Make UITableView index view larger? - ios

I have a regular old UITableView with an index on the right side. I would like to make the index view larger but I do not think you can do this without hacking the API. One could iterate through the UITableView's subviews but that could be very fragile across OS versions. So does anyone know of a sanctioned way to do this?

Yes, you'll have to write your own. Have a look at Customizing Section indexes in UITableView in iphone application, same topic, answer: Do it yourself. The accepted answer provides some steps on how to do it.


What is the best way to make a data grid in swift?

Good evening everyone!
Part of my requirements for the app I am building has me creating a data grid similar to the example linked. I have spent the entire day searching google and this site in order to find the best way to get started in swift. I have read so far that both a table view and a collection view could work, but that a collection view is preferred. My data grid doesn't necessarily have to be scrollable but the data does need to be editable. I don't have much experience using either tableviews or collectionviews and I'm looking for the simplest implementation without relying on a third party dependency. Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.
Since I don't know your experience level, I will explain at a basic level - my apologies in advance if it's too basic :) A UITableView displays rows of data, while a UICollectionView displays cells in a grid.
So, at first, a UICollectionView might appear to be the better option. But as always, things get complicated pretty quickly :) For example, are you going to implement your UICollectionView as one cell for the whole row, or are you going to implement a cell per column in your table of data? And if you implement cells per column of data, how are you going to handle the different types of cells you might (or might not) need for each column?
There are multiple decisions that might need to be made, and only you know the answers to a lot of these :)
But the simpler option probably is to go with UITableView and that's what I'd suggest if you are new to both UITableViews and UICollectionView. Try out a UITableView-based approach first and if that doesn't work, or you see limitations, then try a UICollectionView. The experience you had in building the UITableView will help you in moving on to UICollectionView anyway :)

How do I make a 'card stack' kind of UICollectionView?

I'd really like to do something similar to Tinder's "pile of cards" interface, but with a UICollectionView.
I would assume that if you need the other cells to dynamically move given the cell you are interacting with, one would be in Edit Mode on a UICollectionView, but I'm not sure.
Please don't reply with specific Cocoapods that do this and "why don't I just use those?"; it goes beyond just that. I have all sorts of content, and this is just one of the layouts / presentation types I need. Sometimes it's a grid. A lot of the controller actions are the same; just the display and interaction is different.
That said, please DO refer me to any code that may already do this, that I could use as a starting point.
Otherwise, I would be grateful to know where I would get started. I'm thinking maybe one of those projects that re-creates Springboard with a collection view??
EDIT: I was looking for something like a card stack, but not like Tinder in that you can interact with the top card before swiping or letting it return. In the end what I was trying to accomplish was similar to the old iPod-style 'Cover Flow' view.
I'll try to answer my own post. I made a few incorrect assumptions. In the end it was a lot less complex than I thought.
To get a collection view whose layout isn't just 'static within a scrollview' but changes dynamically with the contentOffset property, you need to subclass UICollectionViewLayout and make sure first of all you return YES for - (BOOL)shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange:(CGRect)newBounds
from there, most of your heavy lifting will be done in the - (void)prepareLayout method.
I basically used the following tutorial as a starting point and kind of followed what they were trying to do (or just downloaded the final project and saw how they did it, and mimicked the same effect), but obviously had a different prepareLayout method:
Ray Wenderlich

Upward expanding Accordion TableView in iOS

I want to implement an "accordion" TableView in iOS, something like in this link.
But one small change, I would like the TableView to be at the bottom of the screen, and have the sections expand upwards instead of downwards.
I would like this to be supported in iOS7 and up. Support for iOS6 would be nice to have, but not mandatory.
I've been searching for a solution for the last 3 days and tried many different libraries, but no luck. Any ideas on how to implement something like this? Is this something that's possible to do with any library I use? Or do I need to find something with that specific functionality?
You may try this one library I had Used for something same..
This is definitely possible.
I don't know whether there is a framework but I can suggest you using simple inserting of table view rows.
Apple doc on table view
But you will definitely need an advanced table row management

iOS Design implementation recommandations

I would like to know how to handle, for my iOS app, the following situation:
I have to deal with something like this (basicly this is an article with comments, received from a server):
=- Text and Images -=
=- UIWebView -=
=- List of Comments -=
Now, I came up with two solutions:
Have the content above the list of comments wrapped in a UIScrollView, and create Views for each and everyone of the comments (don't know many of them could be), and
Make the list of comments a UITableView, and the above content its Header.
Which of these (or possibly another if you have any recommandations) should I choose? It may look not very important, but I would like to know this, so I could use the idea in further developing.
I would use a UITableView with a custom UITableViewCell wich holds the comments.
It will definitely have a better performance the UITableView than the UIScrollView since the UITableView re-uses the cells.
Using a UITableView you will just have to worry about customising the cells for the comments.
Otherwise if you want to use the UIScrollView in case you have a lot of comments you will have to create manually a way to reuse them which is what the UITableView does.
If you want something like facebook, so that the context + comments both are movable,then go with option 2.
But, if you want content always at the top, go with option 1.
Indeed, UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView.
And If you think you might have many comments like (50+),
If you use scrollView, then you should have to supply scrollView with those number of UIView objects.
But, if you use tableView, it perfectly reused already created views.So evenhough you have 1000+ comments, it just uses 5 UIView objects

Parse PFTableViewController vs regular UITableView with PFObject as data source

I am new to iOS development, and I have been doing a fair amount of research. Unfortunately, as the title of my post suggests, neither possibility seems exactly suited to my needs.
I need a lot of customization with respect to the look and feel of each individual table view cell, and I need for my table to have header sections which are clickable. I would actually like for the section headers to have the drill down quality and not the cells beneath each section header.
To my knowledge, the problem with PFTableViewController is that it doesn't easily allow for multiple sections (even less so if I need for these section headers to be clickable and of a different look and feel from the regular cells.) Furthermore, customizing the PFTableViewCells doesn't seem terribly simple either.
However, if I use the regular UITableView even with Parse as my backend, won't I run into some difficulties with respect to loading, pagination, etc...?
I have a pretty good idea of how I would implement this app with regular UITableViews so I guess here is my question: is it worth it for me to try and figure out all of this PFTableViewController stuff?
I should also mention the fact that my table view controller will not take up the entire view but only half of the screen.
Thanks in advance for any and all advice
It seems that a normal UITableView will suit your needs. If you want to customize the look and feel of individual cells, you can just subclass a UITableViewCell and modify it.
In terms of your needs with the headers, it's hard to say without knowing more about your app, but you want to follow standard user interface conventions. Users don't expect headers to be clickable. Instead, they attempt to traverse information hierarchies by selecting table view cells, which then bring them to new views with more information. Based on your, needs I think that a standard table view controller with some customization is what you want.
