DHT Node ID Generation? - dht

I just start studying DHT implementation and theory and stuck on on part, how generates node id when node startup and connect to network. I read that ID is random hash from some hashes range but, is it unique hash? and is hash generates close no the data which this node store? Help me with this.

Self-generation of the node ID using a good hash function over a large space of values is a common technique used in DHT/P2P systems. Since the hash guarantees good random distribution, the probability of a collision is very small. Statistically, the ID will (almost always) be unique.
That hash is independent from the data stored of the node.

import random
import hashlib
def newID():
s = ""
for i in range(20):
s += chr(random.randint(0, 255))
m = hashlib.sha1()
return m.digest()

As said in the previous answers, the ID of a node is generated by hashing it's IP address (generally speaking, such is the case in a DHT like Chord) or other uniquely identifiable information.
And since it uses Consistent Hashing when a node will join or leave the n-network, only 1/nkeys needs to be remapped, thus it lends itself to highly dynamic network topologies, such as peer-to-peer.
Technically, the hash generated doesn't convey any information about the data that is stored on this node. Rather the hash for a certain key (or entry in a data store, if used for such purpose) originates from hashing the keyword (or the filename or the file contents).
As a direct consequence of the Consistent Hashing, the abstract concept of distance between keys emerges. (As stated here) A node owns all the keys for which its identifying key (ID) is the closest to according to the distance metric.


TFF: What is difference between two type?

Please refer to this question for detailed code.
My question is the difference between the parts marked in red on the photo. In terms of the FL algorithm, I think client_outputs is a individual client' output and collected_output is SequenceType because each client_outputs is combined. Is this correct? If my guess is correct, is member a set of individual client members with client_outputs?
The terminology maybe a bit tricky. client_outputs isn't quite an "individual client's output", it still represents all client outputs, but they aren't individually addressable. Importantly TFF distinguishes that the data lives ("is placed") at the clients, it has not been communicated. collected_outputs is in some sense a stream of all individual client outputs, though the placement has changed (the values were communicated) to the server via tff.federated_collect.
In a bit more detail:
In the type specification above .member is an attribute on the tff.FederatedType. The TFF Guide Federated Core > Type System is a good resource for more details about the different TFF types.
{int32}#CLIENTS represents a federated value that consists of a set of potentially distinct integers, one per client device. Note that we are talking about a single federated value as encompassing multiple items of data that appear in multiple locations across the network. One way to think about it is as a kind of tensor with a "network" dimension, although this analogy is not perfect because TFF does not permit random access to member constituents of a federated value.
In the screenshot, client_outputs is also "placed" #CLIENTS (from the .placement attribute) and follows similar semantics: it has multiple values (one per client) but individual values are not addressable (i.e. the value does not behave like a Python list).
In contrast, the collected_output is placed #SERVER. Then this bullet:
<weights=float32[10,5],bias=float32[5]>#SERVER represents a named tuple of weight and bias tensors at the server. Since we've dropped the curly braces, this indicates the all_equal bit is set, i.e., there's only a single tuple (regardless of how many server replicas there might be in a cluster hosting this value).
Notice the "single tuple" phrase, after tff.federated_collect there is a single sequence of values placed at the server. This sequence can be iterated over like a stream.

Obfuscation of sensitive data for machine learning

I am preparing a dataset for my academic interests. The original dataset contains sensitive information from transactions, like Credit card no, Customer email, client ip, origin country, etc. I have to obfuscate this sensitive information, before they leave my origin data-source and store them for my analysis algorithms. Some of the fields in data can be categorical and would not be difficult to obfuscate. Problem lies with the non-categorical data fields, how best should I obfuscate them to leave underlying statistical characteristics of my data intact but make it impossible (at least mathematically hard) to revert back to original data.
EDIT: I am using Java as front-end to prepare the data. The prepared data would then be handled by Python for machine learning.
EDIT 2: To explain my scenario, as a followup from the comments. I have data fields like:
'CustomerEmail', 'OriginCountry', 'PaymentCurrency', 'CustomerContactEmail',
'CustomerIp', 'AccountHolderName', 'PaymentAmount', 'Network',
'AccountHolderName', 'CustomerAccountNumber', 'AccountExpiryMonth',
I have to obfuscate the data present in each of these fields (data samples). I plan to treat these fields as features (with the obfuscated data) and train my models against a binary class label (which I have for my training and test samples).
There is no general way to obfuscate non categorical data as any processing leads to the loss of information. The only thing you can do is try to list what type of information is the most important one and design transformation which leaves it. For example if your data is Lat/Lng geo position tags you could perform any kind of distance-preserving transformations, such as translation, rotations etc. if it is not good enough you can embeed your data in lower dimensional space while preserving the pairwise distances (there are many such methods). In general - each type of non-categorical data requires different processing, and each destroys information - it is up to you to come up with the list of important properties and finding transformations preserving it.
I agree with #lejlot that there is no silver bullet method to solve your problem. However, I believe this answer can get you started thinking about to handle at least the numerical fields in your data set.
For the numerical fields, you can make use of the Java Random class and map a given number to another obfuscated value. The trick here is to make sure that you map the same numbers to the same new obfuscated value. As an example, consider your credit card data, and let's assume that each card number is 16 digits. You can load your credit card data into a Map and iterate over it, creating a new proxy for each number:
Map<Integer, Integer> ccData = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
// load your credit data into the Map
// iterate over Map and generate random numbers for each CC number
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : ccData.entrySet()) {
Integer key = entry.getKey();
Random rand = new Random();
int newNumber = rand.nextInt(10000000000000000); // generate up to max 16 digit number
ccData.put(key, newNumber);
After this, any time you need to use a credit card num you would access it via ccData.get(num) to use the obfuscated value.
You can follow a similar plan for the IP addresses.

How do content addressable storage systems deal with possible hash collisions?

Content addressable storage systems use the hash of the stored data as the identifier and the address. Collisions are incredibly rare, but if the system is used a lot for a long time, it might happen. What happens if there are two pieces of data that produce the same hash? Is it inevitable that the most recently stored one wins and data is lost, or is it possible to devise ways to store both and allow accessing both?
To keep the question narrow, I'd like to focus on Camlistore. What happens if permanodes collide?
It is assumed that collisions do not happen. Which is a perfectly reasonable assumption, given a strong hash function and a casual, non-malicious user inputs. SHA-1, which is what Camlistore currently uses, is also resistant to malicious attempts to produce collision.
In case a hash function becomes weak with time and needs to be retired, Camlistore supports a migration to a new hash function for new blobrefs, while keeping old blob refs accessible.
If a collision did happen, as far as I understand, the first stored blobref with that hash would win.
source: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/camlistore/wUOnH61rkCE
In an ideal collision-resistant system, when a new file / object is ingested:
A hash is computed of the incoming item.
If the incoming hash does not already exist in the store:
the item data is saved and associated with the hash as its identifier
If incoming hash does match an existing hash in the store:
The existing data is retrieved
A bit-by-bit comparison of the existing data is performed with the new data
If the two copies are found to be identical, the new entry is linked to the existing hash
If the new copies are not identical, the new data is either
Rejected, or
Appended or prefixed* with additional data (e.g. a timestamp or userid) and re-hashed; this entire process is then repeated.
So no, it's not inevitable that information is lost in a content-addressable storage system.
* Ideally, the existing stored data would then be re-hashed in the same way, and the original hash entry tagged somehow (e.g. linked to a zero-byte payload) to notate that there were multiple stored objects that originally resolved to that hash (similar in concept to a 'Disambiguation page' on Wikipedia). Whether that is necessary depends on how data needs to be retrieved from the system.
While intentionally causing a collision may be astronomically impractical for a given algorithm, a random collision is possible as soon as the second storage transaction.
Note: Some small / non-critical systems skip the binary comparison step, trading risk for bandwidth or processing time. (Usually, this is only done if certain metadata matches, such as filename or data length.)
The risk profile of such a system (e.g. a single git repository) is far different than for an enterprise / cloud-scale environment that ingests large amounts of binary data, especially if that data is apparent random binary data (e.g. encrypted / compressed files) combined with something like sliding-window deduplication.
See also, e.g.:
Composite Key e.g hash + userId

how to get the hash value when using StaticWordValueEncoder in Mahout

I'm look at an example in the Mahout in Action book. It uses the StaticWordValueEncoder to encoder a text in the feature hashing manner.
When encode "text to magically vectorize" with a standard analyser and probe = 1, the vector is {12:1.0, 54:1.0, 78:1.0}. However, I can't figure out which word the hash index refers to.
Is there any method to get the [hash, original word] as a pair? e.g. hash 12 refers to the word "text"?
if you have read Mahout in Action paragraph:
"The value of a continuous
variable gets added directly to one or more locations that are allocated for the storage
of the value. The location or locations are determined by the name of the feature.
This hashed feature approach has the distinct advantage of requiring less memory
and one less pass through the training data, but it can make it much harder to reverse engineer
vectors to determine which original feature mapped to a vector location."
-----I am not sure how the reverse engineering can be done(which certainly a difficult task as Author has put) Perhaps some one might put some light on this.

"Smart" / Economical Data Storage Techniques?

I would like to store millions of data lines that looks like this:
key, value
key is an integer in the range of (0 to 5,000,000); all values are unique;
value is an unsigned int16 value (0 to 65535)
the key is to store the data while taking the LEAST AMOUNT OF DISK SPACE, and yet, be able to query the data. can you think of any algorithms / smart schemes for data storage that would be helpful?
just in case it matters, I use Linux.
One option would be, if the key values are not important data but rather just index data to utilize a flat file of bits ( with a descriptive header ). Every 16 bits is a value and the nth value would then be (n - 1) * 16 bits from the end of the header.
Additionally, if the key value does matter, a set flat file of about 10MB would allow for the entire key space to be stored without storing actual keys. The 16 bits that are at the (n - 1) * 16 offset would be that key's value.
That would probably be the least space intensive method for storage, as it would be only the data that is literally required. ( Though, if you are only interested in say 100k values and one has a key of 5 million you do end up with a lot of wasted space, which wouldn't be there with an actual key,value addressing system. So this methodology only achieves a minimum disk storage for sets of tightly grouped values or many many numbers (over about the 2 million mark ).
how do you plan to use stored data? with random or sequential access? for sequential access you can use any archiving algorithm, e.g. LZMA. Random access doesn't leave you a lot of space for improvements.
can you see any patterns of this data? e.g. if the difference between adjacent keys/values are often small you can store only packed differences. and million of other possible approaches.
[EDIT] also you can check techniques used for data compression in network communication
[EDIT1] and you can check this Google Code Integer Array Compression project
This depend upon the operation and data. I would first recommend "just using a database" (a simple key-value store such as BDB/EhCache [read: Key Value store], for instance :-)
Mimisbrunnr also has a good answer if all the keys are used.
If the keys are near constant/read-only and only a relatively small percent of the keys are used, consider the use of a (disk-based) Heap data-structure (very similar to an Array-based Heap; Heaps need not be Array-based). Robert Sedgewick had a good book from the late 80's that had a very lean implementation, but I forget the name. A Heap will be more beneficial when compared to a flat index with a smaller proportion of used keys and at full-load will have worse storage requirements.
(If abstracted, the used method could be switched and/or a hybrid heap with indexed/sequenced leaf-node values could be used [along with Huffman encoding or whatnot], but that is just adding far more complications. Keep it simple ... hence first suggestion of an existing key/value store ;-)
Happy coding.
Have you considered using a database designed for mobile devices such as SQL Server Compact, or another similar database? These will have a small footprint on the disk, while still providing the full search power you need.
Another example of a compact database engine is KeyDB for linux:
