Rails 3 question - locking row for specific time - ruby-on-rails

I'm building a rails 3 app in which it sells a limited number of items. I'm looking for a way to hold an item for a specific amount of time so that when someone selects an item, they have time to purchase it before someone else can purchase it before them. I have done some research as to row locking but haven't found a usable method thus far for specifying a time.
Thanks for any help or ideas

This is a typical workflow pattern, where you acquire an object for a duration. You can achieve this easily by implementing application level locks.
1) Add lock fields to the model.
2) Now you can implement this logic in the Product model.
class Product
belongs_to :locker, :class_name => "User",
:condition => lambda { {:conditions => ["lock_until < ? ", Time.now]}}
def locked?
!lock_until.nil? and lock_until > Time.now
def lock_for_duration(usr, duration=10.minutes)
return false if locked?
self.locker_id = user.id
self.lock_until = duration.from_now
def release_lock
return true unless locked?
self.locker_id = nil
self.lock_until = nil
Here is how to use this:
usr = User.first
product.lock_for_duration(usr, 30.minutes)

I would recommend setting a locked_until timestamp that's checked whenever someone attempts to buy one of these items. If there are no items with a locked_until time in the past, then all items are "sold out". For actual selling of the items, I would have a sold boolean field.


What is the best way to reuse a scope in Rails?

I'm confused to reuse or writing a new scope.
for example,
one of my methods will return future subscription or current subscription or sidekiq created subscriptions.
as scopes will look like:
scope :current_subscription, lambda {
where('(? between from_date and to_date) and (? between from_time and to_time)', Time.now, Time.now)
scope :sidekiq_created_subscription, lambda {
where.not(id: current_subscription).where("(meta->'special_sub_enqueued_at') is not null")
scope :future_subscription, lambda {
where.not(id: current_subscription).where("(meta->'special_sub_enqueued_at') is null")
so these were used for separate purposes in different methods, so for me what I tried is to check whether a particular account record will come under which of three subscriptions.
so I tried like:
def find_account_status
accounts = User.accounts
name = 'future' if accounts.future_subscription.where(id: #account.id).any?
name = 'ongoing' if accounts.current_subscription.where(id: #account.id).any?
name = 'sidekiq' if accounts.sidekiq_enqued_subscription.where(id: #account.id).any?
return name
so here what my doubt is, whether using like this is a good way, as here we will be fetching the records based on the particular subscriptions and then we are checking whether ours is there or not.
can anyone suggest any better way to achieve this?
Firstly, you are over using the scopes here.
The method #find_account_status will execute around 4 Queries as below:
Q1 => accounts = User.accounts
Q2 => accounts.future_subscription
Q3 => accounts.current_subscription
Q4 => accounts.sidekiq_enqued_subscription
Your functionality can be achived by simply using the #account object which is already present in memory as below:
Add below instance methods in the model:
def current_subscription?
# Here I think just from_time and to_time will do the work
# but I've added from_date and to_date as well based on the logic in the question
Time.now.between?(from_date, to_date) && Time.now.between?(from_time, to_time)
def future_subscription?
!current_subscription? && meta["special_sub_enqueued_at"].blank?
def sidekiq_future_subscription?
!current_subscription? && meta["special_sub_enqueued_at"].present?
#find_account_status can be refactored as below:
def find_account_status
if #account.current_subscription?
elsif #account.future_subscription?
elsif #account.sidekiq_future_subscription?
Additionally, as far as I've understood the code, I think you should also handle a case wherein the from_date and to_date are past dates because if that is not handled, the status can be set based on the field meta["special_sub_enqueued_at"] which can provide incorrect status.
e.g. Let's say that the from_date in the account is set as 31st Dec 2021 and meta["special_sub_enqueued_at"] is false or nil.
In this case, #current_subscription? will return false but #future_subscription? will return true which is incorrect, and hence the case for past dates should be handled.

How do I enter a record for every user where condition is true in Rails

So I have app that has political candidates.
When a new political candidate is entered, I want to enter a notification into the notifications table for every user that's state is equal to the state of the new candidate being entered.
Ultimately, I want to enter in records to the notification table for every single user where that condition is met.
I know I'm way off, but here's where I'm at now. I'm trying to loop through each user and then enter this record when that condition is true.
def create
#candidate = Candidate.new(candidate_params)
if #candidate.save
User.each do |u|
if Candidate.state == User.state
#notification = Notification.new(:message => 'Message', :user_id => U.id)
The candidate is created with this code, but the notifications aren't working. Basically I have two users where their state equals "Arizona" and I would expect if I create a new candidate where the state is "Arizona" that I should get two record into notifications, one with each user ID.
I think you got a bit mixed up between classes and instances. Here's the relevant bit:
#candidate = Candidate.new(candidate_params)
User.each do |u|
if Candidate.state == User.state
In your code Candidate is a class, and #candidate holds the recently created instance of a Candidate. Likewise, User is a class and u holds a User instance (on each loop iteration). Your comparison should actually use the instances rather than the classes:
if #candidate.state == u.state
Having sorted that, it's worth noting that your code has a couple of other errors -- User.each won't work. You need to specify a selector to get a list of User objects to loop through. One way would be to call User.all.each (which looking at your code is probably what you were trying). That pulls all User objects. But, since users can be from anywhere, if you do that you will cycle through a lot of users you don't need to.
Since all you need is users whose state matches the new candidate, you can use the where() method to pre-filter the list you are looping through. That way you don't need the if at all.
#candidate = Candidate.new(candidate_params)
User.where(state: #candidate.state).each do |u|
#notification = Notification.new(message: 'Message', user: u)
The other problem in your code is in the line to create a notification. You use U.id but the loop variable is lower case u. As an added tip, you don't need to set the object ID specifically. If you just pass the User object (as in the code above), Rails is smart enough to figure out the rest.
For performance don't iterate all users, you can search users that match the candidate's state then create notification for each user.
def create
#candidate = Candidate.new(candidate_params)
if #candidate.save
users = User.where(state: #condidate.state)
users.each { |user| #notification = Notification.create(:message => 'Message', :user_id =user.id } if users
render 'new'

Rails 4 Create Related Object After Save

I have two models with the [fields]:
Order [:date]
Delivery Slot [:day]
Order belongs_to :delivery_slot
When an order is created, I want a delivery slot to be created with the :day set to the order :date.
So far I have created a new method create_delivery_slots in the Order controller that creates a Delivery Slot when the Order is created, but where I am stumped is, how do I get the Order :date in the Delivery Slot :day field?
#Create delivery slots if they dont already exist
def create_delivery_slots
existingslots = []
existingslots = DeliverySlot.all.select {|slot| slot.day == #order.date}
if existingslots.empty?
slot = DeliverySlot.new(:day => #order.date)
I have tried multiple approaches, but no luck. My gut tells me its something to do with strong parameters but I can't figure it out...
I'm not sure exactly of how you're set up but you'll probably want something like this:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
has_a :delivery_slot
after_create => :create_delivery_slots
#other code stuffs
def create_delivery_slots
existingslots = []
existingslots = DeliverySlot.all.select {|slot| slot.day == self.date}
if existingslots.empty?
slot = DeliverySlot.new(:day => self.date)
That's untested but it should be basically what you need.

Where does an if/than statement that needs to run constantly go in rails?

Right now I'm building a call tracking app to learn rails and twilio. The app has 2 relevant models ; The Plans model has_many users. The plans table also has the value max_minutes.
I want it to make it so that when a particular user goes over their max_minutes, their sub account is disabled, and I can also warn them to upgrade in the view.
To do this, here's a parameter I created in the User class
def at_max_minutes?
start_time = Time.now - ( 30 * 24 * 60 * 60) #30 days
#subaccount = Twilio::REST::Client.new(#user.twilio_account_sid, #user.twilio_auth_token)
#subaccount.calls.list({:page => 0, :page_size => 1000, :start_time => ">#{start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}"}).each do |call|
time_to_bill += (call.duration.to_f/60).ceil
time_to_bill >= self.plan.max_minutes
This allows me to run if/else statements in the view to urge them to upgrade. However, I'd also like to make an if/else statement where, if at_max_minutes? than the user's twilio subaccount is disabled, else, it's enabled.
I'm not sure where I would put that though in rails.
It would look something like this
#client = Twilio::REST::Client.new(#user.twilio_account_sid, #user.twilio_auth_token)
#account = #client.account
if at_max_minutes?
#account = #account.create({:status => 'suspended'})
#account = #account.create({:status => 'active'})
BUT, I'm not sure where I would put this code, so that it's active all the time.
How would you implement this code, for the functionality to work?
Instead of constantly computing the total minutes used in at_max_minutes?, why not keep track of a user's used minutes, and set the status to "suspended" on the transition (when used minutes goes over max_minutes). Then your view and call code would only have to check status (you may also want to store status directly on user, to save API calls over to Twilio).
Add to User model:
When every call ends, update minutes:
def on_call_end( call )
self.used_minutes += call.duration_in_minutes # this assumes Twilio gives you a callback and has the length of the call)
Add an after_save to User:
after_save :check_minutes_usage
def check_minutes_usage
if used_minutes >= plan.max_minutes
#account = #account.create({:status => 'suspended'})
#account = #account.create({:status => 'active'})
You're going to have to do some sort of scheduled background job for this check if you want it to be "active all the time". I'd recommend resque with resque-scheduler, which is a pretty good scheduling solution for Rails. Basically what you to do is to make a job, which executes that second block of code you specified, and have it run on a regular interval (maybe every 2 hours).

How do I populate a table in rails from a fixture?

Quick summary:
I have a Rails app that is a personal checklist / to-do list. Basically, you can log in and manage your to-do list.
My Question:
When a user creates a new account, I want to populate their checklist with 20-30 default to-do items. I know I could say:
wash_the_car = ChecklistItem.new
wash_the_car.name = 'Wash and wax the Ford F650.'
wash_the_car.user = #new_user
...repeat 20 times...
However, I have 20 ChecklistItem rows to populate, so that would be 60 lines of very damp (aka not DRY) code. There's gotta be a better way.
So I want to use seed the ChecklistItems table from a YAML file when the account is created. The YAML file can have all of my ChecklistItem objects to be populated. When a new user is created -- bam! -- the preset to-do items are in their list.
How do I do this?
(PS: For those of you wondering WHY I am doing this: I am making a client login for my web design company. I have a set of 20 steps (first meeting, design, validate, test, etc.) that I go through with each web client. These 20 steps are the 20 checklist items that I want to populate for each new client. However, while everyone starts with the same 20 items, I normally customize the steps I'll take based on the project (and hence my vanilla to-do list implementation and desire to populate the rows programatically). If you have questions, I can explain further.
Just write a function:
def add_data(data, user)
wash_the_car = ChecklistItem.new
wash_the_car.name = data
wash_the_car.user = user
add_data('Wash and wax the Ford F650.', #user)
I agree with the other answerers suggesting you just do it in code. But it doesn't have to be as verbose as suggested. It's already a one liner if you want it to be:
#new_user.checklist_items.create! :name => 'Wash and wax the Ford F650.'
Throw that in a loop of items that you read from a file, or store in your class, or wherever:
class ChecklistItem < AR::Base
DEFAULTS = ['do one thing', 'do another']
class User < AR::Base
after_create :create_default_checklist_items
def create_default_checklist_items
ChecklistItem::DEFAULTS.each do |x|
#new_user.checklist_items.create! :name => x
or if your items increase in complexity, replace the array of strings with an array of hashes...
# ChecklistItem...
{ :name => 'do one thing', :other_thing => 'asdf' },
{ :name => 'do another', :other_thing => 'jkl' },
# User.rb in after_create hook:
ChecklistItem::DEFAULTS.each do |x|
#new_user.checklist_items.create! x
But I'm not really suggesting you throw all the defaults in a constant inside ChecklistItem. I just described it that way so that you could see the structure of the Ruby object. Instead, throw them in a YAML file that you read in once and cache:
class ChecklistItem < AR::Base
def self.defaults
##defaults ||= YAML.read ...
Or if you wand administrators to be able to manage the default options on the fly, put them in the database:
class ChecklistItem < AR::Base
named_scope :defaults, :conditions => { :is_default => true }
# User.rb in after_create hook:
ChecklistItem.defaults.each do |x|
#new_user.checklist_items.create! :name => x.name
Lots of options.
A Rails Fixture is used to populate test-data for unit tests ; Dont think it's meant to be used in the scenario you mentioned.
I'd say just Extract a new method add_checklist_item and be done with it.
def on_user_create
add_checklist_item 'Wash and wax the Ford F650.', #user
# 19 more invocations to go
If you want more flexibility
def on_user_create( new_user_template_filename )
#read each line from file and call add_checklist_item
The file can be a simple text file where each line corresponds to a task description like "Wash and wax the Ford F650.". Should be pretty easy to write in Ruby,
