ASP.NET MVC multiple forms, staying on same page -

I have forms located in multiple areas in my layout page (not nested).
I have a partial view which performs a post to controller action.
What action result do I return in that post to keep the user on the current page?
Is jquery/ajax my only option? I would rather a solution that didn't depend on javascript, maybe even a solution that degrades nicely.

You can use the Request.Referrer property to see what page the user has come from and then just use that to redirect them back there.
This does introduce other issues, e.g. losing ModelState, so you'll have to design for that. Also note that some users can block sending referrer information in their requests to the server - so the Referrer property can be null.
I would recommend using AJAX and then falling back on this.

You just need to do a RedirectToAction("") back to your main view.

To post a form without submitting the whole page, which refreshes the browser, you need to use Ajax/jQuery. The degraded solution is to submit the whole page like you would with a normal form.
Here's how I do it with jQuery.
<div id="RequestButtonDiv">
<button id="RequestButton" name="Request" type="button">Request</button>
This calls AddToCart on my Request controller when the RequestButton button is clicked. The response is placed inside the RequestButtonDiv element.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#RequestButton').click(function (event) {
$('#RequestButton').attr('disabled', true);
function submitRequest() {
url: '<%: Url.Action("AddToCart", "Request", new { id = Model.RowId, randomId = new Random().Next(1, 999999) } ) %>',
success: function (response) {
// update status element
Controller action:
public ActionResult AddToCart(int id)
var user = AccountController.GetUserFromSession();
return View("~/Views/Assets/Details_AddToCart.ascx");
The controller returns a partial view. You could also return Content("some stuff") instead.
Holler if you have questions or need more detail.


Partial view in a dialog

I have managed to get the JQuery Modal dialog to show and within it, I load a partial view:
var url = '#Url.Action("ShowCarDetail", "Car")?id=' + id;
title: "Car Detail",
width: 600,
height: 500,
draggable: false,
close: function (event, ui) {
$('#dialog-modal').load(url, function()
So that works fine. The problem is that when the dialog is closed, and I re-open it, the data is not refreshed. I have a DateTime on that partial view that tells me this so leaving it for a few seconds still shows me the old values.
how can I force the modal dialog to load correctly (without it using the old html that may have been rendered from the previous request)?
also - if the partial view has some actions like a submit or something, will the dialog still remain open or will this refresh the page fully? I want to be able to have that modal dialog similar to an iframe style where any actions that happen within the page in the modal will still be there and be updated without the page having a full refresh and the dialog closing.
Regarding your question:
also - if the partial view has some actions like a submit or
something, will the dialog still remain open or will this refresh the
page fully? I want to be able to have that modal dialog similar to an
iframe style where any actions that happen within the page in the
modal will still be there and be updated without the page having a
full refresh and the dialog closing.
The page will be refreshed fully with a normal form. To achieve what you describe, use an ajax form which does a post to a controller method and returns a partial view. Then have a success callback for the ajax form, which would replace the contents of a div (within the open dialog) with the response content (which would be the partial view returned from the post).
Simplified example...
<div id="dialog-modal">
<p>Some optional static content here (within the dialog)
that should not change when the form is submitted.</p>
<div id="dialog-content">
#using (Html.BeginForm("MyAction", "MyController", null, FormMethod.Post, new { #id="MyForm" }))
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.Foo)
<input type="submit" value="OK" />
public ActionResult MyAction(MyModel model)
// Do some stuff here with the model if you want
MyNewModel newModel = new MyNewModel();
return PartialView("_MyPartialView", newModel);
$(function () {
$('#MyForm').submit(function () {
url: this.action,
type: this.method,
data: $(this).serialize(),
success: function (xhr) {
return false;
Note that this implementation will replace the form, so you could put the form outside the div that gets replaced if needed, or have a different form in the partial view that gets returned if you want different forms submitted within the dialog in series. It's flexible to tweak to your needs. It also will not close the dialog until you explicitly call close on it, or affect any content outside of the replaced div's content. Hope this helps!

How to receive Open/Save file dialog after ajax-form post with ASP.NET MVC and jQuery

I want to be able to receive open/save dialog for a pdf file being returned from controller without using 'Html.Beginform' in ASP.NET MVC. I´m using 'Ajax.Beginform' since I can register events to fire OnBegin and OnComplete (which I think I can´t do when using Html.Beginform, or is it?).
I want to state that the problem is not creating and receiving the file from the server when using 'Html.Beginform' because that works fine, but without the events I want to use. I´m using 'Ajax.Beginform' and the file is being returned from the controller but nothing happens after that client side.
My cshtml
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("CreatePdf", "Print", null, new AjaxOptions() { LoadingElementId = "printLoading", OnSuccess = "printPageComplete"}, new { id = "exportForm" }))
//Stuff abbreviated
<input type="button" onclick="onPrint()" />
My jQuery
function onPrint()
//Stuff abbreviated
function printPageComplete(result)
//this 'result' variable is obviously holding the file from the controller
//stuff abbreviated
//TODO: I need to open file dialog here
My Controller
public ActionResult CreatePdf(FormCollection collection)
//Stuff abbreviated
return File(thePdf, _mimeTypes[ExportFormat.Pdf], "thePdf.pdf")
As you can see I´ve managed to get this far as in the printPageComplete function but I´m not sure where to go from here. Should I continue using the ajax form or should I stick with the html form and try to find other way to fire the events I so sorely need to use?
Perhaps I´m going about this all wrong and your help would be very well appreciated.
You can post a form without using Ajax.BeginForm. It is more work, but gives you more flexibility:
$('#exportForm').submit(function (e){
//Do any validation or anything custom
//set ajax settings
success: function(){
// Handle the success event

Difference in RedirectToAction and ActionLink causing .post() not to work

I have application that redirect user to Index page of some controller from account controller using RedrirectToAction(), after login.
RedirectToAction("Index", "MyController");
It redirects me to //MyApp/MyController/
I also have navigation on MasterPage view, I use ActionLink:
#Html.ActionLink("Index", "SomeOtherController")
... (other links)
That redirects me to //MyApp/SomeOtherController
Problem is in **/** character on the end of the first route. I have partialView on master page that onClick calls jQuery .post().
function SomeFunction(id) {
$.post("Controller/Action", { id: id },
function () {
... some code
But when I call that function after redirect from login it trys to access this route:
that doesn't extist. If I change my post call to
$.post("../Controller/Action", ...
it works fine, but then doesn't work for nav links becouse they don't have **/** on the end of route.
What should I do? How to get unique paths from RedirectToAction and ActionLink, with or without **/** on the end?
I can use <a></a> for navigation on master page and enter path with **/** on the end, but I would rather use ActionLink
The key here is that you need MVC to generate your routed URLs for you to pass into your jQuery functions.
1.If your jQuery code is nested within your View, the you can do the following:
function SomeFunction(id) {
$.post('#Url.RouteUrl("Action", "Controller")', { id: id },
function () {
... some code
2.If your jQuery code is located in an external file (such as myScripts.js), then you will need to somehow pass the MVC generated route to your jQuery function. Since this is not tied to an element directly, you probably would be best served to set this as a hidden element in your view.
<input type="hidden" id="jsRoute" value="#Url.RouteUrl("Action", "Controller")"/>
function SomeFunction(id) {
$.post('$("#jsRoute").val()', { id: id },
function () {
... some code

Help with Ajax post to action method

I am a new to MVC an need a little help.
In my view I make an ajax post as below.
function PostCheckedPdf(e) {
var values = new Array();
$('input:checked').each(function () { values.push(this.value); });
{ checkedList: values });
This post the values of any checkboxes that are checked inside a third party Grid component (Telerik). The Action method receives the array fine and loops through each value rendering a pdf report and putting the report into a ZipStream which is attached to the Response. After the loop the zipstream is closed and I return View();
When the Action is invoked through the $.post it runs through the action method but nothing happens in the browser.
If I call the Action through an action link (with a couple of hard coded value instead of passing the checked boxes values) the zip file with all the pdfs is downloaded.
What am I doing wrong or how can I post the checked values with an ActionLink?
Thanks in Advance!
The difference is that your ActionLink is emitting an <a> tag, which is performing a GET operation. The browser interprets the contents of the response and opens the PDF.
Your jQuery method is performing a POST, but does nothing with the response, and thus silently throws it away in the background.
You need to actually do something with the return contents, like write it out to another window.
var w ='', '', 'width=800,height=600,resizeable,scrollbars');
{ checkedList: values },
w.document.close(); // needed for chrome and safari
You are making an Ajax call to the server there and client side code should receive the returned result which seems that you are not doing there. It should be something like below :
type: 'POST'
url: '/UnregisteredUserPreview/DownloadPdfInvoice',
data: { checkedList: values },
success: function (r) {
And assume that your controller is like below :
public ActionResult DownloadPdfInvoice() {
//do you stuff here
return Json(new { result = "url_of_your_created_pdf_might_be_the_return_result_here"});
If you are posting your data with anchor tag, it is better to
prevent the default action of this tag so that it won't do anything
else but the thing you're telling it to do. You can do that by adding the
following code at the end of your click event function :
$("#myLink").click(function(e) {
//do the logic here
//ajax call, etc.
Have a look at the below blog post as well. It might widen your thoughts :

Loading Page for ASP.Net MVC

I'm using ASP.Net MVC to create a web site which needs to do some processing (5 - 10 seconds) before it can return a view to the user. Rather than leaving the user staring at the glacial progress bar I'd like to show some sort of "Please Wait/We'll be right back" animated gif to keep them interested.
Does anyone know a good approach to achieving this?
(I found this answer but its not quite what I need, this uses jQuery to fetch data once the view has been returned. I'd like to display the "Please Wait" while they're waiting for the view to appear)
I think the solution you referenced will work for you. You just need to have your initial controller action return right away with the "please wait message", then have the AJAX call do the actual retrieval of the contents based on your processing. If the request really takes 5-10 seconds you may also need to adjust the timeout value on the AJAX request so that it is able to complete. I don't know what the default timeout is but is may be less than what you need.
EDIT Example:
View code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function() {
type: "POST",
url: '<$= Url.Action("GetSlowData","Controller") %>',
data: 'id=<%= ViewData["modelID"] %>',
timeout: 15000, // wait upto 15 secs
success: function(content){
<div id="#container">
Please wait while I retrieve the data.
public ActionResult ViewMyData( int id )
ViewData["modelID"] = id;
return View();
[AcceptVerbs( HttpVerbs.Post )]
public ActionResult GetSlowData( int id )
var model = ... do what you need to do to get the model...
return PartialView(model);
You'll also need a partial view (ViewUserControl) that takes your model and renders the view of the model. Note that this isn't complete -- you'll need to add error handling, you may want to consider what happens if javascript isn't enabled, ...
