Rspec, test Gems - ruby-on-rails

I've developed a gem which is to use inside a model by adding acts_as_gmappable and it's possible to pass options in the declaration.
Now that I want to write tests with Rspec, I'm stuck for all model related functions:
check if geocoding was properly done
check I create a proper json from all database entries
etc ...
I know how to do these inside a Rails app but definitly not for a gem. Any track?

I managed to do this by reading the excellent book of Jose Valim:
He describes how he tests his gem using his engine builder:


Ruby on Rails - In what file do I add the following: require 'forecast_io'?

Thanks for your help,
I believe this is very simple but I can't figure it out. Following the instructions at - it tells me to not forget to add require 'forecast_io' - what file do I put this in?
I've run a scaffold to set up a simple lat and lng, following this guide: but keep on getting method errors. So I think we are using different versions of Ruby & Rails, and/or I'm placing this code in the wrong file, or wrong place. My question isn't about method errors, but just where to place this.
I'm unsure whether or not to place it in /config/application.rb; create and place the code in /config/forecast_io.rb; or to create and place it in /config/initializers/forecast_io.rb; or if it's supposed to go somewhere else entirely.
I've looked at the api docs, the ruby wrapper read me, and also have read other tutorials (they won't let me post more links, otherwise I would list them) - one is from hackpsu.westarate that is kind of different with using sinatra, went through the Treehouse tutorial on Rails scaffolding, and began their tutorial on creating an API to better understand REST, and have looked at other rails projects to see how they incorporate external API's, so I'm in the thick of it, and am banging my head against the wall because it seems so simple, but I'm not seeing it yet.
Thanks for your help!
In Rails, placing a gem in your Gemfile already requires the gem by default, unless explicitly stated to ignore.
If you're still bothered about it though, you could add the require option to your gem as such:
gem 'forecast_io', require: 'forecast_io'
Now, for the rest of the configurations mentioned, you can create a file in your initializers and the following:
ForecastIO.configure do |configuration|
configuration.api_key = 'this-is-your-api-key'

Is it possible to add globalize3 to an external ActiveRecord model class?

I have a project for which I'm using the globalize3 gem to allow for multiple languages. In my own models I just add 'translates field1, field2, etc.' and the appropriate migrations and it is all working great.
The problems is that I also have some functionality that depends on external gems. For some of those models I would like to add globalize too. I don't have the code for the models to modify directly like I did with the others. Reopening the model doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to add that translates line to models that I don't have direct access to ?
I'm using Rails 3.1 and Ruby 1.9.2 in case it matters.
Could you supply the name of the gem and a model from that gem?
Are the classes namespaced under a module? If so, you may not be re-opening the classes correctly. I use the qwandry gem to examine gems that I've included in my project, so that might be helpful in determining this. Of course looking at the source on the project's site is also good if it's available.
I assume that what happens when you say it isn't working is that the I18n.locale setting doesn't affect setting/getting the fields, correct? It would probably complain about there not being a table if it was working but you hadn't yet created the tables.

Ruby Gem Development - How to use ActiveRecord?

I'm currently trying to develop my first ruby gem and I'm already stuck. I used the "bundle gem" command to create the basic structure and read some tutorials but what I can't find is how to integrate ActiveRecord.
Where do I create my migrations?
Do I create the "db/migrations" folder within the lib folder or at the root?
And do I have to do anything in the Rakefile (I found some questions where the answer was something like "you have to create your own [my_gem]:db:migrate" or something like that.)
All I need is a way to create a gem, which defines ActiveRecord models (including the migrations of course), which can then be used by a rails app.
Any help on that one would be greatly appreciated!
Greetings, Flo
When building a gem to integrate with a rails project, you want to build a railtie engine. If you are using rails 3.0.x, use enginex, if you are using rails 3.1 you should be use the new generator:
rails g plugin new your-plugin-name
Then, inside your gem, you can just define models, inside the app/models/ folder and they will automatically be picked up.
Migrations is somewhat harder: for rails 3.1 it is ok if you define them in the correct folder, in rails 3.0 you will have to manually generate a task to copy the migrations to your code-base. Check this link where I answered that very question.
For more information on rails engines check this and this article.
getting the functionality of ActiveRecord can be done by:
require "rubygems"
require "active_record"
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
This should work.

RSpec/Gem development: Stubbing rails templates

I'm currently working on a couple of different gems both of which mainly consist of rails view helpers.
My problem is that some of these helpers require rendered rails templates to test the output - but I am unsure of the best way to stub a template, without a rails application. I presume that I should be able to leverage rspec-rails in some capacity, but i've been having trouble getting that to work without a rails app present.
Am I approaching this the wrong way? What's the current best-practice to test rails-specific features (in particular - things that happen only in the view) during gem development?
I use the excellent enginex gem, which helps you in setting up a gem skeleton with an embedded rails application for testing. This way you can easily test any rails dependency inside that application. To generate rspec tests run it as follows (default is test-unit):
enginex -t rspec your-gem-name
What I did to incorporate this into my gem, was run this inside some test folder, and copied the necessary files over to my gem. As an example, you could check it out inside my cocoon gem.
Hope this helps.

What's your solution for 'contact forms' in Ruby on Rails applications?

With a quick Google search, one can find literally hundreds of examples for contact forms using PHP and/or JavaScript, but there don't seem to be any "ready-made" contact forms for Ruby on Rails. Do they exist? What do you use for contact forms in your Ruby on Rails apps?
Personally, I use an ActiveRecord model for mine as I like to keep a store of messages being sent, and then use an ActionMailer after saving a record to send an email.
Alternatively there is a gem called MailForm which allows you to build a form model without a database table, which will work with other gems such as Formtastic.
As for ready-made contact forms, I don't know of any (though they may well exist) as it's not particularly time-consuming to build one from scratch.
I was running into the same issue with wanting an easy to use out of the box Contact Form, but wasn't able to find one. So I've written ContactUs a Rails Engine that you can easily drop into any Rails 3+ application. I tried to keep it dead simple and as easily configurable as possible. It does require the Formtastic gem since I wanted an easy way to hook into peoples existing form styles though.
To install the Engine add the contact_us gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'contact_us', '~> 0.1.3'
Run bundle and the install rake task:
$ bundle
$ bundle exec rake contact_us:install
Then just modify the generated initializer in /config/initializers/contact_us.rb to have the email you want the form submissions sent to.
