents[2], I would loop through all of contents except index 1, and piece back together the directory making sure to add the required space between each index that you attach.
So in the case above, contents[2] and contents[3] would have to be stitched back together with a space in between to recover the proper directory.
directory = contents[2].." "..contents[3]
This can be easily automated using a function which has a loop in it and returns back the proper directory:
function recoverDir(contents)
directory = "";
--Recover the directory
for i=2, table.getn(contents) do
directory = directory..contents[i].." ";
--strip extra space on the end
dirEnd = string.len(directory);
directory = string.sub(directory,1,dirEnd-1);
return directory; --proper directory

Unable to concatenate defined string and the text within the path to image file

I got a problem with setting a path to image within the resource file (.rc).
For some reasone it was not possible to concatenate defined string and the text.
#define Path "Brand_1"
#include File1
Logo BITMAP Path "\Logo.bmp"
Borland resource compiler (5.4) throws error message: 39: Cannot open file: Brand_1
My question would be: Is is possible to combine the path for loading image using resource string variable and a string (file name).
Also, project I'm working on relates to a file (Logo.bmp) being present in two locations. I would like to have a switch (.bat file) to generate a different resouce file depending on requirements.
BRCC32 accepts -i as search path seperated by semicolon, so you could create a bat file like this
brcc32 -ic:\mypath1;c:\mypath2 resource_script
and you define your resource_script as normal, for ex:
myImg BITMAP Logo.bmp
myDOC RCDATA mydoc.doc
when you run the compile_res.bat, it will run the brcc32.exe with the search path, and having the bat file saves you from retyping the search path every time.
You're not concatenating anything. You're compiling to Logo BITMAP "Brand_1" "\Logo.bmp", and "Brand_1" isn't a valid path to a bitmap file.
#define in the resource compiler acts sort of like find/replace in a text processor - not exactly, but close enough in this case.
You might get by (untested) with removing the quotes and space between them, as long as there are no space characters in either the path or filename; otherwise, you're probably out of luck. (Not sure what you're trying to accomplish, anyway.)
