Has anyone tried Mediatemple (ve) for Rails Apps? [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 9 years ago.
Mediatemple Rails Grid Container is going to close... so I have to migrate my App. Has anyone tried Rails on Mediatemple (ve) ? or do you recomend something else like Linode or Slidehost?

I've got three Linux (ve) servers with MT and they've been running continuously for over 200 days with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS + Passenger serving Rails 2.x and Rails 3 sites. You could perhaps ask them for this option?
Just a few days back I purchased a Linode account for my personal dev stuff and got a similar setup running fine without any issues. A colleague of mine swears by liquid web and there's also Slice Host and Rack Space to consider. Good luck!
Cheers, M.


Which version of ruby and rails should I start my app with? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to start developing a new app and I am confused with which version of ruby and rails to use. Anyone please suggest stable versions of ruby and rails which have good documentation and are compatible with most of the gems.
Please refer to Rails Guide
Its the best place to start with.
Start with http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html
And this tutorial
You will come to know how to move forward.
Either figure out where you'll be hosting your app and what they provide, or, build using the latest Ruby/Rails versions and then seek out a host which supports those versions.

Rails hosting for small app [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have small rails application with mysql2 database (2 tables), backbone and bootstrap. I think, that that amount of visits will be max 50ppl per week, so I want to find cheap (~10 $/m or cheŠ°per) hosting for it. I found dreamhost, is it good or not? What else you can suggest to me?
I usually run all my small rails apps off heroku.com if your app is under 100meg(images you put on amazon s3 wich is also free if you use the free tier). Heroku has very easy deployment aswell :D Hope this helps.
here is a how to for heroku
here is how to for amazon s3 (to store your images or whatever you like to store there)
Alternatives to heroku
EngineYard - http://www.engineyard.com/products/cloud
Openshift - https://openshift.redhat.com/app/
Amazon - Tutorial On Deploying Rails Apps to the Amazon Cloud?
http://www.heroku.com/ - 0$/m for small projects.
I have two projects on heroku for more then one year. Not one of them has not yet become a hightloaded. And I paid 0$ for all time.
I've used Linode (linode.com) for many years with hardly any problems. Their cheapest plans do start at $19.9 though.
Check out Heroku and Amazon Web Services.

Ruby On Rails Vs Django [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
i used PHP for my web development, until recently when i started using python framework Django, i enjoy the experience,
but had a chat with my friend and he started saying this and that about me switching to Rail, even with all
my effort trying to explain to him that the are vitually alike he kept echoing rails.
If anyone is actually better than the other, please that i will like to know
It depends on your projects. Rails has a bigger community IMHO, great screencasts. Django has great stuff out of the box. Whereas rails has gems for every task you require and they are always changing (which is good and bad; might be hard to keep up)
Django has an out of the box administration panel and a great templating library.
You can use python egg as far as I know, and other python libraries.
I'd give Django a go first to so as to finish something, but then in the long run using Rails could be of benefit.

Any rails developer using Windows as a dev system for real world apps? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I was considering migrating from asp.net MVC 3 to Rails, however, when I read that Rails (or Ruby for that matter) dev support on Windows was shacky at best, I began to back-off from this idea. At this point it seems that unless you stick to a LAMP type stack for rails (in dev and production mode), you will have difficulty getting support if you are based on windows.
Is there anybody here who has created a complex rails web app on Windows?
the best you can do as developer is keep your developer's environment closer to real production base. It saves a lot if time on debugging unexpected behaviour and fixing strange bugs. If you don't be able to use *nix, try to setup Virtual Machine with ports forwarding of 22 and 3000 ports

Why does FastCGI not work well with Ruby on Rails? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
It is said that FastCGI doesn't work well with Ruby on Rails deployment. Why is that? In previous experience, something either works quite well or it might be fundamentally wrong. So if FastCGI is a viable solution, why is it not reliable with RoR?
Does FastCGI work well with most any language / frameworks?
According to DHH himself:
Heck, in the early days, you could
even run Rails as CGI, if you didn't
have a whole lot of load. We used to
do that for development mode as the
entire stack would reload between each
We then moved on to FCGI. That's
actually still a viable platform. We
ran for years on FCGI. But the
platform really hadn't seen active
development for a very long time and
while things worked, they did seem a
bit creaky, and there was too much
gotcha-voodoo that you had to get down
to run it well.
