Standardizing "character set ranges" as internationally defined values - character-encoding

Lets say I have a field which accepts A-Z,a-z,0-9 . If I'm trying to communicate to someone, via documenation or api creation "what" my code can accept, i HAVE to say:
Now that in my mind this is restrictive and error prone.
Compare that to what i'm proposing.
Suppose A-Z,a-z,0-9 was allocated the "code" ANSI456
When I'm communicating that to someone, I can say that my code accepts ANSI456. If someone else was developing a check, there is no confusion on what my code can or cannot accept.
To those who will suggest just specifying character ranges, please note that what i'm envisioning will handle scenarios where even this is defined as a valid "code"
0-9, +, -, *, /
In fact, if its done properly, we can have a site generate automatic code in various languages to accomodate the different "codes".
Okay - i KNOW there are ~ infinite values, eg:
is different from
And these would have two different codes in this "system".
I'm not proposing a HUMAN moderated system - it can be completely automatic BUT systematic way of generating these "codes"

There already is such a standard, although it doesn't have the word "standard" in its name. It is called Perl 5 compatible regular expressions, and it is used in Perl 5, Java, JavaScript, libpcre and many other contexts.


Understanding 'strictness' in regex grammar

In writing a grammar/parser for a regex, I'm wondering why the following constructions are both syntactically and semantically valid in the regex syntax (at least as far as I can understand it)?
Repetitions of a character class, such as:
Repetitions of a zero-width assertion, such as:
Assertions at a bogus position, such as:
To me, this sort of seems like having a syntax that would allow having a construction like SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT col FROM tbl. In other words, why isn't the regex syntax defined as more strict than it is in practice?
To start with, that's not a very good analogy. Your statement with multiple SELECT keywords is not, as far as I know, part of the SQL grammar, so it's simply ungrammatical. Repeated elements in a character class are more like the SQL construct:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE Value IN (1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3)
I think most (if not all) SQL processors would allow that. You could argue that it would be nice if a warning message were issued, but the usual SQL interface (where a query is sent from client to server and a result returned) does not leave space for a warning.
It's certainly the case that repeated characters in a character class are often an indication that the regular expression was written by a novice with only a fuzzy idea of what a character class is. If you hang out in SO's flex-lexer long enough, you'll see how often students write regular expressions like [a-z|A-Z|0-9], or even [begin|end]. If flex detected duplicate characters in character classes, those mistakes would receive warnings, which might or might not be useful to the student coder. (Reading and understanding warning messages is not, apparently, an innate skill.) But it needs to be asked, Who is the target audience for a tool like Flex, and I think the answer is not "impatient beginners who won't read documentation". Certainly, a non-novice programmer might also make that kind of mistake, usually as a result of a typo, but it's not common and it will probably easily be detected during debugging.
If you've already started to work on a parser for regular expressions, you should already know why these rules are not usually a feature of regular expression libraries. Every rule you place on a syntax must be:
precisely defined,
acted upon appropriately (which may mean complicating the interface in order to allow for warnings).
and all of that needs to be thoroughly tested.
That's a lot of work to prevent something which is not even technically an error. And catching those errors (if they are errors) will probably make the "grammar" for the regular expressions context-sensitive. (In other words, you can't write a context-free grammar which forbids duplication inside a character class.)
Moreover, practically all of those expressions might show up in the wild, typically in the case that the regular expression was programmatically generated. For example, suppose you have a set of words, and you want to write a regular expression which will match any sequence of characters not in any of the words. The simple solution is [^firstsecondthirdwordandtherest]+. Of course, you could have gone to the trouble of deduping the individual letters in the words, -- a simple task in some programming languages, but more complicated in others -- but should it be necessary?
With respect to your other two examples, with repeated and non-terminal $, there are actual regex libraries in which those interpreted in some different way. Many older regex libraries (including (f)lex) only treat $ as a zero-length end-of-string assertion if it appears at the very end of the regex; such libraries would treat all of those $s other than the last one in a$$$$$$$$ as matching a literal $. Others treat $ as an end-of-line assertion, rather than an end-of-string assertion. But I don't know of any which treat those as errors.
There's a pretty good argument that a didactic tool, such as regex101, might usefully issue warnings for doubtful regular expressions, a task usually called "linting". But for a production regex library, there is little to be gained, and a lot of pain.

There seem to be a lot of ruby methods that are very similar, how do I pick which one to use?

I'm relatively new to Ruby, so this is a pretty general question. I have found through the Ruby Docs page a lot of methods that seem to do the exact same thing or very similar. For example chars vs split(' ') and each vs map vs collect. Sometimes there are small differences and other times I see no difference at all.
My question here is how do I know which is best practice, or is it just personal preference? I'm sure this varies from instance to instance, so if I can learn some of the more important ones to be cognizant of I would really appreciate that because I would like to develop good habits early.
I am a bit confused by your specific examples:
map and collect are aliases. They don't "do the exact same thing", they are the exact same thing. They are just two names for the same method. You can use whatever name you wish, or what reads best in context, or what your team has decided as a Coding Standard. The Community seems to have settled on map.
each and map/collect are completely different, there is no similarity there, apart from the general fact that they both operate on collections. map transform a collection by mapping every element to a new element using a transformation operation. It returns a new collection (an Array, actually) with the transformed elements. each performs a side-effect for every element of the collection. Since it is only used for its side-effect, the return value is irrelevant (it might just as well return nil like Kernel#puts does, in languages like C, C++, Java, C♯, it would return void), but it is specified to always return its receiver.
split splits a String into an Array of Strings based on a delimiter that can be either a Regexp (in which case you can also influence whether or not the delimiter itself gets captured in the output or ignored) or a String, or nil (in which case the global default separator gets used). chars returns an Array with the individual characters (represented as Strings of length 1, since Ruby doesn't have an specific Character type). chars belongs together in a family with bytes and codepoints which do the same thing for bytes and codepoints, respectively. split can only be used as a replacement for one of the methods in this family (chars) and split is much more general than that.
So, in the examples you gave, there really isn't much similarity at all, and I cannot imagine any situation where it would be unclear which one to choose.
In general, you have a problem and you look for the method (or combination of methods) that solve it. You don't look at a bunch of methods and look for the problem they solve.
There'll typically be only one method that fits a specific problem. Larger problems can be broken down into different subproblems in different ways, so it is indeed possible that you may end up with different combinations of methods to solve the same larger problem, but for each individual subproblem, there will generally be only one applicable method.
When documentation states that 2 methods do the same, it's just matter of preference. To learn the details, you should always start with Ruby API documentation

Profanity filter import

I am looking to write a basic profanity filter in a Rails based application. This will use a simply search and replace mechanism whenever the appropriate attribute gets submitted by a user. My question is, for those who have written these before, is there a CSV file or some database out there where a list of profanity words can be imported into my database? We are submitting the words that we will replace the profanities with on our own. We more or less need a database of profanities, racial slurs and anything that's not exactly rated PG-13 to get triggered.
As the Tin Man suggested, this problem is difficult, but it isn't impossible. I've built a commercial profanity filter named CleanSpeak that handles everything mentioned above (leet speak, phonetics, language rules, whitelisting, etc). CleanSpeak is capable of filtering 20,000 messages per second on a low end server, so it is possible to build something that works well and performs well. I will mention that CleanSpeak is the result of about 3 years of on-going development though.
There are a few things I tell everyone that is looking to try and tackle a language filter.
Don't use regular expressions unless you have a small list and don't mind a lot of things getting through. Regular expressions are relatively slow overall and hard to manage.
Determine if you want to handle conjugations, inflections and other language rules. These often add a considerable amount of time to the project.
Decide what type of performance you need and whether or not you can make multiple passes on the String. The more passes you make the slow your filter will be.
Understand the scunthrope and clbuttic problems and determine how you will handle these. This usually requires some form of language intelligence and whitelisting.
Realize that whitespace has a different meaning now. You can't use it as a word delimiter any more (b e c a u s e of this)
Be careful with your handling of punctuation because it can be used to get around the filter (l.i.k.e th---is)
Understand how people use ascii art and unicode to replace characters (/ = v - those are slashes). There are a lot of unicode characters that look like English characters and you will want to handle those appropriately.
Understand that people make up new profanity all the time by smashing words together (likethis) and figure out if you want to handle that.
You can search around StackOverflow for my comments on other threads as I might have more information on those threads that I've forgotten here.
Here's one you could use: Offensive/Profane Word List from CMU site
Based on personal experience, you do understand that it's an exercise in futility?
If someone wants to inject profanity, there's a slew of words that are innocent in one context, and profane in another so you'll have to write a context parser to avoid black-listing clean words. A quick glance at CMU's list shows words I'd never consider rude/crude/socially unacceptable. You'll see there are many words that could be proper names or nouns, countries, terms of endearment, etc. And, there are myriads of ways to throw your algorithm off using L33T speak and such. Search Wikipedia and the internets and you can build tables of variations of letters.
Look at CMU's list and imagine how long the list would be if, in addition to the correct letter, every a could also be 4, o could be 0 or p, e could be 3, s could be 5. And, that's a very, very, short example.
I was asked to do a similar task and wrote code to generate L33T variations of the words, and generated a hit-list of words based on several profanity/offensive lists available on the internet. After running the generator, and being a little over 1/4 of the way through the file, I had over one million entries in my DB. I pulled the plug on the project at that point, because the time spent searching, even using Perl's Regex::Assemble, was going to be ridiculous, especially since it'd still be so easy to fool.
I recommend you have a long talk with whoever requested that, and ask if they understand the programming issues involved, and low-likelihood of accuracy and success, especially over the long-term, or the possible customer backlash when they realize you're censoring them.
I have one that I've added to (obfuscated a bit) but here it is:

Alpha renaming in many languages

I have what I imagine will be a fairly involved technical challenge: I want to be able to reliably alpha-rename identifiers in multiple languages (as many as possible). This will require special consideration for each language, and I'm asking for advice for how to minimize the amount of work I need to do by sharing code. Something like a unified parsing or abstract syntax framework that already has support for many languages would be great.
For example, here is some python code:
def foo(x):
def bar(y):
return x+y
return bar
An alpha renaming of x to y changes the x to a y and preserves semantics. So it would become:
def foo(y):
def bar(y1):
return y+y1
return bar
See how we needed to rename y to y1 in order to keep from breaking the code? That is why this is a hard problem. It seems like the program would have to have a pretty good knowledge of what constitutes a scope, rather than just doing, say, a string search and replace.
I would also like to preserve as much of the formatting as possible: comments, spacing, indentation. But that is not 100% necessary, it would just be nice.
Any tips?
To do this safely, you need to be able to to determine
all the identifiers (and those things that are not, e.g., the middle of a comment) in your code
the scopes of validity for each identifer
the ability to substitute a new identifier for an old one in the text
the ability to determine if renaming an identifier causes another name to be shadowed
To determine identifiers accurately, you need a least a langauge-accurate lexer. Identifiers in PHP look different than the do in COBOL.
To determine scopes of validity, you have to be determine program structure in practice, since most "scopes" are defined by such structure. This means you need a langauge-accurate parser; scopes in PHP are different than scopes in COBOL.
To determine which names are valid in which scopes, you need to know the language scoping rules. Your language may insist that the identifier X will refer to different Xes depending on the context in which X is found (consider object constructors named X with different arguments). Now you need to be able to traverse the scope structures according to the naming rules. Single inheritance, multiple inheritance, overloading, default types all will pretty much require you to build a model of the scopes for the programs, insert the identifiers and corresponding types into each scope, and then climb from the point of encounter of an identifier in the program text through the various scopes according to the language semantics. You will need symbol tables, inheritance linkages, ASTs, and the ability to navigage all of these. These structures are different from PHP and COBOL, but they share lots of common ideas so you likely need a library with the common concept support.
To rename an identifier, you have to modify the text. In a million lines of code, you need to point carefully. Modifying an AST node is one way to point carefully. Actually, you need to modify all the identifiers that correspond to the one being renamed; you have to climb over the tree to find them all, or record in the AST where all the references exist so they can be found easily. After modifyingy the tree you have to regenerate the source text after modifying the AST. That's a lot of machinery; see my SO answer on how to prettyprint ASTs preseriving all of the stuff you reasonably suggest should be preserved.
(Your other choice is to keep track in the AST of where the text for the string is,
and the read/patch/write the file.)
Before you update the file, you need to check that you haven't shadowed something. Consider this code:
{ local x;
{local y;
{local z;
We agree this code prints "1". Now we decide to rename y to x.
We've broken the scoping, and now the print statement which referred
conceptually to the outer x refers to an x captured by the renamed y. The code now prints "2", so our rename broke it. This means that one must check all the other identifiers in scopes in which the renamed variable might be found, to see if the new name "captures" some name we weren't expecting. (This would be legal if the print statement printed z).
This is a lot of machinery.
Yes, there is a framework that has almost all of this as well as a number of robust language front ends. See our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit. It has parsers producing ASTs, prettyprinters to produce text back from ASTs, generic symbol table management machinery (including support for multiple inheritance), AST visiting/modification machinery. Ithas prettyprinting machinery to turn ASTs back into text. It has front ends for C, C++, COBOL and Java that implement name and type resolution (e.g. instanting symbol table scopes and identifier to symbol table entry mappings); it has front ends for many other langauges that don't have scoping implemented yet.
We've just finished an exercise in implementing "rename" for Java. (All the above issues of course appeared). We about about to start one for C++.
You could try to create Xtext based implementations for the involved languages. The Xtext framework provides reliable infrastructure for cross language rename refactoring. However, you'll have to provide a grammar a at least a "good enough" scope resolution for each language.
Languages mostly guarantee tokens will be unique, whatever the context. A naive first approach (and this will break many, many pieces of code) would be:
cp file file.orig
sed -i 's/\b(newTokenName)\b/TEMPTOKEN/g' file
sed -i 's/\b(oldTokenName)\b/newTokenName/g' file
With GNU sed, this will break on PHP. Rewriting \b to a general token match, like ([^a-zA-Z~$-_][^a-zA-Z0-9~$-_]) would work on most C, Java, PHP, and Python, but not Perl (need to add # and % to the token characters. Beyond that, it would require a plugin architecture that works for any language you wanted to add. At some point, there will be two languages whose variable and function naming rules will be incompatible, and at that point, you'll need to do more and more in the plugin.

Parsing Source Code - Unique Identifiers for Different Languages? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm building an application that receives source code as input and analyzes several aspects of the code. It can accept code from many common languages, e.g. C/C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Pascal, SQL, and more (however many languages are unsupported, e.g. Ada, Cobol, Fortran). Once the language is known, my application knows what to do (I have different handlers for different languages).
Currently I'm asking the user to input the programming language the code is written in, and this is error-prone: although users know the programming languages, a small percentage of them (on rare occasions) click the wrong option just due to recklessness, and that breaks the system (i.e. my analysis fails).
It seems to me like there should be a way to figure out (in most cases) what the language is, from the input text itself. Several notes:
I'm receiving pure text and not file names, so I can't use the extension as a hint.
The user is not required to input complete source codes, and can also input code snippets (i.e. the include/import part may not be included).
it's clear to me that any algorithm I choose will not be 100% proof, certainly for very short input codes (e.g. that could be accepted by both Python and Ruby), in which cases I will still need the user's assistance, however I would like to minimize user involvement in the process to minimize mistakes.
If the text contains "x->y()", I may know for sure it's C++ (?)
If the text contains "public static void main", I may know for sure it's Java (?)
If the text contains "for x := y to z do begin", I may know for sure it's Pascal (?)
My question:
Are you familiar with any standard library/method for figuring out automatically what the language of an input source code is?
What are the unique code "tokens" with which I could certainly differentiate one language from another?
I'm writing my code in Python but I believe the question to be language agnostic.
Vim has a autodetect filetype feature. If you download vim sourcecode you will find a /vim/runtime/filetype.vim file.
For each language it checks the extension of the file and also, for some of them (most common), it has a function that can get the filetype from the source code. You can check that out. The code is pretty easy to understand and there are some very useful comments there.
build a generic tokenizer and then use a Bayesian filter on them. Use the existing "user checks a box" system to train it.
Here is a simple way to do it. Just run the parser on every language. Whatever language gets the farthest without encountering any errors (or has the fewest errors) wins.
This technique has the following advantages:
You already have most of the code necessary to do this.
The analysis can be done in parallel on multi-core machines.
Most languages can be eliminated very quickly.
This technique is very robust. Languages that might appear very similar when using a fuzzy analysis (baysian for example), would likely have many errors when the actual parser is run.
If a program is parsed correctly in two different languages, then there was never any hope of distinguishing them in the first place.
I think the problem is impossible. The best you can do is to come up with some probability that a program is in a particular language, and even then I would guess producing a solid probability is very hard. Problems that come to mind at once:
use of features like the C pre-processor can effectively mask the underlyuing language altogether
looking for keywords is not sufficient as the keywords can be used in other languages as identifiers
looking for actual language constructs requires you to parse the code, but to do that you need to know the language
what do you do about malformed code?
Those seem enough problems to solve to be going on with.
One program I know which even can distinguish several different languages within the same file is ohcount. You might get some ideas there, although I don't really know how they do it.
In general you can look for distinctive patterns:
Operators might be an indicator, such as := for Pascal/Modula/Oberon, => or the whole of LINQ in C#
Keywords would be another one as probably no two languages have the same set of keywords
Casing rules for identifiers, assuming the piece of code was writting conforming to best practices. Probably a very weak rule
Standard library functions or types. Especially for languages that usually rely heavily on them, such as PHP you might just use a long list of standard library functions.
You may create a set of rules, each of which indicates a possible set of languages if it matches. Intersecting the resulting lists will hopefully get you only one language.
The problem with this approach however, is that you need to do tokenizing and compare tokens (otherwise you can't really know what operators are or whether something you found was inside a comment or string). Tokenizing rules are different for each language as well, though; just splitting everything at whitespace and punctuation will probably not yield a very useful sequence of tokens. You can try several different tokenizing rules (each of which would indicate a certain set of languages as well) and have your rules match to a specified tokenization. For example, trying to find a single-quoted string (for trying out Pascal) in a VB snippet with one comment will probably fail, but another tokenizer might have more luck.
But since you want to perform analysis anyway you probably have parsers for the languages you support, so you can just try running the snippet through each parser and take that as indicator which language it would be (as suggested by OregonGhost as well).
Some thoughts:
$x->y() would be valid in PHP, so ensure that there's no $ symbol if you think C++ (though I think you can store function pointers in a C struct, so this could also be C).
public static void main is Java if it is cased properly - write Main and it's C#. This gets complicated if you take case-insensitive languages like many scripting languages or Pascal into account. The [] attribute syntax in C# on the other hand seems to be rather unique.
You can also try to use the keywords of a language - for example, Option Strict or End Sub are typical for VB and the like, while yield is likely C# and initialization/implementation are Object Pascal / Delphi.
If your application is analyzing the source code anyway, you code try to throw your analysis code at it for every language and if it fails really bad, it was the wrong language :)
My approach would be:
Create a list of strings or regexes (with and without case sensitivity), where each element has assigned a list of languages that the element is an indicator for:
class => C++, C#, Java
interface => C#, Java
implements => Java
[attribute] => C#
procedure => Pascal, Modula
create table / insert / ... => SQL
etc. Then parse the file line-by-line, match each element of the list, and count the hits.
The language with the most hits wins ;)
How about word frequency analysis (with a twist)? Parse the source code and categorise it much like a spam filter does. This way when a code snippet is entered into your app which cannot be 100% identified you can have it show the closest matches which the user can pick from - this can then be fed into your database.
Here's an idea for you. For each of your N languages, find some files in the language, something like 10-20 per language would be enough, each one not too short. Concatenate all files in one language together. Call this lang1.txt. GZip it to lang1.txt.gz. You will have a set of N langX.txt and langX.txt.gz files.
Now, take the file in question and append to each of he langX.txt files, producing langXapp.txt, and corresponding gzipped langXapp.txt.gz. For each X, find the difference between the size of langXapp.gz and langX.gz. The smallest difference will correspond to the language of your file.
Disclaimer: this will work reasonably well only for longer files. Also, it's not very efficient. But on the plus side you don't need to know anything about the language, it's completely automatic. And it can detect natural languages and tell between French or Chinese as well. Just in case you need it :) But the main reason, I just think it's interesting thing to try :)
The most bulletproof but also most work intensive way is to write a parser for each language and just run them in sequence to see which one would accept the code. This won't work well if code has syntax errors though and you most probably would have to deal with code like that, people do make mistakes. One of the fast ways to implement this is to get common compilers for every language you support and just run them and check how many errors they produce.
Heuristics works up to a certain point and the more languages you will support the less help you would get from them. But for first few versions it's a good start, mostly because it's fast to implement and works good enough in most cases. You could check for specific keywords, function/class names in API that is used often, some language constructions etc. Best way is to check how many of these specific stuff a file have for each possible language, this will help with some syntax errors, user defined functions with names like this() in languages that doesn't have such keywords, stuff written in comments and string literals.
Anyhow you most likely would fail sometimes so some mechanism for user to override language choice is still necessary.
I think you never should rely on one single feature, since the absence in a fragment (e.g. somebody systematically using WHILE instead of for) might confuse you.
Also try to stay away from global identifiers like "IMPORT" or "MODULE" or "UNIT" or INITIALIZATION/FINALIZATION, since they might not always exist, be optional in complete sources, and totally absent in fragments.
Dialects and similar languages (e.g. Modula2 and Pascal) are dangerous too.
I would create simple lexers for a bunch of languages that keep track of key tokens, and then simply calculate a key tokens to "other" identifiers ratio. Give each token a weight, since some might be a key indicator to disambiguate between dialects or versions.
Note that this is also a convenient way to allow users to plugin "known" keywords to increase the detection ratio, by e.g. providing identifiers of runtime library routines or types.
Very interesting question, I don't know if it is possible to be able to distinguish languages by code snippets, but here are some ideas:
One simple way is to watch out for single-quotes: In some languages, it is used as character wrapper, whereas in the others it can contain a whole string
A unary asterisk or a unary ampersand operator is a certain indication that it's either of C/C++/C#.
Pascal is the only language (of the ones given) to use two characters for assignments :=. Pascal has many unique keywords, too (begin, sub, end, ...)
The class initialization with a function could be a nice hint for Java.
Functions that do not belong to a class eliminates java (there is no max(), for example)
Naming of basic types (bool vs boolean)
Which reminds me: C++ can look very differently across projects (#define boolean int) So you can never guarantee, that you found the correct language.
If you run the source code through a hashing algorithm and it looks the same, you're most likely analyzing Perl
Indentation is a good hint for Python
You could use functions provided by the languages themselves - like token_get_all() for PHP - or third-party tools - like pychecker for python - to check the syntax
Summing it up: This project would make an interesting research paper (IMHO) and if you want it to work well, be prepared to put a lot of effort into it.
There is no way of making this foolproof, but I would personally start with operators, since they are in most cases "set in stone" (I can't say this holds true to every language since I know only a limited set). This would narrow it down quite considerably, but not nearly enough. For instance "->" is used in many languages (at least C, C++ and Perl).
I would go for something like this:
Create a list of features for each language, these could be operators, commenting style (since most use some sort of easily detectable character or character combination).
For instance:
Some languages have lines that start with the character "#", these include C, C++ and Perl. Do others than the first two use #include and #define in their vocabulary? If you detect this character at the beginning of line, the language is probably one of those. If the character is in the middle of the line, the language is most likely Perl.
Also, if you find the pattern := this would narrow it down to some likely languages.
I would have a two-dimensional table with languages and patterns found and after analysis I would simply count which language had most "hits". If I wanted it to be really clever I would give each feature a weight which would signify how likely or unlikely it is that this feature is included in a snippet of this language. For instance if you can find a snippet that starts with /* and ends with */ it is more than likely that this is either C or C++.
The problem with keywords is someone might use it as a normal variable or even inside comments. They can be used as a decider (e.g. the word "class" is much more likely in C++ than C if everything else is equal), but you can't rely on them.
After the analysis I would offer the most likely language as the choice for the user with the rest ordered which would also be selectable. So the user would accept your guess by simply clicking a button, or he can switch it easily.
In answer to 2: if there's a "#!" and the name of an interpreter at the very beginning, then you definitely know which language it is. (Can't believe this wasn't mentioned by anyone else.)
