Memory defragmentation software. How does it work? Does it work? - memory

I was reading an article on memory fragmentation when I recalled that there are several examples of software that claim to defragment memory. I got curious, how does it work? Does it work at all?
xappymah gave a good argument against memory defragmentation in that a process might be very surprised to learn that its memory layout suddenly changed. But as I see it there's still the possibility of the OS providing some sort of API for global memory control. It does seem a bit unlikely however since it would give rise to the possibility of using it in malicious intent, if badly designed. Does anyone know if there is an OS out there that supports something of the sort?

The real memory defragmentation on a process level is possible only in managed environments such as, for example, Java VMs when you have some kind of an access to objects allocated in memory and can manage them.
But if we are talking about the unmanaged applications then there is no possibility to control their memory with third-party tools because every process (both the tool and the application) runs in its own address space and doesn't have access to another's one, at least without help from OS.
However even if you get access to another process's memory (by hacking your OS or else) and start modifying it I think the target application would be very "surprised".
Just imagine, you allocated a chunk of memory, got it's starting address and on the next second this chunk of memory is moved somewhere else because of "VeryCoolMemoryDefragmenter" :)

In my opinion memory it's a kind of Flash Drive, and this chip don't get fragmented because there aren't turning disks pins recording and playing information, in a random way, like a lie detector. This is the way that Hard Disk Fragmentation it's done. That's why SSD drives are so fast, effective, reliable and maintenance free. SSD it's a BIG piece of memory and it kind of look alike.


What does "Anonymous VM" in allocations instruments signify?

I get frequent memory warnings in my application but I don't know why.
Here is the snapshot of allocation instruments.
I know that we don't have any control over virtual memory assigned to us but I am trying to understand what information does that number 26.50 MB means for a developer.
1. What does a high VM means ? Does it lead to a jetsam ? Is that cause of any other concern ?
2. Is this value dependent on device ?
3. Does a low vm means that your app is memory efficient
4. Does a high VM leads to memory warnings in your app ?
5. What cause this value to change ?
6. What steps should a developer take when they see a high vm for their app (like 300 MB) ?
7. Is VM tracker instrument related to this value ?
Anonymous VM covers a lot of things, some of which are things you want to minimize and some that are generally less important. The short version of "anonymous VM" is that it's addresses you have mapped but not named. Heap allocations get "named" which lets you track them as objects. But there are lots (and lots) of non-objecty things that fall into the "anonymous VM" bucket.
Things allocated with malloc can wind up in this region. But also memory mapped files. Your executable is a memory mapped file, but since it's never dirty, parts of it can be swapped out. So "it's complicated." But in big, vague terms, yes, you do care about this section, but you may not care about all of it very much. Heap allocations tends to track your ObjC stuff. Anonymous VM often tracks things that you don't have a lot of direct control over (like CALayer backing storage).
All that said, the Instruments output you provide doesn't look like any major problem. I suspect it's not indicative of a time you're pressuring memory. You'll need to get yourself into a memory warning situation and see what's going on then, and dig into the specifics of what is using memory.
For much more detail on this, you should watch WWDC 2013 session 704 "Building Efficient OS X Apps" which goes into depth on much of this. While iOS has a somewhat different memory system, and some OS X tools aren't available on iOS, many of the concepts still apply.

Memory-mapped files and low-memory scenarios

How does the iOS platform handle memory-mapped files during low-memory scenarios? By low-memory scenarios, I mean when the OS sends the UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification notification to all observers in the application.
Our files are mapped into memory using +[NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile:], the documentation for which states:
A mapped file uses virtual memory techniques to avoid copying pages of the file into memory until they are actually needed.
Does this mean that the OS will also unmap the pages when they're no longer in use? Is it possible to mark pages as being no longer in use? This data is read-only, if that changes the scenario. How about if we were to use mmap() directly? Would this be preferable?
Memory-mapped files copy data from disk into memory a page at a time. Unused pages are free to be swapped out, the same as any other virtual memory, unless they have been wired into physical memory using mlock(2). Memory mapping leaves the determination of what to copy from disk to memory and when to the OS.
Dropping from the Foundation level to the BSD level to use mmap is unlikely to make much difference, beyond making code that has to interface with other Foundation code somewhat more awkward.
(This is not an answer, but it would be useful information.)
From #ID_AA_Carmack tweet,
#ID_AA_Carmack are iOS memory mapped files automatically unmapped in low memory conditions? (using +[NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile]?)
ID_AA_Carmack replied for this,
#KhrobEdmonds yes, that is one of the great benefits of using mapped files on iOS. I use mmap(), though.
I'm not sure that is true or not...
From my experiments NSData does not respond to memory warnings. I tested by creating a memory mapped NSData and accessing parts of the file so that it would be loaded into memory and finally sending memory warnings. There was no decrease in memory usage after the memory warning. Nothing in the documentation says that a memory will cause NSData to reduce real memory usage in low memory situations so it leads me to believe that it does not respond to memory warnings. For example NSCache documentation says that it will try and play nice with respect to memory usage plus I have been told it responds to the low memory warnings the system raises.
Also in my simple tests on an iPod Touch (4th gen) I was able to map about 600 megs of file data into virtual memory use +[NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile:]. Next I started to access pages via the bytes property on the NSData instance. As I did this real memory started to grow however it stopped growing at around 30 megs of real memory usage. So the way it is implemented it seems to cap how much real memory will be used.
In short if you want to reduce memory usage of NSData objects the best bet is to actually make sure they are completely released and not relying on anything the system automagically does on your behalf.
If iOS is like any other Unix -- and I would bet money it is in this regard -- pages in an mmap() region are not "swapped out"; they are simply dropped (if they are clean) or are written to the underlying file and then dropped (if they are dirty). This process is called "evicting" the page.
Since your memory map is read-only, the pages will always be clean.
The kernel will decide which pages to evict when physical memory gets tight.
You can give the kernel hints about which pages you would prefer it keep/evict using posix_madvise(). In particular, POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED tells the kernel to feel free to evict the pages; or as you say, "mark pages as being no longer in use".
It should be pretty simple to write some test programs to see whether iOS honors the "don't need" hint. Since it is derived from BSD, I bet it will.
Standard virtual memory techniques for file-backed memory says that the OS is free to throw away pages whenever it wants because it can always get them again later. I have not used iOS, but this has been the behavior of virtual memory on many other operating systems for a long time.
The simplest way to test it is to map several large files into memory, read through them to guarantee that it pages them into memory, and see if you can force a low memory situation. If you can't, then the OS must have unmapped the pages once it decided that they were no longer in use.
The dataWithContentsOfMappedFile: method is now deprecated from iOS5.
Use mmap, as you will avoid these situations.

Delphi: FastMM virtual memory management reference?

I had an issue recently (see my last question) that led me to take a closer look at the memory management in my Delphi application. After my first exploration, I have two questions.
I've started playing with the FastMMUsageTracker, and noticed the following. When I open a file to be used by the app (which also creates a form etc...), there is a significant discrepancy between the variation in available virtual memory for the app, and the variation in "FastMM4 allocated" memory.
First off, I'm a little confused by the terminology: why is there some FastMM-allocated memory and some "System-allocated" (and reserved) memory? Since FastMM is the memory manager, why is the system in charge of allocating some of the memory?
Also, how can I get more details on what objects/structures have been allocated that memory? The VM chart is only useful in showing the amount of memory that is "system allocated", "system reserved", or "FastMM allocated", but there is no link to the actual objects requiring that memory. Is it possible for example to get a report, mid-execution, similar to what FastMM generates upon closing the application? FastMM obviously stores that information somewhere.
As a bonus for me, if people can recommend a good reference (book, website) on the subject, it would also be much appreciated. There are tons of info on the net, but it's usually very case-specific and experts-oriented.
PS: This is not about finding leaks, no problem there, just trying to understand memory management better and be pre-emptive for the future, as our application uses more and more memory.
Some of your questions are easy. Well, one of them anyway!
Why is there some FastMM-allocated
memory and some "System-allocated"
(and reserved) memory? Since FastMM is
the memory manager, why is the system
in charge of allocating some of the
The code that you write in Delphi is only part of what runs in your process. You use 3rd party libraries in the form of DLLs, most notably the Windows API. Anytime you create a Delphi form, for example, there are a lot of windows objects behind it that consume memory. This memory does not get allocated by FastMM and I presume is what is termed "system-allocated" in your question.
However, if you want to go any deeper then this very rapidly becomes an extremely complex topic. If you do want to go deeper into the implementation of Windows memory management then I think you need to consult a serious reference source. I suggest Windows Internals by Mark Russinovich, David Solomon and Alex Ionescu.
First off, I'm a little confused by the terminology: why is there some FastMM-allocated memory and some "System-allocated" (and reserved) memory? Since FastMM is the memory manager, why is the system in charge of allocating some of the memory?
Where do you suppose FastMM gets the memory to allocate? It comes from the system, of course.
When your app starts up, FastMM gets a block of memory from the system. When you ask for some memory to use (whether with GetMem, New, or TSomething.Create), FastMM tries to give it to you from that first initial block. If there's not enough there, FastMM asks for more (in one block if possible) from the system, and returns a chunk of that to you. When you free something, FastMM doesn't return that memory to the OS, because it figures you'll use it again. It just marks it as unused internally. It also tries to realign unused blocks so that they're as contiguous as possible, in order to try not to have to go back to the OS for more needlessly. (This realignment isn't always possible, though; that's where you end up with memory fragmentation from things like multiple resizing of dynamic arrays, lots of object creates and frees, and so forth.)
In addition to the memory FastMM manages in your app, the system sets aside room for the stack and heap. Each process gets a meg of stack space when it starts up, as room to put variables. This stack (and the heap) can grow dynamically as needed.
When your application exits, all of the memory it's allocated is released back to the OS. (It may not appear so immediately in Task Manager, but it is.)
Is it possible for example to get a report, mid-execution, similar to what FastMM generates upon closing the application?
Not as far as I can tell. Because FastMM stores it somewhere doesn't necessarily mean there's a way to access it during runtime from outside the memory manager. You can look at the source for FastMMUsageTracker to see how the information is retrieved (using GetMemoryManagerState and GetMemoryMap, in the RefreshSnapshot method). The source to FastMM4 is also available; you can look and see what public methods are available.
FastMM's own documentation (in the form of the readme files, comments, and the FastMM4_FAQ.txt file) is useful to some extent in explaining how it works and what debugging options (and information) is available.
For a detailed map of what memory a process is using, try VMMAP from (also co-authored by Mark Russinovich, mentioned in David's answer). This also allows you to see what is stored in some of the locations (type control-T when a detail line is selected).
Warning: there is much more memory in use by your process than you might think. You may need to read the book first.

Can a Memcached daemon ever free() unused memory, without terminating the process?

I believe that you can't force a running Memcached instance to de-allocate memory, short of terminating that Memcached instance (and freeing all of the memory it held). Does anyone know of a definitive piece of documentation, or even a mailing list or blog posting from a reliable source, that can confirm or deny this impression?
As I understand it, a Memcached process initially allocates a chunk of memory (the exact initial allocation size is configurable), and then monotonically increases its memory utilization over its lifetime, limited by the daemon's maximum memory allocation size (also configurable). At no point does the Memcached daemon ever free any memory, regardless of whether the daemon has any ongoing need for the memory it holds.
I know that this question might sound a little whiny, with a tone of "I DEMAND that open source project X support my specific need!" That's not it, at all--I'm purely interested in the exact technical answer, here, and I swear I'm not harshing on Memcached. For the curious, this question came out of a discussion about possible methods for gracefully juggling multiple Memcached instances on a single server, given an application where the cost of a cache flush can be quite high.
However, I'd appreciate it if you save your application suggestions/advice for a different question (re-architecting my application, using a different caching implementation, etc.). I do appreciate a good brainstorm, but I think this question will be most valuable if it stays focused on the technical specifics of how Memcached does and does not work. If you don't have the answer to this specific question, there is probably still value in what you have to say, but I'd guess that there's a different, better place to post the more speculative comments/suggestions/advice.
This is probably the hardest problem we have to solve for memcached currently (well, a variation of it, anyway).
Freeing a chunk of memory requires us to know that a) nothing within the chunk is in use and b) nothing will start using it while we're in the process of purging it for reuse/freeing. I've heard some really good ideas for how we might solve our slab rebalancing problems which is basically the same, except we're not trying to free the memory, but to give it to something else (a common problem in a few large installations).
Also, whether free actually reduces the RSS of your process is implementation dependent. In many cases, a malloc/fill/free will leave the memory mapped in (unless your allocator uses mmap instead of sbrk).
I'm pretty sure this isn't possible with memcached. I don't see any technical reason why it couldn't be implemented though. Lock cache operations, expire enough keys to reach the desired size, update the size, unlock. (I'm sure there's nicer ways to avoid blocking the server during that time.)
The standard and default mechanism of memory management in memcached is slab allocator. It means that memory is being allocated for the process and never released to the operating system. Basically, when memory is no longer used to store some data, it is being held by the process in order to be reused later, when needed. However, the operating system releases memory allocated by the process when it is finished. That is why memory is being released when you kill/stop the memcached.
There is a compile-time option in memcached to enable malloc/free mechanism. So that when free() is called, memory might be released to operating system (this depends on C standard library implementation). But doing so might hurt a good fragmentation and performance.
Please read more about the issue here:
Why not use malloc/free
Memcached memory management

What will happen if a application is large enough to be loaded into the available RAM memory?

There is chance were a heavy weight application that needs to be launched in a low configuration system.. (Especially when the system has too less memory)
Also when we have already opened lot of application in the system & we keep on trying opening new new application what would happen?
I have only seen applications taking time to process or hangs up for sometime when I try operating with it in low config. system with low memory and old processors..
How it is able to accomodate many applications when the memory is low..? (like 128 MB or lesser..)
Does it involves any paging or something else..?
Can someone please let me know the theory behind this..!
"Heavyweight" is a very vague term. When the OS loads your program, the EXE is mapped in your address space, but only the code pages that run (or data pages that are referenced) are paged in as necessary.
You will likely get horrible performance if pages need to constantly be swapped as the program runs (aka many hard page faults), but it should work.
Since your commit charge is near the commit limit, and the commit limit will likely have no room to grow, you will also likely recieve many malloc()/VirtualAlloc(..., MEM_COMMIT)/HeapAlloc()/{Local|Global}Alloc() failures so you need to watch the return codes in your program.
Some keywords for search engines are: paging, swapping, virtual memory.
Wikipedia has an article called Paging (Redirected from Swap space).
There is often the use of virtual memory. Virtual memory pages are mapped to physical memory if they are used. If a physical page is needed and no page is available, another is written to disk. This is called swapping and that explains why crowded systems get slow and memory upgrades have positive effects on performance.
