Dynamically generate short URLs for a SQL database? - url

My client has database of over 400,000 customers. Each customer is assigned a GUID. He wants me to select all the records, create a dynamic "short URL" which includes this GUID as a parameter. Then save this short url to a field on each clients record.
The first question I have is do any of the URL shortening sites allow you to programatically create short urls on the fly like this?

TinyUrl allow you to do it (not widely documented), for example:
becomes http://tinyurl.com/6fqmtu
So you could have
to http://tinyurl.com/64dva66.
The guid doesn't end up being that clear, but the URLs should be unique
Note that you'd have to pass this through an HTTPWebRequest and get the response.

You can use Google's URL shortner, they have an API.
Here is the docs for that: http://code.google.com/apis/urlshortener/v1/getting_started.html

This URL is not sufficiently short:?
NOTE: Personally I think your client is asking for something strange. By asking you to create a URL field on each customer record (which will be based on the Customer's GUID through a deterministic algorithm) he is in fact essentially asking you to denormalize the database.

The algorithm URL shortening sites use is very simple:
Store the URL and map it to it's sequence number.
Convert the sequence number (id) to a fixed-length string.
Using just six lowercase letter for the second step will give you many more (24^6) combinations that the current application needs, and there's nothing preventing the use of a larger sequence at some point in time. You can use shorter sequences if you allow for numbers and/or uppercase letters.
The algorithm for the conversion is a base conversion (like when converting to hex), padding with whatever symbol represents zero. This is some Python code for the conversion:
LOWER = [chr(x + ord('a')) for x in range(25)]
DIGITS = [chr(x + ord('0')) for x in range(10)]
def i2text(i, l):
n = len(MAP)
result = ''
while i != 0:
c = i % n
result += MAP[c]
i //= n
padding = MAP[0]*l
return (padding+result)[-l:]
print i2text(0,4)
print i2text(1,4)
print i2text(12,4)
print i2text(36,4)
print i2text(400000,4)
print i2text(1600000,4)
Your URLs would then be of the form http://mydomain.com/myapp/short/kib9.


Generate Random String with Specific Restrictions

Tring to generate a random string but it needs to be formatted a specific way.
N = number
L = Capital Letter
must be NL-NN
needs hyphen as well
examples: 5K-22, 9L-19, 0R-66
every method I have tried has just generated a string but without the hyphen, I know it is probably something simple my brain just hurts thinking on it so I thought I'd see if one of yall could give me a hand.
Try this:
function randomchar(a,b)
return string.char(math.random(string.byte(a),string.byte(b)))

How to specify a range in Ruby

I've been looking for a good way to see if a string of items are all numbers, and thought there might be a way of specifying a range from 0 to 9 and seeing if they're included in the string, but all that I've looked up online has really confused me.
def validate_pin(pin)
(pin.length == 4 || pin.length == 6) && pin.count("0-9") == pin.length
The code above is someone else's work and I've been trying to identify how it works. It's a pin checker - takes in a set of characters and ensures the string is either 4 or 6 digits and all numbers - but how does the range work?
When I did this problem I tried to use to_a? Integer and a bunch of other things including ranges such as (0..9) and ("0..9) and ("0".."9") to validate a character is an integer. When I saw ("0-9) it confused the heck out of me, and half an hour of googling and youtube has only left me with regex tutorials (which I'm interested in, but currently just trying to get the basics down)
So to sum this up, my goal is to understand a more semantic/concise way to identify if a character is an integer. Whatever is the simplest way. All and any feedback is welcome. I am a new rubyist and trying to get down my fundamentals. Thank You.
Regex really is the right way to do this. It's specifically for testing patterns in strings. This is how you'd test "do all characters in this string fall in the range of characters 0-9?":
This regex says "Does this string start and end with at least one of the characters 0-9, with nothing else in between?" - the \A and \z are start-of-string and end-of-string matchers, and the [0-9]+ matches any one or more of any character in that range.
You could even do your entire check in one line of regex:
Which says "Does this string consist of the characters 0-9 repeated exactly 4 times, or the characters 0-9, repeated exactly 6 times?"
Ruby's String#count method does something similar to this, though it just counts the number of occurrences of the characters passed, and it uses something similar to regex ranges to allow you to specify character ranges.
The sequence c1-c2 means all characters between c1 and c2.
Thus, it expands the parameter "0-9" into the list of characters "0123456789", and then it tests how many of the characters in the string match that list of characters.
This will work to verify that a certain number of numbers exist in the string, and the length checks let you implicitly test that no other characters exist in the string. However, regexes let you assert that directly, by ensuring that the whole string matches a given pattern, including length constraints.
Count everything non-digit in pin and check if this count is zero:
Since you seem to be looking for answers outside regex and since Chris already spelled out how the count method was being implemented in the example above, I'll try to add one more idea for testing whether a string is an Integer or not:
pin.to_i.to_s == pin
What we're doing is converting the string to an integer, converting that result back to a string, and then testing to see if anything changed during the process. If the result is =>true, then you know nothing changed during the conversion to an integer and therefore the string is only an Integer.
The example above only works if the entire string is an Integer and won’t properly deal with leading zeros. If you want to check to make sure each and every character is an Integer then do something like this instead:
pin.prepend(“1”).to_i.to_s(1..-1) == pin
Part of the question seems to be exactly HOW the following portion of code is doing its job:
This piece of the code is simply returning a count of how many instances of the numbers 0 through 9 exist in the string. That's only one piece of the relevant section of code though. You need to look at the rest of the line to make sense of it:
pin.count("0-9") == pin.length
The first part counts how many instances then the second part compares that to the length of the string. If they are equal (==) then that means every character in the string is an Integer.
Sometimes negation can be used to advantage:
!pin.match?(/\D/) && [4,6].include?(pin.length)
pin.match?(/\D/) returns true if the string contains a character other than a digit (matching /\D/), in which case it it would be negated to false.
One advantage of using negation here is that if the string contains a character other than a digit pin.match?(/\D/) would return true as soon as a non-digit is found, as opposed to methods that examine all the characters in the string.

Double operations with FR or UK typed double

If you want to store FR typed double in a node, you can only do it using String value, because double values are displayed like this: 12,58 (instead of 12.58 for US type).
So, if you want to do some computing in a cypher query, it's hard to use FR types doubles since they are String, and String + String results in a concatenation, not a real addition.
To check this problem, you can simply create two nodes:
CREATE (a:TestNode{value : "12,45"}), (b:TestNode{value : "15"})
RETURN (a.value + b.value) AS result
Solutions ?
The obvious solution would be to store everything as double in the base, and do the computing on Java side, but it requires too much refactoring, and the problem is that some values are stored as FR double (like 1254,7898), some are stored as UK double (like 12,789.45) and some as US double (those ones are stored using the primitive type double).
I'm looking for a pure Cypher solution, to avoid massive data and code refactoring.
Interesting question. You can handle the differently formatted doubles in a CASE expression. First, you convert it to a string. If it contains both . and , it's UK. Else if it contains , but not . it's FR. Else it should be a native double. You can then replace the , and convert to float.
MATCH (a:TestNode)
// UK formatted, 12,3456.45
WHEN toString(a.value) =~ ".*\\..*" AND toString(a.value) =~ ".*\\,.*"
// remove , and convert to float
THEN toFloat(replace(toString(a.value), ',', ''))
// FR formatted 1234,23
WHEN toString(a.value) =~ ".*\\,.*" AND NOT toString(a.value) =~ ".*\\..*"
// replace, with . and convert to float
THEN toFloat(replace(toString(a.value), ',', '.'))
// else it should be a double
ELSE toFloat(a.value)
But this query can only RETURN the value as a float/double. I don't know how you can include the CASE thing in a more complex query.

ruby/rails detect financial track data and return nil/empty string

I read through similar stackoverflow questions to understand financial track card data.
I think the issue I am facing might be slightly different or maybe I am really weak in regex.
Now we have a service that returns track data accidentally instead of the guest name.
My goal is every time I receive track data I display "" empty string, else return the guest name.( This is a temp solution until we fix the root cause)
This is what my regular expressions is but looks like it doesn't detect track data.
irb(main):043:0> guestname="%4234242xx12^TEST/GUEST L ^324532635645744646462"
irb(main):044:0> (/[(%[bB])(;)]\d{3,}.{9,}[(^.+^)(=)].+\?.{,2}/.match(guestname)) ? "" : guestname
=> "%4234242xx12^TEST/GUEST L ^324532635645744646462"
(Not real data)
Now, looking at the wiki for track data information I want to cover most cases, if not all:
Could some help with my regex. This is what I have:
Track 1, Format B:
Start sentinel — one character (generally '%')
Format code="B" — one character (alpha only)
Primary account number (PAN) — up to 19 characters. Usually, but not
always, matches the credit card number printed on the front of the
Field Separator — one character (generally '^')
Name — 2 to 26 characters
Field Separator — one character (generally '^')
Expiration date — four characters in the form YYMM.
Service code — three characters
Discretionary data — may include Pin Verification Key Indicator (PVKI,
1 character), PIN Verification Value (PVV, 4 characters), Card
Verification Value or Card Verification Code (CVV or CVC, 3
End sentinel — one character (generally '?')
Longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) — it is one character and a
validity character calculated from other data on the track.
Track 2: This format was developed by the banking industry (ABA). This
track is written with a 5-bit scheme (4 data bits + 1 parity), which
allows for sixteen possible characters, which are the numbers 0-9,
plus the six characters : ; < = > ? . The selection of six
punctuation symbols may seem odd, but in fact the sixteen codes simply
map to the ASCII range 0x30 through 0x3f, which defines ten digit
characters plus those six symbols. The data format is as follows:
Start sentinel — one character (generally ';')
Primary account number (PAN) — up to 19 characters. Usually, but not
always, matches the credit card number printed on the front of the
Separator — one char (generally '=')
Expiration date — four characters in the form YYMM.
Service code — three digits. The first digit specifies the interchange
rules, the second specifies authorisation processing and the third
specifies the range of services
Discretionary data — as in track one
End sentinel — one character (generally '?')
Longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) — it is one character and a
validity character calculated from other data on the track. Most
reader devices do not return this value when the card is swiped to the
presentation layer, and use it only to verify the input internally to
the reader.
Your example input string does not contain format code after first sentinel.
You are trying to parse html-encoded version, which is weird.
So, I would start with html decoding. E.g. with Nokogiri:
▶ guestname="%4234242xx12^TEST/GUEST L ^324532635645744646462"
#⇒ "%4234242xx12^TEST/GUEST L ^324532635645744646462"
▶ parsed = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(guestname).text
#⇒ "%4234242xx12^TEST/GUEST L ^324532635645744646462"
OK, now we at least have a leading percent. Now let us ask ourselves: how many users have a guest name starting with a percent sign? I bet none. You might re-check yourself by running a query against your database. Since it is a temporary solution, I would definitely shut the perfectionism up and go with:
▶ parsed =~ /\A%/ ? '' : parsed
Hope it helps.

URL Escape in Uppercase

I have a requirement to escape a string with url information but also some special characters such as '<'.
Using cl_http_utility=>escape_url this translates to '%3c'. However due to our backend webserver, it is unable to recognize this as special character and takes the value literally. What it does recognize as special character is '%3C' (C is upper case). Also if one checks http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp it shows the value with all caps as the proper encoding.
I guess my question is is there an alternative to cl_http_utility=>escape_url that does essentially the same thing except outputs the value in upper case?
Use the string function.
l_escaped = escape( val = l_unescaped
format = cl_abap_format=>e_url ).
Other possible formats are e_url_full, e_uri, e_uri_full, and a bunch of xml/json stuff too. The string function escape is documented pretty well, demo programs and all.
