mvc 3 json values not recieving at controller -

the problem is that i am not able to recieve any value in the controller . what could be wrong? the code is here.
$('#save').click(function () {
var UserLoginViewModel = { UserName: $('vcr_UserName').val(),
Password: $('vcr_Password').val()
url: "/User/Login",
data: JSON.stringify(UserLoginViewModel),
contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (mydata) {
error: function () {
type: "POST",
datatype: "json"
return false;
public ActionResult Login(UserLoginViewModel UserLoginViewModel)

As you're using MVC3 - you should be able to take advantage of the built in JSON model binding.
Your code example has a couple of typos: contentType and dataType are lowercase...(they should have an uppercase "T")
jQuery ajax docs
After you POST up the correct contentType/dataType, MVC should automatically bind your object to the posted JSON.

You're going to need an action filter or similar to intercept the json from the post body.
Here's a starter
Provider Factory
but here is the article that sorted this for me On Haacked
It is good if you know the type you are deserialising into up front, but if you need polymorphism you'll end up using these ideas in an action filter.


Ajax Request issue with ASP.NET MVC 4 Area

Today i discovered something weird, i have regular mvc 4 project with no such ajax (just post, get). so today i need ajax request, i did an ajax action with jquery in controller and it didn't work out. Here is my code
public JsonResult SaveOrder(string model)
bool result = false;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model))
var list = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<int>>(model);
result = repository.SaveOrder(list);
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
View side (Its in area too)
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#saveOrder").click(function () {
var data = JSON.stringify($("#list_banners").nestable('serialize'));
url: '#Url.Action("SaveOrder", "Banners", new { area = "Admin" })',
data: { model: data },
success: function (result) {
if (result) {
else {
error: function (e) {
i've already tried everything i know, which is $.post, $.get, ajax options, trying request from out of area etc.. just request can't reach action
and here is the errors ,
error object
Try by specifying the data format (json) you wand to post to server like and Also change the way you pass data object in JSON like this :
var data = $("#list_banners").nestable('serialize');
url: '#Url.Action("SaveOrder", "Banners", new { area = "Admin" })',
data: JSON.stringify({ model: data }),
dataType: 'json',
contentType: "application/json",
I had same issue, but after spending too much time, got solution for that. If your request is going to your specified controller, then check your response. There must be some problem in your response. In my case, response was not properly converted to JSON, then i tried with passing some values of response object from controller using select function, and got what i needed.

MVC Controller not parsing Ajax Request Correctly?

I have an MVC .NET 4.5 application using an Ajax request with JSON to hit the MVC controller on server side. The function in the controller looks like this:
public void SomeFunction(int int1, List<int> listOfInts, int int2)
someOtherFunction(int1, listOfInts, int2);
and the ajax request looks like this:
actionData = {
int1: 1,
int2: 2,
listOfInts: list
type: 'POST',
url: actionURL,
data: JSON.stringify(actionData),
traditional: true,
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: functionIfSuccessful() },
error: functionIfNotSuccessful() }
If I look at the request in Fiddler the JSON ojbect being passed has the format:
The problem is when the function in the MVC controller is hit, the int1 and int2 properties are set correctly from the request but the listOfInts parameter is empty. I have tried changing it to use a primitive array instead of a List object aswell but that didn't change anything.
Fixed. This issue was being caused by something outside of the code provided. The javascript that was building the list of integers should not have been adding the brackets to the ends. Removed those and it worked like a charm.

unable to post the data with bool value in web api

I am working on mvc webapi with EF code first with existing database. I have a class like,
public class User
public bool IsAgree{get; set;}
Iam using MySql database, my table looks like.
|ID |IsAgree|
|int |tinyint|
and i have a post action like
public HttpReponseMessage PostUser(HttpRequestMessage request,User user)
// some code to handle user data..
and from my view i am trying to post some data to the action like,
$(document).ready(function () {
var sendata = {"IsAgree":true};
url: '/api/account',
type: 'POST',
data: sendata,
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
error: function (xhr) { alert(xhr.status); }
when i put breakpoint at action it shows user as null and i get alert message as 400 i.e. bad request. Is my json data was well for my model? Please guide me.
Try to send the data in this way :
data: JSON.stringify({ sendata })

How would you pass objects with MVC and jQuery AJAX?

I am finally experimenting and trying to learn MVC after years of
I am used to using AJAX PageMethods where you can pass an object that automagically gets parsed to whatever type the parameter is in that method.
public static Result AddPerson(Person objPerson)
return Person.Save();
How would do this using MVC and jQuery?
Did just have to send strings and parse the json to object?
That depends on how complex your form data is going to be. Let's use a jQuery example:
url: '\Persons\AddPerson', // PersonsController, AddPerson Action
data: { First: "John", Last: "Doe" },
type: 'POST',
success: function(data, status)
alert('Method called successfully!');
So we post two pieces of data. If the Person class has two properties called 'First' and 'Last', then the default ASP.NET MVC Model Binder should have no problems putting this form data into those properties (everything else will be defaulted).
Of course, you could always make a custom model binder for the Person type, and then you can take whatever form values you want and put them into any property at all, or call some other kind of logic.
I have a post that covers AJAX calls to ASP.NET MVC action methods. It covers the following combinations:
jQuery methods $.get, $.getJSON, $.post
Sending parameters to the action methods
Returning parameters (strings and JSON) from the action methods
Posting form data
Loading a MVC partial view via AJAX
AJAX calls to ASP.NET MVC action methods using jQuery
When you POST a form via ajax to an action method on your controller, the ModelBinder architecture kicks in to parse the posted form values into business objects for you. You can leverage modelbinding in a few different ways.
public ActionResult MyAction(MyObject obj)
In the above example, the modelbinder implicitly tries to create a MyObject from the information it received in the request.
public ActionResult MyAction(FormCollection stuff)
MyObject obj = new MyObject();
Here we are explicitly trying to bind the posted form data to an object that we created. The ModelBinder will try to match the posted values to the properties of the object.
In either of these cases, you can query the ModelState object to see if there were any errors that occurred during translation of the posted values to the object.
For an introduction to model binding, see here.
For advanced modelbinding to lists and dictionaries, see Phil Haack's post.
You could do something like this:
var person = {};
person["First"] = $("#FirstName").val();
person["Last"] = $("#LastName").val();
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "/Admin/AddPerson",
data: JSON.stringify(person),
dataType: "json",
success: function(result) {
error: function(result) {
and then on your admin controller:
public ActionResult AddRelease(Person p)
// Code to add person
The JSON.stringify method is available from here. You could also use a model rather than the Person object as a parameter that way you could handle all of your validation.
I guess I am a cheater and do the following:
autoOpen: false,
draggable: false,
modal: true,
resizable: false,
title: "Loading",
closeOnEscape: false//,
// open: function () { $(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide(); } // Hide close button
$("form").live("submit", function (event) {
var form = $(this);
url: form.attr('action'),
type: "POST",
data: form.serialize(),//USE THIS to autoserialize!
success: function (data) {
error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert("Error '" + jqXhr.status + "' (textStatus: '" + textStatus + "', errorThrown: '" + errorThrown + "')");
complete: function () {
<div id="ProgressDialog" style="text-align: center; padding: 50px;">
<img src="#Url.Content("~/Content/ajax-loader.gif")" width="128" height="15" alt="Loading" />

How to send a model in jQuery $.ajax() post request to MVC controller method

In doing an auto-refresh using the following code, I assumed that when I do a post, the model will automatically sent to the controller:
url: '<%=Url.Action("ModelPage")%>',
type: "POST",
//data: ??????
success: function(result) {
complete: function() {
$('form').onsubmit({ preventDefault: function() { } });
Every time there is a post, I need to increment the value attribute in the model:
public ActionResult Modelpage(MyModel model)
model.value = model.value + 1;
return PartialView("ModelPartialView", this.ViewData);
But the model is not passed to the controller when the page is posted with jQuery AJAX request. How can I send the model in the AJAX request?
The simple answer (in MVC 3 onwards, maybe even 2) is you don't have to do anything special.
As long as your JSON parameters match the model, MVC is smart enough to construct a new object from the parameters you give it. The parameters that aren't there are just defaulted.
For example, the Javascript:
var values =
"Name": "Chris",
"Color": "Green"
// do stuff;
The model:
public class UserModel
public string Name { get;set; }
public string Color { get;set; }
public IEnumerable<string> Contacts { get;set; }
The controller:
public ActionResult Update(UserModel model)
// do something with the model
return Json(new { success = true });
If you need to send the FULL model to the controller, you first need the model to be available to your javascript code.
In our app, we do this with an extension method:
public static class JsonExtensions
public static string ToJson(this Object obj)
return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(obj);
On the view, we use it to render the model:
<script type="javascript">
var model = <%= Model.ToJson() %>
You can then pass the model variable into your $.ajax call.
I have an MVC page that submits JSON of selected values from a group of radio buttons.
I use:
var dataArray = $.makeArray($("input[type=radio]").serializeArray());
To make an array of their names and values. Then I convert it to JSON with:
var json = $.toJSON(dataArray)
and then post it with jQuery's ajax() to the MVC controller
url: "/Rounding.aspx/Round/" + $("#OfferId").val(),
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'html',
data: json,
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
beforeSend: doSubmitBeforeSend,
complete: doSubmitComplete,
success: doSubmitSuccess});
Which sends the data across as native JSON data.
You can then capture the response stream and de-serialize it into the native C#/ object and manipulate it in your controller.
To automate this process in a lovely, low maintenance way, I advise reading this entry that spells out most of native, automatic JSON de-serialization quite well.
Match your JSON object to match your model and the linked process below should automatically deserialize the data into your controller. It's works wonderfully for me.
Article on MVC JSON deserialization
This can be done by building a javascript object to match your mvc model. The names of the javascript properties have to match exactly to the mvc model or else the autobind won't happen on the post. Once you have your model on the server side you can then manipulate it and store the data to the database.
I am achieving this either by a double click event on a grid row or click event on a button of some sort.
#model TestProject.Models.TestModel
function testButton_Click(){
var javaModel ={
ModelId: '#Model.TestId',
CreatedDate: '#Model.CreatedDate.ToShortDateString()',
TestDescription: '#Model.TestDescription',
//Here I am using a Kendo editor and I want to bind the text value to my javascript
//object. This may be different for you depending on what controls you use.
TestStatus: ($('#StatusTextBox'))[0].value,
TestType: '#Model.TestType'
//Now I did for some reason have some trouble passing the ENUM id of a Kendo ComboBox
//selected value. This puzzled me due to the conversion to Json object in the Ajax call.
//By parsing the Type to an int this worked.
javaModel.TestType = parseInt(javaModel.TestType);
//This is where you want to post to.
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify(javaModel)
//This is your controller action on the server, and it will autobind your values
//to the newTestModel on post.
public ActionResult TestModelUpdate(TestModel newTestModel)
return //do some return action;
I think you need to explicitly pass the data attribute. One way to do this is to use the
data = $('#your-form-id').serialize();
This post may be helpful.
Post with jquery and ajax
Have a look at the doc here..
Ajax serialize
you can create a variable and send to ajax.
var m = { "Value": #Model.Value }
url: '<%=Url.Action("ModelPage")%>',
type: "POST",
data: m,
success: function(result) {
complete: function() {
$('form').onsubmit({ preventDefault: function() { } });
All of model's field must bo ceated in m.
In ajax call mention-
use the below function to bind data to model
function MakeModel() {
var MyModel = {};
MyModel.value = $('#input element id').val() or your value;
return JSON.stringify(MyModel);
Attach [HttpPost] attribute to your controller action
on POST this data will get available
