Can any one tell me in which jar file I can find the de.enough.polish.ui.Command? - blackberry

Hi Everyone I am working on J2ME polish project, which is just an enhancement project. I have no idea about J2ME Polish. I have an error saying that the
import de.enough.polish.ui.Command cannot be resolved. So can any one tell me where can I find that. I have tried googling but could not find it.

You should download j2meploish once downloaded and installed you should look in the $installdirectory/source/j2mepolish-client.jar or something with the word client in.

You should take a look at this website, they probably have the library you are looking for.


How to inject code in .ipa file

Any one have an idea how to inject code and files in .ipa file like app wrapping feature of Good dynamics (Containerizing via App Wrapping).
I have searched a lot but still not found any clue so please let me know any one having the idea.
Thanks in advance.

How do I navigate namespaces in MonoTouch / Xamarin for iOS?

This is an example of something that I have experienced a couple of times when working with MonoTouch:
I find a code example on the internet giving an example on how to use the NSUrl class. I try to add it to my code in Xamarin Studio. It is simple, except I can't find which using statement to use. I try to google, but no examples I find include the elusive using statement I am looking for. I find the the official Mac Developer Library NSUrl description, but it does not tell me much (or perhaps it tells me too much).
In general, how do you go about finding which using statement to use in a case like this? Is there a Xamarin documentation of this somewhere that I just can't find? I'm not looking for the specific namespace from the example, but how to go about finding it myself.
If it's an iOS API, it will always be
MonoTouch.<iOS Framework Name>
So if you found NSUrl, you should also be able to see that it is part of Apple's "Foundation" framework.
Of course, I would just recommend just letting the IDE figure it out for you.
Right-click (on NSUrl) -> Resolve -> "using MonoTouch.Foundation"

Lib import issue: Where is located SUPApplication.h and SUPConnectionProperties.h?

I'm developing an application to use with SAP's SUP platform.
While importing the generated code, I'm facing a problem.
The code says that can't find the SUPApplication.h and SUPConnectionProperties.h' import.
I've followed all the official Sybase's guide ( and found some information on Google, but nothing related to this.
Does anyone know to say where, in the libs, this files are located?
All other imports, like SUPDataVault, SUPConnectionProfile and all others SUP_* are fine.
Many thanks
It was a version problem.
I developped the app in a SUP 2.1.0 and was trying to reach a SUP 2.1.2.
My mistake, thanks

Integration googleDrive in ios application

I use DropBox and SkyDrive in my applications and they work like a charme with a very good documentation, but GoogleDrive is really hard to integrate (to be polite :) ).
I'm not talking about coding but integration in xcode.
i follow this tutorial.
In step 3 i have 8 point to do, the problem is in point n°7, there's no Sources path, i search in the svn folder i download and it's not there. and of course without linking headers i have this issue "GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch.h no such file or directory"(i think that compiler stop there but there's more error).
what can i do ?
I know this is really old, but I had this problem and found a solution.
When you add the "User Header Search Paths" to the source directory, you need to make sure you set it to recursive so it gets all of the contents of that directory. Hope that helps.
The Source directory is immediately under the trunk that you checked out.
There is a Google Developer video (embedded at the bottom of the tutorial) that shows all the steps listed in the tutorial. Unfortunately the presenter does skip some troubleshooting and the steps he's following are very slightly different to the current version of the tutorial, but it is still helpful.

BlackBerry Jabber/XMPP basic library

I am looking for a simple BlackBerry Jabber/XMPP basic library. Please tell me where i can find a good free open source library
This one, maybe: I haven't tried it myself. I can't tell if it's good. Sorry.
