making a script so it types something - programmers-notepad

I am getting started with so keep in mind that I don't know much.
I just want a script that could type something where I put my cursor and then I would press a hotkey so that it would start typing.
i don't care what the hotkey is.

It's called copy and paste.
The hotkeys are Ctrl-C (or X to cut) and Ctrl-V.


Exit editor without exiting psql

When I run \dt (and other commands of psql like \l) this thing appears. What is this? Is this an editor?
Most importantly, when I click Ctrl+Z, I get thrown out of psql completely. How do I exit it without exiting psql?
I am totally new to Ubuntu, so sorry if its a dumb question. Thanks for your time on advance!
You seem to come from Windows.
The pager that gets invoked whenever a query result does not fit on your screen is something similar to Windows' more, so you exit it by typing q.
If you don't want a pager at all, set the environment variable PAGER to an empty string:
PAGER='' psql
Typing Ctrl+Z will not send an End-of-file on Linux, it will suspend the current foreground process, which continues to lurk in the background. You can rescue it from there with the command fg.

How to debug a Ctrl+C keyboard message that does not arrive at a Delphi TEdit

When I embed a form within other forms, a TEdit on this form loses its ability to use Ctrl+C to copy its text. Ctrl+V still works, as does Ctrl-Ins (copy) and Shift+Ins (paste). When I use the form on its own, e.g. modal, Ctrl+C works fine. So, I'm fairly sure that in the embedded form case the Ctrl+C is being consumed before it gets to the TEdit and Ive checked that I'm not using it as a shortcut in an action list. So, to dig deeper, could someone advise me of a good debugging procedure for observing Ctrl+C and its lifetime?

How to exit hotkey function and continue the script (AutoHotKey)?

Thanks for reading. :)
Let's give an example of what I say. I press shift+g and I execute one function. In the middle of executing it, I want to stop it by pressing shift+h, then execute another function, and then return the script so as it to stay waiting for another keystroke.
I thought about reloading the program, but I couldn't execute the following commands that way. Or, I could execute another program and reload the first one, but it is getting too complicated.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated! :)
The easiest way is to put the script in a separate file and run it as an external program. Use #SingleInstance Force to be sure only one copy is running, and if you want to kill it use Process, Close with the PID you can get back from the Run statement.
I do this all the time with long complicated scripts that fail frequently. I mostly do that so if the script fails I just hit the hotkey again to restart. It kills the first instance and restarts. Interrupting a running script is just another special case.
Note that you'll need to run AutoHotkey.exe and pass the name of the script and any parameters. Don't try to run the script itself.
As pointed out the easiest way is to put the script in a separate file and run it as an external program. something like this:
RunWait %A_AhkPath% test1.ahk
Then in test1.apk put ExitApp in a hotkey. like this:
msgbox killing myself!
very simple!

How can I stop executing .wlua files?

Is it possible to force stop a .wlua file? I figured that I would have to use the Lua Command Line to do this, but I can't seem to find out how to stop them.
If it's possible, how can it be done?
Because wlua.exe doesn't open the console window (that's the purpose) and you can't send Ctrl-C, the only way to terminate such application is to use Processes window in Task Manager. Note, however, that the process name will be wlua.exe for every file opened that way.
Of course, it's meant only to be used when the application isn't responding. Your GUI application should provide a way to close it, such as close button, listening for ESC key etc.

jVi Visual Block Select

I'm trying to do a block selection using jVi in Netbeans. I cannot seem to get it working - there seems to be a lot of good info on this topic, however I'm not seeing the answer to my problem.
This is what I understand: to do a block select, you first enter visual mode and select some text. Then you hit Ctrl-V to enter block select mode? For me, Ctrl-V pastes the clipboard, so I found someone mentioned Ctrl-Q. I try that, but I cannot get text to select in a column using the arrow keys or the h,j,k,l keys. For me, it just does a regular selection grabbing the rest of the line, and the line below (if I move the cursor down) up to the cursor.
What am I missing?
jVi has options to specify which control keys are handled by jVi and which passed on to NetBeans for processing. Your description indicates that Ctrl-V is being handled by NB (not by jVi). In NetBeans look at
Tools > Options > jViConfig > Ctrl-Key Bindings
and enable/check the keys that jVi should process.
Make sure you're not in a special more before you start (just press ESC a few times). It's also possible that some of your jVi startup scripts are remapping those keys.
Ctrl-V is the default, but Ctrl-Q was introduces on gvim on Windows, to avoid confusing users who knew Ctrl-v is for pasting text. You can look at your key mappings by typing
in command-mode. You can even do
:verbose map
to find out where each mapping was defined. I think that only lists user-set mappings, so it'll show you when Ctrl-V and Ctrl-Q were re-defined by a script.
This worked for me - combining both suggestions from above. In jVi settings page, enable Ctrl-Q and use it for classic Ctrl-V functionality. Do not enable Ctrl-V as it has too many side effects wrt handling of mouse selection buffer. Works nicely in this way for me with netbean 8.2.
